Character Creations


Professional Twit
Here you can sign in your character, if you have any questions, or suggestions; feel free to ask.

Just remember, you can be pretty inventive with their design and abilities, but in the end these are androids made with the purpose of entertaining childrend and adults alike. Though some of their equipment can be fully functioning since the park was shut down for the founder getting to dangerous in his persuit of 'fun'. At the end of the day, your character is an android. So, if your character's role in a fantasy story, for example, and was supposed to be the wizard any magic done would only look like magic. When it would really be some sort of practical effect, an effect that could still prove dangerous (Especially since the Androids themselves have been conditioned to rationalise away anything that contradicts how they're supposed to view the world for centuries), but an effect none the less.

Perceived Age:
Malfunction Symptoms:
Role (Bio):
Additional info:

What does your Android call themselves?
Perceived Age: Due to ignorance of their actual creation, the Android do not know their real age. But what age was your character designed to be?
Gender: What Gender was your character supposed to be?
Genre: What sector were they designed for? (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, PSA Hell, Mystery, Western, Candy Land)
Appearance: What does your character look like? Pictures and descriptions are fine.
What is your character like? And how were they affected by the malfunction? Please provide more than one line, at LEAST.
Malfunction Symptoms: Now, when for centuries you've been programmed to be a certain way, a sudden surge that takes away all those restrictions and subtle commands is bound to screw you up. What flaws did it inflict upon your character?
Role (Bio):
What story was your character made to act out? Were they the hero? The Damsel? An extra?
Additional info:
Anything else you can put down?

Accepted character will be listed in the 'Android Manifest' tab if you ever need to check.​
Name: The evil Dragon Anguis
Perceived Age: 120
Gender: M
Genre: Fantasy
Appearance: Anguis is a large red dragon with the ability to fly and breath fire

Personality: Quick to anger, has a weird infatuation with princesses and gold, preferably together, he doesn't know how scary he is
Malfunction Symptoms: He finds that gold is no longer enough to satisfy him and wants to find a friend, is gentler and kinder than he was, still has anger issues though
Role (Bio): Anguis was part of your classic knight, princess and dragon tale being of course, the dragon. He stole the princess, waited for the knight to come, had an epic showdown, was "slain", and then repeated this over and over
Additional info: His fire doesn't always work properly due to a faulty connection, and his flight is limited so as to keep him in his sector
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Name: Clint (Delta 410)
Perceived Age: 27
Gender: Female
Genre: Western
Clint isn't the most realistic looking cow girl (The attraction was for kids), her short hair an unnatural shade of crimson, her eyes rather large and overly 'cute' as well as her skin being rather light for someone you're expected to see as being out in the desert for her whole life. Her outfit is what you'd expect from a western movie with Clint Eastwood in it (As you can expect from her name).

Personality: As an Android who's never thought for herself, she could be considered child-like a lot of the time, with little knowledge of the world around her and how it works. She was just supposed to be an extra in the crowd that cheers on the Heroes with the kids, and her routine was supposed to be completely reactionary. When she's freed from her programming, she is left with nothing to stand on except 'testing'. She has an eye of wonder at anything new or cool-looking and doesn't stop to question thinks a lot, as well a compulsory need to poke and prod anything new. Hell, due to the location of her sector, she's never even seen the moon.

Malfunction Symptoms: One of the biggest blows to come along with the sudden disappearance of all guidance was her voice. For some reason, the malfunction completely took away her ability to speak normally. The closest she can get to speaking is pre-recorded one liners from Clint Eastwood movies on a tape recorder she keeps in her pocket.

Role (Bio): Clint was nothing in the end. Not the Hero, not the villain, not the love interest, not the side-kick, she was just one of those faceless extras there to crowd around the hero while he's standing up to the baddie of the day. While she was originally made to be a more significant character as you could probably ell y her less generic appearance, she was seen as stupid by the designers and the idea was scrapped; instead just putting her with the other generic citizens. She wasn't even given a name, just a umber: Delta 410

When the malfunction occurred, she lost her voice, but she also found her name. And a new direction.

Additional info:
She's not the best combat experienced character she could be, only witnessing a good Mexican Stand-Off from afar. But learning as she goes couldn't negatively backfire on her, could it?

Name: Jim (The Knight!)

Perceived Age: 110

Gender: Male


He is literally a walking suit of armour because the designers were getting lazy at one point. Silver armour that has a rather pointed snout-like part on the nose section of the helmet.

Jim was meant to be a parody of a classical Knight character. He's egotistical, chivalrous, boastful, arrogant, stubborn and all around a very loud man. A very annoying man, but also a very valiant man. He doesn't shy from danger, in fact it is widely believed that he doesn't know the definition of danger, prone to running had first into any fight with a resounding "FOR MY HONOR!" at the top of his lungs. But still is so slow that he still hasn't figured out how annoying he is to everyone else, neither has he figured out that his squire left him, took his horse and is having an affair with his damsel.

Malfunction Symptoms: The malfunction left the ideas of his role so ingrained into his very being that he will instinctively screw up just for the sake of the 'narrative'. Yes, the villain is currently stuck in the middle of a monologue, but what mere savage would he be to use this distraction as a chance to attack? Simply rude!

Role (Bio):
Jim was made to be a screw-up. A parody knight who, despite his best efforts, makes everything worst for everyone around him. Yes, he will eventually rescue the princess, but an entire village will be in shambles before he succeeds. His story is that he was such a screw up that he tripped and fell into a volcano, and through magical means he was left as a walking set of armour. He's a well-natured bumbler that was never allowed to have better moments. But with this malfunction, maybe he can finally become the knight he always thought he was supposed to be.

Additional info: As the designers at this point were too lazy to make human parts under the armour, they just made the character a walking set of armour, meaning that he has a bit of a pain tolerance of sorts. He can have his arms and head ripped off and still be fine, just as long as his chest remains in tact. Often, his head was used to play medieval sports.​
Name: Bunny

Perceived Age: 400 bunny years (a bunny year is approximately one 47th of a human year)

Gender: Anatomically Bunny is sexless, however, due to a lack of a pink bows on his person and a similar absence of ridiculous mile long eyelashes, he lives under the assumption that he is Male.

Genre: Candy Land

Appearance: Velvety soft grey fur, paws/hands that have three fingers and a thumb, large dark brown eyes that are programmed to shine with warmth and love. Stands at about 150cms tall (ears included).

Personality: Programmed to be always cheerful. As a character designed for children the programmers didn’t really waste time giving him a well-rounded character, he pretty much only has one personality trait - cheerfulness. His personality is just something that he will have to develop/discover on his own as he continues to ‘malfunction’.

Malfunction Symptoms: Bunny has a vast quantity of information stored away in his memory to allow him to be able to perform his role in the park (see below for details). To prevent Bunny from becoming dangerous, they programmed him to have no independent thoughts or goals at all. He lives by one maxim - “keep the guest children happy” - so when there are no children present he exists in standby mode. He just stares into space while his body walks around on autopilot. However, lately he has started to sporadically become conscious again - always for just a few seconds - but these instances are growing more frequent and his lucidity lasts a tiny bit longer each time.

Role (Bio): A guide to lead young guests and their families through candy land. This means an immense amount of one-on-one interactions with humans aged about 2-6 years – a group notorious for asking awkward and extremely difficult questions. As a result Bunny was programmed to be incredibly witty and quite clever, the programmers basically uploaded the contents of the internet to his memory so that he could engage the children in whatever crazy topic they threw at him. Aware of the huge risk inherent in giving a robot such a vast amount of knowledge, they made sure to neutralize Bunny by only allowing him to call on the information stored in his memory, in the presence of a child and at the express prompting of that child.

In his time Bunny has had to deal with questions along the lines of the following:

The kid that was given a book of ‘facts’ for his birthday (big no no): “Why do you eat babies?”

(the average human adult would have been floored by this question, not Bunny, he didn't miss a beat!)

Bunny: “What’s that buckaroo? Eat babies you say? Not this rabbit, only carrots for me and some candy of course.”

Kid: “Really? You don’t? but rabbits eat their young! It said so in my book.”

Bunny then had to come up with some clever and lighthearted way to acknowledge that, yes, some rabbits do engage in the cannibalism of their babies (lying to children is forbidden), while not scaring the kids present for life and still retaining their trust in him, a giant rabbit, about two heads taller than they are. He managed, though this exercise really put his programming to the test.

Additional info: Bunny is fully qualified to provide first aid, perform the Heimlich maneuver and act as a life guard. You’d be surprised but Bunny is very quick and quite athletic (no Charlie and the Chocolate Factory like horrors in candy land on his watch!).
(I hope it's ok if I post this? I wanted to throw in something as well since this seems like a neat idea.)


Perceived Age: 25

Gender: Female

Genre: Science Fiction

Appearance: { Here }

Personality: Marcelina was programmed to be cold and very sarcastic towards people. She was to talk down to them in a way that portrayed her as a bad guy. Although that is what she was created for anyways. She has since been trying to change her personality now that she has the option to. But it's proving to be harder than she thought and she found that it's incredibly difficult to escape her programmed personality.

Malfunction Symptoms: Marcelina's symptoms are unique to her. Unlike other's malfunctions, Marcelina finds herself unknowingly hacking nearby electronics. She can't get into the other androids, but she can get into equipment around her. Mainly the light systems of booths, etc. During that time she'll begin to spark and twitch repeatedly, also muttering old voice lines that were programmed into her for when the park was open. These episodes can take several minutes to several hours to fully recover from, most of the time she'll have a lasting twitch until she's completely over it.

Role (Bio): In her world, Marcelina was an Anti-Villain more than an actual villain. She was a very popular hacker who helped many influential people during the course of her story. She had good goals and mostly heroic intentions, however her means of getting to those goals was very flawed. She would assassin and hack her way through those goals, keeping people at a distance so she didn't mess up, hence her cold and sarcastic personality. Marcelina also lived in the slums of her city almost, which was really just nasty back alley ways that were dark and nobody used. This shows in the style of her clothing, with it being a bit more of a sci-fi grunge feel.

Additional info: She has a sort of database stored inside of her memory card. The memory card contains any information she needs to know about her area of the park. However this card can be easily removed and reset from Marcelina, basically like a reset button. More often than not, she uses the information stored to help her hack her way through things, this was a part of her design when she was invented for the Science Fiction area.​
(Not sure if this is still open, but the concept is really cool and I'd love to take part in the story. Hope it's ok if I submit this character)

Archibald Finch

Perceived Age: 63

Gender: Male

Genre: Mystery

Personality: Archibald sweats propriety, a dignified English butler who always does things properly, never dirtying his hands unless there are no other alternatives. He has a suspicious countenance to him, often dodging questions or being unnecessarily withholding, as his programming dictates. Though he gives off a cold air of superiority and rigid dignity, he does not necessarily see himself as above others. But his character, and requirements of saving face and appearing proper, leave a stale and often pointed edge to his words and glances.

Malfunction Symptoms:
Archibald has begun to forget things. Though as a butler it is his job to remember nearly every detail of everything to do it properly, he's begun to slip. First on menial tasks, but now on rare occasions he looses his sense of mind and completely forgets where he is. The forgetfulness lasts only a short time, but with each incident it seems to grow longer. This would be concerning to Archibald, if he didn't forget about the issue until it occurs again.

Role (Bio): Archibald was the butler at a mystery dinner theater in the park. He would serve food and drinks, and look down on the guests saying "I can't believe my master would invite such rabble into his home." and the like. When the master would inevitably be "found dead", he would seem the most likely suspect, so he was used to being under suspicious light. The classic "The butler did it." cliche was the main source of misdirection, so Archibald is a rigid and tight-lipped individual. After the park shut down, the dinner theater stopped going, never being reset.But the staff of the mansion kept on with their work. But slowly the other staff, the maids and cooks, ceased coming to work, having malfunctioned and shut-down. Archibald assumed they'd quit, ungratefully abandoning their posts and leaving the bulk of the work to fall on his shoulders. So Archibald had grown accustomed to cleaning an empty mansion, a lonely worker of a masterless staff. He did so for years, never leaving the mansion. Simply cleaning and re-cleaning to no end. But lately, as he forgets things, he's begun to question why he's stayed indoors for so long. He catches himself looking longingly toward the windows and questioning why he's stayed. Now, after all these years of cleaning for a non-existent master, Archibald has decided to break protocol and head outside.

Additional info:
He is proficient in all of the "Classical Arts", can debate well, has immense historical knowledge(I don't OOC so please don't test that too much lol) and is quite skilled in fencing.​