Blood Handy

Cindy was in the other room on the phone with Mark. The teams had been going strong and gotten the pipe up and in place. It was good news. She ignored the questions about how she was though.

"Keep me posted. I want all areas checked for any other damage or potential threats. Make sure everyone is in teams. No lone rangers."

After she got a yes ma'am she hung up. A sigh left her lips and she was staring at a picture of her father. If it really wasn't the master doing this then who was it? There was no one else powerful enough....was there?
As Ghirahim let go of him, Red laid his hands over his mouth and kept his eyes away from the older demon. He started managing to chew and swallow the slice as the other walked away, then stood up to leave. But he couldn't just leave this here with all this food on it, could he? He knew Ghirahim wouldn't want anything to do with him right now... out of curiosity if Cindy might want to keep some of this, he went to the kitchen and looked in her fridge, just to see what he might be able to fit in there from the table.
Ghirahim grumbled softly to himself, leaning against the wall. He muttered a bit and frowned before glancing up to Cindy. "You know. . ." He walked up behind her, peeking over her shoulder. "When I bring back my master. . . .He might be able to bring your father back. No guarantee's but. . . . .Doesn't it sound nice? Getting back who you miss?"
She managed to not jump as Ghirahim spoke suddenly. She closes her eyes and shakes her head a bit. "I doubt your master would bring my father back. I have nothing to offer your master." She shakes her head a bit. "If the vampire isn't the one causing this trouble, I need to find out who."
He eventually decided it wouldn't be right to force her to take leftover food. When Ghirahim figured out everyone was done eating, he'd probably just make it all disappear the same way he made it appear in the first place. So now Red needed to figure out what to do with himself. Now that he was starting to get anxious, he took out his phone and saw that there were no messages from his brothers. He was happy for that, but at the same time it just made him feel worse. He couldn't bear if anything happened to them, but it didn't seem right to text them now, they all probably thought he was home, locked in his room just like they were. And it still for some reason didn't feel right to just leave Cindy and Ghirahim. He put his phone back in his pocket and just let himself try to forget about it.
"Hmph, it's your loss." He smirked a little, stepping back. "Ah, I'm sure you'll change your mind sooner or later. But I suppose this isn't the best thing to speak of right now is it? You seem to be struggling with holding onto your opinion. You really suspect someone else is the problem? You're kind of failing to see something as well. . .A strong Demon Lord is standing in front of you right now. If you wish I could go talk with that Vampire you loath so much."
Her eyes gaze at him. "I don't want to trouble you with my problems..." She shakes her head. "None of it makes sense. Why cause all this trouble for the city. Always making sure I'm forced out but none show themselves, an accident usuall happens..." She shakes her head again. "I truly appreciate your help. I do."
He couldn't seem to wipe the paranoia from his mind, and going to talk to Ghirahim and Cindy still didn't seem right at the moment. He eventually just gave in and sent a message out to his brothers. Only one response came back, asking where he was, which only caused him to put his phone away again and start wandering the house, though he had seen it once before while the other two had been gone.
Ghirahim shook his head and sighed. "You're one stubborn girl." A soft giggle left him. "Oh well. What do you plan to do then? Surely you don't think Shrimp can handle the vampires. If they are your enemies though, then tell me this: Why have none broken through your windows yet? I mean. . . .I think that'd be a really easy way to get in instead of banging on the doors." He glanced into the kitchen. What was that shrimp doing?
She shakes her head slightly at Ghirahim. "They have learned I shoot first when they break my windows." She shrugs a bit then adds. "They can't get in unless I invite them in."

As Red wondered the house again. There was a picture of her and her father hanging on the wall that had been put back up with the glass broken still. On her father's wrists were the very same tattoos that Cindy now had. The difference was, that picture hadnt been there before.
The picture certainly made him curious, but he decided he'd have to ask when Cindy was in a better mood. Maybe she'd understand it somehow. Seeing as her tattoos appeared to have some kind of magic to them, it wouldn't surprise him if they had originally belonged to her father, then went to her after his passing. Of course, he could still be delusional, and he knew if he tried to tell either of them about his idea, they might think so too.
Ghirahim smiled. "A girl who can protect her house so strongly is someone I can admire. I'm sure your father would be proud at how strong you've become."
She shakes her head slightly. "Not strong enough. I couldn't protect him or half my men that have been killed in the last few years since his passing."
Red eventually decided to go and find the other two, but once he did he only watched them from a place where they hopefully wouldn't see him. He still didn't quite up to facing them, that might take a minute or so. For now he was fine just staying in the background.
Ghirahim gave her a grin. "But you've befriended a demon Lord so consider your forces strengthened! I'd like to help you find out the truth and take revenge for your father! Besides, I'm a demon so I have YEARS to spare!"
She nods a little and rubs her head. She was tired. "I will appreciate the help. I can't have anymore of my men getting killed. They have families." She nods.

'Two of my guards I had around the house have just disappeared. Warn them. This isn't a vampire which means if it wants in, it will get in. Warn them.'
He was about to say something to the two of them when the master vampire's voice rang in his head again. It made him curious, but nervous at the same time. He took a step forward. "Uh, guys, don't know if this is useful at all, but two of the guards we had around the house are gone. Something tells me we're dealing with something bigger than vampires right now. Something that will probably force its way in here if we don't do something."
Ghirahim's eyes widened slightly upon Red's news. He grinned, summoning up his sword. "Finally! A little bit of an excuse for bloodshed! I doubt it will be a problem! I'm stronger than I look you know!" Careful Ghirahim, that over confidence might get you killed.
Cindy tensed up sharply at Red's words. "What?" She was about to ask him how he knew that but didn't get a chance as there were loud crashes throughout the home as all the windows were busted in.

What had broken in were not demons or vampires but those that hunt such creatures. Empowered with their own ancient magic, they all bore the brand on their chest of those that were known for killing anything they decided to kill. The Reapers. Power hungry always.

They attacked quickly as they advanced with their own weapons.

'Reapers! Get out of there now! I'm on my way.'
"Sorry, Ghirahim, but it looks like you're still not gonna get to shed any blood. We need to leave. Now!" Red had no clue what Reapers were, it was a kind of 'supernatural' he had never heard of before, but if the master vampire wanted them out of there, Red would have to trust his word. And hopefully he could get the others to do the same. Just based on the sounds and the sense of urgency in the vampire's voice, he personally did not want to face off with these things.