Blank Checks (Urban Fantasy Adventure RP) 3/5


Strength of Steel, Will of Iron
Spot reserved for @Afternoon Dandy


This RP will be an Urban Fantasy RP with a plot for group adventures. The Roleplay will take place in modern times, 2015-2018, and will start of in a city located in the city of Bensington, Maine (The human city) and eventually the Commune (The Magic City located in a pocket world parallel to Bensington). There you will stay for the time being but if the RP gets enough traction you might travel to other locations across the USA and even to locations across the world to meet many different cultures and even different species not found in Bensington.


For many centuries humans had lived with no knowledge of the magical creatures around them. The creatures of magic longed to integrate themselves into human society, but the creature's very nature caused untold havoc within human society and over the course of history, humanity has grown a habit of running magical creatures out of their settlements. That changed when the first Witches were born. Women that had made an unholy pact with demons were granted the powers of magic but kept the form of humans allowed them to pull the creatures away from the works of men and formed what was known as the Communes. Magical cities formed alongside the cities of humans to allow the Witches to help magical creatures integrate into human society. Slowly fusing the two worlds together even to this day. Using powerful magics, they hid the creatures in plain site and taught them the ways of man, allowing more and more magical creatures to live within human society.​

However this system is not infallible. Sometimes the magical creatures, either along or with the help of humans, illegally enter the normal world through unmarked checkpoints where they become hunted by the Commune PoliceDepartment (CPD) and brought back to the Commune However there are some safe refuges for these people, but they are few in numbers and even fewer allows them to stay for free. Blank Checks is one of those safe havens. A Private Detective Agency for both human and magical creatures run by a Blank named Baron Leclau.

Your characters are immigrants to the human world, legal or otherwise, and Baron had graciously allowed you to stay at his office, providing food, showers, rooms and even pay but in return you are to work for him as low level workers, interacting with humans and doing things like chores for the Blank. However there are whispers in the underground, talk of one who wishes to destroy the world of humans and it would seems that Baron is in the middle of it. Desperate times call for desperate measures and he might need to call upon every ally he can get to stop the destruction of the human race.


Since this is an Urban fantasy RP, magic will be a part of it. However only certain races can use magic and it will be stated if they have access to magic in the race attributes. However magic is a difficult subject to touch upon as done wrong it can be over or underpowered in the setting. Because of this I am going to be giving STRICT rules on how magic is to be used. If you stray from those rules I will backtrack, retcon or even negate the effect all together. There will also be a list of magical spells to use in the tabs above.
1. Use of Magic in the human world must be used extremely carefully. If not then you will be found out and there will be consequences.
2. Do NOT ask me "Can my <Insert Race> character use magic? I know that the race can't but can they?" Cause I will always reply "No".
3. Do NOT make up your own spells. I have a list, follow it or I will punish you.
4. Magic is a special skill taught to Witches and creatures able to use magic up to lvl 3 in public school so unless you got a Witch character who spent her life learning and training until she's 50-60 to gain access to 5th level spells.
5. The human world will not have that much in the way of magical tomes or items. Chances are you won't be able to spend much time learning new spells past lvl 3 unless you are a 50+ year old witch who spent decades of her life learning the magical arts.
6. Magic is limited. You can only use spells a certain amount of time before you run out as it takes physical energy to cast spells. EVERY DAY you will have up to 10 uses of magic MAXIMUM, unless they're cantrips which can be used as much as you want.


Your characters are basically immigrants to the Human City of Bensinton, Maine. You have spent around 5 months working for and with your Blank landlord and employer Baron Leclau, his human assistant Rachel Parr, and his werewolf secretary Clara Beau. Baron takes Rachel with him on cases, Clara makes sure things run smoothly on the office end and your characters make sure that the shelves and printers and stocked with food and ink respectively and the office is clean. You live on the second and third floor of the office building of Blank Checks and often times Baron is around most days just chilling in his office, hanging out with Rachel or spending time with Clara. The only time he isn't at the office is when he's out on a case with Rachel or spending four nights a month at Clara's place making sure she doesn't break out of the basement and cause a ruckus. However it's been a week and he hasn't been to the office and no one knows where he might be, not Rachel, Clara or the CPD. As of now he is declared missing and life goes on, a bit more dreary but life moves on nonetheless.

Humans: The base human. These humans are either usually adopted into the magical society or brought into society through magical creatures. On rare occasions humans are born into the Communes, either through two human parents or through a witch and a male human, through this union only produces human females.

Witches (FEMALE ONLY): Created from the unholy union of a demon and a human women, Witches born into this world with an innate ability to use magic. Witches are in charge of keeping the Commune and Bensington separated as well as helping magical creatures integrate seamlessly into human society. Witches are capable of using magic, allowing them to remain within magical society but remaining 100% human by all means.
-Magic: Up to 5th Level.
-Only Human: Witches are essentially magic humans. Anything that can kill a human will kill a Witch

Demons: Demons are creatures created by pure emotions. Most demons are but invisible wisps, created by light emotions, but strong emotions accompanied by acting upon that emotion gives birth to a shape shifting demon. Demons are ageless begins who seek to feed on the emotions they were created from, but while considered evil, Demons are in reality neutral beings. To tell a demon from a human is simple as Demons will be born with pitch black eyes which they cannon change with their shape-shifting powers.
-Shape shifting: Demons are capable of shapeshifting into any creature they’ve seen before but their shape shifting is based on memory. However they are unable to shapeshift their eyes, which will remain pitch black.
-Magic: up to 2nd level.
-Demonic Form: The Demon can turn into their true demonic form for a short period, to utilize its durability, strength and speed, but only for around 1-2 minutes at a time and will leave the demon sore and stiff for around 5-6 hours.
-Eternal Temptation: Demons are eternally tempted to indulge in the emotions that created them in the first place. If they’re created via greed, then they’ll be tempted to steal what they want, or if they’re created via lust they’ll be tempted to have sex whenever possible.
-Magical Being: If a weapon or being that disrupts magic touches a Demon they will slowly dissipate back into a wisp.

Angels: Angels are related to Demons as they are created when a large amount of the various demonic wisps gather together and are bathed in the purity of sunlight or moonlight. The light cleanses the wisps of their often times contradictory personalities and fuses them together into a fully formed winged creature, commonly known as an Angel. There are two types of Angels based on the type of light that gave birth to them, Sun and Moon. Sun Angels are identified by the golden coloration of their feathered wings, while Moon Angels are identified by a white coloration. Angels are capable of flight, and some magic.
-Flight: The large feathered wings of an angel allows them to fly around the sky as if they are birds. NOTE: Just because you can fly as well as birds doesn’t mean you can see as well as birds.
-Magic: up to 2nd level.
-Stellar Healing: Angels can heal quicker when underneath sunlight or moonlight respectively.
-Solar Powered: Angels are fueled by the sun and moon light. If they are kept from that source for several weeks they’ll slowly wither and die before turning back into wisps.
-Magical Being: If a weapon or being that disrupts magic touches an Angel they will slowly dissipate back into a collection of wisps.

Elves: The Elves are a secretive and secluded group of people. They are the cousins of the fairies, save for the fact that they tend to be around 6-7ft tall. They are just as in tune with nature however as an Elve's physical trait is determined by the environment they're born in. White skin and purple eyes in snowy areas, tan skin with blue eyes in coastal areas, black skin and brown eyes in desert areas, green skin and yellow eyes in forest areas, gold skin and orange eyes in plains areas, brown skin with white eyes on mountains, grey skin and black eyes in swamp areas. Elves are incapable of having children in areas that has little to no nature. They have the ability to commune with animals and are rather agile and fast on their feet.
-Agile: Elves are naturally agile and are capable feats of great dexterity. They're also rather flexible.
-Magic: Up to 3rd level.
-Animal Speech: Elves are capable of speaking to animals. NOTE: Animals, unless they're like a dolphin or chimp, will only be able to say one word or broken sentences if they're intelligent enough.
-Fragile: An Elves agility is offset by their fragility. They have weak bones that can easily break with relatively little force.
-Mechanical Difficulties: Elves naturally have difficulties using machinery.

Fairies: Fairies are nature sprites found quite literally everywhere there is nature. When born into this world they are immediately influenced by this world and given an element based on whatever elements based on the time of year. Spring will birth earth Fairies, Summer will birth fire Fairies, Fall will birth air Fairies, and Winter will birth water Fairies. Fairies are naturally around 3-5 inches tall, and are capable of flight on their small, but tough wings. As fairies are nature incarnate they are capable of manipulating nature in its purest form, depending on their type.
-Size: Fairies are around 3-5 inches tall and literally weights between 20-35 grams, making them extremely stealthy and hard to see or hear.
-Prestidigitation: Fairies can use a modified form of Prestidigitation that allows them to speak to people larger then themselves
-Elemental manipulation: Fairies can manipulate the elements they’re associated with, but not create. The amount manipulated is around 15 grams. NOTE: Fairies are able to manipulate elements but can still be killed by their elements. A water fairy can still drown and a fire fairy can still burn.
-Fragile: Fairies are immensely fragile. A human simply waving his hand to swat a fly can break several fairy bones and possibly kill them.
-Waterlogged: If a fairy gets their wings wet, they won’t be able to fly until their wings a dried.

Djinn (MALES ONLY): Djinn are elementals commonly found in deserts and savannahs. They are elemental beings of fire and air, born from the power of natural events, such a storm to create Wind Djinn or a forest fire to create a Fire Djinn. Djinn are powerful elemental manipulators and some have the power to and create at will, with the most powerful creating hurricanes that can destroy settlements and cause volcanoes to erupt. The Wind and Fire Djinns are identified by their skin color usually by their skin color, grey for wind Djinn and red for Fire Djinn. They are also easily identified by their lack of legs, having either a small tornado or fiery pillar in their place.
-Elemental Immunity: Wind Djinn cannot be shocked or affected by the wind, while Fire Djinn cannot be burned by fire.
-Elemental Manipulation: Wind Djinn can manipulate wind and fire Djinn can manipulate fire. They cannot create fire or wind, only menipulate it. NOTE: Still air is not wind and electricity is not lightning.
-Size Shifting: Djinn can shrink themselves and their body parts up to the size of a mouse.
-Magical Being: Djinn are a magical being. Touching anything that disrupts magic will cause them to lose their powers, and potentially kill them.
-Difficulties Concealing: Djinn's lack of legs isn't easily concealed without the use of powerful and expensive magical items.

Nymphs (FEMALE ONLY): Nymphs are nature elementals that found in forests, swamps, marshes and even parks. They are elemental beings of water and earth, that are formed whenever a tree grows to full size or when a river or pond forms. The Nymph climb out from the roots of the tree or swim up from the pond or river, fully formed and confused. They are powerful manipulators, manipulating water and earth to the whim. The most powerful Nymphs can cause local earthquakes and floods. There are two types of Nymphs, water and earth Nymphs, who are identified by their hair. Water Nymphs have hair made of water and Earth Nymphs have hair similar to the feel and look of leaves.
-Elemental Manupulation: Water Nymphs can manipulate Water while Earth Nymphs can manipulate Earth.
-Elemental Attributes: Water Nymphs are capable of breathing underwater while Earth Nymphs are capable of sense nearby vibrations through the earth.
-Natural Beauty: Nymphs are naturally beautiful, making normal humans a bit more agreeable with a bit of talking to.
-Magical Being: A Nymph is a magical being. Touching anything that disrupts magic will cause them to lose their powers and potentially kill them.
-Tied to their Birthplace: Nymphs cannot leave the river, pond or tree they are birthed from without becoming magically paralyzed. To remedy that they usually carry a vial of water or a branch from the source of their birth.

Werewolves: Werewolves are men and women, cursed by magic and nature to become a hellish beast when the moon comes along. However that is all in the past as Werewolves have now more or less accepted their gifts and have partial control over them, being able to shift from beast or man, however they are at their strongest during the full moon. Common features of werewolves is increased strength and durability, enhanced senses and the aforementioned shape-shifting.
-Increased Athletics: Werewolves have 3x the strength and 2x the endurance of the average human.
-Werewolf Senses: Werewolf share some benefits for their bestial blood, allowing them to smell and hear better than a human.
-Wolf Form: Werewolves are able to shift between human and wolf forms at will, but each time is extremely painful as bones and organs shift and bend. NOTE: On the full moon they are forced to do so and have no higher functions outside of their base instincts during that time.
-Allergy to Silver: Silver is considered a pure metal, and Werewolves are considered cursed humans. Silver causes acts as a hot brand against Werewolves and can weaken them significantly.
-New Moon Blues: When it is a New Moon, werewolves lose their heightened senses and enhanced strength.

Vampires: Created by dark magic centuries ago, Vampires were created when the first vampires drank out of the Fountain of Youth, a long since destroyed artifact. With eternal life and youth came a thirst of the most potent source of life, blood. Eternally thirsty Vampires are pale creatures with fang like teeth and must drink a sufficient amount of blood, roughly a quart, every day otherwise their body will slow down and they will quickly age into dust. A Vampire can survive around a week without human blood, and a month if animal blood is available. It is also important to note that Vampires are NOT undead as under normal circumstances Vampires are indistinguishable from humans, but their starve their skin turns pale, their eyes turn red and they begin to wrinkle as the aging process begin to speed up. Once they drink human blood however they will revert back to their original state. Vampiric abilities involve the enhanced speed, senses and dark vision.
-Feel no Pain: Vampires cannot feel pain, unless they are burned or set on fire.
-Vampire senses: Vampires are able to see in the dark and can hear just as well, maybe even better then werewolves.
-Hypnotic Gaze: Vampires can charm people into doing things they want by making prolonged eye contact with the person.
-Allergy to Sunlight: While sunlight does not kill Vampires, direct sunlight drains them of stamina and weakens them significantly, making them a bit weaker than the average human.
-Bloodthirsty: Vampires need around a quart of blood every day otherwise their eyes will turn red, they’ll turn pale and they will age exponentially until they turn to dust.

Aswang: Shapeshifting creatures of the night, the Aswangs are a magical creature originating in the Philippines. During the day, the Aswang are disguised as normal human beings, seamlessly in fact. The only difference is their long straw-like tongue, nightly activity and their diet. The Aswang can live among humans, but are usually rather shy or closeted, without much trouble, but when night comes they become compelled to feed on the blood of humans. They can shapeshift into various animals ranging from bats to boars to dogs, all of which will be black and go out searching for unsuspecting humans to feed upon using their long tongue, or simply go to the local commune supported blood bank to get a meal there. If an Aswang is deprived of blood for too long, they will go into a feral state, ripping their legs from their bodies, grow black bat or crow like wings from their backs and fly into the night. They will use a ticking sound to lure in an unsuspecting victim before attacking and draining the first victim of their blood before consuming their corpse until thing is left. After the feeding frenzy the Aswang will go back to their normal state, usually going into shock after what they have done. Come morning the Aswang's legs will grow back and the Aswang will go about their business like usual.
-Indistinguishable: It is literally near impossible, even for the CPD, to figure out who is an Aswang or not as they are near indistinguishable from humans in the morning.
-Shapeshifter: At night, an Aswang can shapeshift into an animal that has naturally black coloration. The animal will be indistinguishable from a normal version of that animal.
-Great Smell: Aswang have a good sense of smell, not as good as a werewolf but good, and can pick up the scent of freshly shed blood extremely quickly.
-Bloodthirsty: Aswang needs to drink at least two pints of blood a night or they will eventually turn feral after a few days.
-Feral Form: Aswang turn feral if they haven't had anything to eat for the past 3-4 days, they'll turn feral and go drain and consume the blood and body of the first lone victim they come across.

Dullahans: Originating in Ireland, the Dullahans are a strange humanoid magical being. They look human in every sense of the word, in shape and mentality, with few but ultimately inconsequential differences, save for one trait. The fact that they do not have a head on their shoulders. The Dullahans have no head, but instead carry it with them like how one would carry a ball or basket. Dullahans are usually called the harbingers of death, causing death whenever it happens, but in reality they simply know when a person whom they are familiar with will die, usually within the next month. They also have a strange connection to horses, especially pure black or white horses, being able to command and ride them as well as a professional rider.
-Death Sense: Dullahans can sense when someone is going to die, usually someone they are familiar with usually within then next month or so. NOTE: You will not know how or when they'll die.
-Horse Whisperers: Dullahans have a connection to horses, allowing them to naturally command and ride them as well as a professional rider.
-Magic: Up to Level 3.
-Headless: Dullahans heads are detached from their bodies. They cannot keep their heads on straight for more then a few minutes before it falls off unless they wear some sort of neck protection such as a scarf, collar or turtleneck.
-Fear of Gold: Dullahans have an fear of gold, as gold can cause their heads and bodies to no longer be linked.

Draconians: Millennia ago, dragons ruled the world, terrorizing humans an magical beings alike. In some cultures Dragons were seen to be chaos incarnate, but that changed due to the invention of gunpowder. Soon dragons were an near extinct race. With a dying heritage, the Dragons went to the Witches for assistance too preserve their heritage. Like with the demons, the Dragons mixed their blood with that of the Witches and created the Draconians, a race of dragon-like humanoids. Dragonians look human enough, but are easily identified by their horns, vestigial foot long reptilian wings attached to their shoulder blades, and reptilian eyes. Draconians are near fireproof, they can't be hurt by flames, and are capable of dark vision as well as magic, but not as much as Witches.
-Fireproof: Draconians cannot be scarred or harmed by fire or heat.
-Magic: Up to 3rd Level.
-Draconic healing: Draconians are capable of healing injuries that would usually be fatal to humans with time, usually several months for regenerating an organ or several days for a broken bone, unless their heart or brain has been destroyed.
-Magical Being: Draconians aren’t fully magical beings, but are magical enough due to their dragon blood and a Draconian's healing factor can be slowed slowed or even stopped for a while if they touched by an object or being that disrupts magic.
-Cold Blooded: Draconians are cold blooded and have trouble regulating their body temperature. Prolong exposure to cold temperature can kill them.

Merfolk: Merfolk are found throughout the entire world, primarily in oceans but also in large landlocked lakes as well. Merfolk are commonly portrayed to have a scaly dolphin like lower half, in place of legs, which is partially true. When Mermaids completely leaves the water, their fin will turn into a pair of scale covered legs, allowing them to walk on land. However when on land the Merfolk cannot sweat and can overheat very easily. They also must not be out of contact with water for more then several hours at a time, therefore they must drink several cups of water or water filled liquids throughout they day or risk death via dehydration.
-Water Breathing: Merfolk have gills on their neck that allows them to breath underwater.
-Adaptive tail: When underwater, a Merfolk’s legs turn into a scaled dolphin like fin, while out of water a Merfolk’s tail turns into scale covered legs.
-Merfolk senses: Merfolk have better hearing then humans and can see perfectly clear underwater.
-Sensitive eyes: Due to having evolved in water, Merfolk’s eyes are sensitive to bright lights. A direct flash from a something like a flashlight blind them for a minute, and something like a flashbang can blind them for several minutes.
-Easily Dehydrated: Merfolk must drink up a cup of water every hour to stay healthy when on dry land, otherwise they’ll die of dehydration after several hours.

Gorgons were originally from Greece, but a large majority have moved to the England during the roman conquest then the States during the colonial ages. Like in the legends, Gorgons have snakes for hair, known to be extremely ugly and have the ability to cause all who see them to turn to stone. Only the first is true as Gorgons do indeed have snakes in place of hair on their heads, the snakes are often miniature versions of their wild counterparts, ranging from harmless garter snakes and corn snakes to poisonous cobras and coral snakes. Gorgons have the ability to have these snakes attack or move however they wish, though the snakes do have their own agency. The petrifying gaze however is misleading as Gorgons are able to cause those to meet their gaze to stiffen and become paralyze, but that is easily solved with a pair of sunglasses and isn't inherently lethal.
-Snake Tongue: Gorgons can natural speak to any serpent they encounter
-Venomous: Gorgons are natural venomous. Disregarding the potentially venomous snakes on their heads, they have fangs to inject venom in place of canines, they secrete venom instead of saliva and even their blood is venomous.
-Paralyzing Gaze: The moment one stares into the eyes of a Gorgon their muscles will stiffen and they will be unable to move for roughly an hour.
-Magic Mirrors: Gorgons’s paralyzing gaze can be turned against them if they look into their own eyes in a mirror.
-Cold Blooded: Gorgons are cold blooded and have trouble regulating their body temperature. Prolong exposure to cold temperature can kill them.

Blanks (MALE ONLY): The male child of a Witch and a Human male. Blanks are usually shunned and often times disowned or given away to the human parents or human world when they're born. The reason for this is because Blanks are born without the ability to use magic, and in fact reject magic in all its forms. This has usually led to the exile or abandonment of possibly thousands of Blank children to the human world, never to know their magical heritage. At the same time few Blanks are kept by their witch mothers and raised in the Commune, but them and their family tend to be treated as outcasts.
Magic Rejection: Blanks are unable to use magic and natural rejects and disrupts it in all forms.
Only Human: Blanks are basically just humans. Anything that can kill a human can kill a Blank.

Gender: (Male, Female)
Age: (18 is the youngest)
NOTE: The higher the life expectancy, the slower the species ages in proportion to humans. So a 40 year Dullahan would look and be considered a young adult while a 120 year old Dullahan would look and be considered early middle age.

Humans: Live up to ~90 years
Witches: Live up to ~110 years
Demons: Ageless
Angels: Ageless
Elves: Lives up to ~320 Years
Fairies: Lives up to ~400 Years
Djinn: Ageless
Nymphs: Ageless
Werewolves: Lives up to ~140 Years
Vampires: Ageless
Aswang: Ageless
Dullahan: Lives up to ~310
Draconians: Lives up to ~220 Years
Gorgons: Lives up to ~190 Years
Merfolk: Lives up to ~120 Years
Blanks: Lives up to ~90 Years
Appearance: (Up to 3 sentences. Pictures are allowed but please still provide at least 2 sentences with the picture. PLEASE send me the picture for approval before posting.)
Personality: (No list. Give at least 3 sentences)
Background: (Give at least 3 sentences)

2. If you make an old or young character, learn to live with it. A 19 year old isn't going to have the same level of wisdom then a 40 year old nor will a 70 year old be able to beat up a 20 year old without special training regiments or genetics.
3. Do NOT ask me "Can my character be 1/2 <Insert Race> and <Insert Race>?" Cause I will say no.
5. I gave you a guideline for backgrounds and how the story will start. Please read it.
6. If you want to be a species that is not on the list, talk to me first. If you do not I will automatically reject the character.

Things to note

1. Bensington and the Commune, or as it is also known the Bensington Commune are technically a single city as it is connected through many hidden magical passages, like the old subway tunnels, manholes, abandoned buildings, phone booths and even portable toilets.
2. Hide your various abilities/appendages! There are many magical and non-magical items that can be used to hide one's appearance. If you cannot find them, keep out of sight as humans tend to freak out when they see a demon, vampire, werewolf or angel. Sometimes in ways you don't expect nor want.
3. Guns kill and you can die! Just because you are a demon, Djinn, Giant, Werewolf or something else doesn't mean you cannot be killed while in the human world. Guns are a danger, to the humans and to you.
4. Site Rules apply to the RP.
5. Please try to write at least two sentences per posts.
6. NPCs will be present. If they are named then you are NOT allowed to touch them. Unnamed NPCs can be touched but only if it makes sense. If your 19 year old Vampire who has never been in a fight manages to beat up 6 hardened human thugs then I'm calling god modding. I am rather lenient about having powerful characters, but if you make a character too powerful for their age/skill level I will speak up. If you do not know if what you're going to do is god modding, ask me and we can talk. This is the easiest and safest way to avoid god modding.
7. I reserve the right to call RPers out on god modding or breaking site or RP rules. If you break them 3 times, you will be kicked.
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You got me hooked when I saw "Aswang" as a playable race. Do we post character sheets here or do we send them to you?
Post character sheets here. If you want to use a picture + 2 sentences for your character, send me the picture for approval.
Name: Kean Byrne
Gender: Male
Species: Dullahan
Age: 74
Appearance: Stands at 5’8 and weighing about 178lbs, with short spikey red hair and vivid green eyes. He has a fair complexion with almost no blemishes, a toned but sleek body build, he can be usually seen wearing more sedate colors, like brown, grey, black, darker shades of green and blue, and red when he's frustrated. He usually wears a t-shirts and hoodies as he's found them to be comfortable, he also wears cargo pants usually, but when it's too hot, he wears shorts. And around his next carried through the decades is the pendant that let's him keep his head attached to his shoulders.
Personality: Kean is a bit of a jokester, always messing with someone, somehow. Usually he messes with people as a sign of affection, as to him only people close to him are worth the trouble to mess with. That being said, he is quiet and reserved otherwise, speaking only when needing to and when he does it's in short quick statements. When it's a serious situation he will talk more, but only if people need his help. He does get angry like all beings that harbor emotion, and if he ever starts shouting at you, duck.
Background: Born in Ireland 74 years ago in the Cork Commune in Ireland, Kean grew up in relative quietness and peace, studying magic where he could. But he became heavily interested in the human world, wanting to understand and learn more and more. When he was about thirty, his parents gifted him with something that would allow him to walk amongst the humans, a small pendant hung by steel cord. With it he went out into the human world, studying everything he could, going place to place. He continues to this day and his next trip is to see the country of America, getting there however, was the issue. Before his 74th birthday he got an invite for a job in America, Maine to be exact. Accepting the invitation, he at last had his path to the new world, one he wouldn't squander. Four months later he now helps keep the office in check, and runs occasional errands for his new boss Baron Leclau.​