mama scoots

lemon demon is best musician, fite me
There is gore in this story, in which I tried to make as undescriptive as possible and also death.
This is a teaser for a roleplay I might be hosting soon. If you'd like to join, be on the lookout for the post!!

The cold air from the nearby open window entered the old abandoned arcade, in which an 18 year old girl named Maryelle entered as well. She shuddered a bit, despite the fact that sweat trickled down her forehead. She was here for one thing.

She then looked around the arcade, noticing all of the games that had been abandoned. The machines that had said games had their paint flaking and dropping onto the floor in a curled up pile. They were also rusted, brown staining the metal that the flaking paint had revealed. She shuddered once more; but not due to the cold.. It was like a...a.... she couldn't find the word to describe it.

She sighed, then noticing a shiny Battleblock Theater arcade machine. The bright red paint glistened in the night while she gasped. There wasn't even rust!

It looked good as new.

Maryelle shook her head. She shouldn't be here, and she shouldn't play that... but temptation got the best of her.

She slowly walked over to it, sneakers squeaking ever so quietly as with a shaking hand, she reached over to the joystick. And when she got there, she grabbed it and rested her hands on the buttons next to it.

Suddenly, the screen flashed and went to a pure black screen with just the text "Insert 25 cents!"

Hesitantly, Maryelle inserted a quarter and smiled slightly. At least she was playing something.

The screen then flashed to a character select screen, showing two boxes. One was empty and the other had a man with ginger hair and rainbow eyes that changed color like in those poorly made 2009 AMVs whom was named Nicholas. It struck her as strange, but she shrugged it off and chose him, seeing as nobody else was on screen.

The screen flashed to a menu, where she saw the usual options. Play, settings, and cheats. It was weird enough seeing that an arcade game had a settings option. It was even weirder seeing that an arcade game also had a cheat code option. She looked at the bottom of the screen and grinned.

It had a number at the bottom, in which was 050903. She repeated the number to herself and went into the cheat section, but the screen wouldn't flash. Adrenaline coursed through the woman's veins as she put a hand up to her mouth. She hoped it was just a glitch.

Unfortunately for her, it wasn't.

The screen glitched to just Nick grinning, and nothing else was on screen. He pressed his face up to the screen. "Hoo hoo hoo! New players!" He said excitedly while Maryelle slowly backed up in fear.

"This... can't be," She muttered, sweat trickling down her forehead once more.

The arcade machine jumped, revealing that there was a human mouth at the bottom. The girl screamed in fear, turning around and speeding towards the open window she had gone through. "Aww, you're no fun!" Nick said tauntingly, jumping onto her when she tripped on a cable.

She screeched once more; this time in pain. Her feet had entered the human mouth, bones being crushed by the being whilst her blood spewed onto the ground. She started to sob, tears slowly traveling down her cheeks and onto the ground. "Stop," She moaned in pain, noticing Nick grinning at her while she suffered.

The same went for her legs and then her torso, when the final bite finished her off. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she wasn't breathing anymore. She was dead now, and the.... could we, or she even call Nick a human?

The mouth gobbled up her head, when Nick's grin went back to his overexcited smile. "Poor Mary," He said, tauntingly as he sighed. The screen flashed to just black, and nothing was on it.

Maryelle was reported missing the next day, but she would never be found. Never.