Break the silence


The forest, cold and silent, birds long gone to hide from the darkness taking over the world as we've known it. Animals no longer running among trees, the whispers from strong winds impossible to hear over the shadows creeping in from all directions to consume what's left of a soul brave enough to venture out into the wilderness alone.

Blood splattared everywhere. What was once furniture is now pieces of wood and fabric scattered all over the floor. A house with broken windows, mirrors cracked from many years of rough treatment from the untamed nature. Thinking that it would be okay, people talking about a safe place far away from the chaos that is our home. They were lying.

I don't know what's worse - the monsters this new world has created, or the people living in it. Killing each other for the small amount of food gathered, or falling victim to bears with two heads and huge claws no man has ever seen on a predator before. Surviving is a hard deal, and not everyone will make it. But we have to try, the city doesn't give much help and the new government is taking people off the street into a building where they are wiped clean and used to control the borders. No walls has been put up, too much work and not enough people to work. People are running, just as we are.

I'm not sure we'll make it, but at least we have to try. I owe it to our father, that me and my siblings have the chance to survive and find somewhere better, someplace safe, where we can take the rest of our people. We are going to lead them away from sickness, misery and death, but first we have to make it out of the nature's maze alive. I just hope no bears will catch us before we reach our journey's end.