Atlantis - City of Dreams Clinic


Dream as if you were dying.
All who enter the port of a precinct must be checked out by that precinct's clinic. This is to make sure nothing harmful passes from one unique region to another. (Start here if entering precinct.)
Mephisto -- Leaving his clinic

A soft breeze trickled past the outer ring of the island through the inner ring to rustle the leaves of the large tree at the heart of the Lion’s Precinct. The soft chatter of birds as the swooped and fluttered from branch to branch was interrupted for a moment as they all held on from the ever growing breeze. It wasn’t unusual for them to start right back up as soon as one was no longer enjoying the salty air from the ocean. Mephisto watched the few he could see outside his top floor clinic office. He didn’t take patents in this room but it wasn’t unheard of for him to give consultations from this room.

The clock on his wall gave a soft chime reading out that the time was now one in the afternoon. He had appointments to get to in other precincts. Standing the dark haired male made his way to the door. Pulling the door open he grabbed his lab coat and headed out locking the door out of habit. He passed a few people who waved happily to see him in which he gave a simple smile or a nod in greeting. He glanced at his pocket watch as he stepped out of the clinic and onto the walkway that lead to the docks. Within the inner ring of the island was fresh water. Due to this motors weren’t allowed as it would be a shame if the fresh water supply became tainted.

The pale blue sky was dashed with clouds and contrails from planes that passed overhead. He was currently negotiating the possibility of a floating airport being built not far off the south side of the outer ring of the island. Getting on his private boat he motioned for the pair of men who manned the oars to take him to the Fox’s Precinct.
Marx Goril: Markets by the Dock.

Her little satchel was almost full of all the items on the list she had been given. She was in the process of debating if she should drop off this load before continuing on. Nibbling on her bottom lip, she found herself lost in thought for a moment as she looked it all over.

That train of thought faulted though as she caught movement out of the corner of her eyes. Everything she had been thinking, lost as her gaze fell upon the boat leaving the docks. It was her!

Was it really her? Could she be imagining it?! She rubs her eyes slightly before looking again at the fading boat. It was her. She was really here!

The list in her hand forgotten as she turns and makes her way quickly through the crowds and headed to see her boss. She had to tell him. She has to tell someone. This was great that Ali was here. It had to mean all of their hard work was paying off and she would see it all.
Hayato Anzai - Approaching the Docks

The young man approached the docks warily. It wasn't often that he came to the Lion district, as he knew full well the powers of its leader, Mephisto. Today he came after hearing word from his mistress that a follower had important news to share with him.

He ducked into an alleyway and beckoned for the follower to join him there. He recognized her, Marx, a follower who'd been a member of the Virtue for far longer than he had. Such devotion made him wonder sometimes why he was chosen as the Avatar of Patience when he held so little experience.

He regarded the thief with curiosity as she joined him, his blue eyes staring into hers. "Greetings, Marx. I heard you have some new information?"
Marx Goril: Streets by the market place.

The anticipation of telling another of what she had seen was eating at her. It was hard to stay out of sight but she managed to due so until Hayato came into view.

She knew the male well enough but hadn't really been around him. Being the theif of the group, it was better for her to work alone a lot when they needed supplies or intel of some kind.

Once they were in the alley and out of sight, she couldnt contain herself any longer. In a hurried whisper she said. "I saw her! She is here! Ali is here!" she says.
Hayato Anzai - Marketplace

His eyes grew wide at the woman's announcement. "Alissa is back in Atlantis?" He muttered, more to himself then Marx. He'd heard tales of the sister of Mephisto from older members of the Virtue, a kind woman who detested the will of the Devils as much as they did. He saw in this new arrival an opportunity. "We might be able to use this to our advantage. Where was the last place you saw her? Did you see where she was heading?"
Marx Goril: marketplace.

She nods her head a bit. "She was in a boat that was pulling away from the dock. I lost sight of her though. I'm not sure where she was headed." She says.

She glanced around the alley a little then back to Haha go. "We must be careful about this. Others need to know but must be cautious . "
Hayato Anzai

He considered his options for a moment. "We must gather more information before informing the others. We shouldn't get their hopes up only to find out that she's still in league with her brother. Come with me, we'll head to the residential district and see if we can find her. I'll speak with her, you keep to the shadows to make sure I'm not attacked by their associates." With that, he turned on his heel and moved towards the Residential District, beckoning for Marx to follow.