Buckster's Char(s)


the Hugger Troll
Lawrence Huxley

Gender, Age:

Male, 30

Role (Family):

Appearance and Personality:

Lawrence stands quite tall at a height of 6'. He's muscular but lean, quite clearly paying attention to his physique. He has brown eyes, a slightly crooked nose and has wide cheekbones set with brown hair. Lawrence is usually clean shaven or seen with stubble on his jawline but never seems to let it grow beyond that. In terms of armour, he favours mail and leathers rather than heavy plate which can slow him down.
He's very much the type to get stuck into the thick of battle, unafraid to get his hands dirty when it boils down to it. He's practical and thinks it over before dashing into a situation he might not get out of. One can call this methodical, he dislikes not knowing the facts beforehand and can grow very irritable when things are not brought to his attention that ought to be. He works within a framework of responsibility and trust particularly with superiors in understanding that without order, everything is liable to run to chaos. He appreciates order and routine. He cannot handle change all that well but if given enough time, he can learn to adapt, though much more slowly than other folk.

He's a hard worker, reliable and faithful to those he believes have earned his trust or friendship. He will not back down from helping his comrades when needed. He might seem rigid and fixed in his opinions through past experiences and he does show an outward tendency of brooding, especially drawn from perceived injuries or slights. Lawrence can be borderline resentful, especially if he believes he's good for a task and isn't considered but usually never voices such feelings to anyone. Even to those he holds close. He's the type to enjoy practical work, taking care of his armour and ultimately likes the work as much as the reward. He believes one has to earn their keep, that all are equal and that everyone has a place. Because of this, he can be said to be observant yet ponderous.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Loyal, skilled swordsman, even tempered, intelligent.
Brooder, selective in friendships, set in his ways.

History or Backstory:
Born into the group, there wasn't much question of where Lawrence would find himself in his older years. His family, like many others, have been Guardians for a long time. He became proficient with fighting with swords from a young age and showed much promise. Whilst he was skilled, his childhood was far from perfect with parents that often quarrelled and a father who often got angry and hotheaded. This understandable has an effect on Lawrence who learns that getting angry will get him nowhere.

He did have friends growing up. Had a few close friends until they betrayed his trust. He since has learned to choose his friends carefully fearing that they may choose to betray him again. Envious of his skills, he was often mocked or bullied. Rather than dealing with it physically, he dealt with it mentally, choosing to ignore but he never forgot the slights made. Indeed so much so that when he was asked a favour by one of them years later and refused it.

He's matured more since then and has focused on improving his skills, eventually carrying on the family tradition and becoming a Guardian himself.

(sorry this came much later than originally intended)