Adenovirus 423 Characters of Loki's Kin [South]

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The blobfish
This is the profile page for characters within Loki's Kin. Please post the character sheets in the main OOC thread for approval first, before I get them posted here. That way I can keep this thread to only approved characters, update status of players that have died and also update if they move to a different gang for any reason - basically to keep track for later people.
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Played by Nyx

Name: Genesis Abby Shields

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female/Woman

Gang: The South

Appearance: Genesis stands at 5'8", weighing around 145 lbs. She is well toned and muscled, showing years of exercise and hard labor. Her skin is a lovely dark color, smooth and toned almost evenly across her body. She has long legs, which assist with her ability to run rapidly and swiftly. She's quite the speedy runner. Her amber eyes are like that of honey, lightly colored and beautiful. They are more prominent in the sunlight. She has a tattoo between her naval and lower abdominal area. The tattoo has two feathers intertwining with the initials "C.R.W.", which signifies her departed younger sister. Her hair is of a longish length, falling down midway of her back, and it is open wave-esque; its color almost a coal black, but if one looks close enough they would see it is indeed a dark brown.

Genesis tends to wear more revealing clothing, depending on the weather that is. Usually one would see her adorning a red jacket that's slightly longer than her torso. Underneath this jacket, she wears a bikini-like top, which just about covers her breasts. Her shorts are on the more shorter side, and are simply plain and white. Her favorite shoes to wear are her shin-high, brown boots that have a slight heel. They're not always easy to run in, so you won't see her wearing them as often as she would like to be seen wearing them. Therefore, on most days she wears worn out, jet black running shoes.

Weapon(s): A metal baseball bat that she keeps hooked to her back.

Personality: Genesis is an easily angered individual; though she lets it dig under her skin, never showing the true extent of her anger externally. She just has a short temper and doesn't put up with stupidity. However, she does like to act as though she is a big shot. She doesn't really recognize this sort of behavior, but it is there either way. She's also quite insightful; bringing up certain important aspects of a plan or bring light to a bad situation. She tends to keep it real and doesn't like to beat around the bush. Something she absolutely hates, is being seen as weak. She wants people to look at her and see a strong person, who is resilient and tough. Although if somebody were able to peer into her mind, they might just see a fragile being. She ignores this part of herself by her ability to laugh; she loves to laugh and even loves to see others laugh. It's the small things that help. She's also not one to put up with people who act all high and mighty, who put up a good-intentioned front... as though they're doing a whole lot of good for the world. All and all, despite her anger issues and the like, she's not one to be stubborn and she's quite easy going.

Biography: Genesis was born from a rough situation, just like many others. Her teenage parents sure as hell were in no position to fully care for their daughter, with all the added stress, it was no surprise they ended up abusing their child in more than one way. Her parents were rouges, never truly belonging anywhere... and Genesis never truly understanding what the love of two parents was suppose to mean. She grew up thinking it was normal for people to hurt each other in order to show this thing called "love". The three of them were in tough situations, everyday was a battle and every month that went by the abuse worsened. It wasn't as though her parents were always like this, for the first four years or so of her life, they showed her kindness and the such; but living in such hard times, it changes people when they have to worry about caring for a child as well as their own skins.

In any case, her parents began to fall ill when Genesis was around the age of twelve, and within the span of about three years, both of her parents were gone and passed; first it was her father, and then her mother. She was fifteen, and of course, she mourned for them. It was only normal for a child to lose their parents at such a young age, thus she had to move on from it quickly and figure out where she should go.

Genesis traveled for a bit, fending for herself, steering clear of any other travelers; never certain whether or not others only bade ill will. It wasn't until a year later that she found a new companion. She found a young girl who was around the age of only ten. She was starving and practically on the verge of death, and as much as Genesis wanted to move on and ignore the girl crying for help, her heart told her to help her. She brought her back from the brink of death, and about another year later, she was as healthy as one could be in their situation. This little girl's name was Claire Ruth Whitman. The two became inseparable, and became family.

Unfortunately, good times couldn't last forever, and Claire was murdered by a group of rouges, who wanted their food supply. It was an unfortunate end, and this furthered Genesis's hidden rage. Thus, at eighteen-years-old, she decided to finally join one of the gangs... and that she did - she joined the South. She thought about joining up with the Underground... but their methods seem to be a bit excessive to her. She only wishes to see the Key destroyed, along with humanity.

Other: The blonde little girl in the picture below is Claire.


Played by Senor Bubble

Name: Jay (Walter Goodman)

Age: 10 years old

Gender: Male

Gang: South

Appearance: Scrawny 4'5" young boy with freckled skin. With short legs and arms he is limited in his ability to run however his stamina makes up for his lack of strength. With bleach blonde hair seemingly in a constant state of bedhead his eyes a bright hazel.

Favoring tank tops over anything he is often found wearing them along with boots and ski pants that made his short legs look even more stubby. Often wearing face paint to cover his facial features and a small air filter mask to cover the lower half of his face.

Personality: Due to a lack of any affection as a child his behavior is often led on whether or not he would be able to get something out of it. Surprising slow to anger his temperment was replaced with more annoyance than anything. Easily annoyed by others but only raising his voice when his buttons were continuously pushed. Jay's lack of recieved affection leads him to be easily flustered when affection is shown to him. Not understanding such things when he feels himself growing to like someone or vise versa he purposefully behaves more distant. This comes to one exception, animals. His fondness of animals has even led him to murdering another child for kicking an injured dog. Thus he also has a pet chicken named Betty in which follows him where ever he goes and the two are practically inseparable.

Weapon: Machete

Biography: Born to relatively old parents whom were 21 and 22, Jay was abandoned at the age of two as both parents passed away. Both parents were apart of the Southern hang and he was left in a group of other children which were cared by a couple of the members. Treated like just another waste of space he was practically the runt of the group. Malnurished and weak from a young age he decided early on that others were confusing and seeked his weakness through his expressions. So he would paint his face to hide the expressions his features made and distanced himself even more. Seen as an outcast of the group getting beat up wasnt uncommon and so he became wary of others and any sort of actions they may take he confused with them attempting to get ahold of his weaknesses and take advantage of them. Eventually he toughened up and proved himself not to be as weak as those around him made him out to be. But the scars never faded and so he is a distant child whom isnt afraid of killing not being left alone.
Name: Lola Fread

Age: 22 years old

Gender: Female

Gang: South

Appearance: At 6'4 Lola stands to be a pretty tall woman however this does not keep her from being a confident and often lewd individual. With ruby red hair going no further than her chin and bright blue eyes her skin practically untouched from the joys of battle. Often wearing a orange bikini beneath worn camo pants and a long sleeved shirt that is more than likely to be left tucked into her pants and dangling from her waist. With a heavy backpack always on her back she is highly attached to it and won't hesitate to stab a bitch if they go snooping in her bag.
Only wearing a gas mask while out scouting when she is relaxing she takes it off.

  • M21 sniper rifle with orange and blue cartoon ghosts painted on its body. A little trinket she picked up from a raid.
  • 3 pocket knives, a collector even she is very excited when she finds a new knife while scouting.
Born to teenage parents she grew up fast and learned to take care of herself. Not awfully heartbroken when they passed due to the virus she always was one to stay away from getting too attached to people. As long as she could survive.

No matter what she had to do to survive. She would do it in a second, and this key would be very useful in such survival. Keeping her social rank high within the south she is known as a scout but due to her flashy nature she isn't beyond making friends a little too quickly.

None-the-less her confident, flashy, and bubbly personality is easily cracked under pressure. Becoming desperate when captured and doing what she must to survive is her forte.
Name: Verity Acardi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Gang: South


Verity is a timid looking woman, not much past five foot tall and slim figured, and her clothes are always neat and fitting. Nothing about her says a ‘soldier’ or ‘fighter’, but underneath the long, dark jackets and in the pockets of her dresses she’s always carrying two pistols, and there’s various smaller blades in her stockings.

Verity’s face is pleasing enough to look at, nothing overwhelming, and her dark brown eyes are honest and look straight at the person she’s talking to, studying and judging them. She prides herself for being able to read others, while trying herself to keep her own secrets to herself. Her auburn hair falls to her shoulders straight, but Verity mostly wears it on a neat bun on top of her head. Like someone who spends her time outside, her skin is slightly tanned, although only her face, neck and forearms.

There’s no visible tattoos or scars, but there’s a noticeable limp on her right leg. It’s an old injury from her childhood, and doesn’t slow her down much, but when it gets cold and damp it aches.

Three small revolvers, at least two of them with her at all times. Several blades.

Suspicious would probably be a word to best describe her. She trusts herself, first and foremost, and to earn her trust, people have to work hard. Only people she truly trusts herself to are her superiors, and to break her off that bond would be to destroy her in a way.

Verity rarely speaks of her fears, but deep down she’s very afraid of dying. She’s aware that it won’t be too many years left, but simply tries not to think about it. Same goes for many things; if it’s unpleasant or difficult, she pushes it aside and concentrates on her work and improving herself, she tires herself enough that nothing hurts anymore. Hence she’s in pretty good shape, aside from her right leg.

Only when intoxicated in one way or another does Verity let go and forget to keep up the facade, and in all honesty it doesn’t take that many drinks. Usually she’s painfully aware of that, but at times slips happen. At her core, she’s much more caring than lets people see, although equally honest - perhaps brutally so.

One could say that Verity was brainwashed at a very young age, but there’s more to it than that. The South, Loki’s Kin were her family beyond blood ties. Of course her own parents were there too and took care of her when they could, but mostly they were tied into the cause and weren’t much at home, and like it was for all, they weren’t around nearly long enough to see her grow up.

It’s a heartless world to grow up in alone, but as soon as she was able to, she began working for the cause, just like her parents had before her. Surprisingly, Verity grew up to be a gentle soul that had to harden too much, too fast, and to keep herself sane she at times leans onto drugs to let go for a while. They’re hard to acquire but worth it for someone like her. Few times she’s gone close to overdosing, but managed to pull back each time. For now.

But just like alcohol, drugs make her let go of her mask for a while too, and so she prefers to do it alone, somewhere no one is seeing it or hearing it. Verity has never managed to keep another person close for long enough to fall in love either, so closest to love she’s ever felt has been the trust for her superiors, or whatever she had learned to love about her parents the few short years they were together.

  • She’s an addict, as mentioned before, although doesn’t use it all that often - maybe once a week or so, in small doses.

  • Verity talks to herself when she’s nervous, and starts biting her thumb.

  • She has basic knowledge of first aid, and keeps a small first aid kit with her in her bag.

This okay? ^^' Let me know if there's anything to change here!

Shea Daubney
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Gang: Loki's Kin​

Shea is a hefty gal, of that there is no doubt, but most of her weight is in muscle mass, which many find out the hard way. She's pale, dark-haired, and a bit tall for a woman, towering over most girls at six feet.

Shea's got a trusty wrench. This wrench has busted more brains than its fixed vehicles, but it's a pretty versatile tool no matter how you use it.

Shea also has a shotgun. It's a pretty big shotgun. No one touches Shea's shotgun because they'll get Shea's wrench instead.

This woman doesn't take anyone's shit. She's selfish and mean and no one can really stop her. Thatcher is the only person she listens to, and she looks up to that man like he's the second coming of Jesus Christ.

That being said, Shea thinks that the way of life that they live now is punishment for the war, and destroying the key is the only way to make sure that humanity redeems itself.

She's a bit of a nut.

Behind the religious zealotry and the brutishness of her attitude, Shea has a past as colorful as anyone else's. She had good parents who were very much in love with one another. They made the best of their short lives with their daughter, cherished her, took care of her, killed for her, and trained her to be a mechanic. For her eighth birthday, Shea got a wrench. It was the same year her parents fell sick and gave her the lecture of how God abandoned them for their crimes and how the virus was some kind of redemption. Dying of the virus was the path to forgiveness.

That was the same day someone decided to off her parents even though they didn't have much time left. Some douche who held a grudge thought the best revenge was seeing the fear in their eyes, knowing they weren't getting to the big shiny prize they'd lived a shit life for.

He didn't get away, though. Funny thing about wrenches? It's a pretty versatile tool no matter how you use it.
Name: Lyra Galloway

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Gang: South, Loki's Kin
Appearance: Despite her age, Lyra is a ragged survivalist, evident through her rough skin and experienced blue eyes. She has fairly short black hair tucked into a dark blue beanie while her fringe is parted off to one side, just to the right of her eye. She has scars on her face from her time in the wilderness which she hides with combat paint lines underneath her eyes. She wears light versatile tactical clothing with a harness as well as cloaks to maintain warmth and cover the metal glints from her steel gauntlets. She still wears the patched up remains of her outfit from when she emerged from the wilderness into Washington. Green cargo pants and a red shirt with gray sleeves along with arm braces occasionally.
  • Steel gauntlets have a retractable short bladed on the side of gauntlets.
  • Beretta M9 pistol
  • M16A3 Assault rifle, semi-automatic, modified with a hand-grip, and red dot sight.

Lyra is practical to say the least, and as such, she dislikes any kind of formality or fanciness and often acts crude and rude. With coaxing, she will partake in such actions to achieve her goals. Her words can be unsympathetic and harsh, even when she means well. She is strict and similar to a drill sergeant during her weekly training session. She is rather lively when speaking about her hobbies, though no one has ever seen her hobbies nor talked about them as of yet.
Lyra originates from a military family with both of her parents being a part of a lineage of United States Marines from the past. She is an only child and often listened to the stories their ancestors experienced in the third world war. As a child, she was tended for by a close friend of the family most often, yet found her parents to be her heroes. When the virus struck her parents on a scavenging mission, she was left alone in a desolate city. Older scavengers filled the city, causing her to flee the city into the wilderness where she remained until the recently. Her survival was only a byproduct of her pure hatred for those who sent her mother and father off to their deaths in the war. She joined the North to ensure that old politics never claim another life again.
Other: Lyra hosts a weekly training session to strengthen her fellow Southerners.​
Name: Amelia "Mouse" Bloxam

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Gang: Loki's Kin

Appearance: Stands at 4'9" in height, and has chestnut-colored hair. She wears an oversized hooded coat with a striped shirt underneath. For all that she snacks, she's not exactly chubby. She's not skinny either. She tends to hide her shiv in the inner pocket of her coat, and her gun in her pocket. She keeps the rest of her equipment in a backpack, as well as any bombs or explosives necessary for her group's operations.

• AF1 Pistol
• Shiv
• Heavy Explosives (when necessary)
• Several types of grenades

Personality: Like her brother, she is overly calm most of the time, and nonchalant in most cases, even during the most dire of circumstances. Difference with her is that she just cares about having fun and doing what she wants. She doesn't care much about what she has to do, as long as she can do what she wanted at the end of the day, she'd do almost anything. Burn down a building? Sure. Force people to do things that they would never do otherwise? Yes, please. Use a person as a living bomb to level a building? Birthday wish. The only thing she wold never want to do is kill her brother. She hopes to slap some sense into him, and have him join Loki's Kin. That way she and him will have all that they want. There's one other thing that they both share. They're both eccentric. They love to make up puzzles and riddles. If they make a timed bomb, then they come up with a code that fits to some sort of puzzle that they made in their head.
She knows her way around explosives and traps. Her own focus is on the kind that would hinder people, or make them suffer. Gaseous and Chemical bombs are her favorite to work with, though she does know how to make other kinds. She's a bit more sadistic in her approach. She likes to watch people suffocate and suffer. At the same time, she likes to watch them go crazy in chaos, and despair over a mistake that lead to them killing their friend.
Only other quirk is that she likes to snack a lot.

Biography: For most of their lives, they had simply cared for themselves. They did what they wanted within boundaries only given to those who had no power. They lived in happiness, and then their parents died. They lived in happiness, and then they were homeless. They lived in happiness, and then they found the book. A strange, interesting, terrifying, and wonderful book that taught them so much. A book that made them search for more. A book that would eventually drive them apart.
Mouse had grown selfish. She wanted to have a better freedom. The ability to do more of what she wanted, with few people being able to get in her way. She and her brother had similar wishes, but differences were differences, and the two had drifted apart. She joined a group that shared her vision, and she helped them by supplying them with her skills. As she helped them, she found more books, and more opportunities to try something new. She was able to improve herself, while also being able to do what she wished...within reason for now. Her brother was among those that opposed her group, and therefore opposed her. But it didn't matter. Someday, she'll bring him back to her side, and the world will become their playground, and the people their toys.

Other: Her absolute Favorite food is a sandwich that she and her brother had once made together. A sandwich made up of sliced bread, lettuce, a tomato slice, pan-seared onions, home-made garlic cream cheese, a slice of turkey, honey mustard, and mayonnaise. The bread can be substituted with a large everything bagel.

Spoiler: theme

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