Adenovirus 423 Characters of The Underground

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The blobfish
This is the profile page for characters within The Underground. Please post the character sheets in the main OOC thread for approval first, before I get them posted here. That way I can keep this thread to only approved characters, update status of players that have died and also update if they move to a different gang for any reason - basically to keep track for later people.
Lyra Dakini Bernael
Age: 13
Gender: Female
  • Lyra looks like the girl next door. Her smile is just the right hint of warmth and welcoming. Bright green eyes are framed by lush dark lashes that give her a look of innocence. Mahogany waves of thick soft hair tumbles down to her waist when left unbound. She’s a beautiful child just beginning to blossom. She stands 4’8 inches tall and weighs 89 pounds. Her skin a creamy white so pale that one might wonder if she ever ventures into the sun.
  • Mother: deceased
  • Father: Deceased
  • Twin Brother: ????
Lyra is soft spoken and happy to let others think what they will of her. She has her own set of morals and a driving need to find her brother, the only living relative she knows of and the only human she trusts.​

Lyra is almost always seen with at least the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as if she is amused by some secret that she is just about to share. She’s content to sit and listen to your tails of adventure and grand schemes for the future. She’ll even toss in a few suggestions if you peak her interest.​

She is far from antisocial though. She has a need to connect with others. She’ll even share her story if she’s feeling secure in her setting, which is often. Where ever she wanders she considers home. She will rarely lie, speaking the truth exactly as she sees it in a way that comes naturally to children.​

Lyra remembers little before waking up in a beat up rogue camp. It seemed to be the tent of a healer. Her head pounded and she reached for her brother, who was always within arms reach. She grasped only empty air. The kind lady that entered told her she had been alone when she was found and her brother most likely killed by the Underground. Lyra could feel in her soul that this was a lie. She fled the encampment when a random fire started in the very hut she awoke in. Her need to find her twin leading her to the Underground.​

  • backpack: Ragdoll, small vial of reddish liquid, sharpened stone, sometimes food, thin worn blanket and a crudely carved bear the size of her palm.
  • clothing
  • hairbrush
Name: Jarrod Petrovic
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Gang: Underground Cultist
Appearance: A 5-ft-10, 170 lb boy of stoic and statuesque build and standing, Jarrod stands as if he were taller than he actually is. His face contains the tired, light blue eyes of someone who decided sleep was not the priority, and a sharp, Greek nose in a constant sneer. His dirty blond hair is cut short, military-style, bringing out his apparent forehead. A small stainless steel cross hangs from his neck by a chained necklace, which lays atop his worn out and stitched grey A-shirt. On top of this hangs an off-black button-down shirt which remains unbuttoned. Along with this, Jarrod wears a pair of black trousers and running sneakers.
Butterfly Knife, engraved with the initials "C-P"
An old but trusty Taurus Judge .45/.410
Pocket Knife

Personality: Jarrod is a self-proclaimed righteous man, only doing exactly what needs to be done. He wears the cross along his neck to remind him why he does what he does. Jarrod is calm, but alert. Quick, but stubborn and uncompromising. Very little makes him smile, but very much makes him upset, sad, or angry based on circumstances. Jarrod, despite his reasons, is mentally stable and strong, but though he believes to be righteous, he is emotionally fallible and gets no enjoyment from violence or anything of the sort. Violence and murder is simply a salvation at best and an unfortunate chore at worst.
Biography: Jarrod Petrovic was born in Georgia to Charles Petrovic and Mary Petrovic, the latter of whom died shortly after his birth. Charles Petrovic, though being a kind, nurturing man, was a strict, god-fearing Catholic who preached of the judgment over humanity. Jarrod was an only child, meaning he got all of the undivided attention from Charles, whom Jarrod oddly called "Charlie" instead of "Dad", as he continues to refer to him as such. Charles raised Jarrod as a strong boy, teaching him to shoot and to defend himself from as young as 6 years old. Around the time Charles passed away, he gave up his butterfly knife to Jarrod.
Jarrod took his father's words on humanity's judgment strikingly to heart. Charlie's death emotionally broke him, but he knew his words to be true. He believes firmly that searching for a cure to ADV is an atrocity, as is any Key that suggests anything besides the death of humanity. There has to be a reason for this virus to have plagued humanity, and it should not be hindered. Though Jarrod grew up with allies and friends who seemed to be loyal to him, once his intentions were clear, he promptly lost them (in one way or another). The isolation, though it was maddening, was merely a side effect of the ultimatum.
Popularity is no longer an issue of Jarrod's. Besides, popularity just hinders his goal.

“For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.” | Exodus 35:2



Teens (?)





Hero is an albino, but it's hard to tell under all the grime. She has unruly, shoulder-length white hair and red eyes. Her eyes and nose are often red-rimmed as a result of a perpetual cold she seems to have. She is unusually tall and gangly for her age, enough to be mistaken for a man, at least until she speaks. Her voice is a dry and raspy monotone.

She is usually dressed in dark blues or grays, with some manner of hood and face covering, like bandanas. Most of her body is concealed within a mottled poncho that helps her blend in with her surroundings. The poncho could be accurately described as a cloak as well.

Hero's favored weapon is a hunting crossbow with a low-powered scope. When in melee combat, she uses punch daggers or one of the many shivs she carries wherever she goes.


Hero is not a nice human, and does not like other humans. She prefers to limit her interactions with them to trading supplies, but has been known to kill them--or kill for them--if she has enough reason. Honestly, it doesn't take much to give her a reason. Those who know Hero know to tread lightly and let sleeping dogs lie.

Hero will often smile and laugh even if she doesn't find anything funny, a tic she's developed over time. Most things are funny to her, however. She is the kind of person who would laugh at funerals, if she'd ever been to one. The ironies of everyday life in the post apocalypse are not lost on her. If you don't understand her humor, she might try to explain it to you.

When forced to fight, Hero may seem overly sadistic and gruesome, but that's not how she sees it. She merely takes advantage of what few benefits her short life has afforded her. Among those benefits are stealth, agility, and a working knowledge of the human body's weaknesses. However, the distinction is often lost on those less inclined to violence, mostly due to the rumors about what happens to her enemies.

One little known oddity is that Hero likes to collect books of poetry and short stories, and has even tried her hand at writing some of her own. The few who have read them and recognize them for what they are may be led to believe that Hero is a good writer. They are mistaken.

There is nothing good about Hero.

Not much is known about Hero before she crawled out of a tiny maintenance access shaft and asked for a cigarette, and that's the way she prefers it. Although the other denizens of the Underground see her at best as an ally and at worst a nuisance, Hero doesn't subscribe to their logic. The Underground is hers, and she merely tolerates their presence. She knows every nook and cranny in the place. Every doorway, every tunnel, every grate. And all throughout her domain, she's laid devious, deadly traps. Somewhere in the uncanny maze is a secret place where she rests her head, but only one person living has any idea where it is.

Hero has quite nearly become an urban legend. The lonely specter of the deep tunnels, living off rats until someone more flavorful wanders into her domain. Whispers in the vents speak of murder or worse. Days or weeks might pass without a sign of the girl but for the faint wisps of tobacco smoke lingering in the choked corridors and the inescapable feeling of eyes watching you from somewhere in the dark.

Hero only rarely ventures above ground, usually at the behest of others. She has been known to carry out thefts or assassinations in exchange for various and sundry items such as food and blankets, though she has a particular fondness for anything you can light and smoke.


Years living in darkness have granted Hero preternatural vision in the dark, but at a cost. Torches, flashlights, or (of course) sunlight will hurt her and may cause temporary blindness. When she has to be in the light, she wears a pair of scratch-made blackout goggles.​
Character Sheet is now done =)!

Name: Raizo

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Gang: The Underground

Appearance: Razio is a handsome young fellow standing at almost 6 feet tall although to be accurent he is about 5'7. He has medium length dark brown hair that could be mistaken for black. His eye color matches his hair but you can tell they are brown when the light reflects off of them. Razio has a lean body type but at times his weight can drop due to not eating or going through a lot of stress.

As far as clothing goes he would wear anything he got his hands on but the one article of clothing that is almost iconic to him is the long brown coat he wears. People who know of him can tell who he is from far away just based on that coat and it has brought him both luck and great misfortune. Another item he seems to wear often if not everyday is white bandages although they are more brownish now as he gets dirty. No one really knows why he has his bandages wrapped around his arms, chest up to his lower neck, and legs. Having them has helped him in the past whenever he would receive a wound he always had those bandages on hand to stop the bleeding or at least slowed it down.

Personality: Raizo is like a wildcard his personality is unpredictable around others. The only time people would know how he would react is around his sister. He cared for his sister a lot and it was shown very much so in anything involving his sister. He is also very loyal in protecting anyone he deems as a friend and works his hardest to do what he can to protect the ones he cares for.

However when his sister passed away from the virus Raizo's personality has been erratic. He was depressed for a long time and still struggles with the lost of his sister. He still feels it is his fault for not being able to find the cure in time and carries around a lot of guilt which is hidden in all the different fronts he puts up for people.

History: As far as Raizo can remember he has been with his sister struggling to survive. They traveled together trying to survive in a world that has abandoned them. His sister did not speak much about their parents but Razio can't seem to remember them and everytime he would ask all his sister would do is turn to him and smile not saying a word. For the most part his sister was tough and caring and always thought about him first which only saddened him as he wanted to help her as well but was weak when he was a child. He told himself one day he would protect her and give her a better future.

One day the two of them had come a crossed a couple of people who were most likely searching for the same things as them. His sister was very wary though and they did have a gun on them but only one bullet left. She approached them and one way or another they ended up grouping up with them. That was the day they joined up with west and dedicated their lives to finding the cure. Raizo had been there for five years and it was not an easy life it seemed like it was harder but with the pleasantries of being able to eat and socialize with other people. Raizo trained hard to find a cure for his sister but sadly that was not meant to be as she had passed at the age of 23 from the deadly virus. Since that day Raizo was never the same... he wanted to end his own life to join his sister but his sister's last words echoed his mind begging for him to continue on strong.

About two weeks after his sister's passing Razio had vanished leaving the West behind. There were some rumors going around about his disappearance but one of them was confirmed as people spotted him heading underground. The people who have known him just assumed he went insane after the death of his sister but no one really knows. He has lived in the underground for two years now but the people living there still have suspicions of him but he has not broken any accords and remains a mystery even for them.


Smith & Wesson Model 27 .357 Magnum Revolver (This was his sister's and so he keeps it on him. Only has 4 bullets left.) He also carries a small knife with him which has helped him many times.

Other: Raizo likes to fight with his own two hands rather than resort to using a gun if possible. Back when he use to be with the west he would go under harsh training to have the ability to fight very well in hand to hand combat. But it was required for everyone to go through basic training in everything which includes on handling a gun as well.
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