Akashic Arcana Campus Expedition

"It's quite simple. You just step through and wind up in your desire destination. If you're apprehensive, I can hold onto you to make sure you don't fly off into another universe." He teased lightly with a wink. If she took him up on that offer, he figured he might have to move through the portal as quickly as possible to make sure she didn't suck his mana dry. "The power source is actually electrically powered from a far off mana source. I don't think the portal itself exudes any mana, but don't quote me on that."
Gabriel followed them and listened in, taking note of the dueling arena and whatnot. He gave a small chuckle at the question poised to him, as he hadn't changed his mind, he wanted to test his skills, and if he got hurt doing so, so be it.
He piped up after hearing he last thing Wu said, "It doesn't appear too, it doesn't give off that low hum like most things that release mana do, it's actually pretty quiet." He said, shrugging slightly, "but I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time."
Cora gave Wu a half annoyed, half amused look at his teasing, but felt a lot better about the portal due to both guys assurances. Still, she didn't want to get stuck in limbo in case something did happen, so she quietly and carefully latched onto Wus sleeve, careful not to touch his skin and started through the portal. "Let's go."
As she latched onto Wu's sleeve, he stepped through the portal, and in the blink of an eye, they were in the locker room of the Arena. "Entrance to the dueling grounds are that way. You two go on ahead, I'll grab my gear." He said ushering them along, if only to help Cora release whatever pent up energy she still had.

As they left, he grabbed a quarterstaff from the weapons locker before moving to his personal one and bringing out the sheathed beauty that was Sacred Flame. Slinging the Jian around his shoulder, he moved out into the arena, kept in it's neutral forest state when not being officially used, and observed Cora's energy release. "Takeshi should be here any minute, but while we wait, let me show you my pride and joy."

He unsheathed the blade and presented it to the first years. "It's called Sacred Flame, my signature sword. It's as much a part of my magic as I am. Watch." Then a steady streak of flames ignited along the cutting edges of the blade, if either of them touched it, they would be burned. "My main technique. It makes my Wushu even more devastating, while costing almost no mana. Pretty cool right?"
"Showing off already Wu? " Takeshi said smiling at everyone. "Nice to see you all again. "
Takeshi has been feeling confident this go around due to the fact he has been doing a lot of training when no one is around. He looked at the sword thinking to himself how he's going to have to keep a distance this match simply because Wu has the upper hand in close quarters.
"Okay before we start do we have any rules we should go over? I brought us all some lunch if you all want to join me afterwards. I'm sure we'll all build up an appetite. "
As he began walking over to them Takeshi kept looking over at Gabriel smiling, "he's not sure what he's getting himself into does he Wu? "
Gabriel grin and rubbed his head, seeing all this had him excited, it wasn't every day you got to see people of this caliber spar, not to mention getting to spar with one of them. "I'll take the risk, no pain no gain right?" He said with a chuckle.
He hoped his magic would keep him conscious during the bout, as it was probably the only thing he had going for him, their skill was out of his league but he would give it his best shot.
The trip through the portal was almost disapointingly easy. Inbetween one blink and the next, they were somewhere completely different, a lockerroom to be exact, with nnothing more than a slight flash of light. Whiping her head around to look behind her, Cora stumbled, just managing to avoid crashing into Wu. Righting herself, she saw that the portal looked exatly the same as it had from the other side. At least now she knew that she could travel protals without concequences.

Moving out of the door Wu indicated, Cora couldn't help the gasp that escaped her. They were in what looked like a forest, a real live forest. She could hear a stream somewhere and birds in the trees and it smellt of grass and dirt and the general outdoors. Staring around in wonder, she walked a little way, hardly noticing Gabriel behind her or Wus reappearance. Only renewed sounds from her arm bands pulled her back to the presense. She could admire the place later, if she didn't accidentally destroy everything that was.

Flicking on her arm bands, she watched the spheres, sorting through them and trying to decide which to let go. A large pulsing red light with a faint oriental looking symbol in the middle was the mana she had accidentally taken from Wu in the dorms. Deciding she might as well try it out, Cora took a deep steadying breath, directed the light to split into two spheres, one on each hand, then slowly closed her left fist around the ball of light, willing the mana it symbolised into a wall behind her, shielding the other two from whatever might happen next. It shot up a little higher than she had anticipated, a wall of mana that looked a lot like roaring white flames. Adjusting it and keeping part of herself focussed on mainting the shield, she held the other hand out infront of her and tried to close it around the resistance building there, this time wanting to propell the mana forward in a direct line.

This plan didn't quite work out. The fire blast that erupted from her now almost closed hand shot in all directions, making her flinch away from the sudden light and warmth, which thankfully couldn't harm her too much. Her shield wobbled and dipped as her focus was disruped by her surprise, then flared up again as she let her right hand open again, stopping the roaring flames erupting all over the place. Panting slightly, she checked her hair and clothes, patting at a smouldering sleeve to discourage any more fires. Looking around, she realised that the inferno she had inadvertantly created had sorched several small bushes to the ground as well as set several more and quite a few trees ablaze. At least know she knew for sure they were real.

Quickly sorting through her other stored magics, she found the last small drop of water and ice magics from back in england. Still not wanting to drop the shield incase the fire spread, she made a throwing motion into the air, scattering the mana into a cloud which promply started raining down on her head. Flicking her dripping hair away from her face in annoyance, she directed the cloud at the worst parts of the fire. The cloud depleated too quickly for her liking, but it would do to stop any more damage. Unclenching her left hand to let the shield down, she jogged back over to Wu and Gabriel just as Takeshi joined them, pinching a little bit of the fire mana to quickly dry herself somewhat.

"Hi Takeshi." She panted, "You have some really volatile magic." She directed the last bit a Wu, half impresed, half reproachful that he hadn't warned her. Then again she hadn't asked either. Listening to Takeshi and Wu planing their faceoff, she thought of a way to make the whole thing a little more interesting.
"I could make a sort of barrier or obstacles or something for you guys if you like, it would be good practice for me and you'd be a little more restricted with your fight." She waved her hands to indicate the arm bands, "I'm still way to full of mana and don't feel like blowing up anything else." She glanced slightly ruefully back at the area she had just deprived of all life.
He gave a nod, tossing the quarterstaff over to Takeshi as he arrived. "The rules are, try not to kill each other and all magic is legal." He said before a loud explosion went off over to his left. Looking over, he was shocked to see that it had come from the adorable Cora as she released her magic. Wu could only stare in shock at the fires that remained after such a powerful blast. "Remind me never to get on your bad side." He joked, an impressed smile on his face.

"Barriers would be a neat work around, I say let's do it. Now, whenever you both are ready." He said, moving a few paces away and entering a battle ready stance, feeling at one with his Jian.
As Takashi caught the staff he instantly began charging his mana preparing for the fight. His heart was beating out of his chest from excitement, not from the fight soon to come but from the power Cora displayed. Even if it be as the on purpose. But what kind of barriers were they talking about?
"Maybe after this we can watch Cora and Gabriel go at it, after all she seems like she could release some mana. " Takeshi said when he finished charging.
He got into his fighting stance ready to go at it. "I'm ready"
"Oh, uh... I don't know." Cora stuttered a bit. "I can't - don't really fight."

Seeing both boys getting ready to duke it out, she backed away hastily, activating her arm bands as she went. A quick check to see what she had on storage and she decided to start with a simple oval dome over the contestants to limit their movement slightly. Remembering the shield she had cast with Wus fire magic before, she decided to use the same strategy again, only to shape it differently. It would allow Gabriel and herself a good enough view while also shielding them if necessary. Holding her left hand out, palm up, she held her right over it and slowly closed it to a fist again. A ring of red gold fire ran in a circle around Wu and Takeshi, about 50 feet across. As soon as the ring was complete, the same bright white flames shot upwards to form the dome shape Cora was aiming for, diming to pale trnsparent yellow once the dome was formed.

Keeping her hands in front of her, she stepped right up to the barrier, feeling no more than a warm breeze from it. From here she had a good view at the two boys facing each other.

current stored mana: 95% full

49% Fire from Wu
11% Earth
17% Wind
4% Shadow
8% Lightning
6% Arcane
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Gabriel smiled a bit at that, it would be interesting to go against her like that, but he wasn't going to pressure her into it, for now he'd be content with watching.
As he watched her raise the shield, he was impressed, such control was amazing to watch. He approached the shield to get a better view and noted how it didn't give off much heat, instead it warmed him slightly.
He thought into himself that it'd be interesting to go up against Wu if he was a fire user, his own magic would be a decent counter but physically he wouldn't last long.
"Alright, let's see what you two can do." He said to the two combatants within the shield.
Wu let his body start to flow, rotating his sword arm from side to side in a figure eight pattern, his lines smooth, as he advanced towards Takeshi. The movement would serve to throw his opponent off, make Wu's first attack unpredictable. Then a loud FWOOSH could be heard as a small fire burst from his feet boosted him forward, hurtling towards Takeshi with his flaming sword outstretched in a stabbing motion. The match had begun, and Wu took the first turn.
Shocked to see Wu attack so fast Takeshi already had an idea on how he should handle a situation like this. Since he already charged his mana Takeshi summoned 10 orbs of energy and made a small barrier in front of him.
He sent two above Wu, two in front of him and kept the remaining 6 beside himself.
He looks at the staff and just smiles with an idea, just to irritate Wu he hurled the staff like a spear right into his direction.
It was easy to carve the quarterstaff in half, both sides flying away behind him. Wu ducked underneath the two orbs sent towards him, feet catching and dragging on the ground slowing him just enough so that when Takeshi least expected it, Wu used the pent up momentum to jump forward and slightly to his left, curving his body enough to just miss the 6 orbed shield that his roommate had set up.

Now on Takeshi's flank, he held his flaming sword up near Takeshi's throat. "Shame you wasted the quarterstaff like that. You might've had a chance." While Wu talked, his stance was relaxed, seeming to leave him open to the other 8 orbs.
"Don't count yourself lucky yet" Takeshi said while grinning.
As Wu leaped over the shield Takeshi has already had a counter planned. The only way he can defeat him is to think quick and accurate. The orbs behind Wu began to plummet into the ground causing to ground to shake under our feet.
"All I need to do is get one solid hit in". He thought to him self.
Takeshi closed his eyes and motioned two fingers up toward the sword near his throat. Instantly two orbs shot up from under the two of them, one directly under Wu and one toward the sword.
He closed his eyes because if he hits the blade at the wrong angle then there can be a severe injury which needs to be avoided.
He felt the ground shake underneath him, cocking an eyebrow at Takeshi. "You don't think something so obvious is going to work, do you?" He asked, looking to Takeshi's hand to see when he moved the energy balls.

When the fingers moved up, Wu hopped back, letting the orbs fly in front of him before bringing his sword across in a horizontal slash to try and destroy the orbs.
As Wu leaped back Takeshi focused his mana just enough. He didn't plan this attack but it could probably work to get in the first hit.
He launched the remaining orbs behind him toward Wu's direction, considering they are all made of electricity the impact should cause a massive attack.
As Takeshi launched the orbs he used his Shock burst technique which causes a shock wave of force and electric mana. With the force of this attack hitting the remaining orbs it should greatly increase the attack by at least 30percent.
"I didn't expect it to hit you, just to get you back a few yards. " He replied as he attacked.
Cora watched, amazed, as Wu and Takeshi moved faster than she thought possible. Her concentration wavered slightly as she focussed fully on the fight before her. As she watched, she noticed that Takeshis magic seemed to be based around the energy orbs he had created at the beginning, rather than any physical weapon or something. Deciding to even the playing field slightly, she let her left supporting hand fall away, simultaniously pulling her right hand up in an arc, opening it as she did so.

Her shielding dome flared for a second then fell away. In its stead floated several platforms in variying heights. Most were no more than a few feet across, made of a dark green and brown translucent energy that made them look like glass. Cora felt her breathing deepen at the added strain of maintaining both the earth energy that formed the platforms, as well as the wind magic that held them in the air, but mentally patted herself on the back for thinking of a diferent way of using the shield spell.

current stored mana: 91% full

45% Fire from Wu
11% Earth
17% Wind
4% Shadow
8% Lightning
6% Arcane
After slicing away the first orbs, Takeshi sent the rest flying towards him. Knowing he didn't have enough time to boost away, he planted his sword in the ground and created his flame shield. It was a spell that cost him more mana then most, but it was useful for deflecting projectiles.

What Wu wasn't expecting was the increased electricity from Takeshi, crashing the balls into the shield creating a flash of bright energy so bright, Wu couldn't help but cover his eyes briefly. The shield held, but was clearly starting to falter, prompting Wu to smile. "That's a new one. I'm impressed, but you didn't move me back as far as you thought."

He looked over to Cora, impressed by her display. "That's a really neat power set you've got." Before recalculating the battle. "Unfortunately, now he has the advantage. I'm no flyer." So I'll have to beat him before he reaches the platforms. He thought as he rushed forward with another slashing strike.
The arena now felt right, like Takeshi felt confident enough to end it. Thinking about Wu's shield falling, he knew that Wu would probably go for an attack. Five more orbs were formed as he was talking to Cora. "I don't have enough energy at the moment to projectile them so I guess I'll have to improvise." He thought
"I have a few more tricks up my sleeve Wu, this next attack is going to seem quite familiar. So just bare with me" Takeshi said as he began to levitate.
Takeshi grabbed an orb, one in each hand and crushed them both. He focused for a moment and released the mana he grasped making a wall of fire.