Ame Damnee Cathedral of Eden

Cathedral interior

After revealing her weapon, she caught the scowl that Brutus gave her it now occurs to her that she intruded on them while they were talking to Risk and that many people crowding the poor thing might have scared the girl worse. maybe it wasn't the right time to get friendly with new people. she thought her face stoic as the other Wardens in attendance, I should apologize after this whole thing is over....
Rhiannon - Leaving the Cathedral of Eden, District of Avalon

Rhiannon bowed slightly to the angel, Uriel, “I hardly meant to insult you or insinuate that you were apart of the Wardens, fine sir, simply that there are many that need you and your kind on this day. I will take care of her,” She then shifted her gaze to Ratchel, “You should ask Ms. Dandy, I’m sure your boy would enjoy being around other children rather than helping me with with my work,” Finally she turned to Brutus and the human girl, “Let us be off before they begin. I would hate to disrupt the service.”

The vampire would deal with the wolf’s behavior at a later date. Miss him? Her? If she only could appear flustered, then perhaps she might have joked along but without that certain trait the female settled on just giving the male a blank stare.

The blond haired woman led the way from the cathedral to the market sector. The streets got quieter the further away from the the procession they got. The vampire paused in front of her shop. The two outfits in the windows along with various ornaments. Reaching into the pocket of her dress she pulled out a key and unlocked the door before entering the shop, “Give me a moment to fill the bath while you wait please make yourself at home. If you have questions I’m sure Brutus can answer them if not you can ask me in a moment.”
Clearing his throat, the hooded Ethereal stood at the podium, prepared for his speech. As the onlookers diverted their attention towards him, Rythe's heart rate seemed to amplify tenfold. He stared forward towards the seemingly endless crowd of people, suddenly experiencing emotions he hadn't felt for decades: fear, doubt, nervousness. Taking a quiet, yet deep breath, he calmed his nerves, composing himself before beginning in a calm alto.

"Grandmaster Coelen Anwil was a dear friend to us all. He's touched our lives in more ways than we can possibly imagine; from his constant watch over the security of us all to his extraordinary friendliness, he has kept us hopeful in times of dread and led our community in the neverending pursuit of peace. As someone who has proudly spent many years by his side, I've come to know his dream: A beautiful city of brotherhood and prosperity. Look amongst yourselves, I see willing and proud citizens of our magnificent city, living out the hopes of our Grandmaster. But there will always be room for improvement! We've shown Grandmaster Anwil his dream, let us truly make his dream into a reality and keep it alive for centuries to come! Let his name live on among the greatest our city has to offer to the world."

Upon finishing his brief speech, Rythe glanced towards where Uriel was standing to be greeted with the sight of his absence. Nervously frowning and scratching his hood, while scanning the crowd for any trace of the Ethereal. Laughing meekly to himself, he glanced towards Raakshdos, speaking with his eyes: Uriel isn't in the city anymore, you need to give your speech. He stepped away from the podium, walking towards the last Grandmaster, making tiny gestures towards the stand.
The Cathedral

Electra listened to Rythe's speech silently, her head bowed as she stood amongst her brothers and sisters in arms. Yes, Grandmaster Anwil was a good man. She would do her best to carry on his legacy of justice, and maintain the purity of this holy city. Personally, she did believe in Aditi, and was a bit religious in those matters. Though more and more of the Wardens were beginning to lose their faith, Electra did her best to hold onto hers and keep it alive. Hopefully he is at peace in our mother's warm embrace. She thought, assuring herself that the noble Grandmaster would end up in Heaven.

The Ethereal, Rythe, seemed to grow even more nervous as he looked at an empty spot. It briefly made her wonder where the other two Ethereals might have been - Anariel and Uriel. The latter had just been around not long ago, but the former was one she hadn't seen all day. Deciding that the matter was unimportant, the Black Cat turned her gaze towards Raakshdos, who would undoubtedly be giving his own speech. After all, Ceolen wasn't the only Grandmaster. Switching her eyes to the podium, she kept her arms straight by her sides, standing as formally and as tall as possible. Her scepter was grasped firmly in her left hand, something to hold on to. She didn't want to accidentally cause some sort of disaster.
Ryuna, Cathedral of Eden, District of Avalon

The kitsune curled her tails around the little one as she scooped him up into her arms to carry him over to the other little ones. She noticed Ratchel and glanced about for her little one that was sure to be around. As she rejoined the orphans she set the new little one down among the others of his age who welcomed him quietly under the watchful golden gazed of the fox woman. That golden gaze tore from them as she realized someone was speaking. A few humans behind her cleared their throats earning a glare from her as she fluffed and fanned her tails out childishly.

Those that had never seen the spoils of war didn’t deserve her respect if they were adults. Her eyes drifted to Raakshdos as if he had called her. She was sure of how childish she looked to him standing there blocking the view of the prosession from those behind her. Slowly she vanished from where she was and appeared in the upper rafters of the bell tower. It was a place she took to when she was sure she had displeased Raakshdos in some way. She pushed open one of the shutters and stared out over the rooftops towards the wall.
Avalon District - Cathedral of Eden
Sigeward Zane
Funeral procession - Way out
Things moved in a exasperatingly slow way. While the large attroupement around a small red haired human had distracted him earlier, Sige's interest in the speech was inexistant to say the least. Respects had been paid for the lost human lives, and now it was time to make his way out. While it did look a bit out of place at this stage of the funeral, the man didn't care. Most of the population was in here, along with many wardens, giving Illictus's leader some good opportunities to recruit more arms to his cause and spread the word. More importantly, the man had to move. His limbs ached for action of which the massive church shouldn't be the scene.

The man sauntered away.
The Cathedral

Though his mommy told him to wait on the set he couldn't help himself with getting close. She just looked so cool with her spear out with the other wardens, getting closer he saw out of the corner of his little eyes a Lady with red hair and eyes. Micheal really loved the color red it was so neat and made him feel strong yet he saw that the lady was sad as she stood over the casket. Micheal wanted to help so he climbed up were she was and pulled on her clothing to get her attention not knowing that the lady he was gaining the attention of was Rene’ilyah.
Cathedral of Eden, Avalon District

She was so lost in thought that she did not realize a little kid is seeking her attention, not until he had tugged her clothes a second time. She looked down, and couldn't help but make a faint, sad smile as she knelt down towards the little one. She hesitated for a moment, not quite sure on how to deal with kids. "Hello." she told him, as she caressed his hair softly. "Where's your mom? You shouldn't be wandering alone around here."
Ratchel and Micheal
Cathedral of Eden, Avalon District

"MICHEAL!!!" A voice from were the Wardens were presenting arms was, Ratchel rushed over to Rene'ilyah and her son. Noticing she was either getting some bemused looks of interest and a sense of hilarity or a look of scorn and disbelief that she would 1) break ranks. and 2) not being in control of her child. "I'm sorry Mr's!" As she got over she kneeled down to Micheal to get down to face level her look clearly not happy. "Micheal i told you to stay on the bench." her tone was as hard as stone. "This is a serious gathering i-" her train of thought was cut off seeing her son start to tear up. "i... I .. just wanted to help.." Ratchel had to use all her will power not to face palm. great i just made my baby cry. Mother of the fucking year people!... she embraced her son and her tone went soft. "i'm sorry for snapping at you baby... i know you want to help." She looked up at Rene. "i'm sorry again."
Cathedral of Eden, Avalon District

She shook her head, seemingly a little dazed at the the mother's display of affection for her child, despite being a warden. The idea was alien to her, as she never had that kind of experience with her father... but maybe that's just how mothers are? Renee know nothing about her own mother. She died so long ago, back when she was too young to remember. "No... please don't worry about it." she replied. "If he's being a bother, I could... I don't know..." she hesitated. What the hell is she saying? She has no clue how to deal with kids! But she said it anyway. "I could... look after him for you for a while, at least until you finish your rightful duties."
Ratchel and Micheal
Cathedral of Eden, Avalon District

Ratchel's face seemed to beam at someone asking to look after her son. "Thank you!" She said in a crushing hug literally squeezing the air out of Rene. Ratchel realized how this looked and let go with a little blush and cleared her throat. "Sorry.... I'll be awhile though, after the funeral their will probably be a meeting regarding the new Grand Warden."

Micheal looked a little less sad than he was but still was sore. His mother came back from a 3 day trip and she still can't play with him or be their to drawl with him, or tuck him in at night. "do you really have to go mommy?" his tone sad but understanding. Ratchel only sighed "I'll try to be as quick as i can, after all i am the crystal queen." he started to have a small smile. "number 1 best mommy." She wrapped her arms around him. "and best tickler." she tickles him making him laugh it was a sweat innocent sound and went on for a few second until she stopped. "be a good boy for the nice lady ok." Nuzzling her son Micheal still giggling a little "ok mommy!"after that she than got up and walked back to her spot.
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Raakshdos, as played by Meliodas

Cathedral of Eden

Uriel’s disappearance had been noted, along with the Royal Family of New Eden. Your average citizen would have thought it strange that they were not in attendance, but Uriel especially wasn’t the sort to simply step away from such solemn affairs. Standing off to the side, Raakshdos caught Rythe’s gaze, his own eyes narrowed as if asking where the Ethereal had run off too. It was a matter they would need to investigate once they had wrapped up the funeral service.

As he took the podium overlooking the masses as well as the fallen Grandmaster's casket, he began to speak, choosing each word as carefully as the next. “We come here today to honor not only a warrior, or a leader… but a friend. Grandmaster Anwil gave his heart and soul to this city, and it is my hope that we can continue his legacy, one which fought for peace and the rights of every citizen who comes to our fair city looking for freedom and security. While we may never know the will of Aditi, please, let us take a moment of silence to count our blessings and pray for not only New Eden but this opportunity to come together and grow stronger.” He stood in silence for several moments, head bowed.

Finally looking up, he smiled, a sense of warmth radiating from him. “I know I’m not the man you wanted, nor the man you asked for… but I can be the man you need. Dark times and uncertainty are ahead of us, yet I will do just as I have always done. It isn’t just your safety and prosperity that are of concern to me. No. It is my hope to shed blood for you. My blood. Every day so that none of you will ever have to. My body is your shield, and my hands your sword. We don’t always get what we want, but I assure you I will give you what you need! A better future, one at peace with the world. The gods may not always be so kind, but I promise you, I will be.”

No sooner than he spoke the words did the room grow cold. A chill was in the air, and a frightful wind followed, enough to slide even Raakshdos back. The trees rustled, and an almost eerie silence fell across the city. It seemed as if a fog had rolled in from nowhere, while at the same time the sun grew dark as the moon quickly passed over it, shielding the ground below from its heavenly light. Instantly, New Eden had gone dark, and a shadow swept the land. This wasn’t meant to be and was as clear an omen if any ever saw one. It was only then that Grandmaster Anwil's casket shook, tumbling to the ground with his body rolling out onto the floor…
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Ryuna, Cathedral of Eden, District of Avalon

The air changed slightly as she heard her master’s voice. The sound of it sent a shiver down her back that made her fur fluff. There was a scent that she couldn’t place in the deadly calm air. It made her stomach hurt and feel a deep need to get down to Raakshdos and those she protected. She landed softly on the uppermost railings of the gallery just as he asked for a moment of silence.
The odd scent was getting closer as well as a sound that human ears wouldn’t have picked up and might have simply thought was just a particularly strong gust of wind if they did. She poised herself slightly on the railing in crouch hear ears perked forward while her tails remained as still as possible. After the second part of his speech, the sound was upon them all breaking open the doors, “Raakshdos!” She cried out just a moment too late.

She was thrown back by the powerful wind hard enough that her head actually hurt from the impact of slamming into one of the large shields that hung on the wall behind her. Shaking it off the best she could she dove over the railing and landed beside her master with an expression that told him all too well of her worry and that she had sensed the thing coming. Her flames disappeared as she used her magic to protect those she cared the most for.

Her gaze danced over the children that laid in various states of trauma. A howling growl erupted from her as she turned to try and find the possible enemy that dared to hurt her children. Her form started to shift into that of a large horse sized white fox. Her nine tails curled and writhed behind her like angry snakes. Her golden gazed trailed over everything while she bared her menacing teeth. Those large triangular ears were folded back against her head in her rage. She was just barely keeping herself in check.
Cathedral of Eden

A small figure was standing in with the rest of the crows, completely unnoticed. She only came up to the chests of most of the other people, and she could barely see what was going on. She pulled her coat closer to her body, more as an act of nervousness, though there was quite a draft in the air. She eventually pushed her way closer to the front, to where she could see a portion of the podium and the man standing at it. Looking into his eyes, she saw something sinister staring back at her, making her breath hitch in her throat. She coughed, and moved her gaze onward, scanning the huge room for any other notable characters. When a tall man in front of her shifted to his right, she was able to see the body splayed out on the floor and a strange creature beside the man at the podium. Puzzled, she moved forwards for a closer look, not fully registering the ripple of quiet speech through those beside her. At first, she thought the man on the floor was injured, but his lack of movement and pale blue-white face told her otherwise. It was the Grandmaster she was looking at.

Stonecypher attempted to assess the state of the body, which was difficult from so far away, so she turned her attention to the large fox creature that stood beside the man on the podium. She was now close enough to see the dark trails of veins on the corpse's face, neck, and hands. It was a peculiar scene, she mused to herself, calculating the time and cause of death from the few details she had of the body. It couldn't have been more than a few days old, judging by the color of his skin and the progression of the natural post-mortem process. She looked up, and then to the sides, realizing she was alone. She hadn't realized how far she had come towards the body--the crowd in front was watching her with murmurs of astonishment. She eventually brought herself to look up at the strange party at the podium.
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Cathedral of Eden

Ratchel was in shock of this developments the sky has an eclipse, the Grand wardens body is sprung out on the floor, that erri fog out side, and the explosion force winds blowing inside through the door sending some people flying and actually managing to almost break the doors off. Though her shock was soon replaced with Determination as her eyes were glowing a white light and with motion of her hands a wall of crystal was blocking the winds from outside... though the force of them was great enough that Ratchel was physically straining. What the hell is going on?!
Rythe, Cathedral of New Eden, Courtyard Plaza

Snapping out of his search of the other Ethereal, Rythe stared at the body of Grandmaster Anwil on the ground as if it were an omen. He quickly noted the sudden darkening of the skies whilst his mind sped through the plethora of reasons, finding no answer. His eyes darted between the citizens, scanning for any kind of magic being used, but still failing to sight a hint of necrotic arts. He slowly began to walk towards the body, hand on the hilt of his rapier-saber. His breath quickened as he approached, his fingers twitching against the sword. In his sights, he could see the vile energies pulsing from the body, there was certainly something wrong with the Grandmaster's corpse, but what puzzled him more was the ominous air of death seemingly emanating from the city itself, or so he felt in his brief examination.
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Cathedral of Eden, Avalon District

Renee's eyes widened, the hair at the back of her neck standing up as she took a step back. Almost protectively, held the little boy closer to herself, looking around uneasily as the coldness swept through the room. Something is happening. Something big, something that she could not explain. When the grandmaster's body rolled to the floor, Renee put his hands on her bag, and when she pulled it out, thirty inches or so of cold steel emerged, summoned from her sketchpad. Her expression darkened, sensing the cold stench of death enveloping the Cathedral. She was not afraid, she was raised as a warrior, but it feels like some sort of ancient, sinister magic is at play.

Silent, motionless... A feeling of dread settled at the base of her stomach. "Aditi help us," she murmured, like a short prayer, asking for guidance.
Shrieks of terror filled the cathedral, and stumbling over the steps that lead into the crypt below, mangled bodies drug themselves up the narrow hall, ascending into the crowds above. Each body was in various stages of decay; some still had patches of skin stuck to their old bones, others had missing or mangled limbs, and a few appeared as normal as anyone else – if you could get past the fact that they had just been pronounced dead hours earlier. They were mindless beasts not to be reasoned with. With jaws wide, and arms extended, these lost souls had risen from beyond the grave, their sights set on the living.
Cathedral of Eden

Ratchel hearing a sound behind her as she was putting up her crystal shield. "what now!?" She turned her head and her eyes widen and her mouth hung open at the sight of the dead rising. Instantly the shock wore off and she switched into her battle mode as she called it, the tip of glory ignited into a double bladed spearhead and she put her shield in front of her with her spear at the top in a stance. "Lets see if you'll come back from this!" She swung her spear with great force and grace cutting through two piles of living flesh and bone. She than saw the other Wardens join in the fight forming a protective line in front of the people. Thought a horrifying though crossed her mind as she remembered her son was with someone she wasn't sure could fight. "MICHEAL!!" she yelled her motherly instincts over powering her Warden training, as she tackled a few undead to get to were her son and Rene were.
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Ariel yawned as she walked to the cathedral. She had spent the night before taking care of some thugs messing with a town few areas down. She was making her way to there to pay her respects to the late General Warden. Though truthfully she didn't care that much about the man. Yes he was one of the most respected Wardes in all of New Eden but that was only a title. She didn't know him personally enough to care about him only seeing him at a meetings that were mandatory. She knew she was very late to the funeral itself but the least she could do is say a quick prayer for the man. She walked in and nearly everyone was gone other than a few people that lingered from the ceremony. She went to the front of the cathedral near the altar taking a knee. She began to pray quietly saying empty words though as she really didn't care about religion. She got up ready to leave this place and continue her wandering or at the very least find somewhere to rest. As she took her steps towards the exit she heard a scream making her Warden instincts kick in. She ran towards the cry and saw the walking dead "Well ain't this gonna be interesting." She smiled pulling out her katana,White Crow, getting into a stance ready for the horde to come close. She was about to have some fun