Deus Ex Machina Character Classes

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Monster the Vamelfaer

Sells all the Shubi
Here you'll find everything you need to know about the four character classes: automatons, humans, demigods, and gods. A list of the current gods will be included in the tabs section.


In the social structure of Auroris, automatons fall straight to the bottom. These mechanical beings have somehow been endowed with human-like intelligence and emotions, almost as if they have a soul, but are still seen as nothing more than servants by most of the people in Auroris. Though automatons have been known to go rogue, most have been so well trained that they will perform their duties without question. Very few automatons are actually self-owned. However, automatons make up the majority of the city’s inhabitants in a 3:1 ratio, and the number is ever climbing.

  • Must be made entirely of metal
  • Must be made with a specific purpose in mind (for example, factory worker, butler, waitress, police bot etc.) and their body should reflect that purpose
  • Must have an external power source to be operated by someone else. This can be one of three options: Wind-up, steam-powered, or electric.
Wind-up automatons are known for their finesse and accuracy, as well as being the most human-like automatons, with average stature and body work. They have a keyhole on their back, which when wound allows them to move. During this time they’ll make a faint clicking sound until the spring finally releases. Each full wind-up allows them to function for 24 hours until they’re wound again. Keys are unique to each automaton, and unless the key is forged, there will only ever be one per automaton. Wind-up automatons are usually used for personal service, such as a maid, butler, or sometimes just companionship.

These automatons are usually fairly large and operate with a steam-powered engine usually located inside their torso. A few of these automatons are big enough to allow room for a person inside, in which case the engine would be located on the automaton’s back. So long as steam-powered automatons have access to coal, water, and someone to keep their fire fueled, they can operate 24/7. These automatons are known for their strength and combat skills, and are usually used for factory work, police patrol, or as personal bodyguards.

Electric automatons are very rare and still in their experimental stages. For now, these automatons must be plugged into a power grid to function, as sufficient batteries have not been invented yet. Most will avoid making (they must be handmade) or owning an electric automaton, as they’re prone to malfunctioning and electrocuting everything in the immediate vicinity. While they are not outlawed, many believe they should be. Because they’re so rare, electric automatons have no decided use as of yet.

When it comes to social structure, humans are pretty much in the middle. They’re not looked down upon like automatons often are, but neither are they particularly respected. Hypothetically, humans have all the job opportunities that demis do, although this isn’t always the case in the real world. Some humans might harbor a certain animosity toward demis because of this power gap.

  • Cannot have any special powers
  • Realistic hair, eye, and skin colors
  • May make mechanical alterations to their bodies if they choose

Also called “demis,” demigods are more or less at the top of the social ladder in Auroris. Because of their added strength, they are usually able to find better positions whether through bullying, manipulation, and on some occasions, just being better at the job than the average human. Most demigods have had no contact with their godly parent; in fact there are a few demis out there who might not even know of their godly parentage. This is because demigod powers are latent unless a demi has had some kind of metal embedded in their body.

  • Can have a maximum of three powers, which must be related to their godly parent
  • Must have metal in their bodies in order to access their powers
  • Must be weaker than the gods
  • May not be the child of Sol or Luna
Metal in Bodies:
The metal in a demigod's body can vary drastically depending on the demi, though as a general rule, the more metal there is, the stronger their powers will be. This can take numerous forms, including metal appendages, piercings, or metallic-infused tattoos. These are the most common methods, but if you can think of alternative ways to include metal in your character's body, you are welcome to try it. Keep in mind though, a demi with a metal arm would be much more powerful than a demi who only had a piercing.

*Only playable by GMs as the plot requires*

The gods. They love to sit up in their lofty thrones and look down on the city of Auroris with a brow raised. Right up until they don’t. The gods live in their own separate realm called Caeles, which is essentially Heaven, only humans and automatons can’t enter. As is to be expected, the gods are beings of immense power, and are entirely capable of smiting people if they see fit. Long story short, you don’t mess with the gods. Ever.

  • A god can only be killed by another god, though they can suffer injury from anyone.
  • All gods can shape-shift into any living creature, but there will always be a tell (for example, same colored eyes as before they shifted). This shift is merely an illusion, and does not grant them the powers of the one they mimic.
  • Gods cannot reach their full power when outside of Caeles, though they are still significantly stronger than the most powerful demigods.
  • The longer a god spends outside of Caeles, the longer it will take them to regain full power when they return.
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