Tapestry of the Ages Character Profiles & Noteworthy NPCs

Name: Elante Vadrillion

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human
Nationality: Terran
Orientation: Homosexual

Occupation: Graduate Student / Freedom Fighter

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 131lbs

History: Elante was born to a family in Terra with a long history of magical prowess. The Vadrillion family was a wealthy, old-money bloodline with many powerful and influential mages to their name. His early life was one of privilege but isolation - he was homeschooled and largely refused access to the world outside his family's estate unless in the company of his mother or father, who whilst they were not cruel parents, were distant.

He had few friends, and as he aged into his teens, he felt that all the more keenly. He latched onto stories from his magical tutor about the place that he had learned his craft, an eminent magical academy called the Luminous Spire. Both the stories of how talented the mages there were and the social escapades his tutor got up to while studying sounded brilliant to the young boy, and he dreamed of one day flying his home-schooled nest to attend the academy himself.

His life would be turned upside-down when he - venturing into his tutor's books on summoning spells - thought to conjure forth a creature from another realm as a form of companionship and to prove his talent, thinking perhaps if he excelled enough he could bypass his parents and gain entry to the prestigious school without their financial support.

The spell didn't go entirely to plan. Due to a mishap with the book's condition, he inadvertently directed his spell to the wrong plane entirely, and instead of conjuring forth a simple imp, his magic drew a being from a far more obscure realm: Lustre.

When Aeryn, a young Lustran teen of his age, appeared in his room, Elante was initially confused and terrified, but he quickly came to realise the silvery-haired boy was in fact not so different from him. He listened in horror to Aeryn's stories of his origins, and promised he wouldn't force the other boy to go back there. This promise led to him coming into conflict with his father, who mistrusted the extraplanar boy and was furious at Elante having invited him into their home. Thankfully, Elante was able to win his tutor over to his side, and between the two of them were able to talk his father around.

Aeryn and Elante grew to be close friends over the following year, before Elante's dissatisfaction with his family came to a head - Elante's father, growing increasingly suspicious of the nature of his son's relationship with the "demon" he'd summoned, sought to send Aeryn back from whence he came. Elante intervened, turning his own magic against his father to stop him. He didn't hurt his father, but through turning his magic against him, and the words exchanged in anger on both sides, it was clear that their familial relationship had reached breaking point.

The very next day, Elante walked out of his home with Aeryn and never went back.

He was able to gain entry to the Luminous Spire later that year after demonstrating his talent, and studied there for a year before he and Aeryn were drawn into the Orsa Wars, fighting to save Valore from the encroachment of an ancient evil known as the Sealed One. During the conflict, after Aeryn was banished, the two were separated. Unable to conjure Aeryn back to him due to the rare components required in the ritual to reach such an obscure realm, Elante was forced to fight on without him. He spent a period of time in Aelora, where he and the rest of the heroes involved in the war sought the knowledge needed to defeat the Sealed One permanently before they returned to Terra to bring the conflict to a close.

Not long after they returned, he was reunited with a much-changed (for the better) Aeryn, who had fought his way through the godlike ruler of his home-realm to make his way back to him, and it was at that point he knew without a doubt that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

Terra's destruction during the final conflict of the war has hit Elante harder than Aeryn, given that Terra was and always had been his home. He had a lot of love for the wondrous magics and liberal, open-minded outlook of his homeland, not to mention the fact that his family - albeit estranged - all dwelled in the region obliterated by the blast. He still feels guilty that they weren't able to save his homeland, but understands that the consequences would have been far worse if they hadn't acted.

He and Aeryn were married soon after the war ended, and Elante still sometimes wonders what he did to deserve such a wonderful hand from fate on the day he first summoned him, and finds it hard to believe that after everything Aeryn's become to his home realm, he still remained by his side.

The Luminous Spire survived the destruction due to being relatively isolated and distant from central Terra, and Elante has dwelt there ever since, taking on an assistant-teacher role while also studying for higher honors as a graduate student (Scarlet awarded him an honorary first-class degree for the magical prowess he demonstrated during the war upon their return).

The rise of Varnathus near the site of the Luminous Spire has brought new conflict and trouble into Aeryn and Elante's lives. As a stronghold of powerful mages on their doorstep, the Luminous Spire was naturally a target for the magic-hating nation. To make matters worse, its powerful and wilful archmage - Scarlet Dae - was missing. In the absence of her decisive leadership, the Spire's senior magi opted to go on the defensive, employing powerful magical barriers to seal the academy away behind its walls, keeping Varnathus and weathering the storm.

Aeryn, Elante, and a number of the other mages who had fought in the Orsa conflicts, or else had more backbone, took issue with this decision. At first, they attempted to sway the council's minds - but they were largely unified in their fear and desire to stay hidden. After they disobeyed the ruling to strike out against Varnathan forces several times, the council opted to demand that they leave the Spire, to avoid drawing the nation's ire any further.

Since then, Aeryn, Elante, and a small group of other mages from the Spire have joined with Tersyr and the other peoples fighting Varnathus to lend their support. Though they are a small group, both Aeryn and Elante are heroes of an uncommon calibre, and their strength is enough to give much greater forces cause for concern.

Once an air-headed and buoyant individual with a naively optimistic outlook, Elante has since matured a great deal, though he remains a positive and bright person despite all he's been through. He's come a long way from the sheltered, nervous boy who first set foot out of his family home, and has become a confident, passionate young man with a fiery disposition to compliment his husband's.

  • Arcane Casting: Elante is a prodigiously talented spellcaster, capable of wielding magic on par with mages far his senior. As well as being naturally gifted thanks in part to his heritage, his magical development has been fast-tracked by the urgency of his role in the Orsa Wars, forcing him to grow stronger and stronger to keep pace with the dangers he and his friends were faced with. The following are his fields of specialisation, though he has an extensive repertoire of magic in many schools of specialisation.
    • Conjuration: Elante's specialisation is conjuration magic, the summoning of extraplanar creatures, objects and energies, and the use of teleportation magic.
    • Enhancement Magic: Elante's secondary specialisation is in magic that enhances the capabilities of others and supports them in combat, be that increasing their speed and reaction times, wreathing them in a protective shield, amplifying their strength or other such examples.
  • Heart's Promise: The pair to the amulet he gifted Aeryn on their wedding day, this amulet is forged of equal parts gold and silver, and holds a single ruby gem at its centre. It is enchanted with a powerful magical shield that protects Elante from harm and allows him to telepathically contact Aeryn's mirrored version of it no matter where they are, even across planar boundaries.
Significant Relations:
  • Aeryn Vadrillion - Husband: Aeryn is Elante's hero. He sees the Lustran warrior as his knight in shining armour, his best friend, and his love. He'll forever be grateful to the other boy for saving him from a life of loneliness and eventual brainwashing into stiff formality like his father. Although his hotheaded attitude can give Elante trouble at times, he's usually more than happy to follow Aeryn into the fray.
  • Scarlet Dae - Friend/Boss: The headmaster and archmage of the Luminous Spire, Scarlet is Elante's idol in many ways. Having fought alongside one another in the Orsa wars, they have a closer and more informal relationship than would be expected between a graduate student and the head of a prestigious school, which has occasionally been a point of contention for their peers. Elante fears for what might have happened to Scarlet, and for the fate of the Luminous Spire without her leadership.
  • The Elysian Vanguard - Allies: Elante has many friends and allies amongst the Elysian Vanguard (or, those few individuals who comprised it during the Orsa Wars). Though the group have gone their separate ways, Elante - like Aeryn - would readily go to the aid of any of his former friends, if they had need of him.
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Name: Aldina

Nickname(s): Al

Accent: Norwegian

Gender: Female

Age: 50

Species: Dwarf

Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance (Physical Features): Aldina is a young dwarf this is just below 4" tall and weighs about 100lbs. She is very small in stature for a dwarf. She has long blonde hair that she always keeps in multiple braids. She keeps silver beads and spiral coils in her hair. Her hands are adorned in wide banded silver rings and her ears have silver cuffs. Her eyes are sea green and she is covered in freckles.

Outfit(s)/Inventory: She wears clothes that she makes herself from fabrics she buys at the markets, making her clothes varry in looks and colors. But she has a cloak that she makes from the hides of animals she hunts. She carries a crossbow with her at all times.

Personality: She is very kind and gentle, which is not usual for a dwarf. She is also very quiet but not shy. FEAR(S): Nothing really, unless she starts to overthink. The future can really get to her.

Fear(s): Not finding a family to call her own.

Belief(s): Everything happens for a reason

Secret(s): She hates being alone, and not just and not just being in a room by herself. She hates being without friends and family, she hates being alone like that.

Interests: Reading, fishing, walks.

Dislikes: People who don't appreciate what they have or do whatever they can to make people's lives miserable.

Talents: She can make beautiful clothes to hard leather armor with rare skins/fabrics. If it involves sewing, she can make it.

Special Abilities/Powers: She can control earth and talk to animals.

Weakness(es): Extreme heat makes her tired and weak.

Occupation(s): Pending

Family: None

Best Friend(s): Her miniature pony, Fjell, which she rides to get around most of the time and her Elkhound Jeger which follows her obediently. You can find her often talking to them.

Romantic Orientation: Male

Relationship status: Single

Background: Her past forgotten, with nothing but waking up in a cold sweat that her forgotten memories still existed. But with this, she hopes to make a better future.

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Lakshmi Faye
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Age: 32
Height: 5'8”
Weight: 160 lbs
Species: Avorian

Dark, strong, lithe, and acrobatic, Lakshmi is the reincarnation of the ancient heroine Kālarātri, the pure embodiment of strength, power, beauty, and wisdom. Lakshmi was stricken with a deadly virus that attacked the wings as a toddler and was abandoned in the slums of the lower district by her family. She was picked up by a monastic order comprised of several and varied systems of philosophy, belief, and ritual, with a rich cumulative tradition of texts and practices. The wings were in such bad shape that the monks had to surgically remove them.

Following her recovery, she was welcomed into the orphanage of the monastery. Considering the monastery relied on the charity of the people for its survival In an evil world where they were often the target of theft and persecution, it was a difficult life. Growing up in the slums, there was every manner of hardship imaginable, with starvation, and disease being the most prevalent, particularly amongst the orphans. Yet Lakshmi persevered and made a full recovery. Years went by and she barely remembered the incident, having been so young.

One day, a Master was sent from the upper regions to lift the monastery up. This master was taken by how quickly Lakshmi took to the rigorous physical, spiritual, and mental training and took her in as his pupil. Lakshmi was overjoyed, as this meant she would be going on pilgrimage and would get to see more of their kingdom. It was all well and good until she was taken to the monastery in the upper regions, and saw the people's opulence there. Even the orphans of that monastery were more than properly fed and clothed, with their own rooms to boot, things which she could have only dreamed of. But Lakshmi swallowed it all down, as feeling such things were against the teachings of the codex. The Master did more than confirm everything she had been feeling about the world and its deep-seated corruption, and, as if seeing through her, acknowledged the flaws and corruption and operations in the shadows within the order itself, and that much change was needed. It awakened something from within Lakshmi; almost like a calling. At that moment her Master made her promise to keep this a secret, for they were surrounded by enemies, and she did.

Years went by when on her sixteenth birthday she was ready to make the pilgrimage, a perilous journey for any group, let alone a single person. She was to visit each of the monastic temples and reach the high temple without help, all while performing her duties as a monk with the people along the way. Lakshmi knew it would be difficult. Somewhere deep inside she thought that by achieving enlightenment, she would earn her wings by the Gods. It didn't take her long to come to an understanding that there were members of the Order that didn't want her to succeed. Her master had warned her so. An assassination attempt in one of the temples made her realize as much. It was not going to be an easy journey. It took Lakshmi nearly three years to reach the high temple, and not without much help from friends made along the way.

It was to her disappointment that the Gods did not grant her wings. Further still was that they would not grant her the title of Master. For Lakshmi still had worldly desires of the flesh (wanting her wings). She would have to spend time in seclusion on a holy mountain for an unforeseeable amount of time. They would come to her when she was ready. Lakshmi almost refused, when they said she was free to abandon her training and live amongst the people, but she would never be more than a beggar. Lakshmi went into seclusion, and her Master went with her. They spent years on the mountain, training together. That was where she learned to harness Ki, the Living essence that is in all things. The burning of the temples drew them out of the mountain. An untold number of Masters, monks, and orphans alike perished. The Remaining survivors fled. The monasteries abandoned, and the faith overturned by members of the deep monastic order and state. Doctrine was altered. Prayers were edited. It was over.

Feeling responsible, her Master lost his faith and killed him self. Lakshmi almost followed him into the next life when she saw a newborn baby owl fallen from its nest. In her compassion she helped the baby owl, looking for its neat and mother, but was unsuccessful and took it in with her. She named him after an avorian God.

Lakshmi wandered in search of something. She became addicted to alcohol and certain narcotics. She became the lost soul she was supposed to help, but could not help herself. Furthermore, a target of persecution as the people adopted into this new religion.


Lakshmi practices martial arts for self-defense, although the style may also be used liberally for offensive purposes should the situation arise. She harnesses Ki, the Life Force that is in all living things. Through song and dance, she may call upon the spirits and ancestors to cast offensive or defensive conditions that affect a character's attributes or actions either positively or negatively. Some ailments can be side effects of attacks with her own Ki, while others might be their own spell or skill. They can affect either one or multiple characters. She can remove or negate negative status ailments From herself and others, and heal minor injuries, although critical ones take much longer. She can read people’s Ki and know if they’re good or bad, and has a Strong connection and harmonious understanding with animals.
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Name: Adriaan Kavaki

Age: 27

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 160 lb.

Race/Species: Avorian

Adriaan is lithe and lightly built, as appropriate for his species, with a toned and muscled form. Though some might label his features effeminate as they toe that line somewhere between handsome and pretty, the lighter body build results in less body mass and bulky muscle tone which is more fitting for a species accustomed to flying. Though his skeletal structure is not as sturdy as that of a human, his rigorous training and use of Ki leaves him a capable fighter. He has grey eyes, slightly pointed ears, and long silver hair that he typically keeps braided. A pair of powerful and fully functional feathered wings can be seen sporting from his back.

Adriaan is rather good natured and a touch chivalric at times, though his chivalry can often be credited to his weak spot for damsels in distress. Adriaan is apt to taking a somewhat dogmatic approach to the teachings of his order and often views his life as a scale of giving and receiving, and he's not afraid to play the scales a bit to enjoy himself while accepting the consequences that will arise at a later date for his indulgences. After all, what's the point of life if you don't live a little.

Gauntlets: Adriaan's gauntlets fully enclose his hands as well as extend upwards to the elbow and vicious spikes have been affixed to the knuckles. For their light build and near weightlessness they are extremely durable. They are capable of withstanding a great deal of blunt force as well as well as magical assaults upon them.

Prayer beads: Used to help focus his Ki. He generally wraps them around his fist and wrist during fights while keeping them in his pocket when not involved in combat.
Name: Isaac Arya
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 lbs
Race/Species: Catfolk
Place of Birth: Volary
Current Residence: Volary
Nationality: Volarian
Occupation(s): Volarian Royal Guard

Born to a former military caste family, Isaac Arya spent most of his life up to this point under the impression that he was being watched under a magnifying glass. It wasn't without reason as his family was a recent addition to Volarian high society whose uplifting was built on a deeply tragic sacrifice.

The constant reminder of said sacrifice didn't affect the young Isaac in the way most thought. Instead of growing up bitter over the scrutiny, it molded him into a grateful and respectful young man. He learned to take everything in stride and chose to, instead, channel his attention into bettering himself and honoring his forefathers. This passion only increased when he developed a talent for Sonomancy.

Now amongst the ranks of the Royal Guard, Isaac continues to exemplify respect as well as quick-wit, perceptiveness, and patience. He's used his education and experiences growing up to develop an air of professionalism in an effort to pay homage to his ancestors.

Alongside the skills and gear associated with the Royal Guard, Isaac is able to utilize a school of magic known as Sonomancy. This gives him the ability to magically manipulate vibrations for a variety of effects such as:

  1. Enhanced sensory perception: Utilizes vibrations in the ground or air, ambient or deliberately made by him, to paint a picture of his surroundings.
  2. Shockwaves: Speaks for itself. Creates a bass like pulse of force to knock back adversaries. The effect potentially worsens the closer said adversary is.
  3. Amplify/Silence: Willful magic amplification or silencing of an existing sound. Can turn a snap of one's fingers into a thunderclap, or quiet an otherwise noisy fall.
  4. Resonance: Requires physical contact. Magically isolates the resonant frequency of a held object. Prolonged exposure to said frequency can bring destructive results, shattering or liquefying the held object. Denser objects last longer.View attachment 7055
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Pandora Shieldom
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Elf Half-Blood
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Female
Nationality: Varanthian
Languages Spoken: Fluent in Terran, Caldonian to a lesser extent.

Physical Appearance
Pandora has a warm, dark skintone with freckles across her cheeks, nose and forehead. Her hair is long, straight and bright white with small braids hidden within it. Her eyes are blue however have a subtle purple hue to them which only appears in direct sunlight. There is a birthmark on her right shoulderblade which stands out from the moles and freckles on her shoulders, upper arms and chest. She has a pear-shaped figure with hips proportionately larger than her chest and stretchmarks on her thighs, behind her knees and on her lower stomach. She is tall, almost 6ft in height, and often wears tall shoes to enhance her height further. She believes this makes her more intimidating, something she hopes will make people take her more seriously. She has subtly pointed ears due to her mother's elf genes.

Personal Attributes
Personality: Pandora is incredibly hard working, a trait that had been hammered into her in her early childhood and carried into her adulthood. She believes that fate doesn't exist and good things only come to those who work for it. She has a strict aura about her, however she is sympathetic and cheerful to those she thinks deserves it. She believes that everybody is equal, despite their species or nationality but harbours disdain for humans due to her childhood. However, she has no respect for those who hurt others without just reason. She also believes that weaponry, when put in the right hands, is a necessity, but also advocates for sensible weapon ownership. She doesn't like to depend on anyone else too heavily as she believes that makes her vulnerable to betrayal, therefore she has made sure to learn to defend herself.
Skills: Alchemy, potion making, hand-to-hand combat, defensive magic, reading, writing, interpreting and using ancient runes, cooking.
Hobbies: Sewing, leather work, experimenting with recipes, reading.
Likes: Sweet tea, dancing, animals, magic, fantasy novels, adventuring.
Dislikes: The cold, crying, smoking, feeling ill, bland food.

Seulgi FukuiView attachment 7134
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Viera/Humanoid Rabbit
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Undetermined
Nationality: Varanthian
Languages Spoken: Fluent in Terran, knows a few words in Caldonian.

Physical Appearance
Seulgi is considered short for her age, only around 4'10" in height, and has a petite, child-like frame which makes her appear younger than she is. She has a set of two, lopped rabbit ears which lay against her head, although can stand upright when she is alert. She also has a small rabbit tail at the base of her spine which is relatively straight at the top but curves at the bottom, creating a small, fluffy tail that stands upwards. Her skin is incredibly pale and her hair is white and soft, however is kept fairly short for convenience, curling a little towards the ends. Her eyes are soft and grey and her lips have a subtle peach hue, though are often chapped from biting them. She has a button nose and smooth skin, however she has a deep scar across her left cheek which she often tries to hide with masks, bandages or even her hair.

Personal Attributes
Personality: Seulgi is a quiet and timid girl around strangers, however, she becomes a completely different person around those she knows well. She is bubbly and ambitious, determined to improve on herself and her skills. She grew up in a controlling environment so, now she feels free, she is excited to get out into the world and gain some experience. She is fascinated with magic, especially as it is forbidden, as it feels like a small act of rebellion to read about it. She fears most humans unless they prove themselves to be a friend, not a foe, so actively avoids them when she can.
Skills: Art, the harp, alchemy, potion-making, magic.
Hobbies: Drawing, playing a small hand-harp, reading about magic, helping Pandora cook.
Likes: Sweets, tea, cuddles, magic, learning, studying, adventuring, spicy foods.
Dislikes: Summer, people who speak loudly, heights, hot weather, strangers.

Clothing Design
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Seulgi was born into a poor family of Viera. Her mother died during childbirth, leaving herself and her father to try and survive in the slums. She was forced to work from a young age to help her father afford food. She worked for a human man, a richer man, however not rich enough to afford human staff to cater to his needs in his home. He discovered that non-human labour was much cheaper so advertised in the slums, knowing those living there would be desperate for a job and wouldn't mind being paid less than a human in the same position. Seulgi essentially worked as a maid, cleaning up after him, bringing him food and doing whatever he asked her to do. He rewarded her with a regularly paid wage and a uniform, a white dress that was much neater than her own clothes. She looked after it like her life depended on it, ensuring it never became dirty in her own home. However, her employer was incredibly condescending towards her, he would pull on her ears, grab her tail, tease her verbally and phycally. This was her only job, her family needed the money, so she felt she couldn't leave.

Her father died when she was just ten, but her employer allowed her to move into the staff quarters beneath his house. She felt alone, all she had were a few other staff members and her boss. She began to borrow books from a colleague, beginning with fantasy novels but progressing to magic handbooks and potion recipes. She developed a facination with it, the highlight of her day was finishing her day of work and reading whatever book her colleague had brought her.

However, Seulgi's career would soon come to an end. An expensive item disappeared from the household. Seulgi, the youngest staff member and therefore perceived as the easiest to blame, was punished for it. She was left physically and emotionally traumatised, a deep scar across her cheek, branding her as a thief. She was told not to make any noise and punished each time she did, leaving her afraid and unable to speak. She was thrown on the streets to fend for herself.

Pandora was born into well-off family with a human father and an elven mother. Her father was known to be a a trustworthy leathersmith and her mother was thought to be a housewife. However, her mother was a skilled potion maker, providing wares for the non-human citizens forced to live underground. Pandora learned through her, watching her mother work from an incredibly early age and picked up her skills swiftly. By her teens, Pandora was her mother's assistant and the self-appointed head of research, reading up on ways she could improve their regularly sold potions. However, her mother's business was discovered by the authorities and she was imprisoned. She refused to admit her daughter was a part of it, allowing her to go free. That day, Pandora decided she had to leave Varanthus to practice magic where it's legal.

While running errands, Pandora encountered Seulgi as a young girl living on the streets. She attempting to speak to her but quickly realized how anxious she was around strangers. She began to bring her lunch each day, just something small to help her out, and even gave her her cloak to help her hide her eyes and tail. She'd been spat at, yelled at and even hit by those with much more prejudice than the average citizen, but being able to hide her inhuman features even helped her get a little more money from begging.

Eventually, Pandora told Seulgi of her plans and the two joined forces. Pandora vowed to teach Seulgi what she knew, allowing her to watch her work as her mother had done for her. The two became business partners and friends.

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