Biowelfare: Using Biological Quirks for Good

Rachel Rider

Smol Turtle Girl
Shinoshikyu looked up the agency building, feeling somewhat nervous. She knew that she had been accepted, but it still felt surreal. The application she sent in surely wasn't the best they could get, as this was a decently popular local agency. Somehow she felt as she had cheated, and she was just terrified of getting caught. Despite this, she took a deep breath and went inside.

The reception area looked clean, warm, and welcoming. A large wall clock ticked silently by the two elevator doors. There was a lady, presumably a secretary, at a desk who smiled at her and told her to take a seat. The couches were a warm red, with Fuschia throw pillows. Shinoshikyu sat down and looked around the room. Besides a few vending machines and rugs, the room was relatively simple.

"Transfusion will be here soon, he always wants to meet new sidekicks personally! I'm sure you'll find him very personable." The woman's glowing review of the pro made Shino a little less nervous until she realized it would mean making small talk. She sighed. This is what she wanted, right? Now it was time for her to do her part. She waited anxiously, her leg bouncing up and down as she watched the second hand of the wall clock tick down the seconds.
@Rachel Rider

Ketsueki rode down one of the elevators. His short, brown hair was neatly combed, and he had tried to make himself look presentable. It was time. His new sidekick was waiting in the lobby, waiting to meet him. To be honest, he was a little nervous himself, and excited. He hadn't ever had a sidekick before, and this would be his first one, so he wanted to make a good impression. Why had he decided to take up a sidekick? Well, he could use some help, and he wanted to help others get into the life of being a Hero. He had chosen this girl because she seemed to be more of an outsider, cast aside by others, and she had an interesting quirk. So, he had chosen her. Wait, was he supposed to wear his Hero outfit? Because he hadn't, he was just wearing his normal everyday clothes. He really hoped he didn't just mess up on something.

The elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened. He walked out into the reception area, and looked around. He noticed the girl by her picture. He approached her, "Hi, are you Miss Byokino? I'm Transfusion." He introduced himself.
Shinoshikyu looked up. She was almost surprised to see him in regular clothes, but then realized it was probably silly to wear it all the time. Standing up, she gave a small bow of respect. He seemed rather nice and looked very put together, making Shino feel bad about her slightly disheveled appearance. Since she was still living at home, and hygiene wasn't big on her priority list.

"Yes! Thanks for taking me! Uh.." Shinoshikyu trailed off, trying to remember what to say, "I assume you'll want to show me around? You have this entire building, right?" Even if it was only three stories, the building was of a decent size for a hero agency. She knew Transfusion was the only one in the agency, but his quirk made up for it. He was able to overwhelm villains with his blood clones, and he also had good connections with heroes from other agencies.

Once again, her foot began to bounce. She knew that the community respected him, and Shino couldn't help but think that her strange looks and dangerous quirk clashed with his image. But, he knew what he wanted in a sidekick, surely?
@Rachel Rider

Ketsueki chuckled at her reaction. She was definitely energetic and enthusiastic, Ket had to give her that. It was good, having someone with such energy. It would definitely be interesting having her around. "Yeah, I have the entire building, being the only hero in the agency." He told her. "Sure, come on, I'll give you the tour of the place." He said. He walked over to the elevator, and motioned for her to enter. He pressed the button for the first floor, and the doors closed, heading up.

The doors opened, and Ket walked out. There were cubicles and offices on this floor, with people moving around and working. There were some interns here, and multiple other people working. There were also some people that looked exactly like Ket; his clones. They moved around, working. "This is the first floor, the business level. This is where all of the behind-the-scenes magic happens. Legal, PR, Emergency Response, everything is done here. Everything needed for a proper hero agency." He said.

Ketsueki turned to a clone walking past. "1137, you filed that report yet?" He asked the clone.

"Yes sir, it's all filed out." The clone nodded. He looked at Shino, eyeing her suspicously.

"1137, this is Miss Byokino, my new sidekick." Ket introduced her.

"Nice to meet you Miss Byokino." He said, bowing slightly. 1137 then walked away, back into the throng.

"Well, that's that first floor. Sorry about 1137, he's a bit paranoid." Ket told her. "So, anything else on the first floor you want to see? Or shall we move on to the next?"
With wide eyes, Shinoshikyu looked around the place. She had no idea how many people were needed to run an agency. The clones were a bit jarring at first, but it would be rude to stare, it was his quirk after all. When 1137 gave her a suspicious stare Shino couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. If they were clones, weren't they similar to the original? Does that mean that Transfusion thought of her the same?

Nevermind that, though. Looking back at Transfusion, she realized she forgot to ask his name. He, of course, knew hers, but to be honest, she only knew him by his hero name.

"It's fine, and I think I've seen all I need to, If I'm being honest, all this activity is making me feel a bit overwhelmed," She let out a laugh, trying to add some humor to the situation, "I'm sure I'll understand everything soon. By the way, is it okay if I ask you your name?" Shino felt a bit embarrassed, she almost wanted to take her words back. But she knew that they would need to break the ice eventually.
@Rachel Rider

Ketsueki smiled at her reaction to the place. She seemed a bit overwhelmed, but nonetheless seemed to be doing fine for her first day on the job. She did seem a bit tense, but that was understandable. "Relax, you'll get the hang of it soon. You'll do just fine here, just relax." He told her. Then, she asked about his name. He chuckled as she seemed embarrassed at the question. "It's fine. My name is Ketsueki Seikatsu, but you can just call me Ket." He told her. "Want to see the next floor?" He asked her.
"Yeah, and I guess you can call me Shino as well." His reassurance made Shinoshikyu feel more at ease. It felt early to be on a first name, even a nick-name basis, but she guessed it was best to get familiar with each other. They were going to be working closely together, after all.

Speaking of which, she was curious how he would start her off. She sincerely hoped that her abilities wouldn't prove a disappointment.
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@Rachel Rider

He nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you Shino. Good to have you as a sidekick." He told her, smiling. He walked back into the elevator, once again motioning for her to come. He hit another button, and the doors shut. They headed up. The doors opened to the third floor. There, hallways split off. There were multiple conference rooms and offices where people were working. Ketsueki lead her down the hallways to an office. He opened the door. It was fairly well furnished, with a table and multiple chairs in the room. Multiple memorabilia sat in the room. "This one here is mine. I use this as sort of my own personal meeting room, and my forward operating center. A lot of tedious work and sometimes long nights await me here, but I use it as a place where the public can see me and meet me and discuss whatever with me." He explained to her. "That about concludes the basictour. So, any questions?"
Peering into the other rooms, she was surprised by all the activity going on. Looking around the room that Ketsueki brought her to, she was pleasantly surprised by all the memorabilia. It gave it a nice touch. Questions were buzzing in her head, but she only asked two.
"What exactly will my duties be? I know the application was just for a sidekick, but I know many agencies have different expectations." Shino gave a little laugh as she started thinking about what she would have to do, "And what will I be starting on today?"
@Rachel Rider

Ket turned to Shino, thinking. "Your duties will include whatever the situation that occurs needs. Most of the time, you'll be assisting me in any situations that need our help." He explained to her. She then asked another question, about what she would be doing today. "Today we'll be heading out on patrol around the city. Nothing too difficult or serious, just a nice and easy start for your first day on this job. Nothing too serious, but if anything serious were to happen, we would head to assist immediately. Sound good?" He said.

"Sounds Good!" Shino responded, wanting to do a good job. Glancing around the room, she realized she didn't know where to change into her hero costume, "Uh, where do you go to change? Or is this a normal clothes patrol?" Shino asked sheepishly. she hoped that there was at least a bathroom. And now that she thought about it, her hero costume should probably be changed to match his, not that it was too well designed in the first place.
@Rachel Rider

Ket nodded. "Yeah, this will be in Hero costume. The bathroom is down the hall, take a left, third door on the right." He told her. Once she left to get changed, he closed the door to his office and started to get changed himself. His hero costume was an armored, red, full-body jumpsuit with black as a secondary color for small parts of it. The jumpsuit even went up to his neck, into a turtleneck-like covering. The jumpsuit was short-sleeved, allowing for him to be able to create cuts on his arm when necessary. He had a small, clear tube in a pocket on his leg, that he could use to attach to himself and another person and use it for blood transfusions. There were also a couple small vials of blood in a casing in his utility belt, allowing for him to use it for transfusions or for his mutated DNA clones. He pulled on his boots, and picked up his various assortment of knives and surgical tools, necessary for him to use if he needed to bleed or someone else did. He didn't wear a mask or anything like that. Transfusion was ready to go.

He opened the office door, waiting for Shino to return back.
Shino returned, having changed into her hero costume. It generally looked like a standard hazmat suit, but it was a bit more close-fitting around her joints and stomach. Her shoes were black and had steel toes to give her kicks more punch. The mask she wore was modeled after traditional gas masks but had a special mechanism to lode in vials from her utility belt. Alongside her vials, her belt contained small acupuncture needles, as well as traditional band-aids, tape, and gauze to close off any unwanted breaches in her skin or suit.

"Ready." Her voice was slightly muffled by the mask. She felt a little awkward wearing her suit, as she didn't have the best suit designers, but it was what she had. Looking at Transfusions' costume, she felt jealous. His suit seemed so much better made. Maybe Shino should work on redesigning her outfit soon.
@Rachel Rider

Ket looked at her. "Not a bad suit." He told her. Sure, they looked like an odd pair, but that wouldn't matter, people would still know that they were heroes, none the less. Ketsueki walked back down the hall, back into the elevator. They headed back down to the ground floor. The doors opened and they walked through the recepetion area. They walked out of the building and into the parking lot. There, a black, nondescript sedan waited them. Ket drove this car here. He could have really used any vehicle, the agency even provided him with a helicopter, but he decided to use this car for today.

He opened the door on the driver's side. "If you want, I can make sure that the agency provides you with your own vehicle. For now, you'll be riding with me." He told her. He got into the car and sat down.

As Shino stepped into the passenger's seat, she wondered what kind of vehicles the agency had. She looked out the window as Ket started up the car. Scanning the sidewalk, she hoped that Ket wouldn't try talking, as she found that her costume wasn't well suited for that.

So far nothing outright illegal caught her eye, but she did notice a lot of people wearing a similar armband. New fashion statement? Or a gang sign? There weren't any active gangs in this area that she could think of. Then again, she didn't know everything about the criminal underworld.
@Rachel Rider

Ket pulled the car out of the parking lot, and drove down the street. He watched as people passed by, observing. He too noticed the armbands on a large amount of people. Hmm, interesting. Ket doubted that this was just another fashion craze, he hadn't even seen the armband until just now. He thought on the area. Hmm, there weren't any big gangs known for operating in the area. So what was it? "Hey, have you noticed those armbands on certain people, yet? What do you think those are about?" He said to Shino.

"No clue. I mean, couldn't we ask them?" Shino asked. It was probably a bad idea, what if they were affiliated with a gang? But something in her gut told her that just wasn't it. And there were way too many people for it to be a gang, it was uncanny.

"I'm going to roll down the window and ask." She said. As she stuck her head out, she calls to a group of people, "What's with those armbands?"

"What armbands?" The nearest person said, sounding confused. Looking down at where their armband was, they tilted their head and shrugged, "Uh, just put it on this morning?" Other people, now 'aware' of their armbands, started making up their own excuses too.

Shino turned back to Tranfusion, "Weird, huh?" Their excuses were... believable. This seemed so strange.
@Rachel Rider

Ket slowed down the car and stopped it as she asked about the armbands. The people sounded genuinely confused, and they started making excuses about it, saying how they just put it on this morning. Weird, Ket hadn't heard of anything like that. "Yeah, it is weird." He said. "Hey, I have a question for you, why did you put on the armbands?" He asked the people.
"I dunno. Felt natural. Like. get up, breakfast, armband, go out." The concerned citizen looked around, "And it seems I'm not the only one." the man looked back at Ket. "Hey, you're Transfusion, right? You'll get to the bottom of this, I'm sure!"

Looking through the car, they caught sight of Shinoshikyu. "That you're new Sidekick? Cool!"

In response, Shino sunk back in her seat. "Maybe we should just continue patrolling and send out a notice when we're back at the agency." She mumbled.
@Rachel Rider

The man's response was still vague and meaningless, and it helped to solve absolutely none of the questions that they had posed. Strange. The man said something to Shino and Ket, and Shino seemed to sink into her seat. "Alright, have a nice day." He told the man. The car continued to head down the street. "What was that about?" He asked her.

Then, he got a call. "Go for Transfusion." Ket said.

"Sir! It's me, 1137, we have reports of a hostage situation at the nearby mall. It's only four blocks from your position!" 1137 told Ket.

"Roger that." He said. He looked over at Shino. "You ready for your first time in action?" He asked her.

The car sped up, heading in the direction of the hostage situation.