Blood Angel 1x1


Through all, smile. Through the worst, smirk.
Most never knew of the battles around them, of the dangers of those fights or the results of them. There was a time long ago when angels often came against vampires in a massive battle. Only a few survived. Those who did don't talk about it and the two enemies avoid one another as much as possible in order to avoid another war.

For one though, she was left in the middle stuck, unwanted by either side. Her name was Angelian. The only angel to become bitten by a vampire and survived. Her body has responded very differently than any other.

Her wings had turned to the color of blood with few black feathers. Her hair a deep red with blonde highlights. Her eyes black with a golden ring and of course the fangs.

It was those the marks that covered her wrists, neck and ankles. Marks that seemed alive as they would stir and move on her flesh.

Her angel side was still with her, forbidden to touch another, it causes her great pain to be touched. The worst times was when her vampire side came to the surface, the blood hunger. She had no choice but to feed, a process that is very painful and takes its toll on her.

Hiding and keeping her appearance normal around humans had been a learned task. It had taken centuries for her to figure it out but she had managed enough so that she could live among them but there was no hiding her marks except with long sleeves, pants and a choker necklace.

It was 2017 and she had made her way to the local bar that served all kinds of creatures. She had learned to mask her powers so as she walked inside, everyone knew she was something but never knew what. Her wings out of sight and a pair of jeans and a red long sleeve shirt clothed her with boots on her feet. Beneath the jacket she wore were two knives crisscrossed at her back.

Moving to the bar she sat down. The pain of being in such a place had numbed over 500 years ago but it still bothered her. She was never talkative and usually scared off anyone that tried to talk to her except the bar tender who put the usual before her as she sat down.
A slight figure waltzed into the bar, dressed comfortably in jeans and a loose shirt, her white blonde hair tumbled down around her hips, black tips blending the movement into the shadows, making her every motion ethereal and dramatic. Her scent said dog, a very, very dangerous dog. Those canine yellow eyes helped to cement that belief. They looked out of a face, almost devoid of all semi-human emotion.
At her back, like a hulking bodyguard, came the vampire. Every sense of his screamed ancient, he walked with the easy confidence of a being who has seen it all for a millennia. He dressed in the traditional, all black. His midnight hair fell forward into his fathomless, bottle green eyes, the only colour in his white face. The black trench coat, black jeans and heavy, black boots.
A werewolf sitting at a booth table rose, he shared the girl's canine eyes and deadly aura. He had curling brown hair and sun tanned skin. He wore a crimson dress shirt, open to midchest, over tight jeans that showed off plenty of assets to any female dog nearby.
"Big sister," He greeted the girl, he was well approaching six and a half feet and still the vampire topped him, although the werewolf carried much more muscle to his frame. He hugged the girl, enfolding her like a doll. She was lucky to be five foot and looked breakable in his hold.
"Stephan," She grinned, hugging him back, "Where's Viktor?"
A blonde vampire stepped from the shadows, his ice blue eyes matched to his dress shirt.
The girl's bodyguard glanced away, hiding a smirk, to know the two arch enemies had almost the exact dress sense.
"Alys," Viktor murmured, "Why?"
The older vampire answered, "Because she hates her baby brothers trying to ruin each other. If you were better at your games, you wouldn't have the family curse brought down upon you." He pointed to the booth, "Sit, children and Alys-" He looked to the girl, "Stay or I will be very displeased with you."
She grinned, "When has that ever bothered me, Damon?"
The vampire rolled his eyes and headed to the bar.
Anglian was focused on her drink, letting the cool liquid ease down her throat as she brought the glass to her lips. Savoring it before setting the glass back down.

A sigh leaving her lips. The bartender was already there with a fresh glass and drink. He never failed at his job, that much was true.Then he would leave her be.

The arrival of the two was easy for her to sense. Their energy was a dark reminder of the past, one in particular though. Every part of her tensed slightly. She never liked when a vampire so old was around.

Not many remembered the wars but sometimes there were a few. She could sense him approaching the bar now after speaking with two more males and leaving the female he arrived with at the booth.

Her hand was tight on the glass but not enough to break it. She forces herself to relax and take another drink.
Damon murmured a soft order to the bar tender, putting his back to the bar as he waited. Green eyes watching Alys quietly.
They had been together for close to five hundred years, first, with the young, hybrid female as his indentured servant, but those tables had quickly turned when Alys realized her hold over him. Close to three hundred years had been Damon calmly following his little wolf around the globe, getting her out of trouble, one day she may realize that long life was easier with a very ancient protector at her side. Then again, perhaps not, and that is what he loved about her. She was as unpredictable as the fates and fortune.
He paused, shoulders tensing, sniffing. He glanced at Anglian, eyes narrowing.
"Good evening, mon cher," He said softly.

Alys was already trying to keep the two brothers from killing each other. Viktor's dry comment had flared the male wolf's temper and the tiny female was physically pushing the broad chest back to his side of the table.
"For Christ's sake. You. Are. Brothers!" She snapped.
"Not by blood," both of them snarled, then looked horrified to have voiced the same thought.
Alys sighed and relaxed a little, too early.
Stephan leapt over the table and had his hands around Viktor's throat. The vampire snarled and began punching the wolf.
Their struggle knocked the table aside and caused general chaos.
She tried to focus on her drink, tried to ignore the fact that the vampire was standing so close. This shouldn't be anything new for her. She had been around several before but this vampire, she could feel how strong he was but for some reason, she knew this wasn't all his strength and that put her on edge.

Finishing her drink, she heard the words he spoke but it took her a moment to respond. It was hard to figure out if she should or not, maybe just ignore the male but something told her that would be a worse thing to do. Taking a deep sip of her drink, she set it down again. The bartender was already there refilling it then moving on again.

"Good evening." She responds finally after a minute. Glancing to the male a little before turning her eyes back to her drink once more.

The commotion that began from the other two males was easy to hear over everything else, even the loud music. Her eyes flickered slightly in the direction of the noise and saw instantly who the source of it was. Rolling her shoulders a little, she sips on her drink again, feeling the sting from her marks as she did. Self destructive is what some called what she did. She didn't care what they thought.

As an all out brawl began to erupt throughout the bar from the chaos the two brothers caused, she slide from her seat and out of the way of fighters being knocked into the bar. She flashed a fang slightly. Stupid idiots. Glancing to the bartender, the man was already calling in the bouncers to deal with the mess.
Damon snarled, stepping forward and lifting the two bodily by the scruffs of their necks. Alys stood on a chair, golden eyes flashing furiously, she made a gesture to her partner and the old vampire smashed the still brawling males' heads together. Instant unconsciousness.
The little hybrid jumped nimbly down and picked her way delicately through bodies and struggling groups.
She looked down at her brothers and sighed,
"They won't ever reconcile, will they?"
"Child, you are trying to get natural born enemies and brothers besides to coexist with each other happily? You can not have it all," The tall vampire intoned seriously.
The girl's curled a lip, "I can and I will." She paused, sniffing and looked straight at Anglian, "I haven't met one of you before," She stated bluntly.
Damon raised an eyebrow, "Alys, you are only five hundred years old, you haven't met a lot of things yet. This world is full of strange things that takes eons to explore."
Alys sighed, "How I do I get stuck with the only non-cynical ancient vampire in existence?" She glanced over her should at the bouncers, "Better get the fools out of here, before they wake up and start trying to kill each other again."
Damon shrugged, bending to lift each one by their collars, intending to drag them out and not be too gentle about it anyway,
"What was the fight about this time?"
"Who I get to stay with while I'm here."
Angelian shoulder's tensed up sharply when the female spoke to her. Was she losing her edge that much that she couldn't mask herself well enough anymore? With a narrowing of her eyes at the group, she finished her drink and placed cash on the bar to pay for her drinks. It was time to get out of this place. To have two beings notice her in one spot? That was enough interaction for her in one night.

Her eyes turn to the bouncers as they worked to break up more of the fights that had broken out. Her marks were stinging sharply and the pain was sent through her body in a harsh reminded of what she was as some of the brawlers bumped into her. The skin contact instantly made her growl and push the drunkard away from her.

So much for a quiet night. She glares over at the group that had caused the brawl before making her way towards the door and out of it. She took a deep breath as she got outside to the fresh night air. What she would give to be able to stretch her wings out again and fly. She hadn't done it in years as too many could see her now a days. Too much risk. So hidden they stayed.
Damon and Alys followed her out, not out of any desire to stalk her, but because they needed to get Viktor and Stephen out of the bar.
As Damon dropped the two close to the door of the bar, leaving them in a very compromising position, mostly to fuel his own sadistic sense of humor.
Viktor's bright blue eyes opened for a moment, catching sight of Anglian.
"Pretty," He breathed softly, before passing out again.
Alys looked in disgust down at her brothers,
"Let me have my fun, Stephan would chew my arm off, like the dog he is and Viktor will do whatever his prince says, but with that air of dignity that makes my power over such a snobbish prat no fun at all."
"i forgot," alys rolled her eyes, "I run around with leech royalty, how could I possibly forget?" She threw up her hands and stormed off.
Damon chuckled, "I remind you all the time, serf, you might try to remember to show some gratitude to your master."
"Ha! In your dreams." She threw the retort over her shoulder, still walking away.
"Obviously," the vampire sighed.

Viktor snarled, coming to and tossing the disgusting wolf that his sister insisted her associate with like family. He rose unsteadily to his feet, still dazed, but he remembered the 'pretty.' He needed to find her.
The night was only getting worse she decided as she heard the commotion of the small group stepping out of the bar behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, she looks to them slightly. Her eyes shimmer a moment as she looks to the heap of bodies on the ground. It was the word that the male spoke when he woke up that caused her to arch a brow. Pretty?

She shakes her head and watched as the female stormed off. In a strange way, she found the situation amusing. If only the female knew how Angelian's family was. Her brothers going at it was child's play compared to the wars she had gone through.

Shaking her head again though, she smirks slightly. "Have fun." She mutters then turns and walks in the opposite direction the female had gone. The ache to release her wings was tearing at her. She just wanted to fly but that wasn't going to happen. With a growl she pushed the thought away and kept walking, putting her hands in her pockets as she moved. She didn't have a destination in mind as she didn't have a home so she constantly was wondering around the city.
Viktor sniffed the air, growling softly under his breath. He had the scent now, he would track her down. Trying to shake the ringing from his head, he stumbled after the scent.
Damon watched the vampire go and laughed softly,
"One down, halfling."
Even from their separated distance, her sensitive ears could catch his words.
"You think? Or he's just chasing his pretty?" Alys skipped, actually skipped, like a bloody child, back over to them. She grinned, "I've never seen him not use his words like a bloody wordsmith. How hard did you hit them?"
Damon shrugged, "The dog's still down and he's usually the first up."
Alys sighed, shaking her head at her youngest brother, "You got to stop concussing my brothers, they might end up with permanent brain damage."
"They don't have it already?"
Moving down the sidewalk, her feet barely made a sound. Her hands still in her pockets. Her mind had drifted back to the little group. They were strange. Never had she seen them and they seemed to have worse issues to deal with than her.

Turning a corner, her mind was still on the little group when a hand closed over her mouth and another arm around her torso to drag her into the dark alley.

The musky scent of human reached her through the pain that rushed through her from the contact.

Already in a bad mood, her control snapped and broke the humans hold before pivoting, drawing a dagger from her back and sinking it into the humans chest.

As the scent of blood reached her nose, she growled. Her eyes glowed as her hunger slammed full force into her. It had been a while since she fed.

Grimacing she pulled the blade free and steps back. Her breathing quickens as the pain settled in the marks. Killing always sent the marks in overdrive bit feeding would knock her out. That she couldn't afford right now but she needed to feed.

She stood staring at the lifeless body of a would be mugger. His blood soaking the air with its scent.
Viktor rounded the corner, blue eyes widening as he looked at Anglian. His nostrils flared at the scent of blood.
"Need a hand hiding the body?" His voice was rich and smooth, like good scotch.
He stepped forward, raising his hands, as though he was approaching a wild animal that needed gentle handling.
"I'm not here to hurt, just help. Let me know how I can help you. I swear, I will not breathe a word to anyone."
Anglian looked towards the source of the voice. Her body was tense as she took another step back from the body. The bloody knife still in her hand.

His voice soothed her but it shouldn't. She shakes her head confused and steps back again so her back was presses against the side of the alley, as far from the blood as she could get. She wanted it so badly.

Vampire. Why was he here? Then she shakes her head sharply. "A mugger. He's been trapping females for months now. Won't be missed. " She growls slightly. She wasn't angry with the vampire ,no it was just taking all her control to keep from draining all the blood that remained from the body.

Control. She had to keep control. She couldn't feed then black out in front of a vampire. That's the last thing she needed.
Viktor stepped forward, holding out a hand.
"Good, those that prey on the weak don't deserve to walk this earth. Let me help you."
he glanced down at the body, his eyes flooding into a darker, almost navy blue. When was the last time he fed? He wasn't sure he remembered, he hadn't been hungry before and he wasn't, no really, he wanted to help her.
He touched her arm lightly, "Can i take you somewhere?"
She jumped a little when he touched her and pulled out of his touch. Grimacing from the pain. "No contact." She looked at the male carefully. Why was he being so calm with her, so soothing. His voice, it eased her in a way but that didn't make sense to her.

Her eyes flicker slightly and she shakes her head. "I haven't fed in a while, a few years...." Why was she telling him such vulnerable information? It made no sense. Yet she just did.
He jerked his hand back, no wanting to hurt her.
Viktor frowned,
"Then you need to feed. How can you go so long? I need to feed monthly, at my age, but that's if I drain a person, I haven't had to do that for a couple of hundred years."
He looked down at the mugger, "Do you want him?" His lip curled, "Can you handle donated blood? I keep some at my house for emergencies, you're welcome to it."
Her eyes watched his movements. Donated blood? Would it be possible to feed without the marks sending her into intense pain?

She hesitated as she regards him carefully. She was leaning against the wall of the alley again. "Okay." She licks her lips a little. "I'm several centuries old....but feeding is difficult..." her eyes flicker. "Donated blood...I've never tried it before...but may be better." This was difficult for her to admit to and even harder that she was trying to let him help her. A vampire help her. Once he figured out who and what she was, would he be so willing to help her?
Viktor shrugged, "We're all a little different. My sister is a wolf, vampire hybrid, she has her own set of problems to overcome. She can't feed on humans, for one, and draining a supernatural creature leaves her with nightmares and memories that don't belong to her. I am unique only because of my association with her, it sets me up to have a more open mind to however life requires you to survive."
He looked around, "Can you walk a couple of blocks?"
He was different from any she had come in contact with before. Regarding him a moment again then she nods. "Yes ...I can walk."

Moving her hand ,she cleaned the blood from the blade then sheaths it back into place at her back.

Her hands then clenching as she works on the control and starts to walk with the vampire out of the alley. "What's your name?" She asks.
Viktor smiled, showing her the way, his dress shoes echoing back to his own ears along the pavement.
"Viktor. I gave up on last names a long time ago. My mother changes hers all the time and I don't know my real father. My step father was Ivan Lupis. It got too complicated trying to remember which name rightfully belongs to me, so I decided the only one that is my own, is the one I use."

He led her the few blocks to his immaculate, obviously wealthy building. He opened the front door, sniffing suspiciously.
"Philistines," He muttered, alys and Damon had already let themselves in and out. He didn't know where the weird pair had gone to and he didn't care, probably off chasing his puppy brother, he had a tendency to shift after being concussed and still intoxicated.