1000 years after the end Character Applications


Outhouse Poet
New players may create a new thread with their character sheet. From there a GM will review and approve your character, or tell you what needs to be changed.





Description: - At least a short paragraph


Favorite Weapon:

Brief Bio: -At least a short paragraph

Additional Info:

Genetic instability:
Name: Gwen Michelle Wilson

Race: Human

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Description: Gwen has average height, weight, body build, and muscle tone for a 18-year old girl. She has black long hair with a pink hair bow, white skin and black eyeliner. She also wears a white long-sleeved t-shirt with a pink jumper. She also wears a pair of white tights that cover her feet and black knee-high go-go boots with side zippers. She also wears a black studded belt.

Personality: She is very nice and friendly towards everyone. She loves math, trading cards, and making friends. She hates to be alone, thunderstorms, and bullies. She gets very nervous when you first get to know her.

Favorite Weapon: None because she doesn't believe in hurting.

Brief Bio: Gwen is originally from Spartanburg, South Carolina. She and her parents loved each other very much. Her parents died when Gwen was only 18. She is looking for a place to stay.

Additional Info: She can do math very quick and talk to animals.

Genetic Instability: Very hard.