Cataclysm Tournament: Gamber (Randium) vs Freya (Otomos the Crazy)

Freya glared at her enemy as whatever was left of the armor had forced themselves on. She didn't want to see him suffer. She didn't want to kill up close. She wanted him dead. A bloodstain and a memory, as one of her adventurer friends would have once put it. So she stood where she was. Her focus remained the same. Her magic pulsed once more. She had absolutely no control over her enemy's body, but she had full control over the metal that was her puppet. It was kept together through her magic, and controlled completely with all this focus. Allowing it to remain on was a mistake, and it would soon feel a tightness growing more and more strict. Freya had begun to shrink the puppet, and with no control over the one inside it, the pressure would surely cause pain as the process crushed him to death.
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Gamber knew he was in a bad situation. Since the armor was only liquid, it didn't hurt him too much, but the girl was strong and he knew he couldn't hold the pressure for long. It felt like he was being taken of all his energy step by step, like an onion that is being peeled off layer by layer. His radar sight was blocked, everything was covered and all his powers turned out to be useless.
Except for... wait. Did the beast actually remember something? Frixon. Firxion. Friction! That's it! That's the key!
Now that Gamber's powers were at its best, he used everything he had in him to lower the friction as much as possible. He felt the liquid losing its grip on him, and he was slowly able to move.

He couldn't get the metal off his body, but now he was able to move. This meant he was back in the fight. He had to be quick, before he couldn't lower the friction of his body anymore, so he let a victorious roar, and ran towards Freya. All spores on his arms and fingers were now ready to stick to any meat they would touch, and the beast realised this was the final fight, this would decide who would win the battle. Sssssshowdowwnnnnn......
The end was near. That was what Freya had gotten from seeing her enemy roar like that, and running straight for her. She was sure that the puppet was still shrinking with the monster inside. She felt it. However it seemed that it wouldn't go quietly. She had the greatsword moved in front of her, the tip pointing at the target. It was rushed forward and abruptly stopped. For a second, it was as if nothing had happened, until the wind rushed in a fury. The force of the thrust had forced the wind to carry the strength of the thrust with it, and it rushed forward to the enemy, knocking away trees and animals that got in the way.
Gamber wanted to smack the girl against the giant tree behind her, but the wind of the sword slowed him down a lot. So he decided not to push her with his momentum, but instead, he readied his left fist to punch in the girl's head.
He also readied his feet. If the girl somehow managed to stop his fist from hitting her, he could still use his angular momentum to kick her feet off the ground.

But let's hope the fist will hit. It only needs to come close to her, so that she would breathe some spores. Then it would only be a matter of minutes before she would be dropping on the ground, paralyzed and completely helpless.
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Freya was completely focused on controlling the armor. Specifically, she was focused on continuing the shrinking of the armor so that it would crush her enemy within. The process had been slowed, but it was still in progress, and still crushing him. The only problem with this kind of extreme focus was that she was unaware of anything else. She didn't see the fist heading towards her as the enemy got close enough to land a hit.

The punch connected, making her yelp and gasp in reaction. She had breathed something in, but she didn't know what it was, nor did she care. All that mattered was continuing the focus. She hadn't even tried to notice that her body was unable to move anymore. She husts continued to focus on shrinking the armor.

By now, it had managed to become to tight on her enemy that his flesh had begun to darken and bulge out of whatever opening it could find.She could hear the pressure being increased and forced upon her opponent's body.
The girl did not react on his blow! Gamber surprised some sort of protection, but nothing happened. The fist hit the girl's face, blood came out of Gamber's hand. Gamber felt a relief, because the fungus had successfully entered the girl's blood. Within 60 seconds, the spores should reach her brains and totally paralyze her.
The relief almost instantly disappeared when he noticed how everything moved much more difficult. Everything turned blue and pink, and blood was coming through his skin. The armor was becoming way too thight, and Gamber had no choice but to use all his friction skin to be able to breath. Let's hope he could keep the metal flowing and moving as long as the girl was still awake.
Freya could feel her body straining as it began to freeze up. Freya didn't know this, but soon any movement she would attempt to make would be useless. Now all she had to fight back with was her puppet magic, which was getting more and more difficult to maintain as the monster continued to melt it down with every passing moment. She had to end it quickly, and only one way was visible to her at the moment. If the monster could even notice, most of the metal that Freya had tried so hard to keep control of had begun to simply slide off his arms and legs. Freya switched her focus from controlling the whole to controlling a fraction. That fraction was the solid and melted parts of the helmet and upper torso. It was much easier to control now that Freya didn't need to focus on the rest. The metal surrounded her enemy's head, and wrapped tight around it. Freya, in all this madness and fury of a false battle, planned to finish this by smothering her enemy.
Gamber wanted to soften the pressure by not focusing anymore on his limbs, and just controlling on his heart, lungs and brains. However, his enemy was quicker, and focused on Gamber's head.
Gamber heard his own head crunch, and knew that one of them would be dead within a few minutes. He managed to control all of his powers on just his head only after his eyes had refused to work; he became blind.
Gamber hoped the spores would paralyze the girl soon. He was unable to make a calculation whether her brain would be paralyzed first, or if it was his brain that would be crushed first.

Two minutes seem like eternity when you are about to die.
The girl did not respond. Did she finally get paralyzed?
The metal seemed to lose its pressure, and Gamber was able to use his radarsight again. There's the girl!
Slowly Gamber crawled towards Freya and smacked his right hand into her head. He heard her skull crack.
Good thing, because Gamber did not want to take any risk, now that he was so close to becoming the victim himself. Now Gamber only had to survive a few seconds, then the girl could not do anything anymore.
Gamber hoped the girl would not respond anymore, as he used all his powers to protect his heart, brains and lungs.
Freya was losing consciousness. It was getting difficult to see. Whatever her enemy had done, it was working. She was about to...

Freya felt a soft thud as something hit her head. Maybe it was supposed to be more painful, but paralysis ensures that your body numbs. She couldn't move her eyes, but it had to be her opponent. Why had he not suffocated yet? She was sure that her armor was both covering his entire face, depriving him of air, and shrinking down so tight that his head would have surely burst by now. She was losing herself fast, but she still had one last chance.

One last pulse came from her magic, and the metal began shrinking down harder down, forcing the pressure to attempt crushing his skull one last time, while also continuing to suffocate the monster. At this point, the only thing she could do was continue with her original plan.
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