Calysta stayed in the room with as Illya’s eyes slowly began to droop and he fell asleep from the two pumps of pain medication on top of what he already taken. Any messages she needed or any other issues that occurred were taken care of from her pad. No one had anything to say about their council woman staying at her husband’s side. Her father had the children and offered to bring Cypher down for her, but Calysta asked that he stayed at home for the first night. She was too on edge to take care of both her little man and her big one.

At some point during the night a moderate count of the missing people and presumed dead came in from the two continents who had taken in the their fellow Kaereleans. She read the message repeatedly. 567 civilian casualties combining Kinte and the adjacent continents struck by the remains of the second isle. 27 military casualties from the squadrons, 13 from Skycorp. The missing count was highly inaccurate because of the Kaereleans who used their own flyers to escape. Considering how many people lived on Kinte as the central hub of government and trade, the emergency would be a considered successfully dealt with by Tikan, Sarai and the others. Yet, she looked at the numbers and then at her Chip who was sleeping slacked jawed with drool coming down the corner of his mouth…and she didn’t feel successful. If anything, she felt like a failure. Surely there was something she could have done?

A burning started in her stomach. It was white hot and made her entire body shake with the heat in her veins. This was Yarbrough’s doing therefore the Federation and the Tannas. They had done this to her planet and her family. She was exhausted, but couldn’t sleep. Her mind was spinning with new energy as she opened up her pad and sent a message to her father. It was late, but he would still be up. Will you bring me Cypher? And when you do, bring me every file from my office.

Thomas did as his daughter asked. He had spent the afternoon looking after the children and trying to deal with anyone who came to the house looking for Calysta. They would asked where she was, for which his simple answer was, “She’s out there.”

When the old professor found his daughter in the room, he handed over a box with all of the files she asked for, then unstrapped a sleeping Cypher from his back. “I brought you a change of clothes too, and some food It’s in the box with the files, but Calysta you need to rest,” he said, noting how her shoulders were slumped. She met him back with a fierce sort of look, he’d seen many times but never with so much fury amid the grey. “I don’t have time. There’s something I need to do.”

Thomas shook his head and laid Cypher in the crib. “Yes, there is. Get in that bed and sleep.

The anger flared up and she pointed Illya. “They took his leg! I can’t sleep, okay…okay?”

Her father winced at the volume, holding up his hands. After hearing his son in law’s condition, Thomas had been praying for him, though he knew that would be little comfort to his daughter at this point. “Okay, Caly. Do what you need to do. I’ll be with Rose at home and you just message me with anything you need.”

Calysta nodded as she ran a hand through her hair for the thousandth time, then gave her father an apologetic look. “Just try to rest, if you feel like you can,” Thomas replied, knowing that she hadn’t mean to yell. She was under enough stress as it was, and telling her what to do was only going to make things worse. This was something she would have to work through.

The night was spent walking between the same three spots; her bed covered in files, pens and an old fashioned note book next to her pad which constantly rang, to Cypher’s crib where he was sleeping soundly, and then to her Chip’s bed side. He would mumbled fevered words in his sleep, or groan in pain that even the pain killers couldn’t relieve. During those times, she would put down her work and walk over to his side. Her cool hands brushed over his cheeks and ran though his messy curls gently, trying to soothe whatever it was he was feeling. Occasionally, his eye cracked open to mere slits and he’d look at her, trying to say her name, though it was lost to the slurring. “Shh…just sleep,” she said, stroking at his hair, “Sleep and dream about that tree house…or a new home on the cliff…yeah? Be anywhere.”

The sun began to rise, letting a little light filter in through the windows, but Calysta couldn’t see it. She was slumped over her bed, pad in one hand and pen in the other. She’d fallen asleep writing a report and now had a drool puddle large enough to match her drugged up Chip’s.


The nurse came in to change his bandages and Illya gave a surly look. She knew what that look meant and picked up her info pad before shuffling outside. “Illya, I’m going to take a shower and I’ll be back soon,” she said, walking out of the door. It would give the nurse plenty of time to change his bandages while she went out to deal with a few things.

Taking a shower was a quick task, as nobody was home. Rose and Thomas had gone to help clean up the school house together, so that left her the large house to bathe and change clothes in total silence. On the way out, she stopped by the kitchen for something to eat, but found nothing particularly appealing. Ration boxes had been given out along with fresh food to weather the interruption in shipments until other arrangements could be made with Uria and Reylia for a new dock.

Once she was clean of the sickening smell of hospital, ash, and her own wonderful funk, Calysta braided up her hair while it was still damp, thinking over what she had in mind one more time. It felt like the right thing to do, but also felt wrong. How can she justify it? Possibly signing the death warrant of one to save her own was not something she had ever done before. She had killed before, but only in self defense. Wasn't this self defense? Her mind felt jumbled with the thoughts as she walked to the Chippeqouti houses.

They had been lucky that the debris didn’t make it further into Pyrta and had grazed the Edge. Several farms burned with some casualties, and the land was damaged, but it could have been much worse had the scrubbers not been in the air already. The crews of the Haulers and Scrubbers and been working day and night to clear the atmosphere of the debris and the mines, while individual continents were in charge of picking up the small bits that were simple annoyances to daily life. Calysta had ordered all remnants to be brought to Skycorp for testing. If there was metal for the Tannas inside Kinte she wanted to know.

There were still a few pieces floating around here and there as she trekked down the dirt pathways toward the meeting house. A few of the Chip children were passing a softball sized hunk back and forth to each other through the air. They yelled excitedly at each other, though with each pass it became obvious one of the boys was aim specifically for the other children’s heads. “Catch et, yah dope!”

The herd of them only paused long enough to wave at her, calling for Little Bird like always. She managed a tired smile, then wave back before continuing on her way.

Calysta stepped into the meeting house used by the Elders and looked around until her eyes landed on Edgar. Then old Chip was talking with another one of the Elders, so she waited patiently for them to be done before walk up and giving a low bow. It made her slightly dizzy to do so, but she ignored it to show her respect. "May I speak with you, Edgar?"

The Elders all turned when Kalizda entered. They had heard about Illya and it was too bad, but there wasn't much that anyone could do about the injury. It was fortunate that Asha got to him in time. According to the Ehaui they may have been able to save the leg if he had been rescued earlier, but as it was they were close enough to losing Illya. Edgar stepped out of the group when she asked to speak with him and he nodded. "Yes, Kalizda." He always spoke in Quoti when he could and he smiled at her gently. "What can I do for you?"

Calysta straightened her back and looked into the Elders eyes, her own grey ones blood shot and dark with stress. He was smiling gently at her and she mustered a half sort of smile for him. "I ask for...guidance from the Elders," she said quietly. She waites for the okay to continue and then took a small breath. "Edgar, I'm no military woman...and I know that. I don't want to be or am trying not to be...but I find myself in a position where I know negotiation will fail. It already has. And my failure has resulted in the Kinte disaster as well as ..." she paused for a moment trying to un tighten her throat, "What happened to Illya as well as several others. Edgar, I feel like I should do something."

She felt badly and Edgar understood that part, but he didn't understand how she considered it to be her fault.

"Kalizda, this is war. These things happen and the General did what had to be done. We all worry for you and for him and we rejoiced with his return and he is recovering. It all takes time." The man carefully started to take her outside for a walk. "You must understand that your duty is to negotiate, but it does not mean that the other side will be reasonable. It is his job to engage in the war and it doesn't mean he'll always be perfectly successful. It was dangerous and they were successful in the mission. You knew about the attack and you warned them. We would be more concerned if you knew and you did not speak."

Calysta listened without interruption with her hands folded in front of her. One of her fingers plucked at the inside of her palm. "War is....his job... I know this. But what if I now had the ability to take down the man who helped in all of this and gain an ally again? Is that too far? I'm an honest negotiator, and a do believe in the truth. The truth would be heard, but the means...would be dishonest in a sense "

Edgar looked at Calysta and he frowned when she made her proposal. "Making a friend like this is not good. They only make a deal when it benefits them and they would not be trustworthy." The man studied her face for a long moment. If they were against us then they will continue to be in mind. We would win the war only for them to turn on us. This is not something we can afford."

"Perhaps not," Calysta said, her eyes meetingthe elderly Chips, "I suppose my eagerness has more to do with knowing that this man will continue his atrocities until he is out of power and I was thinking of protecting our own more than anything."

"How do you protect us by making a deal with a man that commits these crimes?" Edgar was confused by her logic and he stared at her with his bright eyes. "Making a deal with him will not remove him from power and it would not eliminate him as a threat."

Edgar didn't know what kind of deal she wanted, and that was fine. "I don't want a deal perse...I want to expose him to his own people and if he refuses to step down after that..." Calysta's eyes dropped to the ground, showing exactly what she was inferring. "Its shameful to think that way. I believe in peace...but we can't do that with a man like him."

Nodding he made a sort of agreement with her. "I think that if you are exposing him, his own people will kill him. The blood will not be on your hands." Edgar quietly walked for several more minutes before he said anything else. "Have you spoke to any of the general's about this in the event you need to rely on the contingency plan?"

"Not yet," she admitted, " But I intend to. It was a move I was conflicted about..on more than just a professional level in some ways. It would only take one man, I think, if I had to."

"Do what you have to." Edgar nodded to her and he paused where he was at. "I cannot know everything that you do, but we will trust the judgement of our generals and our representative."

Calysta nodded and gave Edgar a little smilewith a nod. "Thank you, Edgar, for your adviceand taking the time to talk with me on this."

The meeting with Edgar only confirmed in her mind what she had to do. It was not peaceful nor was it particularly a negotiation. Still, it felt like the right thing to do and she had done what she had to before to survive. This would be protecting her peoples in the end. It would also be making a statement to anyone thinking of attacking them again.


Going home with Illya was harder than she thought it was going to be. He had been stubborn and insisted on going inside on crutches, rather than the wheel chair. She knew it would have been easier to do the chair but he looked at it with a particular disgust that was only matched by the vehement gaze he gave the ten stairs that lead up to their bedroom. Calysta stopped just behind the Chip he looked up to the second floor, his jaw set. “Why don’t we-“…

He was already attempting the stairs, and it was all she could do to watch each wobbly step with her breath held tight. Those 10 stairs seemed to take 10 years until he was up to the top, panting in pain and Calysta unhooked her fingernails from her own arm. When he was finally piled into the bed and the nurse gave her the instructions, Calysta took careful note of which medicines to give him when. There were so many that when the woman left, she went downstairs and returned with a label maker. Sitting in the rocking chair, she took each bottle and labeled them with the times they were meant to be taken, with blue print for the mornings and red for the afternoons. There was so much going on that she needed to be able to keep track of them all without giving it much thought.

All the while, Illya watched her work until that was done and she put the bottles back on the night stand. It was later in the evening now, and Thomas had already taken care of the children’s needs, moving the crib to his room so there was space for the nurse to work when she came into change Illya’s bandages. It was strange to feel so torn when she looked at him laying there, a light sheen of sweat on his tan brow. More than anything she wanted to lay down with him and just bury her head into his chest. To forget about everything else going on outside for a little while and keep him company when he was in obvious pain. She also knew that tiniest bump would hurt him and there was work was waiting for her down stairs. There were so many things to do and she had a meeting to prepare for.

Her inner debate had lead to an odd staring match between them as she hesitated on what to do with herself and Illya in the bed. “Hmmm…hang on.”
Running downstairs, she gathered up all of her work with her pad and files, then jetted back upstairs to pile the stuff on her side of the bed. There were files sitting too close to Illya when she spread out her work neatly though. The look on his face was a cross between tiredness and apprehension as he stared at her tidy piles of paper work. Tapping her chin, she thought about how to keep any of her heavier files from sliding over on to him. “Maybe I just shouldn’t share the bed? I can work in the chair. I don’t want to hurt you.” A sadness crept into his eyes at that statement, however honest it was. “Let me see what I can do.”

Going to the linen closet, she grabbed out two extra pillows and soft cases to go over them. She pulled the shams inside out then wiggled in the fat, feathered pillows into the corners before pulling up the sides. It was fast work, but by the time she returned, Illya’s head was lolled back and he was snoring lightly. He must have given up and just gone to sleep for awhile. A small sigh escaped her lips as she tucked the pillows into his left side and crawled into the bed like a sloth, placing each palm and knee with slow precision.

Later in the evening, Thomas appeared in the door way carrying two plates of food. “Oh, thanks dad.” Thomas nodded and put their plates on the bedside table, only for Calysta to look at him skeptically. “Dad, I’m sorry, but Illya can’t eat this.”

Thomas blinked and looked at the plates trying to figure out why on earth the man couldn’t eat chicken with peas and stuffing. It dawned on him that he had made cornbread stuffing and the old professor winced. “Corn.”

Calysta nodded and then took Illya’s plate. “I’ll just trade it. Not a big deal, yeah?” Taking Illya’s plate, she scooped up all of the stuffing and plopped it on to hers before sliding her chicken with the peas to add on to his. Her father’s fuzzy grey brow raised as she picked up her plate of cornbread stuffing, taking a bite. “I like your stuffing dad, thanks.”

The professor looked as though he might argue with her, opening and closing his mouth several times, before nodding. “Well, if you need anything, I’m down stairs grading papers. Those little Chip kids are doing better than some of the Pyrtan in Kaerelean.”

Calysta chuckled a little and then set to work as soon as her father was gone, putting the plate of stuffing to the side. There was a lot to organize for what she wanted to do and if she was going into a meeting with the remaining generals, it was best to be fully prepared. Sometimes she would shift, making Illya cringe a little, and she would hold completely still, her heart pounding. Had she hurt him? The Chip would grumble a little and then go back to sleep, letting her start breathing again.

Work took Calysta late into the night until she swayed, threatening to fall asleep where she sat. Slumping back against the pillows, she felt the bed shift and a warm arm work it’s way around her shoulders. "Jes lay yah head on meh chest and maybe dats all for now." Calysta barely registered what he said other than to know, that he was okay with her laying her head on his chest.

Inching over against the pillowy barrier between them, she moved aside on them to bring her shoulder close enough to lay her head on his chest, tucked under his arm. Her movements were a little clumsier with sleep setting in and she had to be extra careful to settle in gently. “Okay,” she sniffled, burying her cheek into his chest. His heart beat was loud and strong in her ears, but her eyes closed so fast, she didn’t have much chance to say anything besides, “Love you.”


Calysta was sitting at her desk, tossing a half-eaten danish into the waste bin when the first of the generals arrived. Ehvan ducked into the doorway without knocking, quickly followed by Maks and Ehud. Each looked tired in their own way. Ehvan was currently recovering from his own injury during the raid while his son was permanently disabled. Maks was running double shifts, helping the Pyrtan’s tightening security and repair the continent, and Ehud was a single parent with his baby boy Sien on top of his other duties.


A singular, but friendly greeting to them, before she offered them a chair. The three of them sat down and she looked at each before gathering up her nerves. “Honestly, the last few months have been difficult for all of us and so I’m going to get straight to the point,” she began, “We cannot afford another attack and while I can’t stop the entire Federation. I do have the ability to take out two men who are responsible.”

The three men shifted in their seats, their interest piqued by what she had to say. “Yah mean yeh want tah kill dem?” Maks asked.

“Not necessarily,” Calysta said, “Death is not the worst that can happen to a man and you all know that. I want to force them down, and expose them for all that they are. They will swallow their pride and step down to face judgement by their own people for their crimes.”

Ehvan’s brow furrowed as if he didn’t understand the point of keeping them alive and Ehud simply remained quiet.

“There are several reasons not to kill them out right, namely….that if they confess to their own people, it keeps our hands clean and spreads the word about the Tannas. However, if they refuse to do so, I agree that these men are far too dangerous to leave where they are.”

Leaning to the side, Calysta opened her desk drawer and pulled out two packets, placing them on the table top. Each was sealed with the Kaerelean 3 star insignia and she stared at them. They were relatively light, but felt so heavy when she picked them up. “Each packet holds information on the men. Where to find them, who your contact on their respective home planets will be and the specific instructions I have laid out for each. One will include the extraction of a contact as his life will be in danger once this happens. This will be time sensitive. If you accept my proposal, which I hope you do, we can strike back at the Federation.”

The words left her lips, making her mouth go dry as she stared at the three men waiting for their answer.


Rose took the stairs with slow steps, aware of every sound. She wasn’t supposed to be going upstairs unless Kalizda was with her. Her mother had made that clear, but Wolf was up there all by himself while his special girl was in a meeting with the other Chip generals. It was the perfect time to sneak upstairs with a plate of omne jelly danishes she had made with Papa Thomas that morning for breakfast. The nurse had already gone and Illya was laying on the bed with his eyes closed when she pushed up the door. He was always sleeping, but sometimes she thought he might be faking it so things stayed quiet. If he really was asleep, she would give him a good surprise.

The little girl put each of her bare feet down on the hardwood, planting them from toe to toe so the floorboard wouldn’t creak. It was impossible to go all the way around the room without one squeak or groan from the floor, but Illya didn’t wake up at all. He didn’t even flinch. Rose made it Kalizda’s side of the bed, and put the pastries on the beside table next to the pyramid of medicine. Then she crawled in on her hands right next to the pillow wall, hunkering down, a bit like a cat. “Wooolf…wolf.” His eyes cracked up and she gave the Chip a toothy grin, hiding all but her eyes behind the pillows. “Good morning!”


The next two weeks kept to the same pattern. Calysta would wake up at the right time, and give Illya his medicine as her first task. Then she would give him a kiss once he’d taken it before getting dressed. The council woman’s outfit still stayed in the shadows of her closet while she chose her plain tunics to wear, though she had discovered her clothes were a little loose. Her fingers went to hook on her belt and she realized the last hook for the chain was still not small enough. “Hmm..I supposed I’ll just order another one when I can,” she said to Illya with a sigh, as she tossed it into the rocking chair.

Once she was dressed, she made sure he was comfortable and changed, go down stairs to see Rose off to school with her father, then go back upstairs to work. Just as she was reading over the morning reports, some good news came in. Smiling up at Illya, she came across the room and sat on her end of the bed to show him the messaged on her pad. “They found the metals we need on the ruins of Kinte’s islands,” she said excitedly, “And there’s a fair amount from what the initial scans say.” He seemed less than enthused by this news and she sighed. “Well, it’s a start anyways. I don’t know what to tell them to do with it yet and I haven’t had time to keep reading into the Tannas files from old Qouti. At least not in any length of time before something else comes up.”

Putting down her pad, she gazed at Illya carefully. He looked so sullen and it wasn’t natural for him to be like that. Her Chip always had cheeky smiles and jokes at the worst of times. Then again he had been cooped up in the same room for nearly two weeks and he was hurting. Still she was doing the best she could to help him even if it wasn't enough. “You wouldn’t want to help me coordinate getting this metal into the forges and made into what they need, would you? I don’t know the Tannas like you do and if you design it…I know it will be the best possible one.”
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Ehvan, Maks, and Ehud sat in the room and listened to Kalizda's proposal. It sounded fair enough. Perhaps not quite the same as they would have preferred, but last anyone talked with Illya about this he said to use their best judgement. In this case Ehvan didn't want to fight Kalizda and she had a reasonable offer. Nodding carefully he looked to the other men. "We'll do et." The three of them huddled closer together and whispered back and forth and then Maks took the Urian file and Ehud took the Terran file. Maks didn't want Ehvan to get himself hurt especially since he wasn't in the best shape yet and Ehud would be able to disguise himself much easier than the other two if he went for a little visit to Terra.


A tiny little voice sounded and Illya slowly opened his eyes. When he glanced to the side he could see Rose was in the bed. He winced a little. It wasn't really nice to think it, but he sort of wished that she hadn't woke him up. Sleeping was about the only time that Illya could avoid some of the pains. Even in his sleep he could feel it, but it didn't seem to be as bad.

"I brought you something." Rose chimed in her little sing song voice and she presented a something that Illya had no idea what it was. Merrily she slid the plate over near his head and waited expectantly for Illya to eat one. Kalizda had been bringing a lot of food up to the bedroom for him lately and Rose wanted to help too. "Just try it." Eagerly she nudged the plate toward Illya again and he gingerly rolled to his left side. It still hurt a lot to move, but he didn't really want to disappoint Rose again. The girl had been trying so hard and he knew that she had been slightly disappointed the last few times she'd come in to visit him.

Illya forced himself to sit up and he groaned a little. "Ugh...." Taking one of the odd looking little pieces he dropped the whole thing in his mouth and it tumbled right down his throat. Giving a little cough he tapped on his chest lightly.

The girl watched in surprise and horror when she saw Wolf the first one whole. "You're supposed to chew it!" Hissing loudly she handed him the next one. "Take little bites. Here, I'll show you." Holding one of them up to her mouth Rose imitated a dainty little woman when she took a tiny bite and then she took her time finishing the dainty treat. "Now you try." Tilting her little chin down she examined closely as Illya lifted it to his mouth and then took popped the whole thing in his mouth and chewed it before swallowing. "You're doing it wrong." Irritably the girl handed him another one. "Remember to take little bites." Some of her little lessons had been going over how to be a lady, but it was labeled as having manners so she wouldn't object to learning it. "Wolf, you need to get some manners."

"Why I need manners eh?" A half pained smirk came to his face and Illya attempted to make the tiny bites like Rose requested, but he was losing patience after the first little bite and then at the rest of it.

"People will think you're rude and then nobody will want to sit next to you." Somehow it all made sense and Rose wanted Illya to behave so she figured if she threatened him the same as she'd been threatened that it would surely have an impact of sorts. Instead of getting the desired reaction she heard the big man start to chuckle and she widened her little eyes. "You're very naughty."

About time little Rose had finished scolding Illya for eating the dainties too quickly Kalizda stepped in the room and Illya glanced at her. "Rose es fine. She dun touch meh, jes want meh eat wit tiny bites." Opening his mouth wide he dangled the last little treat over his head and Rose's eyes got wide. The girl was ready to scold again and then he took one wee bite before shoving the rest of it into his mouth. He was grinning from ear to ear and Rose was giving Kalizda a very indignant little look. Quickly swallowing the food Illya decided to give Rose a small explanation. "Wolves dun eat wit little bites when ets good food. Dey swallow et whole, but I jes chew et tah make yah happy. Good food and I want tah swallow et witout chewing." For the time that seemed to even things out with Rose and then it was back to staring at files with Kalizda.

Illya had been staring at the files consistently and he didn't normally get very far. Instead he fell asleep with a file flopped over his face, on his chest or balancing precariously on his lap. If it was one that he wanted to finish and he didn't want Kalizda to take just yet he would lay it over his injured leg and then go to sleep.


The last two days at home had passed quickly and tomorrow it was time for another surgery. Illya was tired of looking at files and then Kalizda came bounding into the room. It must have been good news of sorts. Looking up at Kalizda he nodded slowly when she gave her announcement about the metals. He was excited, but he couldn't even muster a smile. Somewhere in the middle of Kalizda asking him to help design whatever it was he needed. "What do I need?" Maybe hadn't been paying real close attention, but he couldn't help it. Lately he'd been noticing some things and it was starting to bother him.

Calysta waited eagerly to see what he would say. He usually enjoy making things, and she had thought he would like the chance to design the containment units and weapons against the Tannas. Instead, his green eyes were distant and barely came to focus as he asked her all over again what he needed. Her smile faded from genuine to a half sort of curl as she put down her pad. "Oh, I thought you might want to work on the Tannas weapon and containment designs, but if its not something you want to do, that's alright."

Shifting on the bed he winced and looked at Kalizda for a long moment before saying anything else. "I tink ef et can wait et should." Pulling the blankets up he sighed and stared at the window longingly. Illya wanted nothing more than to get outside and he hated to be cooped up in the bedroom, but he felt horrible sick most of the time. "Kalizda?" When she met his gaze he sighed. "I tink maybe I want dose pill too much. I dun want tah be addicted, but I can't help et. Can't stop taking dem cause I need dem and..." Stopping mid sentence he sighed again and turned to his left side. They both knew he couldn't stop them at this point. He would have to take them to keep the pain at a minimum and the second surgery was so close.

She flicked the sound off her pad and put it entirely on the side out of sight when Illya trailed off. He was worried about becoming an addict? She had been careful with the medicine, taking special care to make sure he never had too much. Had there been any signs? None came to mind, as she turned to face him on the bed, tucking her knees underneath her. "Of course you need them and want them. They make you hurt less...but IIlya, I think the fact that you're worried about becoming an addict, might mean that you won't."

Sometimes Kalizda's logic was too strange. Frowning at her he shook his head. "Kalizda, yah dun understand. I always tink I want more and sometimes I tink et doesn't work and den yah never late, but I get sick feeling jes before meh next dose. Always awake when ets time." Illya had been afraid that he would get addicted for a long time now and he couldn't help himself from worrying more. "Mayb we talk to dah Ehaui tomorrowa bout getting meh off et as soon as possible eh?"

Calysta frowned at hearing what he had been experiencing. It was the sure signs of dependency and it wasn't good at all. She nodded quietly and slipped her hand into his with a light touch. "We'll ask them tomorrow and I'll look into some of the more natural teas and things Yvonne made for pain. I remember most of them, and they're on my pad too. How does that sound?"

Nodding a little he clenched his jaw. He probably needed them for the first two or three days after the bone marrow transplant, but he might manage to get by with teas after that, but then he would have the new leg and that would require a whole new set of medicine. "Ok, but when we stop ets all done. I jes take last pill and no more. Dey nut gonna make meh take long time tah get off and maybe I get sick wit uh...." He couldn't think of the word in trader's tongue and so he started to mumble along in Quoti till he got it. "Maybe I get withdrawals. You want me to be in hospital for those?" He didn't really want to speak about it loudly in case the kids could hear and he wanted Kalizda to have a choice. She was busy and stressed. Last thing she needed was for him to get hurt and now he was going to end up trying to get off some meds too.

Her heart felt heavy as just the thought of him having to endure the withdrawals on top of everything else. She'd had them once a very long time ago, in a fevered haze as a child, though in a different form. They were terrible and hurt down to the very core, with no comfort until your system was finally flushed. Knowing what it would be like for him, didn't create any hesitation in her answer. "No, I don't want you in a hospital. I'll take care of you here. We'll send the kids over on a sleep over to Maks' or wherever wants to go and I'll stay here. Dad will too. As long you think you'd be most comfortable here."

Times like these made Illya feel like the weakest man on the planet. He could barely look at Kalizda without wanting to tear up. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he'd been in a lot of pain, sleep wasn't good and he was stressed. "Tank yah." Even those words were strained a little and he grabbed one of her hands gently. "I rater be here." Cautiously he glanced up at her and shifted to sit up so he could gently kiss her on the lips.

Calysta could see his emotion written on his face..fear..copious amounts of pain..but still he grabbed her hand and leaned up to kiss her gently. She kissed him back slowly, almost methodically then pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes. "It's alright, yeah? We'll get through it. When the wolf can't run, the little bird gives him a wing. He'll run again or he'll fly with her." Her finger tips grazed his warm cheeks and she smiled. "If you feel like propping up some, I have an idea."

She was kind and in a way that he hadn't really expected. Illya wasn't sure why he thought he was going to end up in the hospital for the recovery from the addiction, but he was somehow positive that she was tired of him. He was tired of himself. Leaning forward a little more he placed his hands on either side of himself and scooted back against the headboard so he could sit up. "What yah idea?"

"Well lets see, if you feel like sliding forward just a bit, I bet I can wiggle in behind you and my lap can be your pillow for awhile when you lay back. I wouldn't be anywhere near your legs at least, " she suggested with a chuckle.

At first he cast her a sidelong glance and then he gave her a tired smirk. "Go figure eh? I sit up and yah ask meh tah scoot down."

She could tell he was getting tired and maybe just a little sullen again, but still she smiled inched a little closer to lay a peck on his cheek. " I think that's just what happens. You think one way, I think another and opposites attact," she teased, "We don't have to try it."

"I already move. We try et eh?" Illya was starting to feel a bit curious. He might have been tired, but it didn't mean he wouldn't want her closer. "I tink I get lonely sometimes and I jes want yah close. Dis sounds like good idea so far and den I feel better in a few weeks and we get closer more."

She giggled just a little, hearing something that her Chip would usually say. "Alright, scoot forward just a little and then hold very still until I tell you to lay back, yeah?" She waited till he wiggled himself further down in the bed, then stood up on the mattress, stepping behind him gingerly until she was between his back and the head board. "Hang on." Easing down slowly, Calysta braced her own back against the head board, which still had its horrible squeak when moved to roughly, and then sat her thin frame behind Illya. With her knees on either side of him, she settled into the bed and then tapped his shoulder. "Try laying back now."

It was hard to tell exactly what Kalizda had in mind, but Illya hoped she'd be fast. He was already getting tired. When she finally got comfortable behind him he leaned back and felt himself resting against her. Momentarily he wondered if he was too heavy and he tilted his head slightly so he could see her better. "I too heavy?"

He laid back, his head resting in her stomach and she slipped a few of her fingers in his hair, carressing at the dark locks. He tilted his head up to look up and her, asking if he was too heavy. "Not at all unless you're planning on getting too wild," she replied lightly. Bending down, Calysta layed a kiss on his forehead. "Am I hurting you?"

Illya looked up at her and he snorted. "Nah." She wasn't even close to hurting him. Maybe there was a slight twing at first, but it felt good to be close to her. "I dun tink I'll be awake long." It might have been a lousy attempt to get a little bit of loving back to her, but Illya moved his left arm up slightly so he could rest it on her leg. Her fingers traced through his hair and he started to breathe a little deeper and eventually fell asleep.

Early the next morning Illya had to get up and go with Kalizda to the Ehaui. It was scheduled before his next dose and the Ehuai prepped Illya for the surgery. He had more leads hooked up to his chest and he felt one of the nurses gently run a marker along both his legs. The one without the marrow hurt and he grimaced, but he figured as much as he hated to have another surgery he would feel better. Anything was better than the hollow aching in his leg. Leaning over his bedside the doctor scanned him over and nodded with some approval. "Looks like the booster shots did good and we were able to take a sample before you left the hospital a couple of weeks ago. Since then we've got a good amount. Not quite enough to fill you in, but you'll be feeling just about normal in two weeks. Any questions?"

While Illya was thinking about it and before he chickened out he decided to say something about the medicine. "I tink dat I start tah get addicted."

Slowly the doctor nodded and he filled out the form. "Shouldn't be too bad yet. We'll keep you on them for another 2-3 days and we can wean you off or stop. Stopping will be faster, but you'll probably have more side effects and it would be dangerous to put you back on them again after you next surgery. We do have some other stuff, but it isn't as strong for the next surgery."

Just getting off the high dose medication would be worth it. Illya wanted to be clean for his Kalizda and he didn't have the time to be an addict. "We jes stop." With that the doctor made another note and Illya let out a long breath. In some ways it was hard to admit he was having troubles and at the same time it was easiest part. After this he would have to be careful.


Three days after the surgery Illya had his last heavy dosed medication and he made it through the first 24 hours with only some sweating and intestinal cramping. By the 72 hour mark he was puking and curled up on the bed clutching his stomach when he wasn't leaning over the edge to puke in the bucket. He was sweating and shivering all at the same time and he wanted the medicine so badly, but he couldn't ask for it. Symptoms could last for up to a month and he didn't like to think that could be him. "Ugh...." Turning over in the bed Illya felt his sore leg bump the bed and he groaned louder.

In the haze he searched the table top and only found some mild fever suppressants and then a tea. She'd brought him a detox tea and he hated the smell of it, but he couldn't get dehydrated either. Sucking down what he could manage he set the cup on the night stand again and Illya fell into a fitful sleep. The next morning he saw Kalizda in the room and he was starting to feel better, but he still craved the medicine and it hurt. His entire body ached and he felt like he might go crazy without the medicine. No matter how badly he thought that he wanted it Illya knew he didn't, but it didn't stop him from asking her if she had saved any at all. "Kalizda, I know yah dun save any, but et hurts. Everyting hurts." There was some mood swings and he got mad once or twice when she told him no. Still he couldn't move that much and he laid in the bed cursing and cussing in Quoti till he fell asleep again. By the end of the week Illya had finally cleared up and he had the nurse arrive to help him get washed the same as he had for the last several weeks.

Thankfully the stump was feeling far better and over the next week Illya started to move a little more. He would get up on his crutches and work his way to the top of the stairs and then scoot down to get into the living room. The marrow was starting to settle into his bones and he got some healthy color back to his skin. What he really wanted was to get outside. Checking the house real fast he noticed it was quiet and hobbled out the front door with his crutches.

The town was half destroyed, but the sun felt good on his skin. Illya sat outside for so long that he eventually fell asleep sitting on the porch with his back against the wall. It wasn't till Kalizda stepped out with Cypher that he struggled to get back up. "Yeah I come in now." For the next week he managed to get himself in and out of bed with ease and by the two week mark his bones were healed up and he was starting to get a bit more lively yet.

Having a little bone marrow growth was making a lot of things better. Sitting up in bed wasn't half as painful and Illya even wanted to snuggle a little more too. As soon as Kalizda's alarm went off he turned over in the bed and wrapped an arm under Kalizda's shoulders. "Et's been so long." Bracing with one arm he rolled to hold himself over Kalizda. "I still tink yah dah most beautiful woman." Giving her a playful kiss he winked and then gingerly knelt on what remained of his right leg. It was still tender, but he could manage it alright. 2 weeks of bone growth meant he could easily go to light duty and he was even wanting to get out on his crutches more. "Maybe yah let meh help cook or clean eh?" Today was the first day he was cleared to get up and start some activity beyond his occasional trips to the porch.

"I onleh get 2 weeks before I go get meh new leg." Wiggling his eyebrows at Kalizda he chuckled and moved in for another kiss. "Yah heard Ehaui say et too. I was good for long time and I can get up and do some stuff." In reality it hadn't been as difficult to be good when he felt so horrible for that many weeks. Even the last of the cough had gone since he got the marrow transplant from his other leg and some extra booster shots. "Might have fifty puncture spots from dose damn shots in meh ass by dah end of dis, but I be back tah normal eh?"

Chuckling a little bit he gazed into her eyes for a long moment. "Yah make et all wort et." Illya eyes roamed over her face and he seemingly studied her for a long moment. "I dun tink I would make et so long and maybe nut recover so well ef et wasn't for meh little bird." The stump was starting to get a little sore where there was some weight on it and Illya adjusted to roll to his side while pulling Kalizda on top. "I love yah. How do I tank meh little bird for all she does? She works so hard."

Eventually they had to get up, but Illya didn't mind quite as much. He was healed enough he could get himself to the bath house and he planned to go get a massage before coming home too. "Maybe I get Ehvan and Amil ta bat house wit meh. Yah come too?"
Kirit came home from the fields to find Tabit cooking dinner. Whatever it was, the smell in the entire house was delicious and his stomach gave an audible growl. He had spent most of his afternoon helping remove debris and rebuild some of the houses for the Pyrtan’s on top of another project he’d been attempting. They hadn’t talked much more about marriage, or as the Chippeqouti called it ‘agreement’, since that night in the field and he felt like maybe she was alright avoiding the subject. He understood why she was hesitant when she explained. He would grow old long before she did, but that didn’t mean their life together was any less worthy of his full attention.

Kirit unhooked his scythe from his back, placing it by the door. She didn’t like having his weapons near the bed room unless it was his pistol and he obeyed that house rule. It was her house after all. He unstrapped his armor starting with the vambraces and put them in his bag next to the door with his chaps soon to follow. With that done, the young warrior walked into the kitchen and grinned at Tabit as she stood by the stove stirring a pot of sauce with a wooden spoon.
With a long stride, he walked over to her and wrapped one arm around her waist, then placed a hand on her arm as he planted a kiss on her pale neck. “Ye too pretty t’ resist sometimes,” he whispered into her ear, “I find ye something today.”

Running a hand over her arm, he trailed all the way down to her free hand and then pressed something small in her palm. Tabit’s smile went from playful to curious as she uncurled her fingers. Her ring was sitting in her soft hand, having been freshly polished. The fires had burned away the grass but had left the sturdy Kaerelean metal and the stone unblemished safe for a little dirt which was easily buffed away. A farmer had found it, cleaning off his land and then gone to exercises talking about his lucky find. He’d had to challenge the guy to a wrestling match to get it back.

“I love ye,” he said quietly, “If ye still want t’…ah…agree…I want ye always.”


Since school had begun again, and Amil was well enough to go, Gyllie had been walking with him every day to and from home. Once his friend was home, he would run across town and see his mother. She didn’t talk much to him, and couldn’t move from laying on her belly to visit much, but he went anyways. Sometimes she cried when she saw him, but he wasn’t sure why. “It’s okay,” he’d say, “I came t’ see ye an’ I show ye what I learn t’ day, yeah?” He didn’t want to her to cry, and sometimes she liked listening to what he’d learned. “Miss Ahvah even tells me some Chip’qouti words. Ye want t’ hear some of those too?” His mother would nod and hold out her hand of him to put fingers in her own.

Gyllie sat at the kitchen table with Ahvah and sitting across from Amil looking over his homework. School had started again, and Mr. Monroe always sent them home with a math or language to study. As he copied the characters from Kaerelean to traders tongue, he could see Amil shifting uncomfortably and grow irritated with his book. The Pyrtan boy had noticed more and more than his friend didn’t like to look at the books anymore and spent a lot of time staring out of his window, especially now that he had been staying with the Chip family while his mother recovered in the hospital.

“Maybe we go outside after th’ work?” he offered to Amil. The boy didn’t answer, but kept his snarl at the pages below him. He knew it was hard for his friend outside because he couldn’t run, but it was better than being inside. “We can learn th’ survival guide some more.”


The first day of detox hadn’t been terrible as it the levels of the drugs dwindled in his system. He’d broken out into a sweat, and had a few cramps. Those were the easy part, and she knew it, but telling him that was only going to make it worse. Instead, she brought a cool cloth for his head and wiped him down, before tucking it behind his neck. “It’ll help a little later,” she assured him. Thankfully, Maks’ wife had taken the children so Illya could be as sick as he needed to be. She had also cancelled any work or meetings for the next week unless there was an emergency of some kind. It had taken some delegation, but this had been more important, and she could still read the reports as needed while she sat in the rocking chair.

Calysta listened to Illya roll over and puke into his bucket for the third time that night. He was curled up as much as he could as sweat rolled over his tan skin. Three heaves, a wretch, and then he spat into the bucket to clear his mouth with a shudder. Seeing him shivering on the bed, slick with sweat with a fevered gaze, made her chest ache. "Kalizda, I know yah dun save any, but et hurts. Everyting hurts."

Those moments were the hardest. When he asked for more and she had to deny him, knowing it would make the pain end, if only temporarily. “I don’t have any, Illya. I know it hurts but you’re almost done. I promise.”

She had said those words everytime he asked for it, and a few times he’d gotten angry, cursing at her. “Be nice and take a drink of your tea,” is all she would reply. It wasn’t his fault he was cursing at her, it was the detox talking and she knew that. Still, hearing him groan with misery did little for her sleep or appetite. Sometimes her father would come upstairs and offer her food, which she would grimace at. It just wasn’t something she could stomach while Illya was throwing up.

It took a few days, but by the end of it, her Chip was looking much better. It was a relief to see him looking so much more like himself in the days that followed until one morning, her alarm went off and it was turned to silent before she could pat around the bed to find it. Instead, she found herself wrapped up in Illya’s arms. A surprised looked came over her face, before it was replaced by a content grin. “Hmmm…it has been awhile,” she mused between kisses. When he asked to do some chores around the house, then wiggled his brow at her she couldn’t help but giggle. This was her Chip more like himself than she’d seen him in two months. “Aye the Ehaui cleared you and if you’re up to it,” she chuckled, her thin little hands cupping his cheek.

He grew quiet for a moment, staring at her with his green eyes. That long look made her cheeks tinge a rosy color, as her heart fluttered. No matter how much time passed or what he remembered, his gaze always made her feel that way. "Yah make et all wort et. I dun tink I would make et so long and maybe nut recover so well ef et wasn't for meh little bird,” he said, before rolling her over to lay on his chest. Calysta laughed as she found herself draped over his broad chest, her long black hair dropped down like two silky curtains on either side of her Chips face. "I love yah. How do I tank meh little bird for all she does? She works so hard."

Calysta could see the sincerity in his eyes, and the tone of his voice. He loved her and had faced so many things to show it. “I do what I do, because I love you always,” she replied, looking at him with a warm smile, “But if you really want to thank me…stay right here with me for awhile.” Illya seemed more than happy to oblige and she spent the morning having sweet things whispered in her ear between kisses.

When they could delay it no longer, Calysta inched out of the bed carefully and they started the day. As Illya worked his way to the edge of the bed he mentioned going to the bath house with Ehvan and Amil, asking if she would come too. It was faster to shower at home and dress there too, but for him it was more a community type practice. Plus, if would probably go to the pleasure house afterward and she could use a nice massage. “I’ll come with you,” she smiled, gathering up her clothes.

It took Illya a bit of time to get ready, and that was alright. Calysta offered to help him, but he was determined to do everything on his own. Compared to the listless sort of motivation he’d had the past months, she wasn’t about to insist on something he wanted to do for himself. Her Chip got dressed and the only thing he did let her do, was tie a careful knot in the end of his right pants leg where the leg was missing.

They took their time walking through the streets which were returning further to normal every day, and then into the Chippeqouti area. Some of the Pyrtans and the visiting Kaereleans had become curious about the Chips, particularly after seeing them in action after Kinte, and there had been more of an effort to get to know them. They were living with each other in even closer quarters and were having to rely on each other more than ever, so it was natural for the Kaereleans to try to get to know their allies better. She passed by a Pyrtan woman leaving food on the door step of Jonas’ wife, and the Pyrtan children running in the herds with the tan faced Chip children. There were pale faces walking among the Chippeqouti and it was strange yet good to see in some ways.

Ehvan met them at the door, ready to go the bath house along with Amil and strangely enough, the Pyrtan boy Gyllie. He carried the bucket in his hands for both himself and his friend, but had no fear about going with them to bathe with the Chips. It was a slow trek with both Illya and Amil on crutches but they arrived in their own time. While they walked, Calysta noticed the spectacled boy stealing glances at her, as though he wanted to say something. His brow would furrow and his lips would twitch but he didn’t say anything until they reached the parlor of the bath house and he tugged on her sleeve as the three Chips started to undress. “Is something wrong?” she asked, tilting her head.

“I need t’ ask ye something,” he whispered in Kaerelean.

Calysta sat down her bucket and knelt next to the boy. He cupped his hands around her ear and leaned in close so he could tell her what he wanted without the others hearing. “Hmm…Yes. I think I can do that. I’ll ask to make sure it’s safe first though and if it is, this weekend we can try, okay?” she replied in her own language.
That seemed more than the boy ever thought to expect and he grinned before realizing he was behind Amil in getting undressed. With a small bow of thanks, he ran off into the bath house, stripping his shirt as he went.

William Yarbrough sat at his desk reading over the latest reports, which included testing on the latest project. It seemed to be going well, despite the failure of the Mirage weeks before. That loss had irked him to no end, because no one would have known, or could have known about that without a spy in their midst. The Kaereleans had been prepared for the attack some how, and the video feed from the ships last transmission showed it was taken down by the Chippeqouti General and the Kaerelean fleet. At least it did some damage on the way down. That fact was the only redeeming fact for the endevour when he faced the Federation. Hopefully, it put an end to the general on board and his little woman tossed herself over an edge for it. She was a weak woman, and would lead the Kaereleans down a path bent to the Federation, and eventully, himself. If he let her live that long. Putting down his pad, he glanced out the window where the snow was falling in New York early that year. Dora always liked the snow and he briefly wondered where the woman had gone.

"Sir," a woman knocked on his door and opened it briefly, "You're next appointment is here." A man of average height sat outside in the lobby with his briefcase. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and he stared ahead as if he had all the time in the world to wait. "Mr. uh..." The secretary thought for another moment. She was trying to remember his last name and then it occurred to her. "Oh, Mr. Smith!" Such a common name and she couldn't even remember it.

William checked his watch, such an old fashioned thing he had been told but he never went anywhere without one, and noted the time. The appointment was right on time. Straightening his tie, he hit the button to unlock the door, allowing it to swing open in front of the secretary, as he stood to greet the man. "Welcome in, and please feel free to sit."

As soon as the door swung open Ehud stood and walked into the office. Taking William's hand he nodded and took a seat. "I was here to ask you a few questions about a possible merger with companies." If there was one thing that the file had indicated it was a very strong sense of business and Ehud had worked in the business field with the Federation on a much higher level. He knew exactly what he was looking at and why.

He shook the man's hand, while measuring him up with a cordial smile. He was dressed well, carried himself square shouldered and got straight to the point. All traits that garnered a respect to a man in control. Letting go of the man's hand, he offered the chair across from his desk and then sat in his own. "Ah, yes. From what I've seen of the initial proposal, it appeared a merger would be benefical for us both. What questions can I answer for you before we move forward, Mr. Smith?"

Yes, I'd like to talk about the profit share and some of the merger details. constituents will be wanting to see a name on this and it's important that you're connected to it. Otherwise I'll have a sort of termination in process. Would you like to see some of the financials that I ran up for you?" Ehud knew very well that the man was thinking business and he was talking in those terms, but when he opened the briefcase it was going to be a different story.

"Constituents, huh?" William repeated as he shifted in his chair. "I had no idea you were politically aligned either. It might become a problem if they believe all of this nonsense the Alliance is spreading. I'll need to see the area you're involved with to know for sure, and I'll take a look at those numbers as well. " With any luck, the mans proposal would still work. The holdings were so large as Yarbrough Industries but they would still be useful if the merger were to workout as he planned.

Nodding a little bit Ehud leaned forward and spoke quietly to the man. "This is a secure room? The information I'm about to show you is quite sensitive." With a response from Yarbrough he opened the briefcase. "I've had a little work done on these finances and I'd like to propose a merger because no one will stand with you if they knew the Federation had a direct link to the Tannas and you clearly send in funds for your 'dues'." Ehud figured if he used the term that they had listed in the paperwork for Kent's office that Yarbrough would know he had it figured. "You see, my constituents have a very tight merger and budget. I'll leave a small document with you. I have copies elsewhere of course and there is a back up plan if you don't find the terms as listed agreeable." Tilting his head to the side he smiled at Yarbrough. "I believe this is the part where I answer any questions you might have."

"I don't do anything unsecured," Yarbough replied, as he waited for the man to get his papers in order. When he kept talking, and mentioned the Federation, the President stiffened with his jaw clamping. Who the hell was this man? How did he know anything about the Federation and the business behind back doors? This man had been vetted through his office with extensive background checks. "Yes, I do believe I have a few questions for you, Mr. Smith, who the hell are you and who sent you? If this is the Federations attempt to pressure me, or the Alliance's way of making a house call like a few months ago, its a piss poor way to do it. Trying to scare me with fairy tales and agents." He snatched this supposed agreement from the man's hand and taking a brief glance. It was pages and pages long, and it would be damning just from the first page alone. "And if I don't make this confession?"

Ehud nodded very calmly when the man started to ask about him about the constituents. "We might say that I'm an interested party and I work for an organization." It wasn't quite what Yarbough wanted, but he could tell that the man had a lot more to say. When he started to look over the pages he flipped through impatiently after the first two and then Ehud nodded again. "Well, you're a business man and I'm sure you understand what I mean by a termination."

William glared coldly into the eyes of the spy. This 'deal' accounted for everything. Even some projects that had been terminated and all evidence had been supposedly destroyed, their workers terminated. How? This was career suicide and according to this, whoever the handler was, stood prepared to broadcast it over every major media stream on an intergalactic scale. He could always deny the allegations, but then there was one other detail mentioned that threw a wrench in those works too. One he never saw coming. His anger was flaring, and he knew a loss of control would be deadly as the man sitting across from him. "I don't take kindly to blackmail," he growled, "You think you'd get close enough to me again to kill me if I don't do this?"

The Chip nodded confidently while the man looked over the papers more carefully and then he started to throw about his own version of a threat. "I don't have to get close enough to kill you again." Ehud could feel the man start to doubt it and he decided to give him just a moment to consider any kind of action he might take. "Because I don't have to get close to kill you. All I have to do is release the information along with a little side note and the Tannas will take care of you. I guarantee it." Taking out a small hologram he set it on the table. "Play." The video clip showed one of the Tannas taking form as a person and then walking through the streets of Old Quoti before a group of soldiers surrounded it and then the thing burst into a cloud and the men fell to the ground dead. Each one of them suffocated and the gas hovered over the air before collecting around a little bracelet and taking form to look just like one of the dead Chippequoti. "This wasn't in your system at the time, but it's here now. My constituents want to remind you that your race are young and short lived. Don't think my constituents don't know how to wage war. They've been doing it since before you were born."

Yarbrough watched the hologram play, noting that the men were Chippeqouti on some sort of desert planet. If this man was warning of Tannas, he was one of the ones from the Alliance, one of those light Chippeqouti he'd read about, and most likely sent directly from the new Council woman. Perhaps she could play after all. The clip showing the Tannas taking down the soldiers was a bit terrifying, real or not, and the allegations about the Federation were more than likely true as the man had said." I think you've made your point, Chip," he replied, "Now, get out of my office. "

Being called a Chip was not something that Ehud favored and he wasn't about to play to the man's tune. "I've been harassed, hunted, shot at, my wife killed, children missing, a son injured, nearly killed, and insulted. Almost my entire life I've walked in the shadow of men like yourself. Men who only think of themselves. You need to understand one thing." Moving closer to Yarbough he glared at him with a fire burning behind his blue eyes. "You're only alive for as long as the councilwoman wants. Chippequoti didn't pick the war, you did and you won't survive it if you don't do what she asks." Closing his briefcase he nodded to Yarbough. "There will be confirmation by tonight or you can put your affairs in order. If you don't intend to comply I'd suggest making it as quickly as possible, Chippequoti are not patient with a brutal enemy."

Yarbough stared back with a glare, not bowing to the Chip in any way, and as soon as the man was gone, he picked up the nearest item on his desk and pitched it across the room with a violent growl. Betrayal of the worst kind and it cost him everything. The glass paper weight he had thrown rockets across the room to the glass liquor shelf and exploded both into a shower of glass.

Ayrn waited three blocks down for the light Chip to pass him by then slipped his hands into his pocket to follow him. It was cold outside with all the snow and his felt trenchcoat was doing little to block the snow, but luckily, he wouldn’t be in New York much longer. Taking an easy stride behind the pale General, he waited till they stopped at a cross to stand behind the man and then let out a long breath, the heat creating a jet of steam from his lips. “Ready to get the hell out of dodge?”

Councilman Yeolyn was putting his signature on the last of the orders for the new docks to be commissioned. Since he had freed himself of the Alliance, trade had increased with the Federation and with Yarbrough ten fold. His people were quite happy though to be fed whatever information he let through the radios and news casts, and he made a nice profit off to the side with no one the wiser. All it had taken was a poison needle and the use of his warehouses for Yarbrough to build whatever it was he had been working on. Stretching a little, he unclasped the belt on his pink tunic so it wasn't so tight and then pressed the alert button for his secretary to enter. It was the first night of the full moons and he was more than to get to the fun parts of the evening. First, he'd give his secretary a nice work over, then go home to his wife for second helpings. As the door opened, he chuckled, then turned slowly in his chair. "Th' moon is up an' so am I."

Maks had the secretary dismissed as soon as he walked through the door. The woman looked nervous and she reached for the buzzer, but he shook his head. "I'm here for secret negotiation. Yah better not say anyting." Quickly the woman nodded and she scuttled out the door. Knocking gently on the door Maks heard the little latch give way and he stepped in just in time for the announcement from the man. A general appearance of disgust was written over Mak's face. "Yah better put et down or I'll do et for yah."

The balding man's grin immediately fell away at the giant in his door way. Tan skin, bright eyes, and a cringe of disgust on his face, sent the councilman's heart racing and not in the way he'd wanted it to be tonight. "You''re..." he dodged across the room and went for his pistol in the panel. He had figured the Alliance hadn't been organized well enough to come at him or had enough evidence to do anything. Yarbrough had seen to that. His fingers fumbled over the wall but he couldn't get the compartment to open up in his panic. "What do you want?"

Panic was more than enough to ensure there wasn't anymore 'up' for the man. Maks closed the door behind himself and sauntered into the room at an easy pace while he watched the man's ugly pink fingers fumble with some sort of little secret cubby in the wall. "I want yah tah tink about what I'm going tah hand yah." Lacking any finesse he shoved a wad of paper into the man's chest and nearly knocked him over. "Yah read et and yah do what et says before midnight, or I come back and kill yah."

Yeolyn have squealed with the man strode over and shoved a file so hard into his chest, he stumbled back into the wall again with a pained puff of air. "K-kill me?" he half tore open the file and peered inside, his eyes widening at the size of the document and then another handwritten note. If not by midnight, this might be a better option than what he will do to you, Councilman. He pulled out the note and to his horror, a vial containing a poison needle fell out with it. "Only till mid night?!"

Rolling his eyes Maks sat down on the bed next to the man and gathered up one of the needles and chuckled. "Mmmhmmm. Midnight. I tink ets enough time after yah double cross us. Only took yah a few minutes tah decide dat Heniahah had no time. I feel generous and I give yah a few hours. Hurry up." Impatiently he shoved the man down and twisted hard on the councilman's arm. "I dun feel patient after Federation nearly kill meh and dey bomb meh hometown again."

The councilman yelped as his face planted into floor and he scrambled until a vice grip nearly turned his arm on a swivel. The man was standing over him, prepared to snap his arm in half or put the poison in him, he didn't know which, but if he didn't do it they would kill him. At least if he did whatever they asked, he would have the chance to run so the Federation couldn't find him. "Okay...okay!! Please...just don't!"

"Why shouldn't I?!" Almost yelling the words Mak twisted the arm a little bit harder, not quite enough to break it, but enough to hurt and he knelt on the man's lower back with his knee. "What yah gonna do tah justify meh letting yah go?"

The pain radiating from his arm was convincing, and the knee in his back, pressed him further into the hardwood floor where all his squirming had left him plastered with his pants inched half down his backside. A downright panic set in and he tried to lift his head to look at the man. "I'll do anything! I'll do what it says in the file. You can tell...who ...the new council woman I submit! Tell her I'll do anything you ask!" His voice cracked as he panted in pain.

With a lousy little tyrant like this one Maks suspected that as soon as the Federation got a hold of him that he'd squirm and wiggle around again. They would have to keep a tight grip on this one and ensure he was more afraid of them than the Federation. "Hmmm." Maks let go of the man's arm and then he got up. "Yah do whatever she tell yah in dat packet and den I let yah live, Dun worry, I watch for et and so does she. Ef she dun like what yah do den I'll be back."

"Uhuhh! Uhuh! I swear by it!" the man pleaded, "I'll do it exactly as its midnight!" It looked like a huge packet, and he didn't know how he would get it done, but he didn't want to take any chances on not doing it. "I'll have to start right away, let me go!"

Maks stood to the side and he brushed his hands off. The man disgusted him and he was sure that there was some sort of disease that made him lose his hair. There was one thing for sure, Maks didn't want to lose his hair and he was washing thoroughly before he went to bed tonight or got on the flight back to Pytra. "Yah do et and dats all dah more I say. Jes remember meh when yah start tinking about how much yah dun like what she asks yah tah do." Just for a final touch he opened the door and on his way out he spoke in a satisfied tone. "Dah moon es up."


Being in the pleasure house was a treat. Calysta was more than happy to wrap a towel around her frame and then climb onto a table. The Chip man she recognized as Rian oiled up his hands, and started to work. “Ets been a long time since we see yah, Kalizda. Yah should come more. Shoulders are verah tight.”

“I’ll try to come more often,” she replied in Qouti with a wince. His hands were hitting some tender spots where the knots had begun to grow. The massage would be a bit rough until he managed to get those spots worked out. “Yah too tin,” he grumbled, “Bird bones.” The Chip had noticed her spine and more than a few of her ribs down her back under the toned muscle as he worked and it didn’t make for a good massage. There wasn’t much to work with.

Calysta ignored the Chips comment and turned her head toward the door where a copious amount of muffled giggling was coming from outside. The sounds was grabbing more than her attention, even Illya had glanced toward as a few Kaerelean women stumbled in with cat like grins.
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Tabit spent quite a bit of her time cooking and trying to help repair damages to the island. They were all living in a rough terrain now and from time to time there was a shudder on the planet. Sometimes she wondered if it was stable or if the small bombing raid had done enough to destabilize the region that they were now in danger. When she got home that night she decided to make something extra for Kirit. He loved it when she made some of the Chippequoti flat bread. There wasn't anything else in the meal that would be considered flat bread, but she figured it would all go well together.

Grabbing her bottle of garlic and lemon oil she poured some of it over the frying meat and then stirred in onions and let it all cook through before adding the 5 different kinds of peppers and the wild grass grains. She loved to make these sorts of stir fry meals with the flat bread. Having a spicy topping and then the sweet bread on the bottom gave a strangely satisfying contrast. Leaning over her frying pan she waved some of the steam from it toward her face and she breathed in deeply. It would be good. Now that the food was fully cooked it was time to make the gravy. Pouring in a stock of the Nyte Beast she quickly stirred in a thickener and let the thick brown sauce come to a simmer before turning the heat down to ensure that it only kept the food hot.

While Tabit was reaching for her two platters and the relish for the top of the food she heard the door open. It had to be Kirit. A little smile came to her face and she set out the two plates. She'd had plenty of time to think about what he'd said and he hadn't run away when she told him her age, nor had he turned his nose up at her knowing that she'd been with other men before.

When Kirit came into the kitchen and put his arms around her waist she gave a startled little 'oh' and then chuckled. Letting the wooden spoon balance in the edge of the pan she chuckled a little and turned toward him only to feel him press something in her hands. Rubbing the object in her hand she could feel it was a ring and then she opened her palm to reveal it was approximately the same as the one that had flown out of his fingers just a few days before. "I think my finger would be a very good place to keep this ring." Gazing into his eyes she chuckled softly. "Kirit I will agree with you. To put it in your terms I will marry you." Pulling the shocked looking man into her arms she kissed him vigorously and then turned back to the food. "Now, I have a few special things tonight. First we're going to eat and then we'll clean up together after the meal and I'll go get ready. Tonight is special and I have something special to remember it by."

Quickly serving up his platter and then hers Tabit poured the meat, vegetables, and sauce over the bread. It was already softening the flat bread as it soaked up the excess sauce and she poured a little wine in each of their glasses. "Get your hands washed." Shaking her head Tabit had to smile to herself. He had been so dumb struck at first that he didn't even move. When she finished pouring the glasses of wine she slipped the ring onto her finger and admired it. The stone was rather beautiful and she loved the way that it contrasted with the band.

All through the meal the woman would glance at her ring and she wore a nearly constant smile. At first she had stressed, but now she knew that she wanted this. He would be the first man that she loved and she could truly be safe to spend his lifetime with him. Perhaps if they worked hard they could have a baby. Tabit wanted to give him a baby. Kalizda and Illya had a beautiful baby boy and she could have one too that she would get to raise.

While they washed the dishes Tabit would lean toward him and occasionally plant a kiss on his lips. "I want to agree with you in your tradition." Meeting his gaze she smiled and nodded to him. "We will teach our children Reylian tradition and Chippequoti because I want them to be like their father."


What Kalizda asked was so small. Illya wanted to spend time with her too and it wasn't so difficult. It only went to prove again that she was truly a very gentle and kind woman. Holding her in his arms Illya scooted to sit up a little more so he could lean against the head board. Resting a hand on her back he rubbed gently and whispered in her ear, "I tink dat meh woman es verah good." Sex wasn't always on the top of the list for a woman and Illya knew there was value with just spending time close without making it about sex. She had just spent weeks watching him, caring for him, and suffering because of what happened. This was one chance he had to try and comfort her in any way he could and that was in this case it was spending time with only her and focusing on her alone.

Moving his hands to her hair he played with the ends of the long black hair. "Yah hair es like midnight air and yah eyes like dah stars en dah sky." He was trying to relate it as much to her culture as possible. Kissing her on the lips he continued, "Yah skin white like a cloud." Illya ran his hands down her shoulders and rubbed gently. "Dese shoulders verah strong. Dey carry much weight." Reaching for her hand he kissed it and gazed into her eyes and whispered in Kaerelean one of the few words he could say. "Beautiful."

For a while longer Illya snuggled with Kalizda and he would shower her with kisses and then hold her close. If there was one thing Illya never had a problem doing it was telling Kalizda how beautiful she was. "Kalizda, I never expect yah tah be so kind after meh mistakes." Gently kissing her again he rolled so they were laying side by side and for just a few minutes longer they held onto each other and Illya studied her face. "Ets important tah always remember dese moments." With a few more poor attempts in Kaerelean Illya tried to remember how to translate a small verse from Quoti into her language, but a few words were off and he caught her grinning at him. "Eh, I try, but I still nut much good at et." Giving her one last little squeeze he kissed her. "I am proud tah call yah meh agreed. Et es rare dat dere es a woman like yah. I would nut change meh life or go back en time for anyting. Meh Kalizda es wort too much for such trade."

Since it was about time to get up one of the more exciting things he could think of was actually going to a real bath house and getting a good massage. Both of them were things he needed and Illya figured that Kalizda would be wanting to come to. She enjoyed so far as he knew.

Getting dressed only took longer because Illya had to use his crutches to get himself over to his side of the closet and then his pants took a bit longer, but his shirt was about as fast as usual. With one boot on he was about ready to leave. Kalizda wanted to tie the pant leg so he let her. It would be uncomfortable for the stump to get cold. Momentarily he worried that Kalizda wouldn't find him as capable if he had a partial leg. He needed to get the leg and then he could do everything the same as he always had. Still there was some comfort as she had been exceedingly gentle, kind and loving. There wasn't even any shame in her eyes or disgust when she was so close to the severed part of the limb.

By now Illya was fairly fast at scooting down the stairs and he met with Amil and Ehvan outside with Kalizda. While they walked it seemed that Ehvan was taking a slower pace and that was alright with Illya because he was getting a little sore from using the crutches so much. Amil looked to be in pain when they walked and no one said anything, but there was still a sense that the boy was struggling. Gyllie had come along too and Illya was glad to see that the boy did get the help and none too soon. What would have happened if there was no one else? Illya heard about Ehvan's bravery saving the boy's mother and no one said much about it, but Illya knew that Ehvan took the duty seriously and excessive praise would be considered embarrassing and so he respected the man and his wishes in that case. Men like Ehvan were not always recognized, but he was the one to take Illya's place as the leader of the Elite and it may be sooner rather than later at this rate and it was for good reason. Ehvan was more than capable to lead the men and he had the other qualities necessary for the position as well.

Inside the bath house Amil got himself stripped and then he needed help getting to a safe place to sit and bathe. Illya had to kneel or sit as well since he couldn't really stand anymore. Leaning his crutches against the wall he sat down next to Amil and the two of them quietly washed. Amil looked at Illya's stump several times and a frown had etched its way across his face, but he still didn't say anything. It was a little bit difficult at times for Illya to ignore when people stared and amputations were certainly stare worthy for Chippequoti, but that was just the way it was going to be.

The same as when he went in Illya insisted on getting himself to and from the men's side of the bath house and dressed again. Then following the bathhouse he worked his way on the crutches over to the pleasure house. Little Amil still looked worried and Illya nudged the boy gently. "Dun worreh. Et hurts tah start, but sometimes dey can do what Ehaui can't. Et took ten years, but I walk again. Dun tink dis time I get anyting back. Meh leg es gone, but dey help work muscles so I dun hurt so much."

Amil's eyes widened with some kind of hope. He would learn to walk again without his braces and he was determined that no matter how badly the massage hurt he would keep on doing it. "How often did you go when you had to learn to walk again?"

"Everyday." Illya nodded to the boy. "Et all takes time, but I tink yah feel better." Once he was stripped down Illya wrapped a towel around his waist and waited for his usual massage man. Everyone knew who it was and they all knew better than to ask him who he was waiting for. It wasn't, but a few moments and he was ready for Illya. Getting up from the bench Illya walked himself over with the crutches and got himself adjusted on the bed while the other Chip took the crutches and leaned them carefully against a wall. "Working et all?" Illya nodded and they were ready to start.

His back had managed to get enough kinks in it that he wasn't so sure laying in bed all that time had been good for him. Then his one good leg was a bit tight too and his arms. The masseuse rubbed gently along Illya's shoulders and his back before adding some oils and then working them into his back. At first Illya tensed when the pressure started at his lower back and he cringed just a little bit. "Relax." Speaking in a calm manner the man doing the massage rubbed the sore muscles for just a moment before pressing in again. "Jes let meh work yah." He knew that it would be rough to get started again, but if the General could come daily it would help relieve some of the tension in his back and the rest of his body. If there was one person that still had a tendency to tighten up and put strain on their bones it was Illya. He'd always been a bit thicker boned and muscled than many of the Chippequoti and it was a good thing most of the time, but it had its down side too.

Momentarily the entire Chip pleasure house grew silent. Illya turned his head to see that there were outsiders standing just inside the door and they were giggling. The masseuse working his back paused and then blinked a few times. He couldn't believe that anyone had come. Not that they'd posted no one could come in, but the Chippequoti didn't normally have outsiders come and it was only if they were invited. How rude! Taking a towel from the side of his massage table he wiped his hands off and then took himself to the front. Somebody was going to have to talk to these women. His nearly 7'4" frame looked intimidating and his brown hair was parted and neatly swept to the side. Peering down at the women with his violet eyes he made his inquiry. "What yah come for?"

"See I told you I saw the half breed come in here....shhh...just hush!" The two women behind the one in the lead were whispering back and forth while their friend in front looked around the room at the fine men, and even women too. All of them were mixed together and all of them were beautiful in an exotic sort of way. No wonder the councilwoman liked to come here. A near gigantic man with the kind of eyes to keep a woman's attention walked up to them and her eyes traveled up his long legs, lean torso, to his broad shoulders then to those nice, caramel skinned biceps. "We came for the best services you offer," she smiled, an almost devilish look in her eye, "Are you available?"

The man didn't like the way the women smiled at him, but he kept a neutral expression. "We have same service for all dah clients." Working his jaw he pointed toward the women's side of the room. They would have to serve the women since they were technically allies now, but he would have rather that the pleasure house remained as it did on Nuen and Quoti. They could invite only as they saw fit and keep this part of their lives mainly to themselves. "Yah go over dere and take off yah clotes and den wrap towel around yah body and den sit on bench in main room and next person available help yah. I dun tink I will be assisting any of yah tahday I have client already." For that he was thankful and the General did need quite a bit of work.

"Of course, I do prefer a man, but a woman would be fine as well," she smiled, throwing a wink at the Chip before turning to her friends. "Time to get undressed ladies." They followed the instructions to the letter, taking off their tunics and folding them neatly, before wrapping themselves up in the behemouth sized towels. While they waited to be served, she couldn't help but notice that the General she'd seen a few pictures of was being serviced and by a man no less, while the new council woman was under the hands of another man altogether. They even catered to the likes of a half breed, which was interesting. Who would have thought these forgieners would be like this after so many rumors?

With the presence of the women any talking had gone from varying degrees of the Chippequoti practicing Trader's Tongue and some Kaerelean to strictly Quoti. Returning to the General the violet eyed man spoke. "You know any those women?" Sometimes it was a diplomatic thing, but he really didn't think so. Illya took a deep breath and answered. "Nope." The masseuse grunted and poured a little more oil on his hands. "How sore are yah General?" The tone in the man's voice told it all and Illya smirked. "Oh, I am very sore. Might need some extra clove and peppermint." It was true, but Illya also knew that his usual masseuse was looking for an excuse to keep away from the foreigners. "How sore do you suppose everyone else is?" A chuckle sounded from the man working his back. "I think perhaps Tiya will be done soon. She was just finishing up with a scalp massage." As the masseuse predicted the woman Tiya was done and she went to the sink to wash her hands and then carefully rub a cleansing oil over them before heading over to her table to wipe it down and then she went over to the bench and beckoned to the next one in line. "Come wit meh."

A tall woman beckoned her over, and she felt a nudge at her back. The two women were shy, but she wasn’t afraid to go first. That was half the excitement. What added to the experience was the fact that it was all being done in one room. Keeping her towel around her, she sauntered past the other tables, swaying her hips a bit more as she passed the General and his partner, then slowly climbed up on the table for the Amazonian woman. “So, all the same service?” she mused, “Starting out with a massage is always good. My back can always use the attention.”

The way the woman sauntered past hadn't gone unnoticed and Illya rolled his eyes. He had a feeling that this wasn't going to end all that well. There was a reason that foreigners were not typically welcomed to the Pleasure House or any other sort of Chippequoti custom. His masseuse let out a sigh and then worked his way up Illya's back. He'd gotten past the lower back and that was usually the worst of it. There was a little bit of uneven scar tissue and he tried to work at it and around it to reduce the damage caused by it.

Illya grunted a little when he felt the masseuse reach some of the more severe scarring from Elian's whip. "Just be careful." Still speaking in Quoti he figured was the best way to maintain privacy while these strangers were in the house.

Tiya started to oil her hands with the rubbing oil as she watched the woman step up to the table and then carefully climb onto it. At least she hadn't lost her towel on the first attempt. "Yes, same service. Chippequoti pleasure house is only for healt and healing." Nodding to the woman's request for the back she nodded slightly. "Lay down." She couldn't really work on the woman's back if she was just sitting there.

" and healing.." Every culture had their own style, and she liked to try them from time to time. Kaerelean men could only do so much. Laying down on the table, she folded her arms under her chin and sighed in satisfaction as the woman's hands began to rub lightly at first. She let the worker take over her shoulders, then under her shoulder blades, but she was bearing down a bit hard now and there was the chance she was running out of time for more important things. With a coy little smile she hummed. "Oh...can you go a bit lower....just a bit more...more..."

While she worked she noticed that the woman didn't take the proper position and she took the woman's arms and moved them to her side. "Always flat so I dun hurt yah back." Working the arms gently she returned to the back and began to work the deeper tissue only for her client to ask her to go lower and she frowned slightly. "Yah have children before?" Perhaps this woman's hips were bothering her and in that case she could do something for her.

Why it mattered if she had children before, she wasn't sure. It was certainly the strangest question she'd ever heard from a pleasure house worker, but if this was the way the woman made pillow talk, she'd play along. "Oh, no....I just haven't quite found the right man for that yet. It just feels....nice, yeah?" she replied, casting a knowing look at the woman.

"Hmmm..." Tiya worked her hands to the top of the towel and rubbed gently and then she moved her hands over the towel to feel if there was anything that could need adjusting with her hips. It wasn't likely, but there were on occasion women that needed a small hip adjustment even if they hadn't had a child. "Very good dat yah wait. Chippequoti only choose one and dey agree tah be togeter for rest of dere lives. Most time dey live togeter for 450 years or more. It is uncommon for a Chip tah die before den." Feeling a small knot in the woman's hip she oiled her hands up and stepped further down the table so she could work her hands up the towel along the outside of the woman's hip. Rubbing gently and then twisting slightly and then adding the pressure she felt the needed shift and then moved with her one hand from the opposite hip to the inside of the leg and worked her way down to the base of the woman's foot before starting on the next leg. "Yah wear bad shoes and dats why yah hip hurt when yah so young. I see dah shoes when yah come en. Walk home barefoot and put on someting else when yah get dere."

She listened along as the woman told her all about how the Chippeqouti mate. "Only one for your entire lives?" She said, her eyes growing wide, "And your so long lived. I see now why you have a pleasure house like this." The woman rubbed a her hips and she arched her back just a bit, but all she got was a lecture on proper foot wear and a frustrated desire. Frowning, she felt the woman move towards her feet. When would the tease be over?! Calysta turned her head, having heard the whole conversation, and saw the look on the woman's face. "It's not that kind of house, Maiya Fayn." She looked from the councilwoman to the one rubbing at her feet. "Is this all you do?"

Momentarily Tiya paused. The client wasn't making much sense. Their life span had nothing to do with the pleasure house. A pleasure house had a very specific purpose and she already told the woman. When Kalizda turned toward her client and spoke Tiya's cheeks flamed red and she stared back at her client. "I told yah dis es for healt and healing." Taking her hands off the woman's feet she quickly wiped her own hands off stared harshly at the woman before beckoning for the brown haired man with the violet eyes over. When he came over the two of them spoke quickly in Quoti and then he returned to work on Illya. Tiya's brow pulled into a frown and she huffed. "We dun ever give dat kind of service and ef dat's what yah and yah friends are looking for den yah are welcome tah leave, now."

Maiya stared wide-eyed at the Chip woman, then her eyes wandered to the half breed, who had her eyes closed but had a smile curled on her lips. She couldn't make the situation any worse, not in front of her Calysta Monroe of all people. Slumping down to the table she sighed in defeat. "No, I suppose not," she replied, before swapping to Kaerelean, "Ladies, the Chippeqouti are not so exotic as we thought. Don't bother asking."

Since it appeared that they had misunderstood the woman Tiya reluctantly went back to work on the woman only for her to switch to another language that most of them didn't understand. Illya was getting his legs worked over and he took a sharp breath just in time to hear what Maiya said. He knew enough Kaerelean to understand what she said and he instantly lost his breath and his eyes went wide. "Huuu...." He knew exactly what she meant and that had been what they thought about him all along. The masseuse stopped momentarily. "Ok, General?" He didn't know if the leg was that bad feeling and it was possible it was considering all the recent surgeries. Illya glanced over his shoulder and shook his head and then decided to just nod. It would be easier to let the rumor mill take care of itself.



Illya had been busy doing all the chores he could in the house and even getting up with Cypher again in the mornings for the two weeks before he was supposed to be getting his new leg. It would put him back a little bit, but it would be worth it. Even if Kalizda looked worried Illya wasn't. "I be jes fine when I get out of surgery. Ehaui give meh someting else so I dun get addicted. Et's nut quite as strong, but I still have good bones and I tink dat I keep same pace eh?" Perhaps he was being optimistic, but he had to find a little bit to be excited about. There were always complications and there were a few more with a permanently attached leg surgery, but if it was successful the long term had far fewer problems.

When they got to the Ehaui Illya could feel his heart rate start to go up a little bit. He was nervous and excited all at the same time. Just a few more weeks and he could walk again. He waited in the pre-operative room and he was all washed up and ready to go into surgery when the doctor came in with a big grin on his face. "We got good news. There was enough of the metal left over that we made a sheet of it over the prosthetic leg so there won't be any chance of damage to it. Otherwise the any damage would have been cause for a new surgery and it would have had horrible risks, such that I may have insisted you keep a removable leg." Pulling up a picture of the attachable leg he grinned. "We painted it to look like it is the same color as your skin and we've made it look approximately like your other leg. So you'll have two pretty legs for your woman now."

Peering at the screen Illya couldn't help the little bit of smile that came to his face. It was good looking. They put a lot of work into it. "Oh I like et maybe better den dah part of meh leg yah took off." The leg did cause trouble from time to time and he was tired of the intermittent pains that he would get. Now it seemed that wouldn't be the problem.

Even if the grin was from the General the doctor couldn't help matching it. This was the part of his job he liked better. Being able to see one of his patients pleased, happy, and healthy again. It had been very difficult to save the General and he thought for a while that the man wouldn't pull through even after he sent him home. There was a chance that there were other longer lasting effects of the poison, but it hadn't happened and that was good. They got all the infection out with the most minimal damage to the General and he would be back at it in a few weeks, though it would be limited. "Well, since you're happy with the leg we got for you then I'll just have the nurse put the mask on we'll get you into the operating room." Glancing to Kalizda the doctor nodded. "Give us a few hours. Surgery for this is a little bit complicated."

By the time Illya woke up it was already night and he had to stay in the hospital for another 2 days. Surprisingly the limb hurt a bit more than he thought. Having the stump connected to a new artificial leg was a bit painful. "Ugh..." Turning in the bed he took a sharp breath and then he sat up to look at the leg. Pushing the blankets off he felt along the leg. It was strange to see it attached and feel nothing, especially when it looked like his leg except for the joint at the ankle and toes. It was supposed to be designed so that he could walk mostly normal, but there would possibly be a little adjusting to it.

Once he was satisfied with the leg Illya laid back and went to sleep again. Early the next morning he woke to see Kalizda sitting by his side and she held onto his one hand. "Hey...I got someting tah show yah." Pulling his hand away from Kalizda he sat up and pushed the blankets down again to reveal the leg. "Looks pretty good eh?"
Calysta kissed Illya again as her fingers curled into his hair. He was whispering to her the way he used to and she just laid with him, listening to the sound of his voice say her name, call her beautiful in so many way. Hearing him talk about her hair and eyes made her blush a little as she gazed at him. It had been a long time since they were truly this close, almost since they were first married, and yet this felt different. Deeper in a way she couldn't put into words.

His hands grazed up her arms, to her shoulders massaging them with tenderness. "Kalizda, I never expect yah tah be so kind after meh mistakes."

Illya said this as if he were surprised and a bit in awe, but she wasn't exactly sure why he would feel that way. She loved him and that meant staying by his side in his lows as well as highs. Smiling at him with a warm gaze, Calysta leaned up to leave a trail of kisses from the corner of his lip down his jaw. "Ets important tah always remember dese moments."

"Aye, I think so too. These are the ones I always remember most," she nodded as she stroked at his handsome curls, noting he was in need of a haircut. She didn't want to see his locks sheared off. Though he looked some what boyish with them so long around his ears, and she loved the way they felt.

When he began to try to speak in Kaerelean, with what Calysta could only assume was Qouti poetry, she couldn't help but crack a grin. She was sure he meant to say 'Your smile is warm as the Qouti sun and your eyes are bright." What he'd actually said was "her teeth were on fire and she watched with lamp eyes."

Illya admitted he was still working on it and she couldn't help but giggle with 'lamp' eyes filled with pride. "Aye, you're getting better though."

Getting out of bed was a slow and reluctant process. She didn't want to let go of those moments in time where he could make the world absolutely wonderful with a few simple words and his sweet, cheeky smile etched on his tan face.


Gyllie's excitement could hardly be contained as he ran across the fields and then doubled back to Amil who was pegging along on his crutches. It was one of thise golden days where the breeze was cool, but the sun was warm and bright over what remained of the red and golden grasses. The kind of day that made Gyllie a bit too stir crazy to sit still for long as the wind sent his floppy hair in every direction. "C'mon Amil," he grinned, "I got somethin' t' show ye."

Walking wasn't getting any easier even with consistent visits to the Pleasure House, but he was determined that it would work. Amil looked up from time to time to let his friend's wild bouncing hair be the guide. Pulling himself along the boy winced a bit and then he stopped when Gyllie started to talk. "I know. I'm comin."

Gyllie lead his friend further and further out until they reached the covered hangar. Rows of gleaming personal flyers sat inside next to a field office. Amil's crutches echoed on the stone floor as they entered and Gyllie's eyes flicked from flyer to, looking for on specifically. Eventually he found the polished black flyer with the silver trim and a small woman standing by. Calysta was waiting, her long hair braided into a neat plait and helment emblazoned with a blue moonbird tucked under her arm. As she spied the boys, she gave them both a wave and a smile. "Over here." Gyllie waited patiently for Amil to catch up, then came over to the flyer along with councilwoman. "I was told you might like to learn to fly today," she said to the both of them.

The laborious walk only took them to the airstrip and Amil looked up at Calysta. She was waving and he had to stop just so he could balance and wave at the same time. Slowly he made his way over to the flier and he stared at it for a long time. He hadn't said he wanted to learn how to fly. Despite his initial thoughts there was a part of Amil that was curious about flying. "Yeah, I guess." A spark of excitement started to build. If he could fly without the use of his legs then he could work to become the best pilot among the Chippequoti.

Calysta knew that tone that Amil had well, and didn't mind it. Sometimes all it took was patience to help. "Good, now there are some boring parts first," she admitted, "But every decent pilot knows their craft and I don't train anything less than the best. So, I'm going to show you a few things first....then I'll take you up." Gyllie's grin widened at the thought of going up in the sky like the skycorp and fleet pilots. Calysta took the smile to mean that was a yes, and then got started. "Right here are the wings...your drag fins and dampeners...those will slow you and help you turn in the air...your landing gear...and then the nose...engines...cockpit where you control your flyer. Now, we wont be taking mine up today, but we'll be taking that one." She went over each thing and explained its basic function, then pointed to a two seated flyer right beside them. It was a training flyer the controls were all the same, but she would sit in the back and have override control over anything either of them did when they were ready. "Lets get you into the cockpit, yeah?" A small stair step had been placed along side for Amil to use to climb into the cockpit. If he needed help, she'd step in, but otherwise, she guessed the boy would like to climb up on his own.

Even at the slow pace that Kalizda took around the ship the boy had to hobble about almost as fast as he could. With practice he was getting better at angling his hips to sort of swing one leg and then the next. It was better than the giant one body swing, but it took more effort and he got tired out faster too. The Chippequoti masseuse that worked on Illya had signed Amil on too. Typically that one was only available to the Elite or severely injured Chips and he told Amil to swing his hips and start forcing parts of his muscles to work. Eventually they got to the part where it was time to climb in and Amil managed an awkward step up to the cock pit, but there was only one problem. He couldn't actually lift his legs, not yet. Laying his crutches over the top of the cockpit Amil prepped himself for a challenging endeavor. Bracing his hands on either side he pushed down till he could hear his feet and the brace bumping against the ship. Finally he leaned forward when he was far enough along and he pulled himself almost into the seat with the exception that his head was on the seat and his legs stuck out. Reaching back he unlocked his legs and he crumpled into the cock pit before rearranging himself and pulling the crutches in to lay them along the inside wall of the ship. "Ok, I'm ready."

Calysta let the boy do as he needed partially to let him do on his own and also for fear helping him might hurt him. Once he was settled, and his crutches off to the side. Calysta pointed to the different digital monitors. "This starts your engines. Only when you've done your pre flight checks. That's a hard rule, alright? This is altitude, your pitch and navigation and...these are your controls." Smiling, Calysta put Amil's tan hand over the thrust bar. "You push slow and and steady to get the engines going." Then she picked up his other hand and placed it on the joy stick, seperating his fingers just so on the grip. "This is guides your craft wherever you want to go. You have to treat your flyer like part of yourself, yeah? Practice enough and it becomes like an instinct. You'll know what do. Now, would you like to take a trip up?

There was a lot of work to getting off the ground. Amil tried to memorize the steps as Kalizda walked him through it, but he knew it would take more than once for him to get it down. When she offered for him to take it off the ground he looked up at her skeptically at first and then he nodded enthusiastically. Of course he wanted to try flying it.

Chuckling, Calysta pulled a helmet from the back and helped him get it on, then pulled on her own. She checked the comms and waited for him to nod that he could here. "Gyllie you stay clear at the office." With that she jumped into the back part of the training flyer. It took little to start the engines and taxi them out into the open. "Clear for flight. Fair winds," she said into the comms. With clearance from flight control, she took them at an easy pace down the short runway and into the air. "We'll be staying over the continent, alright? Never fly over the wilds on your own until your certified." She turned them in slow circles, letting him get a feel for how it moved. At one point, she took them on a harder pitch so he could see the continent far below. "Look down, Amil," she told him, "Now hold on." She pushed the throttle taking them a bit faster, making the quick and quiet engines roar just for the fun. That pace kept for about 10 minutes, then she slowed them to an even pitch with a straight course heading before calling out to him "Alright. I'm giving you the controls, but not the thrust just yet. Keep us smooth and steady. A light touch okay?" When she heard he was ready, she swapped the controls and let him fly. "Its all you Amil."

Amil waited till they were up in the air and he was more than ready to take control and give it a try. Finally it was his turn to do something with it and he had one little hand on the thrust. He wanted to just blast the ship off into the air nice and fast. Besides, she had controls if things went wild. When she gave him the control he started to push the thrust only to hear that she had disabled his and so he ended up just putting the ship in gentle curves and one of them he almost sent them for a flip when he over corrected, but it was all good. Not like they were going to die.

Calysta felt the flyer pitch and wobble until he got his bearings, then let out a chuckle. "Excellent. That's good. Nice and steady." She pushed them a little faster so he could get a decent running speed and could feel a bit of the g-force. "Learn the controls and next week if you want to come back, I'll give you the thrust, how does that sound?"

There was a bit of skill with flying and Amil shifted his fingers across the stick until he felt a more comfortable position and then he started to til the ship again and he was starting to get smooth when she mentioned him coming back. A big grin came to his face and he nodded vigorously with his helmet bouncing off the seat behind him. "I come back and den we go fast!"

The grin on her face was evident in her voice. Calsyta loved to fly and she was happy to here the boy so enthused about something. "Master the controls and I'll teach you to fly faster than a bullet, Amil."

"I master dem." With a self assured nod he set his little mind to memorizing every detail that he could. "Yah give meh books about flying? Maybe I work for dem?"

"I'll make sure you have all the books, but its important to keep up with your other studies. Professor Monroe will want to make sure you have good grades. If you keep your grades, that's your work. Does that sound like a good deal?" She said, letting him take them for another pass. He was really good and she felt like he had the potiental to be great if he put his mind to it.

Amil nodded when she made her deal. "I tink ets fair. I already gaining in meh studies and I tink I will be top of meh class by end of year." Even if he wasn't that was the goal and Amil wanted that. His father had pushed him to do more studies since the injury because he wasn't going to be a soldier anymore so he had to be something else.

"Good, because I think you could be one of the best pilots on Kaereal and beyond," she said, sincerely. Calysta let the boy take them around the contintent several times before telling him it was probably a good idea to get Gyllie. She took back the controls and brought them down for a smooth landing. As soon as she did, the Pyrtan boy was half climbing up the side. "Amil! Amil! Was it fun?!"

When it was time to go back Amil let go of the controls and just watched as they made the descent. They were barely on the ground and engines put to an idle when he heard Gyllie calling him and nearly scrambling inside the cockpit with him. "Yeah." A grin came to his face and he nodded to his friend.

Calysta waited for the doctor to come in and inform her of the results of the surgery replacing Illya's leg with a permanent prosthesis. He had opted for a permanent one because it wouldn't fall off in a fight and it would be less painful in the long run that a detachable foot, however, he hadn't said which option he had chosen. The Ehaui doctor seemed pleased to inform her there was no detectable traces of the poison and his immune system was fine.

A nurse lead her back to his surgical suite where Illya was laid in the bed still snoozing under the anesthesia. This time, there was no missing lump where his right foot should be, but a perfectly good leg. "Thank you, both," she told the nurse and doctor sincerely. Giving her Chip a long look, she pulled up a rolling stool and sat by his side. His hand was nestled by his hip above the blankets, and the temptation was too much not to slip her thing fingers under his, letting her thumb stroke over his knuckles. It took awhile before his eyes fluttered some and then cracked open slowly, before realizing she was there. A drowsy sort of grin spread over his face as he woke up some more. "Hey...I got someting tah show yah." Pulling his hand away f he sat up and pushed the blankets down to show off his leg. Her eyes traveled down his body to his legs where she saw his new leg just as tan and smooth as its counterpart. "Looks pretty good eh?"

"It looks great," she smiled, "Just like the other one, only I'm willing to bet it kicks even harder. You'll be back up on your feet soon and maybe we can take a trip to one of the continents for awhile, yeah?"

Illya seemed to like that idea and she lifted his hand to plant a gentle kiss on his wrist. He seemed like he was feeling so much better than before, with his eyes had their spark and his cheeks their rosy color. A more jovial expression sat naturally on his face despite any pain he felt. Simply knowing that he was still her same Chip after everything that had happened. "You are the most amazing man I know," she said, as she leaned over to capture another kiss.


The first week at home with Illya and his new leg went as well as she could have hoped. He was still in some pain, but she would make his teas and then give him the lighter pain medications. He was wanting to get up and go around the house and the temptation of using his new leg was growing by the day, but he still had a week before weight could be placed on it. Rather than keeping him cooped up in the bed room, Calysta found him things to do that he could sit and still help with.

He often helped her in he kitchen and had fun playing with Rose as they chopped vegetables. Gyllie had shown the girl what it looked like when an orange peel was stuck over your teeth, and she had an hours worth of fun eating orange slices while Illya chopped carrots. She would suck out all of the pulp then put the wedge over her teeth, displaying it with a big grin. Cypher would sit in his high chair and laugh because everyone else was laughing along with him.

At night things were warmer, though still slow. Calysta had to be very careful of his leg and every now and then she woke with a jolt, worried she had bumped it. Most of the time this was a empty fear though because she held very still, even when he wrapped her up in his arms. She would lay her head over his chest while he kept her close, sometimes kissing her hair or any other part of her he could reach easily. At one point in the night, close to the two week mark, she was exhausted from dealing with a long coordination meeting for hours on end. Coming to bed late wasn't something she had intended, but Illya was already asleep. Too keep from waking him up, she slipped into the bed next to him and stayed a few inches away. Sometime in the night, she must have gotten cold because she woke to Illya whispering her name. "Hm?" she asked groggily, "What's wrong?" He was giving her an odd look, one his brows raised in slight amusement. "What?" It was then she realized her feet were climbing up his left leg desperately pawing for the end of his pants. With a guilty sort of a smile, she inched away. "Ooops."

Calysta and her father rearranged her study to include a space for Illya. She pushed her desk to one side and closer to the door by the book shelves, then a nice desk made of white wood from the Wilds brought in for him. It was made for the General's size, then carved at the bottom to include images of the Wilds which included a Tyrei, but also a non indigenous wolf hidden in the trees. A little bird sat on the wooden wolf's shoulder. The Kaerelean who carved it didn't understand why she had requested something like that, and even sent the order form back to her at first thinking it was a mistake before she assured him that was exactly what was intended. With a nice, plush chair to push behind the desk, she made sure it was stocked with everything he might need, then placed it right by the bay window so he could look out or open it as he pleased.

She would give him a few things to read or help organize for her if he didn't have his own reports to work on while she went about the tasks of her own job. Occasionally, Calysta looked up to see him gazing at her, just catching his eyes before flashing him a smile. She was in the middle of a meeting between the Ehaui engineer and the Skycorp chief flight engineer, with Illya across the room.

"We've recovered all of the wreckage we can from the Wilds," the Skycorp officer reported firmly, "There is a lot left in tact except for the computer systems aboard. Those were wiped upon impact. Done purposely of course."

Calysta nodded and picked up her pad, flicking her fingers over the screen. "I am sending you the blueprints I acquired. These are encrypted and cannot be transferred unless there is clearance from me."

"You want us to build another one?" he asked, sounding surprised.

Her eyes traveled from the tall Ehaui to the Kaerelean with a serious gaze. "I don't want you to build another one. I want you to take it and make it better. With a Kaerelean and Ehaui engineer, I think you can best a Terran design any day."

They both chuckled, and seemed to understand the importance of keeping the designs from falling into anyone else's hands. Just as she was ending that meeting, an alert came over her pad. A very specific alert and it made a rush of nerves surge through her limbs. With a few clicks, she turned on the hologram viewer to reveal William Yarbrough's face. He was standing at the podium looking nervous for once as he straightened his tie. Flashes of cameras and hologram recorded were constantly flaring in background.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, people of Terra, I understand the hour is late," he began slowly, "But there is an urgent announcement I must make." The man took a long pause and his knuckles turned ghost white as he gripped the podium. "I have called to you all, to announce my...retirement from my elected office starting immediately along with my entire cabinet." A flurry of gasps and talking exploded in the room and a moment to calm everyone again. "The position of President will fall to Harry Lichten."

Hundreds of people were calling out confused, and almost terrified questions. "Why?"

William looked read to throw up and Calysta was sitting on the edge of her seat, unable to tear her eyes away. Would he do it?

"I am unworthy of the position," he said, "I...I.."

He paused and it didn't look like he was going to continue. Calysta willed him to keep going but he looked ready to run. It was a shame, because she didn't want to have to to the contingency. Finally, enough time pass that she clicked another button and a prerecorded message appeared next to the live feed. Ayrn had planted his bug well. A second face appeared on the broadcast, obviously a hologram from another place. "You arranged the assassination of major world leaders, have been responsible for not one but two deadly attacks on Kaereal, one of which was a school, arranged for the assassination of Councilwoman Henaiah Keyl, have conducted multiple projects in conjunction with the Federation, working with the Tannas threat which include weapons, ships and human experimentation."....the allegations went on and on until the figure talking pause..... "I, Aaron William Yarbrough confirm this."

William's mouth fell open and his eyes went wide as thousands of pad alerts echoed with all of the video clips and evidence confirming the allegations. There was so much confusion and shock until someone called out. "Arrest him!" After a few seconds of jittery images, the screen went black. The message was shortly followed by another hologram. A balding man in a pink tunic appeared looking half panicked. "I am ...was Councilman Yeolyn...I am announcing my retirement effective immediately. I am putting junior Councilman Bynji in my place. I have..." His eyes darted across the room and he gulped before taking a drink of water at his desk, "I have...kept the truth about the war, the Alliance, and the Chippeqouti from the people of Yuria and...I coordinated the assassination of Council Woman Henaiah in favor of trade deals with the Federation. I beg for the forgiveness of the Alliance and of Councilwoman Calysta."

The images faded and Calysta couldn't help but smile. She had made sure that both of these men would leave the positions to those would be willing to listen. Men who would step up to the Tannas threat. Her eyes wandered over to Illya and she let out a sigh of relief. "I may have arranged a coup or two while you weren't feeling very well. Ehud and Maks did well."
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Most of the first week Kalizda kept Illya in bed except when she got up. It was probably better that way because Illya desperately wanted to get off the crutches. He was so close and yet he couldn't quite do it. Sometimes he felt a tinge of anger over losing the leg, but he figured there wasn't anything to do for it now. There were frequent visits to the Ehaui to ensure that the leg was healing correctly and the prosthetic was doing what it was supposed to. The Chip stared at the leg sometimes when Kalizda wasn't there and he'd tap on it. Felt kinda funny since it was attached, but he had no feeling.

On top of everything else the Ehaui had started to make a little bit of armor that would be more than chaps on that side. They didn't ever want to risk repairing the right leg again and so they were attempting to design a full leg protection. One that covered his entire leg without restricting movement. One of the doctors stepped into the room after Illya had a chance to read the update on a few things with his pad. "I have to say. You've healed far better and faster then we expected." Looking to Kalizda he grinned. The doctor knew why the Chip had been healing so well because he'd taken her aside at one point to ask what she was doing to Illya at home. "Looks like you'll be able to use the cane a few days early and if it doesn't hurt too much you can move to using it permanently. At this point I'm gonna say let her regulate how much you use the cane before switching to crutches again." In reality Illya probably couldn't re-injure the leg unless he started to run or train. "Now, remember this is only for you to walk slowly."

Nodding at the instructions Illya made careful note of them. He could move around a little more and he liked that idea. He was back to sleeping a bit more, but he could perhaps try out the cane. When he got home Illya felt tired out all over again. He'd had to get up earlier than usual for his appointment. "I jes take nap eh?" Slowly stumping up the stairs with his crutches Illya took himself back to bed. Kalizda didn't seem to mind and when he woke up and wandered into the study he saw a big white desk.

Gradually a confused and nervous grin worked its way onto his face. It wasn't technically a gift and he didn't see who put it there, but it was obviously meant for him and the chair looked comfortable too. Lately when he'd been helping Kalizda it had to be in the bedroom or he'd sit out on the sofa and fall asleep most of the time. Slowly working his way over to the desk he sat down in the chair very slowly and then rolled himself closer to the desk. It had papers and pens with a pad and then some of his navigating equipment. Moving the stuff over he peered at the design on the table and he recognized the Tyrie. That was something he wanted to go back and try hunting when he was prepared for it and not surrounded by dozens of them.

It was a fine piece of craftsmanship and then Illya spotted the wolf and the bird standing off to the side and his grin grew a broader. "Hmm..." Illya slowly got up and he walked with the crutches back over to Kalizda. Beckoning for her to get closer he pulled her into a hug while he balanced on his crutches. "Maybe I can't prove et was yah, but I still tink ets good gift." Kissing her gently on the lips he winked at her. "Picture on et es good. A little bird wit her wolf. Dere es only one problem." It looked like a little frown was coming to her face and he grinned back at her. "Whoever carve et didn't come close to dah beauty of meh little bird."

"Oh Kalizda." Illya kissed the top of her head and kissed her cheek and then her lips. "Yah jes beautiful." Sometimes he didn't have a lot of things he could think to say, but she was certainly the most beautiful woman he'd seen on all of Pytra, Terra, Nuen and Old Quoti.

After an additional week of rest and alternating between the crutches and cane Illya's leg was starting to feel pretty good and he ventured to test his weight with the cane for the second day in a row. He still wasn't allowed to do the drills yet, but he would in time. It was all just part of the process. Wandering down the stairs he sat at his desk for a while and he looked over the reports that had come in. Maks was back, Ehud was back and it appeared that there was some rumor going about that Yarbough had been killed. Some said it was the Tannas and other's said it was the Alliance. If anyone knew what he did it wasn't the Alliance. Ehud had been gone that same night.

The papers on the desk seemed to be forever long and Illya read it over and over, but Kalizda had someone in the office and Illya couldn't concentrate while the man talked and talked. Eventually he put the reports and traced the little pictures in the desk with his finger. Whatever the man was talking to Kalizda about it must have been pretty serious. With each word the man said he seemed to get more vehement and then he squirmed on the vinyl seat and it made a loud and horrendous sound. Illya stopped tracing the design in the desk and he stared that the man who made the offending flatulence. Already the man's face was turning red and he shifted again only for the sound to be repeated and Illya cleared his throat in an attempt not to laugh, but he wasn't that successful. Turning in the chair he reached for his cane and started laughing. It was too much. A serious conversation and then that in the middle of it.

Calysta listened to the Nyalt'an man give his multi-pointed complaint about the need for better scrubbers and Calysta listened along, the picture of attentivness while behind her desk, her toe dug into the carpet. There was only so much that need be said about the issue, but she had to listen. "I see, that can be arranged once-" The man shifted in his chair letting out a long croak of a gas bubble. Calysta stared at him for a moment and decided to ignore the interruption. " I have the parts from Rey-" Another riff came from the man's chair and Illya began to laugh at the man. She was fighting the urge herself, her lips twitching and her throat tightening against the impeding giggle. Rubbing her mouth, she looked to thr Kaerelean who was red with embarrassment and nodded. "'ll get you the farts..I mean parts you need. The parts."

Though Illya was making his attempt to leave the room so he wouldn't be an interruption there was only one exit and he had to walk right past both of them. Kalizda's stumble in words was enough that Illya started to laugh again and the cane slipped. Falling into the wall he felt the material give way and he laughed all the harder. "Forgive meh." Pushing away from the wall he saw the dent he would have to fix later on and then stubbed his prosthetic leg on the door jam. "Owe..." It was just an automatic response after all this time and he busted out laughing all over again. "I need tah get outside for some fresh air." Even if the statement was made in innocence Illya caught the glare from the man and he tried hard not to make it worse.

Calysta's face was already red from the effort of hiding her mirth and from the embarrassment of her own blunder. It was only compounded when Illya stumbled into the wall making a large dent with his shoulder. The Nyal'tan bristled at Illya's mention of 'fresh air' and Calysta swallowed laugh, turning into an odd hiccup. "How rude," grumbled the man as Illya departed. Calysta cleared her throat and looked to him, with as serious a face as she could make. It wasn't funny...not funny... The incredulous look he was giving her was too much though and a snorting laugh tumbled out.

Little Rose who had been quietly studying looked at Illya when he stepped through the doorway and she saw he was laughing. "Are you laughing cause that man farted?" Her little eyebrows raised expectantly. She'd learned to be quiet when Kalizda had meetings and she figured that Illya got in trouble and Kalizda would make him learn his manners again before he got the privilege to sit in the office again. As soon as she said those words Illya pointed to the door. "Yah get outside. Why yah even say someting like dat?" Rose looked at him and frowned. "Because its true." There wasn't too much to say and Illya gimped out the door after the girl. Now all he needed was to wait for the man to leave and then he could go back to the office though Illya expected that he was going to lay down on the couch for a few minutes. He felt like taking a nap and he didn't really want to go up to the room for his nap because he was afraid he would sleep too long and then he wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Calysta managed to finish her meeting though he was giving her angry glares the rest of the time. She ignored him, getting her giggles under control and went into another round as the man concluded hus business then stomped out. "Humph," he grumbled at the sight of Illya stretched out on the couch. With a slam of the door he was gone and Calysta emerged from her office red faced and a tiny hand clamped over her mouth.

There wasn't a whole lot else to do when the man emerged from the office and Illya grinned broadly and waved at him from his spot on the couch. "Have a good day." Those were words he could get out with almost no accent and after the door slammed he raised his eyebrows and tilted his head back till he saw Kalizda. "I tink he was very unpleasant."

Calysta heard the comment from her Chip and started to chuckle with a naughty glint in her eye. "Hmm...he wasn't bad...but whatever he ate must have been." She felt a bit bad for laughing and the "parts to farts" blunder but sometimes she just could't help herself.

Sitting up on the couch Illya made room for her and he grinned. "Yah wanna sit wit meh? I got someting for yah and I forgot tah give et to yah until now." In truth he had forgot for a while and then the rest of the time he'd been far too chicken to do it. Sliding the drawer open he dug into the far back of it and then he remembered he left it up in the room on the floor or in his pants....His pants! "Yah do laundry since meh injury?" Of course she had and then he remembered seeing a box sitting on top his dresser and he moved it from there to somewhere in his closet space. "I tink I be right back."

At his invitation to sit down with him Calysta's smile grew. "Of course." She walked over and eased herself onto the couch, careful of his new leg which would still be tender. No sooner had she sat doen than he was trying to get up, fumbling with his crutches. Why was he asking about laundry? "Yes...why?" At his comment about being right back, her brow raised in bewildment. " you need help with something?"

"No I dun need help." Illya struggled to get himself up off the couch and he grabbed the cane again and hobbled up the stairs. It was a little more difficult than he had anticipated to find the box. He had hid it very well and it took ten minutes of digging through the pockets of all his uniforms. All of them looked the same and that was what made it the hardest. When he found the box Illya stuffed it into the pant pocket on his jeans and then wandered down the stairs again. Taking a seat next to Kalizda he shifted uncomfortably and then pulled the box out. "I was tinking of yah and ...." Placing the box in her hand he nodded. "Jes open et before I get too nervous."

He was acting strange as he shuffled off up the stairs. A few minutes and she began to wonder if she should go up stairs check on him. Before she could make it that far, she saw him coming back down the stairs with an bulge in his hand. Illya dug around in his pocket once he made it back to the couch and sat down, making the seat sag. A little box was placed in her hands with the instructions to open it. "Alright." The box creaked open to reveal a beautiful ring that had red jewels with pearls surrounded by gold filigree. "It looks like my necklace."

Keeping his jaw clenched Illya nodded. "MMhmmm." He was almost nervous enough to puke and he didn't know why after all this time something like this would get him so nervous. "I had et for long time. I jes get so nervous about giving et to yah."

A smile graced her lips and Calysta held out the box to him. "Why were you nervous? Its beautiful," she said looking more and pink cheeked by the second. Holding out her left hand and the ring felt a sort of girlish giddiness. This was something she'd always seen in thrle fairy tales and never quite thought it would ever happen to her. "Will you put it on me?"

"I dun know. I jes get nervous after I read dah tradition and yah fater talk to meh about rings." Illya knew there was a lot with them and he wasn't sure he wanted to have 3 traditions now because he was only just starting to get used to hers and his together, but Illya figured it was only right to give her a ring if it symbolized she already had a man. Illya took the ring and nodded then managed to fumble enough that he clearly missed her whole hand. Grabbing her hand with his other he held it still while he slid the ring on with the other on his second attempt. "I guess dat means yah meh wife now?"

His attempts at putting the ring on took a moment but she didn't mind, especially when she heard why he was so nervous. His first proposal had been awkward at best in his own tradition and this was his effort to try it in one of her own. Even if it was nearly 4 years past. She beamed at the sight of her ring gleaming on her finger, then looked up to Illya with just as much pride. "I'm you're wife and always honored to be so." With that, she leaned over and kissed like she had been stranded in the desert and he was the cool oasis water.


As soon as Illya was able to walk without the cane he stored the hated object in the closet with the crutches and started to slowly walk through the house and town. In the mornings they didn't have much time, because there were a lot of things happening anymore. Illya still got up with Cypher, but he started to snuggle with Kalizda after she pushed snooze the first time on her alarm. "Mmmm." Craddling her in his arms the General showered her with many little kisses. "Meh beautiful wife." He'd been trying to use the non Chip term so that it would be more broadly recognized. "I t-thought maybe yah would leave meh up in dah room and work en yah office when I was too sick tah come down stairs. Yah still find way to make meh part of yah life." Pulling away from her momentarily he peered into her eyes. "Never expect dis kind of love from meh Kalizda and I wanted et, but dun deserve et."

Still holding her for their snuggle time he continued to kiss her with several little pecks on her cheeks. "Meh beautiful wife. I tink some Chippequoti traditions nut so good. Maybe I learn more yah traditions." Illya kissed her again and he pulled her over top of himself. Just so he wouldn't forget the words he'd learned Illya practiced his Kaerelean. "I love you. I never see a woman so beautiful on all Pytra, Terra, and all our travels." The work had started to pay off and he smiled at her. "Beautiful." It was his favorite word in Kaerelean when he was speaking with Kalizda. Kissing her one more time he knew that the alarm was about to go off again and he started to get up. "I tink dat we maybe have time tah cook dinner togeter eh?" Switching back to Trader's Tongue he ended the little bit of morning love. Illya had been trying to make mornings only about Kalizda and how much he loved her because she needed time for only love as much as he needed the time that she gave him for sex and other attentions. There were two ways in this sort of relationship and it was only fair that he gave her the proper time that she needed to feel loved.

At the bath house Illya rushed through and then met Kalizda at the doorway. "Es et ok tah kiss yah wife in public?" A smirk came to his face and he kissed her gently on her lips. "I love you." Kaerelean had become in many ways his language that he used for love. Kissing her again he smiled and then he took hold of one of her hands to walk toward the pleasure house.

As soon as they finished the morning rituals. Illya let Kalizda go on with her business. "I need tah get some stuff. I be back to dah office wit some business later." Illya liked sharing the office with Kalizda. While he had the chance to get some things he'd ordered on his pad the other night without Kalizda Illya also figured he should wrap them. It was close to Christmas and he'd had plenty of chance to talk to Thomas about the traditions again and he wanted to give Kalizda something nice.

Stepping into the store, Illya asked the woman at the counter for the order to be wrapped in paper. "I want dah stuff...Eh, what yah make for Christmas." The woman behind the counter chuckled and she started to pull out papers. "Do you like the red one?" Illya beckoned for her to bring it closer. "I look at et first." Pulling some of the paper off the role he stared at the design and then nodded. "Ets pretty." Kalizda deserved something beautiful. Impatiently Illya shifted from one foot to another while he waited for the woman to finish wrapping the paper around the boxes with the dresses inside. As soon as she finished the wrapping Illya started out the door with the boxes and he walked home. Setting the boxes under the tree Illya grinned. It made the tree look a little more full underneath and he still needed to get something for Thomas and the kids. Then it would be finished. In many ways Illya was a little nervous. This was the first time he would be participating in the tradition and he was wondering if he was doing it right.

Illya settled into the office after he had the presents under the tree. "I tink ef we do Christmas dat we do et right and we get someting for dah kids and yah dad." With a sigh Illya sat at his desk and he pulled up a report. "Kalizda I tink we have a little problem. Dere es outrageous number of guests for Tabit and Kirit. How do yah propose we check guests witout offending dem?"
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Ayrn was never more glad to see the old farm town on Pyrta. He was out from under his old-man’s thumb and could roam as he liked. Plus, he was returning as an outright hero. He had single handedly taken down the tyrant of Terra. There was no feeling better than to watch the news feeds. For all his father’s misdeeds it was time he’d gotten some justice put upon him. When he arrived home, he found his mother living with the Chippeqouti quite happily. She had attacked him with dozens of little kisses on sight. “Okay…okay. I’m here Mom,” he’d sighed, as Dora snuck in one last little peck, “Do you think we can make some dinner? I’m starving.”

Dora beamed at her boy, and nodded as herd of children came running into the house.“Of course we can, love. Just as soon as I’m finished baking with the children. It should only take a few hours.”

Ayrn’s mouth slipped open as he watched her kiss all of the other children on top of their heads. He was hungry now and his mom wasn’t going to cook for him until much later. With a forlorn sort of look, he nodded. “Maybe I’ll just go to town and get a snack.”

Leaving his coat by the door, he walked into the main square, looking for something to eat. He saw some of the light Chips at the gazebo, talking with a few of the Pyrtan’s and it birthed an idea in his head. Tabit liked food. It had been long enough that she probably wasn’t mad at him anymore and he was a newly returned hero after all. That was a sure fire recipe for a little attention. He ordered two to-go plates from the small diner and then realized he had no idea where Tabit lived on Pyrta.


He asked some of the Chips he saw walking toward their part of town, but they seemed less inclined to tell he where she was. “Uh…it’s important. Calysta sent me.” Those words got him his answer, and he ran to the house they indicated. Running a hand through his hair, and slicking down his eyebrows, Ayrn climbed the steps up to the porch and knocked on the door. With a coy smile plastered on his face, he offered up the food when she answered the door. “Hello, beautiful. I’m back.”


Calysta nodded when Illya announced he was ready for a nap after they had returned from the Ehaui. “Alright, I’ll be in the office with a meeting for a little awhile and then I’m done.” She knew he wasn’t sleeping well on some nights and walking could still be an exhaustive venture, so a nap was perfectly fine by her. It gave her plenty of time to work on her little project.

When Calysta walked into the office, she kept it casual until the door closed and she scurried over to her father who was leaning against the handsome new desk for Illya. “You got it in!” She smiled. Thomas nodded and wiped his brow. “Aye, and I’m glad that friend of yours, Ehud was around to help me move the thing. If the whole continent goes down, this thing wont budge an inch.”

Calysta chuckled and they went about rearranging the rest of the room, perfectly for Illya to share it with her. When everything was done, she thanked her father who simply kissed her on top of the head and replied. “You’re welcome, Caly. I think he’ll really like it.”

She was sitting at her newly moved desk by the door when Illya’s broad frame filled up the entrance. Glancing up from her pad, she watched as his eyes scanned over the desk, a nervous yet pleased look coming over his face. It was hard not to stare in anticipation as he wandered over to sit at his new spot, running his hand over the carved surface. Did he like it? His expression said so, but he hadn’t said anything yet, and her heart was starting to kink up in her chest.

Finally, he stood up walked over to her on his crutches. "Hmm..." His broad hand motioned for her to come close, so she rose to her feet and came close, with a shy sort of look. Maybe he didn’t like it? Was it because he would see it as a gift? She had made sure to do it secretly. Rather than saying anything, he pulled her into a hug with arm, the other helping him to keep balance on the crutches. Her little hands snaked around his waist and hooked into his shirt, taking the hug for all its worth. She loved being so close with the smell of his oil steeped into his shirt and skin. “Maybe I can't prove et was yah, but I still tink ets good gift,” he said, kissing her gently. "Picture on et es good. A little bird wit her wolf. Dere es only one problem." Her eyes widened, and her growing smile began to fade. Was it not big enough? Or maybe he didn’t like the fact there was a tyrei on it…the vicious things had resulted in the loss of his after all…."Whoever carve et didn't come close to dah beauty of meh little bird."

Relief flooded through her and she half melted against him. He liked it…and he loved her. "Oh Kalizda.” Her Chip kissed her cheeks, her forehead and lips as if he couldn’t get enough, and she returned them, her hands rubbing gently at his back. "Yah jes beautiful."


Soon, Illya was able to walk without the need of the cane and Calysta was never more glad to see him stuff something into the back of the closet. At night they took things slow and in the mornings, they spent time together. Time they had been missing out on for nearly two years. She would wake up two things, Illya turning off the impending alarm, Cypher pulling up in the crib to watch as her Chip pulled her close.

He would put an arm around her, then pull her to himself, before gazing at her with the looks that made her heart skip a beat. His little kisses over her cheeks and neck tickled sometimes, making her giggle as she laced her own thin leg over his, entangling them both. What had she done to deserve such a man? "Meh beautiful wife."

He’d taken to call her that ever since the day he’d given her the ring, and she liked to hear it. Not only did everyone understand it, but she wanted everyone to know that she belonged to him. Calysta ran a hand over his chest and cuddled her cheek against him, until he said something that surprised her.
“I t-thought maybe yah would leave meh up in dah room and work en yah office when I was too sick tah come down stairs. Yah still find way to make meh part of yah life." He pulled back to look at her, and she met his gaze with her grey eyes. "Never expect dis kind of love from meh Kalizda and I wanted et, but dun deserve et."

Why would Illya think she wouldn’t? This was the second time he’d been surprised that she would have been there for him. It was rare when she thought of Isla, and yet she wondered what his former wife would have done in the same situation for a moment. Why would he think he didn’t deserve her attention and affection? The thought was a passing one. In the end, she was Kalizda and she loved her Chip exactly the way she intended to. It made her want to love him on him all the more. No one should ever feel like they didn’t deserve to be treated as if they were the best thing in the world. Especially, not her Chip. Calysta brushed aside his curls and looked into his eyes with a fiercely loving gaze. “Illya, I always want you as a part of my life.”

Illya held her all the closer and showered her with kisses, talking about following more of her traditions. He wanted to learn more of her traditions? Calysta was nearly lost on how this sudden change of heart had come about, but she liked the sound of it. "I love you. I never see a woman so beautiful on all Pytra, Terra, and all our travels. Beautiful." He was more open and talkative than he’d ever been before, and Calysta wasn’t about to stop him. It made her feel warm and overwhelmingly strange in a good way to know he truly did love her. Hearing his efforts to tell her in Kaerelean made her smile until he cheeks were aching. He loved her and she was his, no matter what happened.

By the time their morning had to officially begin, Calysta was feeling as if she had climbed a mountain with a blink of an eye. The whole world was hers, and it was sitting in front of her pulling on his socks, and talking about making dinner together.


Thomas watched his daughter walking hand in hand with her husband. He’d seen her happy before, with pink cheeks and broad smiles but never had he witness the sort of glow she had walking with Illya. She was absolutely radiant from the ends of her long black pony tail, to how her shoulders were squared with confidence, right down to the way she walked. She normally strode with confidence or purpose, but this was different. She no longer took the opposite sides of the street, or kept her head slightly down in shame. Even Maiya Fayn herself had balked at the sight as she passed.

The professor remembered exactly how the purist daughter of Fayn could be, and it had made the long standing disfavor between her father and himself, much worse. A particular incident he would never forget. Calysta had just been well enough to learn to fly and he had scraped enough money together to buy her a second hand training flyer for Christmas. She had never been more excited to try it, but when he carried her out to the airfield, he found it tagged with every foul word imaginable for half-breed, with a gaggle of girls lead by Fayn’s daughter laughing uproariously in the field office. They’d even put a dead eels under the seats, which he didn’t find until after he began to scrub off the vandalism. To her credit, his daughter didn’t cry about the vandalism, but was sorely disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to fly for several days more.

It had only gotten worse in later years, when Calysta was a young teen and thought she could brawl with them if she had to. One day, he’d come home from work to find her crying in the bathroom and unwilling to let him inside. “Don’t worry about it!” she’d sniffled while the water ran, “I’m fine, okay?!” It was obviously not fine. He’d had to take a screwdriver to the lock and take out the entire knob to open the door and when he did, what he found enraged him to no end. Maiya and a group of her friends had caught her leaving the grocery store, held her down, and put black spots all over her while she fought them off. The word s’taea hynata had been scrolled in haphazard letters on arm. Sickly half breed. Calysta had been desperately trying to scrub off the marker and cover the bruises with makeup.

The incident prompted him to march down to Fayn’s house and punch the man square in the nose when it was denied his daughter had anything to do with it. After that, Calysta had began to deny her Kaerelean side, and claim herself only as Terran for awhile. Of course, it didn’t do much good to negate the truth when everyone knew who and what you were. Then there had been the Kinte boy, Jaymie, she had been so taken with when she moved to the Skycorp Academy. Calysta was even so brave as to let him meet the guy, and it had taken only one whisper of her mixed blood to send him running. She’d never admitted to him how deeply the man had broken her heart, but Thomas could tell. His little girl shored herself up, and taken a five year scout commission without a word on the subject.

There were other moments when his daughter’s mixed heritage had caused her nothing but pain, though she’d never admit it, and yet there she stood. Side by side with a man he’d been entirely against, and for good reason at first. It had been hard to let her go, knowing she could very well face another man who wouldn’t treat her right, or love her as she should be loved. Now, Calysta was looking as if she had been given the world. Illya leaned down to kiss her with beaming with pride a man should have for his woman. Not only that, but the other Pyrtan’s were making eyes at her as if they had always been glad to claim her. Some of the men were even giving Illya envious stares.

How it had come about that his daughter would ever be so happy Thomas would never know. He did know the man standing next her had done wonders for her, in ways that he never could, and he was forever grateful to the Chippeqouti and their General, and his son-in-law.


Calysta stepped out of the pleasure house and stood on her tip toes to kiss Illya gently on the lips. “Alright, I’m paying a visit to Tabit and then I’ll be home,” she smiled, before sneaking in one more kiss. The sudden want of Illya to kiss her in the open both made her blush and yet happy all at the same time. He’d never done that before, or even asked about it, but when mentioned it, Calysta couldn’t help but grin at him. “Yes, it’s perfectly fine to do.” The answer earned her a gentle kiss and a soft ‘I love you’ in Kaerelean. Her lips curled under his, and she whispered back to him with a warm gaze. ‘I love you too.”

Stealing one last look, at her Chip and smiled, the started on her way to Tabit’s home which was a little ways through town, sitting on somewhat of a boarder between the Kaerelean and Chippeqouti spots. On the way, she passed Maiya Fayn talking with a man just outside of the civics building. The man turned his head when Calysta passed. It had become a strange thing that no one had ever noticed before, the councilwoman really was quite beautiful. Black, glossy hair with a pretty smile and those grey eyes served her well. “Excuse me! I was talking to you,” Maiya declared indignantly. The man turned his attention back to Maiya with a sheepish wince. “She doesn’t even look like a Councilwoman! Running around in old, grey and black tunics!” the Pyrtan woman sneered loud enough for everyone in the area to hear, “You seriously think you could pick that half-breed head out of a crowd?”

A strained silence came over the air as Calysta stopped walking. She turned to look at the Pyrtan woman, but didn’t appear angry. Instead, she walked over to Maiya with a smile and the man half skittered out of the way. “Things change Maiya,” she said in an even tone, “I suggest you get used to them and be quiet, or leave. Jealousy really isn’t becoming of you.”

Then she turned and walked back to the path with a grin, leaving the woman to her embarrassment. How awful it was to be jealous of a half breed. Calysta couldn’t stop smiling though, and in the grand scheme she knew that didn’t have to be a council woman or anything at all to have the satisfaction of knowing no matter what was said, it couldn’t hurt anymore.

Taking the right turn down the small dirt path, she came to Tabit’s home and knocked on the door. When her friend answered, her smile grew even broader. “I came by to talk a few ceremony details, like you asked.”


Calysta stepped into the house and looked around at the decorations Rose and Thomas had put up. They had done such a wonderful job putting up the lights and garland down the rails, and trailing it over the mantle. The tree had been a group effort, between the family along with Kirit and Tabit. The young warrior had helped Thomas encircle the fake tree in lights. When Tabit looked lost as to why a fake tree had been placed in the living room, Kirit just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “I do this tradition last time with th’ general an’ it’s a good one.” Then he leaned in a little closer to her ear. “Just don’t ask m’ why th’ tree goes inside.” Rose put the ornaments on, and to Calysta’s surprise, her Chip had volunteered to put the angel on top.

Rose had also gotten ahold of the office, sticking tinsel all over the desk and stringing lights over the bookshelves. It looked odd when visitors came along, but Calysta didn’t have the heart to take them down.

Illya came as she looked over the mornings reports, particularly the harvest yields. Despite the fires, they had managed to recoup many of the losses and make enough food for the ration meals to be sent to Uria for processing. When he came in, she smiled at him as he moved aside the tinsel Rose had draped over his chair. “Rose had a little fun with the Christmas decorating,” Calysta chuckled. The Chip nodded. "I tink ef we do Christmas dat we do et right and we get someting for dah kids and yah dad."

The comment caught her by surprise, and she glanced up from her pad. Illya wanted to really participate in Christmas? Last time, he’d been so nervous, that she hadn’t expected him to do much of anything at all with it. This year, he sounded as if he was looking forward to it. “I think that would be good,” she replied, “Maybe we can go shopping together, yeah? Kinte wont be recovered much but Jiayun would have some shops, if you wanted to go looking.”
He looked her with a wide grin, and that was all she needed to know. “ I’ll have it arranged and we can take my flyer.”

As she went about picking a day to go on the schedule, Illya went back to looking over the information for Kirit and Tabit’s ceremony. "Kalizda I tink we have a little problem. Dere es outrageous number of guests for Tabit and Kirit. How do yah propose we check guests witout offending dem?"

Calysta tilted her head at him for a moment. Not only was he asking her about something he would normally have done himself, but he was actually worried about the impression to be made on their visitors. “Let me have a look.” She flicked up the report he was talking about and her eyes widened at the numbers. “The Chief invited the entire Elite Warrior force.” That was going to make things hard considering they knew Reylia had some Tannas presence undercover. “Hmm…we could have guests land on Iy’r and then have them shuttled in to the Pyrtan base. Funnel them through sensors to detect Tannas gasses?”

It seemed like a good idea to minimize uncontrolled traffic over their Pyrta base and Calysta chuckled. “I never thought I’d be organizing another wedding this big.” She still remembered what an affair theirs had been with all the odd people coming together but mostly what she remembered was Illya standing there in his olive green uniform with the red sash. The big smile on his face and how looked looks standing on top of the cliff. Suddenly, Calysta realized she was staring at him with a dreamy little gaze and her cheeks turned pink.


It was 4 days before Christmas and a week before Tabit and Kirit’s wedding when Calysta took the day to go shopping on the continent roughly 3 hours from Pyrta with Illya beside her. Jiayun was a mountainous continent filled with thick jungle like trees and paths lines with buildings encircling the mountains. It had little in the way of air traffic, but was kept that way for the more tourist ventures. A trolly run by an old in-ground cable system took people up the curving slopes to the top with a stop on each level, and then back down to the bottom. Everywhere large plants and tall trees roped with vines grew, but sightseers came for the cliffs and the water falls so tall they fell hundreds of feet into swirling pools, then right off the Edge.

It had been so long since Calysta was off Pyrta that she could hardly contain her excitement. “We can take the trolly to the shops,” she grinned at Illya, as she slipped her hand into his, “And then… I can take you to my favorite place here. They have good food and the best view.”
Tabit was busy making a few cookies for Kirit. She had managed to obtain a recipe from Dora and she was going to make something nice for Kirit and then they were going to have a Nyte Beast Roast. Her Reylian always worked hard and he liked to have meat. Meat was what she used extra money to buy simply because it was very suitable for the man and the high energy that he had.

A knock on the door sounded and Tabit wiped her hands off on her apron. Smoothing a stray curl from her face she decided that it must have been Kirit coming home early. He said he was going to pick up a few things before he got home and she could only assume that he needed her to open the door. On Tabit's face was a bright smile and she opened the door only to reveal a very obnoxious one eyed Terran. Working her jaw she stood with one hand on the door and the other arm braced on the door jam. "Yes, I am beautiful and yes, you are here. You look hungry. Go find the General and help yourself to both servings at his house."

Ayrn's smile faded as she gave him such a short dismissal. Shifting on his feet, he gave her a somewhat saddened look. "Well, I just got back into town and I thought you might want to have a bite to eat. I've been working pretty hard and I thought dining with a friend might be a good way to start some vacation time."

"I am not your friend." Tabit stared at him long and hard. "Ayrn, you were the creep that tried to wash my under clothes and you've been obsessive. I have a man that I'm perfectly happy to be with and we're about to get married." Lifting her hand she flashed the ring at him. "It isn't appropriate for you to try and visit when everyone knows what your intentions were and your reputation when my man is not here."

The Terran looked from Tabit's face, then to the ring, and back again, his mouth popping open like a fish out of water. "You told me to work hard and I did!" He stammered, "And I bloody well waited...mostly! " How could she have gone off and gotten herself engaged? He had been wanting to try to amend thing and perhaps make them better. The sound of foot steps came from behind and he turned to see a man with dark hair and a prim goatee. At first he didn't recognize the guy until he realized it was the kid with the knife that nearly cut his throat. He was carrying a few boxes, but his eyes were zeroed in on the scene with Tabit. "Ye alright, Tabit?"

Tabit shrugged. "Mostly doesn't count and I never said I'd wait." Raising her head slightly she saw Kirit step around the corner and she made eye contact with him. Ayrn seemed to have caught onto her little cue and he turned to look at Kirit. "I'm ready for you. C'mon in and I let Ayrn know he could go back to see the General. We don't have room for him here." Casting a look at Ayrn she gave him warning to step out of the way or she'd help him make way.

Aryn shuffled to the side, but gave the kid a hard sort of look as he passed. How did this kid manage to get a woman like Tabit?! He had been training with Illya and the other Chips, maybe they taught him the secret? The look was returned in full measure from the warrior as he stood between them, to put down the boxes. "Ye heard, we have no space," Kirit said, "Ye best go an' ask the General. An' ye not raise ye voice on m' door step or at her. Not good f' a man's health."

Since it seemed that Kirit had it handled, Tabit leaned over and snitched the boxes from the front step and then returned to her kitchen to take care of the cookies. Placing the boxes on the table she then turned to open the oven and check on the cookies. "Kirit!" Yelling from the kitchen she reached for a potholder to pull the cookies out. "When you're done with him c'mon in and get washed up. Almost ready for dinner. We'll have desert first tonight."

Aryn's glare turned to a bit of a pout, though the sight of Tabit with a kid was a hard insult. "Yeah, I get it...kiddo." Then he turned and stepped of the porch. The nerve of both of them! The kid thinks he grew a beard and got lucky with a woman that he's a man? Ayrn walked down the path, nearly stomping and passed by a trash can. He hovered the bag.of food over it then sighed, snatching it back. It was off to the general's place. Maybe could convince Calysta to make him some pancakes. Kirit made sure the man was long gone then stepped inside with the rest of the packages. His gaze was serious at Tabit for a moment. "If that man comes back, an' raises his voice t' ye again. I make sure it not happen again." That was about all he had to stay on the subject, because while Tabit could handle herself, she shouldn't have to on some things. That was his job. With that over, he smiled at her. "I like desert first."

The woman waited till the door was shut and then she pulled the hot cookies out of the oven. "I have other cookies not so hot. Maybe you help me paint them and then we'll stuff ourselves full of sugar and then have some roast." It all sounded good and if they were too full for dinner they could have some fun in between. There was nothing that said they couldn't have the whole night out of order. Tabit held one cookie out for Kirit and opened her mouth as if directing him to do the same and then pushed the cookie into his mouth until he bit down. Finally, she shoved the rest of the cookie into her own mouth. "Mmmm good cookie." With her mouth full she half garbled the words and then started to paint plain icing over the top of the next one and handed it to Kirit while painting one for herself. "Ow..any yah wan?"

After a good half dozen cookies Tabit grinned at Kirit and leaned against the counter. "Ooh I don't know about you, but I think I spoiled my dinner." There was still half an hour to go on the roast because of poor planning on her part, but she figured that there could be a bonus. "You know I was thinking we might have some fun before dinner and burn a few calories so we can have more cookies after the roast."

With a mischievous smile she beckoned for Kirit to come closer and Tabit kissed him on the lips. "I think I could use another one of those." This time she puckered her lips and closed her eyes while giggling. She was just waiting for him and he was taking his time getting to her.


Getting off the planet or even just off the continent they were on would be helpful. Illya had been gaining an increasing sense of unrest and he was more than restless. Even nights were starting to feel long. Sometimes he didn't sleep well because he could only think about other things that needed to be done. Illya got up early on the morning he and Kalizda were going to be shopping. Ehvan and Ahvah had said they would watch the kids and with Gyllie at their house there was more than enough company for Rose. "I'll get dah kids dere and yah jes get ready eh?" Illya had gone to the bath house before bed so he wouldn't have to wash in the morning. Giving Rose a little snack bar and Cypher a bottle with a cup of snacks Illya started to usher the kids out the door. His leg was sore, but he could get around without too much trouble.

"Hurry up." Holding the baby in one arm he carried the bag of the kid's stuff in the other. It was just a short over night trip, but still he was excited. Rose looked worried when he stopped outside Ehvan and Ahvah's doorway. "Ets alright. We back tomorrow. Onleh a little surprise shopping. I get some special tings for yah and Cypher." Though the girl looked doubtful she obediently stepped into the other Chippequoti house.

Rushing back to the house Illya went to jog up the stairs and the first heavy hit with his new leg sent a spasm of pain through it. "Owe." Grumbling under his breath he instantly slowed the pace and awkwardly limped the rest of the way up the stairs. "Yah about ready?" Illya could see that Kalizda was still playing with her hair so he laid back on the bed and waited and waited. All the waiting started to seem ridiculous till he noticed that Kalizda was packing clothes for them to stay over night and some of the creams and teas and double checking to be sure he had everything he needed for the night out. Sitting up he ran one hand through his wild hair. "Oh I jes tink we ok for one night. Wear same tings in dah morning and ets all good eh?" He was pretty sure he could make it a night without having all that stuff. Made him feel like he was an old man or an invalid of sorts when he saw all the stuff that Kalizda packed to help him manage any residual pain from the surgery and other previous injuries. Since it was apparent that she was going to pack it anyway Illya got up and helped her by grabbing a few of the things out of the bathroom for both of them and then grabbed the bag as soon as her back was turned. "Yah drive I carry."

Kalizda was far better at flying and she needed to get herself out to fly every now and then anyway. Thankfully this little ship only had a main cabin in it and they could have a little more privacy aboard it then they could anywhere else. After a long while of sitting they were ready to land and Illya stared out over the mountains and he was a little surprised that everyone was at the docks and everything from here on out was through some sort of little ground vehicle. When she mentioned the trolley Illya just stared at her. "Eh, alright. I tink we eat soon. Maybe one shop first and den we eat."

It was already 3 hours since they'd eaten and Illya was sort of ready for more. Lately he'd felt more hungry than usual and he wasn't sure why it seemed to be a consistent problem. All the food was good. Slowly walking with Kalizda to the trolley Illya noted that it ran on a sort of track and it had a wire above it. Counting on one wire to run the whole thing seemed a little ridiculous. The inside was even worse. For those that were young and healthy there were no seats and all the stop and go made Illya work his leg a bit harder than he was used to so far. Moving a little closer to one of the posts in the middle of the trolley he held onto it and simply remained quiet till they reached their destination.

The first few steps off the trolley were a bit uneven and Illya wobbled a little bit. It was hard to figure exactly how much pressure to put on the foot since he couldn't actually feel anything. Then he got the usual gait back and he walked the rest of the way to the store with Kalizda. Together they browsed little jackets and suits for Cypher to wear. Illya found a deep green jacket that he liked for the boy and he handed it to Kalizda. "Dat one es good."

Next door was the restaurant that Kalizda spoke about and then down the street was a little toy shop they could look at. Illya was starting to get a bit excited. An entire shop of only toys? He'd never seen anything like that and he somewhat liked the idea. So many times when he shopped from his pad he only found the sort of things for children that he thought of, Rose wanted him to look at or Kalizda was looking for. There was probably far more than what he knew about. Admittedly Illya wasn't that good at everything child related and he certainly lacked the creativity to think of anything spectacular, but he was sure when he saw it that he could find something cool for them to play with.

Before any further shopping they needed to get food. Illya followed Kalizda into the restaurant and he was fine with it till he noticed that the floor was see through and they were sitting over waterfalls. Subconsciously his hand tightened a little bit on Kalizda's until they were seated and then he almost cringed when the chair moved. If they scratched the glass with this much weight on it the whole place could collapse. Sitting in his own chair Illya ordered water for himself after Kalizda got her drink and then he would lean over to stare at the waterfall beneath them. He was oblivious to the number of people talking about the General and Councilwoman here to eat lunch. Stares were something he routinely ignored and he only scanned the room occasionally to be sure no one was going to try anything crazy, such as a random assassination attempt on Kalizda.

Somewhere in the back of the kitchen a dish was dropped and the shattering of glass sounded. Illya instantly shot to his feet and he started to reach for Kalizda when he realized it wasn't the whole place going down. It was just a little unnerving. Quietly chuckling Illya took his seat again and he waited for the food to arrive. Hopefully the giant plate of meat with a healthy serving of gravy over potatoes, vegetables and meat was going to be worth the strange setting. He'd ordered a specialty item called pot roast and he got it mainly for the fact that everything was swimming in a thick gravy.

At long last the meal arrived at the table and the steaming bowl of food swimming in gravy only made him want to grin. "Oh et looks good." Kalizda's meal didn't look quite as appetizing, but that was the one thing he found that was enjoyable about a restaurant. Both people could enjoy a meal together and eat something entirely different. While he merrily ate the food Illya noticed some odd looks from Kalizda and then some smiles, but mostly he was confused what her expressions meant. Maybe he'd have to ask her about it later. When the meal was done the waiter asked about dessert and Illya nodded. "Eh yeah I tink we have dat mountain chocolate cake wit lots of cream." Cream was like a dessert gravy and he loved it on everything and it came with cream automatically. It was a dessert he noticed had been advertised as something for two and she liked chocolate so they were set.

Illya felt pleasantly full and contented by the time they finished eating at the restaurant and now it was time to visit the toy store. "I tink we get 2 tings for each kid?" He didn't know how appropriate it was or how many gifts you should get, but he didn't think that this holiday was meant to be extravagant. It was still about a God and he hated to think that they would be messing it up by being too liberal with the idea of gifts.
"Eh, alright. I tink we eat soon. Maybe one shop first and den we eat."

“That sounds good, I’m a little hungry too,” she replied, “There’s a few shops on the next level up.” Calysta jumped onto the trolly and worked her way through the crowds to the brass pole in the middle. She couldn’t reach the loop handles in the ceiling, her fingertips just barely brushing the bottom, and there were no spots available on the little benches, so she would have to hold onto the pole as the vehicle made its track up the mountains.

The trolly gave a small jerk, and Illya’s grip tightened on their pole as they started up the mountains. The inclined started out easy then turned steeper the higher they followed the circular path to the next level. The ride only took about 15 minutes, which wasn’t so bad, and then they were able to disembark on the platform. Luckily, the trolly station wasn’t terribly far from the first shops and Calysta could hardly wait to go looking. It was always much easier to shop for others, particularly Cypher, when she went and finding something for Christmas for the children and her father would be fun.

She stayed in step with her Chip into the first shop, a quaint clothing boutique burrowed into the side of the mountain. Her hands brushed over tunics and jackets for babies. Illya picked out a green jacket, looking it over with approval before passing it to her. "Dat one es good."

Calysta nodded and folded the handsome garment over her arm. Flipping through the racks she pulled out a cute brown dress tunic with a cream shirt and tails on the back. “This one too.” Her boy would like a little man in that, and she couldn’t help but add it to the green jacket. The only problem was, it was mean for a boy of 1 years old. Cypher was larger than a Kaerelean boy his size and she always had to order a size bigger than what was meant for a boy of his age. That would probably be something she would have to do for his entire life, but that was okay. She was never prouder to have a wonderful, and healthy half Chippeqouti son. With a broad grin, she held up the tunic to Illya. “Let me see if they have the right size.”

Lunch was next and an event that she was looking forward to. They took the trolly several more levels up the mountain and then it was a small walk to the restaurant. “This is my one of my favorite places,” she smiled as they stepped inside with her hand inside Illya’s. As she stepped onto the clear glass floor, she looked down into the falls. The grey mists swirled below and a rainbow shimmered in the afternoon light. As she stepped out into main area where the tables waited, Illya’s hand tightened around hers. At first, she wondered if he saw something but she didn’t find anything amiss on the room, other than a few of the other patrons staring at them. A few whispers waved across the room as they were seated. Calysta ignored them and sat down, putting her napkin into her lap.

While she was relaxed, Illya’s eyes shifted around the room and every now and then he would wince slightly when a chair was moved. At one point a glass broke in the kitchen and he Chip was jumping to his feet, and reaching across the table. The entire room jumped with him, more because of his reaction. “The floor is the same as the glass used on space craft,” Calysta assured him. When the food arrived, her stir fry smelled delicious in a light citrus sauce while Illya’s plate came out with a hunk of meat swimming in an inch of gravy. He loved gravy, and she truly loved to feed it to him, but since his heart attacks during the surgery, she had been keeping her cooking a little lighter. There were some nights were she would let Rose pick the food, and other nights where she would cook something that her research revealed was meant to be a bit healthier. It didn’t take much effort to swap out a few ingredients to make dinner and lunch more heart friendly.

As he took the first bite, he had a smile on his face, but all she could think of was that gravy flowing thick through his arteries. With a timid sort of smile in return, she pushed her vegetables around her plate, and finished her food for the first time in a long time. Though people recognized her in the restaurant, it was nice to turn off her pad for awhile, allowing the updates to go to Ehvan. She trusted the second-in-command general to make any necessary decisions while she was gone.

Illya ordered their dessert with extra cream and when it was delivered, Calysta’s eyes widened some. On a bright white plate, a mountainous slice of chocolate cake sat dripping in warm chocolate sauce and piled high with cream. The cream was stacked so tall that the fluff sat tall as the cake, making her Chips eyes sparkle at the sight. He went straight away scooping up the cream while she attacked the sides where all the chocolate was hidden. With her excavating underneath all the cream, she managed to sneak off with a fair portion of the cake until their forks clashed as he finally reached the chocolate. She grinned with a knowing look when their silverware clanged. “It’s is my favorite,” was the only excuse she could come up with for her theft.

After lunch they took the trolly further up into the mountain and found a few more the stores. She stopped by an store that sold things shipped from Terra, hoping to find something for her father. Walking through the shelves of strange novelties, like playing cards, and odd little globes with water inside, she came upon a booth in the back selling nicer things. Calysta’s eyes fell on an old pipe with a cherry wood stem and ivory bowl. Her father smoked cigars from time to time and she wondered if her father would like it. “The pipe will work with Terran tobacco of all kinds, and Kaerelean smoking spices.”

“I think he’d like this,” Calsyta said to Illya, with a smile. It didn’t take much convincing the Chip that it would be a good gift and they walked out with a satchel of Terran smoking tobacco and the polished pipe.

The next stop was the toy store. Never did she see such a sight as a Chip General in a toy store. There were piles of stuffed animals and toy flyers on strings zipping overhead, replica shooters and miniature skimmers. Dolls of all kinds and along side fake bugs and coloring books, and army men with parachutes or jet packs. The rows just kept going and Illya seemed content to browse them all. Calysta poked around here and there, picking a toy shooter with small plastic balls for ammo. Rose would have fun with that in her fort against the other boys. She picked up a sample and loaded it up with few balls, then took aim at the target placed on the back wall. With a squeeze of her finger, the toy popped off a round which hit the target square in the middle before ricocheting far over her head into the next aisle over. She heard a small pop, and Illya give a confused. “Huh?” Wincing, Calysta quickly put down the toy gun and scurried away from the scene over to the miniature copter flyers.

Illya emerged from the aisle looking around and she just held up one of the copter flyers. “I used to play with these as a kid,” she chuckled, “Put the stem in your hand and rub like this.” She showed him how the little flyers worked, clasping one in her hand, and twirling it between her palms before letting go. It spun away into the lights and she grinned when he reached up to pluck it out of the rafters.


Calysta walked into airy rental suite, taking a look around. The room was beautiful with cool stone floors carved right out of the mountain, warm string lamps, and bamboo chairs with soft cushions. The bed was huge and had a sheer curtain hanging by a hoop over the top, undoubtedly to add a little extra privacy from the wall of windows that over looked the jungle and one of the waterfalls. Not that anyone would able to see them from so high up, but the curtain was still nice to have. "This is fantastic," she grinned up at Illya, before crossing the room to put the bags down on the bed. To her surprise it wasn't just a plain mattress but moved like it was made entirely of water. Little ripples of water ebbed out, making waves over the bed with a sloshing sound from the weight of the bag. "Ooh. I've heard about these." Glancing over to Illya she noticed he had picked up a menu displaying a large plate of whole eel in sweet sauce and was attempting to read it over, though it was in traders tongue mixed with Kaerelean. "Are you hungry?"

Inside the room there was a pamphlet listing foods and Illya was more than ready to eat again. he just nodded to whatever Kalizda and and he continud walking along. "Uh huh," Finally coming over to the bed he sat down felt himself sink into the bed while Kalizda rose up behind him. It felt strange, but he would investigate the mattress later. "Mmhmm. I tink maybe ets time tah eat again."

Calysta half toppled over when Illya sat down on the bed, making her rise with the displaced water. Catching his arm, she balanced herself out and looked at him with a raised brow. "I'm still satisfied from lunch," she admitted, looking over his shoulder at the menu. He would probably insist on getting something but that was alright if he was hungry. "What about something light? Like this?" She pointed a small kebob of meat and vegetables with a smile. "That looks pretty good, yeah?"

"Kaybob?" Illya read the description slowly and then he shook his head. "I dun tink dat little meat bites on a stick would be enough. Yah like some?" Illya figured maybe she was not wanting to be hungry, but she was pointing out food she would eat. "I tink I try dah food on front of menu. Et looked good. Lots of sauce and meat in et. Almost like snake yeah?"

The plate on the front cover was easily a foot long in reality accommodate the length of the eel on his bed of rice and sauce. If she were honest, it looked absolutely delicious, and trying some would be fun. "It is a bit like snake. Maybe we could split it?" she nodded, knowing he was never going to turn down a good serpent, "I just thought you might like to try the kabob because it's pretty good too. And pretty good for your heart. "

Kalizda had a strange argument and Illya started to laugh. She had to be cracking a joke of sorts. "Den we get bot." She wanted the kebab and he wanted the eel and then she could try the eel and he could try the kebab. "I tink meh heart jes fine. Sex es good for meh heart too." Chuckling a little more he leaned in and kissed her. Sometimes it was fun just to get a reaction from her.

Illya started to laugh and announced they they would just get both, which was not the outcome she had intended at all. Was it silly to think of things like this? Then he turned around claiming his heart was fine and night time activities were just as healthy for it. At the thought of sex as exercise, her face turned red and she kissed him back lightly. "W-well, good..because that heart has to last at least another 300 years and be very strong too."

It was starting to occur to Illya that perhaps there was more to the heart story than he he had thought. She was talking about it again as if it would stop and he frowned slightly. "Why wouldn't meh heart last anoter 300 years? Ets jes fine." Kalizda was getting worried for nothing as far as he was concerned. He had every reason to believe that his heart would continue to pump and work as it always had. The first time he'd ever had heart trouble was with that surgery.

"I just..." she trailed off as her grey eyes scanned his face,"Want to make sure that its taken care of like the rest of you, I suppose. Not so strange of a want for a wife, yeah?" She fidgeted on the bed, making the water beneath them slosh and the bag to plop off the bed into floor.

"Nut so strange, but all food es good for meh heart." Illya nodded a little to put the emphasis on that little point. He was convinced that all foods were good for him and he'd never yet had a problem with anything he ate with the exception of corn. "I tink yah worry too much."

"Well, not all foods are," she replied, "Some things are better, like vegetables and lean meats and others can make you sick if you eat too much over time. Since the surgery.. .maybe I did some reading so I learn the best ones. It was hard hearing what happened in the surgery and knowing I couldn't do anything." Her eyes shifted to the floor and leaned down to pick up the bag, mostly to avoid her expression betraying how bad that scared her.

It was becoming a little more clear that Kalizda was concerned about the things that Illya ate and because of his heart. He didn't like idea quite as much and he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that he might have to change his diet. "I tink...." Waiting for a long moment he sighed and then lifted her little chin. "Maybe dis one meal nut hurt meh so much and den we watch more careful at home, but I want tah ask Ehaui ef yah idea a good one. I dun like changing what I eat."

Calysta felt his finger slip under her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. What he said was fair and only right that he should ask the Ehaui. They knew what was good for the Chippeqouti and their bodies, so she could hardly argue with the idea. Giving him a little nod, she ran a hand over his arm. "We'll have some good eel and sweet sauce tonight then, yeah? Though we might have to actually eat it at the table. This bed a a little too wild."

"Too wild eh?" The Chip smirked and then he nodded. "I tink maybe we change settings before bed. Oterwise I tink yah nut comfortable. Maybe yah roll into meh all night ." That was about the way of it. He'd found some controls on the side that would limit the wave in the bed and Illya figured he would before sleeping for sure. Otherwise the bigger waves on it would certainly cause some back pain. What he did like was the fact that it also came with a lovely heat setting.

Giving him an innocent sort of look as he fiddled with the settings on the bed, Calysta laid back making the bed jiggle. Already she could feel the heater starting underneath the sheets. Reaching for the in-room info pad, she went to order the food, adding on a desert of creamy custard cake. If they were going to go big, they might as well have two desserts too. "Rolling into you all night wouldn't be so bad," she mused with a little chuckle, "But we probably should change it.

Illya winked at her. "I tink yah rolling into meh would be fine, but I want some support for meh back." Laying back on the bed he chuckled when Kalizda popped up momentarily and then started to gradually roll closer. She couldn't even roll away and Illya pulled her closer while she was trying to order on the phone. It sounded like they were getting more dessert and he couldn't say no to that either. As soon as she hung up with the order Illya tried to get up, but he was kind of stuck.

Calysta was half giggling as she slid down into Illya's arms which trapped her up. As soon as he was done ordering, he tried to get up but all that happened was the bed gave a giant ripple and it bounced her up again. Surrendering, she rolled back over to face him with a coy little smile. "Aye, we'll definitely have to change the settings, but for now I have you trapped. Hmm...what to do with a captured Chip?" Leaning up she left a playful kiss on his lips along with a smile, before hopping off the bed and offering her hand.

Taking her hand he chuckled and pulled her right back on top of himself. "Who has who?"

She laughed and let her Chip pull her on top of him, before giving him a few playful pecks. By the time the food arrived, they were chuckling with each other, making small jokes and being silly over the water bed. Illya ate his eel, which came on a massive plate, head still attached and all. Calysta kept stealing glances at the broiled critter, because it’s charred eye was gazing back. He seemed to like the dinner though, while she offered him bites of the nyte beast kabob.
It wasn’t too long after they’d gone to bed, after a bit of fun, that Calysta found herself still sinking slowly towards Illya. He was nice and warm, but so was the heater on the underside their watery mattress. In no less than two hours after her Chip started snoring, did she get plastered to his bare chest with a slick sheen of sweat built up. Normally, she loved to be this close to him and curl up, but this was too much heat. It was like trying to sleep in a toaster oven.

Her first thought was to reach over and grab the remote to the bed to turn off the heat once it got warm enough to soothe Illya’s back, but he had rolled over, parking himself on top of it. Experience told her she would have as much luck moving him as she would a boulder. That left her with plan B. She tried poking one leg out of the covers, then ended up kicking both out. Wiping sweat from her brow, she pulled off her tank top, left on her bottoms, then sprawled out as far as she could simply trying to cool off. By the time morning came, Illya was picking her arm and moving it, just so he could sit up.


Calysta watched as Rose opened up her gifts. She and Illya had found her a beautiful, lady-like pink dress to wear to the wedding along with white silk gloves. They also bought her one of the toy guns for the fort which she beamed excitedly over. “I’m going to the backyard to practice!” she said, taking off to the back door in a tornado of wrapping paper.

Cypher got his clothes and toy ball just big enough for his fist to clench and then toss over the side of his play pen. Every time someone picked it up to hand it back, he giggled then flung it over the side again.

Thomas grinned when he saw his pipe , one of the few true smiles she’d seen from her father since Henaiah’s death. As the professor pulled the pipe from is velvet box, he looked it over and clenched it between his teeth to test it. “Aye, I think it’s wonderful,” he said to Illya and Calysta, “Thank you. I’ll try it after the gifts are done.”

Calysta smiled and rubbed at her Chip’s knee gently. “Of course, dad. Merry Christmas.”

Glancing to Illya, she bit her lip some, then reached under the tree for two boxes wrapped in glittery silver paper. One was longer and had a black ribbon around it while the other was perfectly square tied in up the same fashion. “I know it probably isn’t as grand as last years,” she said, “But I wanted you to have these.”
She waited patiently for him to adjust his right leg, then gently place the boxes over his knees. He went for the smaller box first, untying the ribbon and then tearing the paper. Inside, was a gleaming antique compass with a wooden frame, glass front, and old style needle pointed west. “The poles are a little different on Kaereal, but on Terra this is something a captain always has for navigation. It will always lead you North and take you home.” He smiled at the gift, and then moved on to the second where he found a black tunic ordered specifically for someone his size. Next to it was a plain silver belt with a shining buckle. “The colors of a captain or a general. It’s no pair of jeans, but it’s a great honor to wear these colors on Kaereal. I hope you like them.”


Later in the evening, Thomas invited Illya onto the back porch to see how well the pipe would work while Calysta was busy in the kitchen. He sat down in one of the wicker chairs, then offered his son-in-law a cigar, before turning to his satchel of tobacco. Stuffing the pipe full of brandy-wine flavored leaves, he took a match and lit the pipe. It only took a few good puffs of air to get it going. Sucking in a mouthful of smoke, the old professor savored the flavor, then released his breath into the air. “Ah, thank you again for the pipe. Smokes nice.”

Rose was playing in her fort, her curly haired head poking of the windows and shooting the plastic balls out at Keysha. The cat merely flicked her tail as the projectiles bounced harmlessly off her fur. Still, the girl would squeal and laugh, then duck back inside to safety.

All was quiet between them for a long time as they watched Rose play, until Thomas puffed out another ring of smoke. “You know, it’s days like these I miss Henny the most.” It was a just a quiet statement, neither sad, nor angry. “She would liked to have been here, but God didn’t see fit to answer my prayers on that one. Or maybe he just had a better place in mind for her after what happened. I don’t know.”

Shifting in his seat, he clenched his pipe between his lips and glanced at the Chip. “I do know he answered a prayer I had for a good long while. And that was for my Calysta to be happy. Now, being honest, I didn’t want you to marry my daughter at first.”

The Chip stiffened, and Thomas held up his hand, asking permission to finish. “I find now that I was sorely, and irretrievably mistaken. You have my Calysta the happiest I’ve ever seen her. Given her the life I wanted for her and more. An answered prayer in some ways. I’m proud to call you my son-in-law, and I dare say, a friend as well.”

Thomas paused to take another draw of his pipe, then nodded. “Anyways, I thought you might like to know that.” At his conclusion, the old professor sat back in his chair and let the easy silence fill up the space between them until Calysta called them in for supper. It was sure to be a good one, because after much wheeling and dealing, she had managed to get a hold of a fat turkey from Terra for Christmas dinner.
Shopping had been fun and getting out, somewhere different was even better. Illya carried most of the bags home and he gimped along awkwardly at best. He had done a little more walking than he should have for the first week without his cane, but he was fine. Stopping outside the door Illya used the shopping bag as a shield and held it up so he could kiss Kalizda without the guards seeing and then he unlocked the front door. Winking at her he leaned in for another kiss when he spotted Ayrn on their couch. Almost instantly his eyes narrowed and he stepped inside. "Why yah here?"

Ayrn stretched out on the couch in his pajama bottoms and an old tank top. It had been so long since he had been able to wear what he wanted, even while sleeping. Even longer since he had been able to go and come as he pleased. Despite that new freedom, he found where he wanted to be most was on the couch with the hologram coin playing some random movie. He flicked his fingers, choosing one at random and then turned his attention to his SPAM sandwich. He'd been eating food prepared by the best chef on Terra for nearly a year now, and yet, the savory flavor of a canned meat slice between two slices of white bread stolen from Calysta's cabinet was the best thing he had in awhile. Pressing his sandwich together, he sat back and watched as the movie began to play, which was something about a boat and a hot little red-head, when the door opened to reveal Illya and Calysta standing there. He smiled at Calysta and then looked to the General who was glaring at him suspiciously before asking why he was there. . "I wondered when you two would be back. I just got back from Terra and needed a place to crash for a bit. Hope you don't mind but I took the last of the loaf bread. Just like old times, huh?."

The greeting somehow irked Illya at a much deeper level than usual. Maybe it was the fact that he knew what kind of man Ayrn was and he knew that the man had eyes for his wife. "Jes like old times, but yah forget times change and so do men and work." Illya set the bags aside and nodded to Kalizda. There was no need for her to be here when he told Ayrn that times had indeed changed. "Yah face known now and yah dun sleep in meh house. Ayrn yah work for meh in military and yah sleep in bunker wit oter soldiers dat have no woman. I have Ehaui get yah outfitted." There was no more secrecy and no more need to play the game and put up with the random visits and obnoxious behavior of the man. "Yah 1 hour to move yahself out."

Ayrn looked at the two, feeling a little disappointed. He didn't want to go to the barracks. You couldn't bring a date back to a single man-bunk surrounded by other men! "True, but I had thought we were know...friends? Plus I'm on vacation from a long assignment...I did well didn't I? I'd just be sleeping on the couch for a bit, until I can find somewhere else." He ended with a somewhat pleading expression aimed at Calysta.

Of course the rat was going to try and make a case of sorts and Illya could tell Kalizda was gonna make him do something somewhat nice for Ayrn. "Maybe yah prove yahself in training and I promote yah. Right now yah wanna go out and Tannas kill yah for revealing dem." He knew that Ayrn had very little choice and Illya was going to train the pathetic whelp if it was the last thing he did. "I tink yah reward will come in time. Yah do good work, but soldiers dun run around looking for prize because dey do well. Having a home and family remaining es prize enough."

He knew Illya had a valid point, at least in part, but he had just made a sandwich and started a movie while feeling like a lazy bug. All he wanted was to relax and vegetate on the couch....not in a barracks. That would have been reward enough without a promotion. "Ah, true...but I'd much rather stay's almost Christmas." Calysta glanced up and let out a little sigh. "We just don't have space with the children for you to sleep here, but...if you're at the barracks..we could invite you to Christmas dinner, yeah? I'm making Turkey." Ayrn considered for a moment and then looked to them both. "Add in some desert and I think that's workable."

As much as Illya hated to admit it, this was about the easiest he was going to get rid of Ayrn. It was not good habit or practice to invite a soldier to a special dinner and he wasn't about to make this into a common thing for Ayrn. "Jes dis once. Den after dis yah learn tah be common soldier and dats et." Motioning to the door one last time he glanced at his watch. "55 minutes." The time started as soon as Illya saw him as far as he was concerned and then they would just have to tolerate the big wuss for a special holiday dinner.


The gift exchange was always an odd concept for Illya and he tried to be patient. He'd gotten two things for Kalizda and he had agreed with her that the gifts would be useful in one way or another and that the children would get some fun things. A singular reason to get toys for the children was the fact that they were not adults yet and he wanted them to enjoy their younger years as much as they could. It was too bad that Rose was keenly aware of the fact that there was a war, but Cypher was still happy and mostly unharmed by the war.

Together they had chosen some clothes for the children and Kalizda had little Cypher some clothes that would make him look like a miniature man for the wedding and Rose a little woman. For the toys Illya was a little more wild. He got a large ride simulation for Rose to learn to ride different animals. It was a fun little machine that Illya had tried and it was useful. One day he would teach her to hunt and ride some of these animals. He still had a goal to get a Tyrie kit and try to train it. The girl naturally wanted to try the gun first, but in time Illya would run her through some drills and simulations and then start her using Cin as a form of defense for herself and Cypher. The daughter of a General couldn't be helpless and she would be coming close to an age that she should be able to take care of herself and her brother if all else failed. Then she would learn to survive on the land.

Cypher gurgled happily when he was handed his next little present. He was almost more excited with the prospect of tearing the paper. Cooing and giggling he tore the paper away and then started to crawl for the next one under the tree. It didn't have to belong to anyone, he just wanted to tear the paper. It wasn't until Illya walked over and pulled the boy into his lap and opened the present that Cypher finally was sidetracked from his paper tearing frenzy. He tilted his head and then started to laugh when Illya stood him up. It was a baby walker of sorts with colored balls and a popping dome in front.

The baby pushed his little walker and tried to catch up with the dome all while laughing and yelling loudly. Illya chuckled and he helped Cypher learn to walk with it. "Et will help strengthen his bones and muscles. Soon he walk faster wit et and den he start learning tah walk on his own." His mother had a similar toy for him when he was younger and he loved it even when he got older and he had bone aches and growing pains. It was a lovely little toy and it had a seat with it. In many ways it looked like a tool for an old man, only on a miniature scale, but it was going to be needed and they would use it for sure as the boy got older.

It finally came time that the kids had received their gifts and the adults made a small exchange. Thomas seemed more than pleased with the pipe. It wasn't what Illya would have picked out for Thomas and in fact it wasn't, but Illya figured it was better not to say anything at this point. He would be presenting Thomas with the gift/honor that the Chippequoti had agreed to bestow on him. This wasn't quite the same as her culture seemed to indicate the gifts were, but Illya was working on it. Each gift he had bought had a purpose behind it and he fully intended to make sure that the children learned and benefited from what they were given as well as Thomas and Kalizda.

The time came for Illya to open his presents and he decided to start with the small one just to make sure that he was working his way up to the larger gift. For a brief second Illya felt a surge of panic. This was a questionable practice and if the 'gifts' were not practical in any way or a need of sorts then he would have to find some way to justify it. This had been an important holiday to Kalizda in the past and she seemed to be excited that he was trying this year, but he was still worried about it. Slowly plucking at the paper Illya almost didn't want to find out what was inside the small box. When he couldn't delay it any longer he opened it to find a compass and the explanation made it a completely reasonable gift to receive. In this case he could excuse it and now the larger gift had him worried. Illya couldn't think of anything that large that he could justify. He didn't need anything and he was far from finding use for something that would this size. Instead of working at it painfully slow Illya decided to just get the moment of anxiety over with and wait for the gods to strike him if it turned out bad.

The gift box opened and Illya peered inside. It was a large black tunic and he knew exactly what it was. "When yah expect meh ta wear dis?" A little smirk came to his face. At least he wouldn't have a bunch of chest hair sticking out from the front of the tunic. Some of the men that wore them were disgusting and he hated how they looked with that wonderful little tunic on.

After a moment he reached under the tree and handed the two items to Kalizda. In a way it was humorous to see that they had some similar thoughts. Perched on the edge of his seat he waited for Kalizda to see what the first item was. "I tink maybe yah need dress. Et es cross of yah culture and Chippequoti." Illya hoped she would be willing to wear something that would show her authority, but cross over into a sort of Chippequoti custom. It was somewhat close to what the women of status would wear and still be flowing, but close to the Chippequoti dress of honor.

Illya waited quietly while Kalizda opened the second box and revealed the next dress. He liked the second one better and it was far more Chippequoti in custom. "I tink dat maybe yah have dresses tah indicate yah status no matter what people yah talk to." Black and gold were far better and prettier on Kalizda. Illya loved how this one was almost all gold with just the black sheen over it. If she left her hair in a braid and put in the gold stars that Yvonne used to wear in her braids then she would truly look like a Chippequoti diplomat.

"Maybe yah try dem on and tell meh ef dey fit? Den I try meh new shirt on." Since the gift exchange had ended Illya slowly made his way up the stairs with Kalizda. While she tried on the first dress he sat on the edge of the bed and started to pull one shirt off and then slip the tunic over his head. It was odd having the front of his shirt open was a bit odd and so Illya chose to lace the tunic shut first and then tighten the belt. For the most part the shirt was comfortable, but it did feel a little tight across the chest and arms. They were tiny people and the way they built the clothing only seemed to prove it. Kaerlean's had grasshopper limbs and Illya cautiously flexed his arm to see if the sleeve would pop. There was enough stretch to the material that it didn't strain the seams too much. With a little nod he wandered back over to the bed to wait for Kalizda to step out. When she did he stood up so she could see the tunic he had on. It looked like the dress fit her quite well. "Yah look good. I uh..." Illya pointed to the closet where a white box sat in the top "Got someting else for yah."

There was a time or two that Illya remembered Kalizda looking a bit nervous in her exciting nightwear and he wanted her to be more comfortable. Slowly walking over to the closet he plucked the box from the top of it and handed it to her. "I tink dat maybe yah like dis sometime." The red floor length kimono was in a satin and it looked fancy, while still providing sufficient coverage. "Do yah like et?" It was hard to tell if Kalizda liked the kimono or the dresses, but he hoped she did.


Illya sat quietly with Thomas outside while the man smoked his pipe. "Ets good tah know dat yah dun tink of meh so poorly. Means a lot tah Kalizda." In many ways it meant a lot to Illya too, but he was still struggling with some of the times that he remembered of her father. "I know yah tink dat I was wandering man. Kind dat finds women and makes his pleasure wit dem, but I was never dat man." Mostly he wanted to clear the record because he had heard some of the rumors and the pleasure house had only confirmed some of his suspicions and he understood better what Thomas had essentially accused him of in the past. "Kalizda es too precious for man tah wander or ask for her before he makes agreement or uh....makes her his wife. I always tink dis about Kalizda and we never uh...Et never happened until after we agreed."

Thomas took another long draw in his pipe before releasing the smoke in little puffs as Illya spoke. " Aye, she is precious and deserves to be treated as such," he nodded slowly, "Calysta told me you never touched her. Not once. And she assured me you weren't the wandering kind. I suppose it was hard for me to believe and for that, I apologize. Experience tells me when it comes to Calysta, that more often than not she was hurt by people. I thought you would would do the same for long time...decide you didn't want a half breed or not understand what you were taking on in the first place. It wouldn't be the first time someone had left her with a hurt that I couldn't fix and I didn't want it to happen again. My error was in not evee considering that you might be something good in her life against all the bad."

At the words from her father Illya frowned a little. "I know dah people here treat her wit contempt for long time. What yah mean dat dere was someone before?" Had there been a husband before this that had died or left her? Ayrn was the kind of man that came to mind and they seemed to be more common among her people. They were easy coming and easy going. "She dun say much about dis sort of ting."

Thomas shifted a bit uncomfortably in his seat and grew quiet for a moment. It wasn't his place to say anything and yet he knew his daughter would never say a word about it. "She likely wouldn't ever say anything and I'm not sure I should. Does it matter to you if there was?" It wasn't an accusation, but a simple question.

After a moment of thought Illya shrugged. "I guess et doesn't. She es faitful and I dun see any wandering in her. Dere es no shame in our life togeter and I tink dats what matters." Lowering his gaze for a long moment he sighed. "Kalizda es very good for meh. Some t-things change after I know how much she cares for meh. In ways dat are nut like Chippquoti."

The old professor started to chuckle a little. "She'll never wander. That I can promise, though if you want to know...ask her. She'll be honest with you." Hearing how she might have changed a few things made his smile grow a bit more. "Aye, she always saw the world a little differently. Even as a kid she was stubborn and loving all the same. I'm...glad to know that you see her that way."

"Et's good she es stubborn." Illya chuckled. "Ef she was any less den stubborn I tink dat maybe she would nut be good wife for meh." In many ways Illya knew he wasn't the easiest sort of man to get along with and he didn't like to admit that he honestly couldn't seem to grasp some things in her culture. "Oh...before I forget." Illya passed a little box to Thomas. "Et was sometimg I tink tah save till we jes togeter." It was a small emblem from the Chippequoti for a representative of the people and it was one that he had inherited after his mother had been killed. "Even ef yah dun like us much tah start, yah good representative and we never tank yah properly for yah work tah help us get home and acceptance to Alliance."

Thomas clamped pipe stem between his teeth to accept the small box. He wasn't entirel sure what the trinket was inside but he knew it must have meant something to the Chip by the way he presented it. "Thank you, " he replied, " I hope that when this war is over that the Chippeqouti can return there. Though, I think they've earned their place in the alliance. They'll be welcome among the members wherever they are."

Letting out a long breath Illya slouched into the seat a little bit. He had felt a little tight over the entire gift exchange and yet he knew that he shouldn't. "It es very different now. I dun know if all Chippequoti go back, maybe we dun live like we used to." Thinking of Old Quoti almost made him shiver. He hated to think that it might happen to his people too, but he knew their way of life was slowly disintegrating. "Even I dun live same as Chippequoti would by tradition. I break rules today and I ask dah winds for appeasement and den I pray tah yah God and ask him tah protect meh and meh family and all Chippequoti from dah trouble dat four winds bring. So difficult tah have anoter God and new expectations."

He let out another smoke ring and then paused, listening to Illya speak. In part, he understood the man's fear. Change was always difficult and sometimes, downright scary. "Hmm...well, that's true. You may not all go back, but you, yourself don't perscribe totally the Chippeqouti way. Maybe you've found somethings that you prefer outside of that and the preference is a good one. I learned the hard way that not all change is necessarily bad." He took another draw on his pipe and sighed. "I think if I had a choice between the four winds, and God, I know who I would pick if I had to. A God who loves enough for mercy and to save my soul. One who protects my family even in death." He wasn't about to tell the man his Four Winds gods were false and should be abandoned. It was not the day for an argument, and the man sounded worried enough as it was.

Speaking of gods was a bit strange still and Illya knew that Thomas did not believe in the four winds. "I tink ets good tah have bot. Sometimes I tink dat only four winds care for Chippequoti." Years of experience had seemed to prove to Illya that only a few select cared about the Chippequoti. It was rare to find someone that cared for the Chippequoti that was outside of their own.

Thomas raised a brow at Illya for a moment, but then checked himself. It was a fair assumption and idea coming from a former non-believer. "God likes a faithful heart and he cares for all, including the Chippeqouti. He is a jealous God though and likes to be the only one in a man's heart. The Bible says, ' Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.' One God that can make the evils of all the worlds tremble, is a worthy one, I think."

The God that Thomas spoke of always seemed to be for the Terran's and people such as those. Illya had assumed that he only had favor because of Thomas and Kalizda. On many occasions Thomas had tried to tell him that this God wanted to be the only one and it was a little frightening to completely shift. Illya shook his head. "I wear small amulet and et es from four winds. Dey see dis and protect meh. Dere es small amulet for Rose, Kalizda, and Cypher. Den when dah gods are angry I ask yah God tah help. I can't leave dah winds. Four winds make Chippequoti and witout dem our bones would be weak." Shifting in his chair he waited for a long moment before saying anything else. "I know yah dun believe et." A chuckle started in the back of his throat as he started to think of one of his favorite jokes. "Kalizda get Turkey and I tink I should show Rose and Cypher how tah properly summon dah bird."

The old professor let out a little sigh when his son-in-law explained his reasoning. Sometimes it just took a long time to get someone to understand. It took study and patience, a bit like water against a boulder. He wasn't going to be deterred. It had been 28 years and he still hadn't give up on Calysta, so he could be just as adamant with Illya. The only difference was, his son-in -law tended to listen a bit more on the subject. When Illya mentioned teaching the kids how to summon spirits, Thomas bristled a bit. He hadnt thought the man remembered that little incident, but apparently he remembered a lot more than he thought. "Ah, has been awhile, eh? Just...make sure that they know its not actually going to come back to life," Thomas chuckled a bit sheepishly. He had known that his son-in-law had been messing with him...after awhile and it wasn't a moment he was particularly proud of.

"Awe..." Illya almost sounded disappointed when he looked over at Thomas. "Yah figured et out eh?" It was one of the things he found more entertaining in life. Confirming beliefs of Chippequoti as heathens was entirely fun when it was something harmless. Most of the time it only proved how ignorant others were of them, but it was still fun. "I'll still do et. Kids like dat kind of stuff." Making a little turkey gobble he started to laugh. "Need tah get inside and start dah ritual. First we dance den we strut in kitchen."

"We, huh?" Thomas said, snuffing out his pipe, then dumping the ash into an ash tray on the table, "Hmmm...I think I could summon a turkey spirit." Illya was right, the kids would find it funny and he used to do that kind of thing with his daughter all of the time when she was a kid. It would be a bit fun to mess with her, plus, if her cooking record was any indication the poor bird might actually need a good spirit raize. He'd never say that of course. Straightening his knee, he rose to his feet and propped his pipe against the table. "Lead the way, General."

The last thing that Illya expected was for her dad to agree to do this with him. Originally the we had meant Illya, Rose, and Cypher. However, if her dad wanted to join it would be great. Slowly getting up from his chair Illya smirked, "Yah jes dun make trouble yet. We get kids first.

Limping into the house Illya wandered past Kalizda and then he grabbed Cypher out of his playpen. The boy was cooing loudly and wanting to come out and play a little more. "C'mon, time for yah tah play." Beckoning to Rose the General walked with the kids into a corner of the living room where Kalizda couldn't hear him talking with them. With Thomas there it was a little bit strange to find himself trying to tell the man how to make the dance to summon the bird. Rose was giving Illya a funny look when he gave a demonstration with a wild strut and then series of awkward hops. Mostly it looked like a lame bird hop due to the bad leg. Illya flapped his arms like wings and made gobble sounds before tucking Cypher under one arm and continuing with his dance.

A delighted little squeal sounded as the boy stared up at his father and tried to imitate the arm flapping with his own gurgles in place of the gobble. Rose giggled and flopped about wildly while Thomas was a bit more reserved, but he still gave his best efforts. On the way to the kitchen Illya switched up to a proud turkey strut and walked up to Kalizda who was by now watching them and then gave another gobble. While she was busy laughing he grabbed her with his other arm and kissed her before gobbling again and continuing the little turkey dance. Since Rose was still going he marched her around the table in the dance and swung Cypher over to his other arm. On the second round of the table Illya sped up and then slid into his chair at the table.

Cypher was still trying to bounce in his father's lap and he squeaked, "Maam!" Stuffing a little fist in his mouth he drooled all over it and started laughing when Rose got up to continue the turkey dance. The dance got little Cypher laughing again and he jumped even more wildly on Illya's lap. It was close enough to dinner that Illya decided to move Cypher to his little chair. Standing up again he slid the boy's fat little legs into his booster seat. Despite having the restriction of the booster seat the baby still tried bouncing in place and he slammed his solid little fists into the table and rattled the whole chair with his excitement.

Secretly Illya started to wonder if the boy had started rolling. Many Chip babies that couldn't walk or crawl very well would roll across the floor and find trouble that way. Cypher was fast enough that he could probably roll plenty of places in the house without being discovered before he had himself into trouble. Until the kid figured it out Illya was going to let it be. No reason to say anything.

As Rose came back around the table again doing the dance and alternating with the strut she stopped long enough to gobble at Cypher who immediately started to laugh and make mush mouth talk at his older sister. With dinner getting so close Illya decided to set the table and he recruited the help of Rose since she was moving faster than he felt like he wanted to at this point. The table was set with a sense of gusto and when it was finally time to eat Illya grinned. He was breaking the diet today. Unfortunately the Ehaui had agreed with Kalizda that he shouldn't have as many fatty foods and they liked her diet modification until his heart healed up. At the rate it was going the doctors didn't know if it would be a matter of months or years, but it was a long time to have limited gravy.

In a way Illya felt sad when he served the gravy over his food. Kalizda had watered it down again and he knew it was because she had predicted he would use too much of it. At least the flavor was still good. She must have added extra condensed flavoring or something. Since this was his diet he decided to just be happy with the food. The brief moment of sadness passed on quickly and Illya ate the food with plenty of excitement. "Tank yah Kalizda. Very good."


With the day of the wedding finally here Tabit paced the room nervously. She was about as ready as she could get with the exception of making her hair. She had her dress on and her shoes along with a necklace. Tabit already had the ring on her finger and it went beautifully with the purple dress. In some ways she was wondering what in the world she happened to be doing getting married to a man. Why did she think that this was a good idea? Staring at herself in the mirror she could almost see the thoughts whirring in her head and her heart beat wildly. She was going to marry him because she loved him and that was why.

Kirit was a good man. He was going to do all that he could to take care of her and he would grow old in time. Tabit caught herself on that single thought. He would grow old. She would still be here and then what? Would she move on and find another man. Maybe there would be a widowed Chippequoti man that would want her? It was doubtful that another Chippequoti would want her after that many men. If they stayed traditional she would be shunned anyway for her marriage with Kirit. Was he really going to be worth the cost? Could she really stand to watch him grow old and feeble and then be alone. Shakily bringing a hand up to her head she combed through her long blonde locks. It was time to make her hair so she could be ready on time and that was all the more that she was going to be able to do for now. This was just a life that she would have to take one step at a time.


Illya got up early to himself washed up at the bath house and then he went to the pleasure house. It was a big day and the masseuse knew it so he pulled out the extra fragrant oils and rubbed them into Illya's shoulders. It was a longer massage and Illya knew he didn't have as much time as he wanted, but he could make do with the last hour to get himself ready for the event. "Relax." The masseuse rubbed the last of the oils through Illya's hair and into his scalp. It was just a tiny bit that remained on his hands, but it would be enough to make the General's hair shine. This was how every Chip got ready for this kind of event. They wanted their hair to shine and they wanted to smell good. This event required the General to be dressed in his best and ready to meet diplomats from all around the alliance. "Ef yah dun relax den yah jes waste all meh work." Watching for a few moments he continued to rub through the General's scalp until he saw the man's shoulders slack and let out the tension. "Now yah ready tah get up and get ready."

By the time Illya got himself to the house he saw Ehvan racing past the house toward his own. They were both going to done about the same time. As badly as Illya wanted to run up the stairs to get himself to the beroom faster, he knew better. It was going to be a long night and he'd been lazy the last few days to try and get the soreness in his leg under control.

When he got up the stairs Illya dug into the back of his closet and pulled out his dress uniform. He needed to add a few of the medals from his father's uniform to his own. Reaching further into the back of the closet he grabbed an old worn box and then placed the medals on the chest of the uniform. One was striped with red and gold. Colors of honor and blood. Both of them were what drove a General to be best he could for his people.

After what felt like forever of staring at it Illya slipped into the pants and put on the boots. He didnt' feel like he was the one to be wearing the General's medal. Reluctantly Illya put the dress uniform shirt on and tucked it in to his pants. Carefully Illya ran his hands over his chest and smoothed out the uniform before he leaned in close to the mirror and started to try and smooth his hair down before he put on the beret. He needed to get himself looking like a decent sort of man instead of some hooligan pretending to be a General. Illya had the beret at ready and he smoothed his hair back before he reached for the beret and tried to shove it over his head before his hair curled again. The first time he failed and then he grabbed one of Kalizda's combs. He pulled out all the long hairs she had shed and then used the comb to pull his hair down and straight. When Illya figured he had his hair nicely straightened out again he quickly shoved the beret on. There was no helping the curls that showed from underneath his hat, but he didn't have the rumples pushing the beret out of shape.

Kalizda stepped out of the bathroom in her dress and ready to go. Illya grinned at her, "You look beautiful." The phrase had become easier to say in Kaerlean since he had been using it frequently. Rose and Cypher were going to go together to the children's tent and Rose was already standing at the door ready to go. She loved to play with the other kids and Cypher was trying to squirm his way out of Thomas' arms when he saw his dad.

Taking the boy from Thomas Illya grinned. "Meh little Cypher munster." Cypher loved it when his dad spoke to him and he grabbed Illya's face with his little hands and started to try talking to him. Occasionally the boy's eyes would wander up to his father's hat and he would try to reach for it, but Illya stopped his little hand before he could get to the beret. "We ready tah go?" Illya glanced at Kalizda and nodded in response to her answer. It didn't take them long to reach the tent for the children and get the kids dropped off. Ehvan was there and Maks. They were all going to be about 10 minutes early for their part of the set up and preparation for the wedding. Guests had already been held and scanned thoroughly through 3 different tiers over the last day and a half to ensure that the wedding would be safe.

"Maks." At first his cousin didn't hear and Illya waited for a moment.

Hearing Illya call to Maks made Ehvan start to laugh. "Jes call him like yah used to."

"No." Illya shook his head. He wasn't about to tell that story, but he had a feeling that the cat was out of the bag and Ehvan was going to tell Kalizda. She was looking curious and Maks and Ehvan loved to tell this one to anyone that would listen.

Since Maks wasn't here yet and Ehvan could tell the story without interruption he started. "Yah know Maks and I are older den Illya. He was a terrible kid. I remember when he was tiny. First comes out witout his moter."

With the start of the story Illya's cheeks got a very slight hint of pink and he shook his head. There was no getting out of this one.

"He always wander around wit dah girls cause he liked exploring better den he like wrestling." Ehvan smirked. "Actually most little ones start out wit dah girls because dey missed dere moters. Wasn't so uncommon for dem tah go home during day and take naps. Anyway, Illya was tiny age and Maks dares meh tah go get him and wrestle him. We bot only about 2-3 years older den Illya. So I tink maybe et would be fun tah go catch him. He jes looked like fat kid wit his chubby cheeks and thick arms and legs. So I run up tah tackle him and guess what he does?" Instead of waiting for Kalizda to answer the man started to laugh. "He rolls up into a ball and yells, 'Maks, Maks, Maks' as fast as he can. Sounds like he will be bird instead of wolf. Squawks like dat and he jes keep rolling around. I can't get meh hands on him and he uncurls long enough tah bite meh, punch meh and den I dun know how he does et. Little squawker jumps up and he pommels meh den runs off still squawking for his cousin."

Ehvan started to laugh as soon as he finished that part of his tale. It wasn't so much cause he got beat up by a kid smaller than himself, but because of the habit that had formed after all those years and it was great remembering it. "I tink I dun fight him for long time, but ef yah scared him as kid he would yell for Maks like dat and den he did it when he was on radio too. I sneak up on him during drill and scared him so bad he yelled "Maks, Maks!" in da radio."

When Ehvan yelled the name Maks came running over with a disappointed expression his face. "Yah tell dah story witout meh. Now yah gotta hear et." Nudging Illya he grinned broadly. The story came out and whenever it did it was tradition for Illya to make his squawk.

Reluctantly Illya opened his mouth, "Maks, Maks." The first time was rather monotone and boring. Both of the other generals urged him a little more and goaded him on with various chuckles and nudges that got increasingly rough, but still playful. Illya rolled his eyes, but he got a momentary smirk and glint in his eyes. Both Ahvah and Mak's wives saw it and they moved over. Ehvan noticed barely in time and he let Maks keep on laughing and pushing for Illya to make the squawk. Suddenly Illya dropped Kalizda's hand and he gave the age old childhood battle cry, "Maks, Maks!" At the same time Illya lunged into Maks and both of them hit the ground. While Maks was still stunned Illya scrambled to his feet, dusted himself off and grabbed Kalizda's hand before running toward the wedding. If he was gonna make it out of this unscathed he had to hurry. Ehvan and Ahvah were behind them laughing so hard they could barely keep up and Maks was yelling from behind them, but in a good natured sort of way.

The small group of disheveled generals arrived at the wedding trying to right themselves and not smile too much. Illya could feel that his hair had rumpled underneath the beret, but he couldn't do anything to fix it now. Clearing his throat he pushed the tail of his shirt into the back of his pants and winked at Kalizda. "Yah ready now?"
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Calysta opened her gifts one at a time, propping the first box on her knee. The boxes were beautifully wrapped with red glittery paper and a big purple bow. They were wedding colors, but that was alright. Cypher squealed as she tore at the paper and then opened the first box to find a black dress with shimmering, patterned jewels on the bodice. Smiling, she looked to Illya with pride. He remembered. "This is beautiful, thank you." He urged her to go on to the second box, looking even more excited, so she sat the first aside on the couch. Removing the lid of the first box, Calysta found a glistening gold gown with a black, shear overlay. Her grin widened, as she held up the garment by it's shoulders to get a better look. The dress was unique and classy, but also not a color she would ever try on her own. "This is...this stunning, Illya," she said sincerely, as she leaned in to kiss him.

When he suggested they go upstairs and try them on, she eagerly agreed and scurried off to the bathroom. There were already ideas of where she wanted to wear each gown rolling in her head. Stripping off her pajamas, Calysta selected the black and silver gown first. It took only a few minutes to get into the dress and then open the bathroom door. As soon as the door drifted open, she forgot all about the dress she was wearing because Illya had put on his tunic. It was just a little snug over his chest and arms, and altogether too form fitting on his hips. He looked really good...better than any Kaerelean man she'd ever seen. "Yah look good. I uh...Got someting else for yah."

He stood and walked over to the closet, and all Calysta could do was stare openly at him until he held up a shining, red satin kimono with lacy on the sleeves. "I tink dat maybe yah like dis sometime. Do yah like et?"

Her pale hands reached out for the kimono, feeling the silky material. "I love it. They're all wonderful. Thank you." He was standing there looking so handsome in his tunic and she was feeling so pretty in her dress it was hard not to resist rising to her tip toes to wrap a hand around his neck and pull him into a kiss. "I love you most of all," she smiled, before going back for a second kiss.

Christmas dinner was an affair filled with wild turkey gobbles. Her entire family came trotting in including Cypher and most surprisingly her father, giving wild turkey calls. Rose bounced around wiggling her butt and flapping her arms like a turkey while Cypher giggled in a frenzy as his father tossed him from 'wing to wing'. Her father was warbling and wobbling his elbows with a lopsided grin under his beard. It was a parade of turkey bird's and all she could do was laugh. "My turkey birds!" she called, "You've all revived the bird and look so tasty!" She scurried up to Rose first and caught her mid jump. It was easy to wrap her arms around the skinny girl and nibble at her neck. "Om nomnomnom!" Rose squealed and tried to jerk away, so Calysta let her go, only to turn on Illya and Cypher. "Yum! Nomnomnom!" She titled her head and took little bites at Cypher's chubby bare legs. They boy let out a scream of delight and she pecked up and down his legs, beating his fat fists on his father's chest. When he was breathless and laughing uncontrollably, she turned to Illya, sneaking a kiss from him. "Hmmm, good bird," she chuckled, stealing another. Thomas started to chortle and held up his hands when Calysta turned to him. "You don't want an old bird like me."

That declaration only made Calysta grin all the wider as she leaned over and kissed her father's cheek like she used to when she was a child. "Yes, I do. Father bird is a good bird."

Rose jumped up and began the turkey dance all over again, feeling brave after being nibbled. Calysta twitched and danced until she tucked her elbows in and warbled. "Oh the turkey spirit is here!" She danced with Rose until there was an odd sound from behind them. Everyone turned to see Aryn and Dora. The two Terrans were staring at them in bewilderment until Dora cleared her throat and smiled. "I hope we aren't late. I brought pie."


Kirit had gone to Calysta and Illya's house to get ready, allowing Tabit to have entire house to herself, as was tradition. A bride was usually nervous beforehand and it allowed for her to get ready her own way. It was only mid-day but he was already getting nervous. Tabit had been so reluctant at first, but agreed to marry him when he assured her it was okay. It was too late now that the Chief and the entire regiment of the elites had arrived. The tents had been set, the games and drinking begun in the all day affair. He hadn't had much of a choice in inviting the chief, but he would have much preferred a small ceremony where if he forgot what to do, it would only be seen by a few. Now, half of Reylia along with his parents and the chief would be there. At least he had managed to get one of the traditions done properly so far and that was Tabit's gift. If all went as it was supposed to, the first would arrive at her house any minute.

A firm knock sounded on Tabit's door, and when the woman answered, Chief Tikan in full uniform stood on her door step with a broad smile. The Chief gave her a small bow and then held out his hand, revealing a minuscule, purple satchel with a silver tassel drawstring. "Ye as beautiful as m' First Warrior say," the Chief said honestly, "Ye take this, an keep it with ye today. There will be more." With his delivery made, the Reylian patted her hand and then walked away.

Not two hours later, another knock came to her door. This time, the woman must have been busy, but Lyra waited patiently in her black dress until Tabit managed to answer. When she did, the Reylian Chieftess gave her a warm smile, before offering the light Chip a pearlescent coin. "Greetin's Ms. Tabit. Reylia welcomes you into their family. Keep this with you today, and good luck tonight."

It was several hours later when the sun began to set that an honor guard of Reylian warriors waited for Tabit to leave her home so they could escort her to the tent. The lead warrior with his scythe strapped to his back, walked up to her and held out his hand. In his palm sat a miniature, flat head nail. "Ye have ye satchel. Keep this with ye in it, yeah?"


Calysta came out of the bathroom wearing her gold and black gown with a small set of heels and her hair undone from it's usual braids. It flowed down her back in soft waves, curling at the ends. Three gold stars, hair pens inherited from Henaiah tucked back the locks that hung around her lightly make-uped face. Her necklace sat on her throat and her ring glistened on her left hand. She felt a little shy at first, until Illya looked up at her. "You look beautiful." He said it in Kaerelean and it brought out her first smile of the night. "And you look amazing." Calysta's eyes roved over her Chip in his olive and gold uniform with his weapons strapped to his hips. A sword to his left, and a massive gun on his right. The cross shoulder sheath for his tyrei bone knife sat perfectly next to his medals. He looked as handsome as the day of their own ceremony. The only difference was the medals, which she noticed there were new ones. "These are new," she said, nodding to him.

As they got ready to leave, the only ask left was to drop the children off at the tent where a few volunteers had come to play shepherd, Dora and her father among them. Cypher was reluctant to see his parents go, and cried even though Papa was right there to comfort him. "We'll be back, I promise," she said kissing her boy's head. Amil was already there, as was Gyllie. Both boys gave her excited waves. Their flight lessons had been delayed in lieu of the wedding, but they had taken it alright. "Don't worry we'll meet up next week."

Taking up Illya's hand, they walked down the town square, meeting up with Ahvah and Ehvan as they went. Maks was ahead of them in the crowd and Illya called out to him. The second in command general seemed to be in rare form, and started to laugh, goading Illya into doing something. In a rare moment, her Chip actually turned a little pink. "What is this all about?" she asked with a curious gleam in her eyes. Ehvan's grin only broadened as he began talk about Illya as a kid. When the tall Chip described him as 'jes a fat kid' Calysta couldn't help but think of her son. He was definitely Illya's child, and both of them had been adorably plump. He continued to tell the story of Illya's early fighting tactics and the 'Maks, Maks!' war cry. Calysta had no idea that the Chip was his cousin, but it made her excited. She'd never had cousins and the idea of having such a family she didn't know she had, even if it was only by marriage, made her happy.

As Ehvan continued his story, he told them all about how Illya would even cry for his cousin over the radio. At that point, Calysta bit her lips, trying not to laugh, but it was funny. The urge grew even worse when Maks caught wind of the story being told and came over, prodding his cousin to say it. Illya said it the first time in a lame tone, but Maks wasn't satisfied. Illya let go of her hand and cried out. "Maks! Maks!" Then he launched forward, tackling him to the ground. Calysta winced as Maks head cracked hard against the ground, but Illya was up and running before anyone could do anything else. Her Chip grabbed her hand and took off running at his own pace. That would normally have been fine, except she was in heels.

"Illya!" she laughed breathlessly, "Illya wait!"

He was half dragging her until the reached the tent where he stopped to tuck in his shirt. She helped him straighten his gear, and stuff the tail of his shirt back into his waist band. "You're still so fast," Calysta giggled, brushing off his shoulder. When Illya was set to right, he gave her a playful wink. "Yah ready now?"

"No, not quite. I'm missing something," she snickered, pointing to her feet. She pulled back her skirts to reveal bare toes wiggling. "My shoes got left behind."

A hearty laugh from field sounded, and Maks could be seen holding up a black heel in triumph. Turning to her wild cousin-in-law, she grinned. "Maks! Maks! Bring back my shoe!"


Calysta stood by Tabit behind the main flap of the tent. Once she entered, she would be standing right across from Kirit and a few paces would put her in front of Tikan for the ceremony to begin. It was custom to have an attendant until the moment of the ceremony arrived and Calysta had been more than happy to be Tabit's. She looked beautiful and very nervous, but that was completely normal and understandable.Smoothing down the woman's sleeve, she looked up to her friend and nodded. "You look perfect, Tabit. Are you ready?"

Waiting for the ceremony had only put Tabit even more on edge. She hated to think that maybe she would be in trouble now. Getting married was certainly asking for trouble wasn't it? Now it was too late and she didn't want to back out. Peering through the flap of the tent she let out a long breath. "Yes, I'm ready. At least as ready as I will ever be."

One last check assured Calysta that the small, velvet satchel on her wrist was still there. It would be a shame to lose that. It was still there and she smiled to her friend. "You'll be fine, I promise. " With that, she moved aside the tent flap and held it open to allow Tabit to walk into the aisle. Inside the tent is was completely silent save for a few sniffles and the flitting sound of a few flames atop the purple candles. In the intersection of two large aisles lines with white carpets, stood Chief Tikan in full regalia, his red Cryn feather trailing down his back as he held out his hands, one to her and another to the opposite side, inviting them to come inside.Directly across from Tabit stood Kirit.

The young warrior was there, square shouldered and neatly trimmed. He wore his full dress uniform, a black leather tunic with silver trappings and gleaming leather boots. His Chippeqouti sword sat on his left hip and opposite of that was his dagger. His chest sported a few awards, including his signification as First Warrior in rank while two silver chains clipped a short, purple cape draped from one shoulder to the next. He wore his cap and Cyrn feather as an elite Reylian warrior, but it was the smile at the sight of Tabit that made him all the more striking. His dark eyes trailed up from her toes all the way to her eyes, his nervous smile growing with every second as he walked forward toward Tabit. He met her in the middle and offered his hand to her. She looked stunning and he it made his heart leap into his throat while his palms grew sweaty.

For all the preparation, Tabit found herself feeling like she wasn't in any way ready for this. How could she be? Momentarily her heart leaped to the back of her throat and pounded there until she swallowed. Still her heart only managed to sink part way down her throat. She could see Kirit standing on the opposite side. It felt like such a long way to walk and it was so much shorter to run back to her tent. the long purple dress tickled the tops of her feet with every nervous step. Even her ankles felt like they were going to give out. When Kirit walked to the center Tabit offered him one shaking pale hand and managed a shy smile.

Tikan started off welcoming everyone and talking about the reason they were all there. The man wasn't much for words beyond what was necessary and in some moments his accent was a little too thick trying to talk in traders tongue. Not that Kirit noticed. The young man was staring openly in complete awe at his woman's blonde hair and bright blue eyes, that almost looked lavender. When he felt her shaking hand in his sweaty palm, he took his thumb and brushed it over the back of her smooth skin out of instinct more than anything. "Ahem...ah...Kirit...if ye stop oogling f' minute an' say ye vows?" the Chief said with a chuckle. The sound of the room letting out a small rumbling laugh, made the warrior snap out of his on head and he tightened his grip on Tabit's hand with a blush tinging his cheeks just a little. "Uh, Aye," he replied, clearing his throat, "

He took up both of Tabit's hands now and gazed at her eyes, as if to make sure it was okay before proceeding. With these hands, I, Kirit Telan Gria's vow to honor you as my wife. To love you, protect you in storm or sun wholeheartedly. It vow to do this until my shadows are long and the wind ceases." For a moment he went completely blank on what he was supposed to say and randomly kissed her wrists in the middle of his vows before remembering. " With kiss this I seal my vows, and let it be witnessed that you are mine. ...Now and forever.” By the time he got the last words out, his heart was hammering so hard in his chest he was sure she could see it making the awards wiggle with the beat.

The woman stared at Kirit with wide eyes when he started to rub her hand and and Tikan was talking. She wanted out of the front of the people here so badly. In many ways she liked the way they had been living without adding this stress. It was lovely to wear the dress and be here and receive gifts and well wishes, but she wasn't sure that she didn't prefer the quiet Chippequoti style now that she was here. When it was Kirit's turn to say the vows she tried to memorize it quickly. Tabit had already memorized the vows once, but she couldn't remember them now that she was here. "I, Tabit choose to honor you as my husband, to protect, love, and do this till your...uh my shadows are long and the wind ceases." She knew it was already scrambled, but she couldn't think of where it happened at so she continued. "You're mine now and forever." Suddenly she remembered that she had to kiss his wrists and she lifted it and kissed each of his wrists. It wasn't at all like it was supposed to be, but she forgot the whole thing and it was the best she was going to get it.

Kirit's eyes widened when she said the words and kisses his wrist. This was it. They were married together and he felt both a sense of relief and overwhelming excitement, as Tikan finished up the ceremony. "I Chief Emayi Tikan of Reylia, first planet of the Kaerelean Alliance certify ye union in front th' witnesses before us. Congratulations!" The chief's more formal air dropped almost immediately, and he clapped the boy on his shoulder as the Reylia warriors let out wild war cries. "Ye best take her on, yeah?" he chuckled to his First Warrior. Kirit slipped hand to Tabits elbow, stepping forward to kiss her a single time on the lips before guiding her to the door. For all the ruckus going on around him, he as nothing but focused on her. "I get t' say it now. Ye look beautiful, Tabit, an I love ye." He said the words with pride as he beamed at her, taking her on to the feast.

For all the stumbling and stress to say the right words it didn't seem to matter in the long run anyway. Tabit found herself staring almost dumbly at Kirit when they were pronounced man and wife. She blinked a few times in disbelief and then the surreal feeling surged through her. Tabit, the married woman and entirely trapped. Was it all bad? Looking into Kirit's eyes she grinned. "I love you too." Sneaking in one more kiss she heard the hoots and hollers from the Chippequoti. They were more than excited to see the woman kiss her man. A small blush came to her face and she let Kirit lead the way toward the feast.


Sarai spotted them almost immediately after the ceremony was over and was nothing but smiles as she wafted over to them a in an air peach colored dress with Henryk hanging off her arm. “General! Calysta!”

Before anything could be said, the woman had Illya by the ears and was leaning up to give him two long kisses on each cheek. “Handsome as the last time I saw you,” she winked, tucking one his curls behind his beret. Then she turned on Calysta who was receiving two timid pecks from Henryk. “Look at you,” Sarai beamed as she took her kisses, “Black and gold. So stunning and non-traditional. Very bold Mrs. Monroe. I trust my little package came in handy, yes?”
Calysta turned pink and her eyes dodged some before she mustered a nervous smile. “It was very thoughtful. Thank you, Sarai.”

The Urian council woman laughed merrily and grinned. “General, I would be most happy if you would grace me with a dance, yes?”
Not too many people knew of Illya’s injury and if anyone was going to get to dance with Illya, it was going to be Calysta. She could see the look in her Chip’s green eyes and that was all it took. “Oh, I thought it was the Urian tradition to dance with the groom at these sorts of things. We wouldn’t want to slight Kirit or Tabit from the honor.”

Sarai nodded brightly and squeezed Calysta’s hand. “Oh yes, of course. I should go pay my respects to the couple.” With that, the council woman took up Henryk’s arm and scuttled off to find the bride and groom.

Calysta looked to Illya feeling a bit of guilt and shamefully a bit of relief, then took up his hand to lay a kiss on his wrist. "We should have a few drinks and a dance, yeah?" The night was young and there was so much to see, but she wanted to be by Illya's side as long as he wanted her there. Just before he could answer, one of the Prytan women walked up and tried to strike up a conversation, complimenting her on the dress before continuing to gab. Not wanting to be rude, or keep Illya waiting for his first drink, Calysta gave him a quick look. "If you grab our drinks, I'll be right there."

Grabbing drinks sounded like one of the better ideas. So far Illya had walked around to see what kind of games were going on and he knew better than to run or climb right now. He shouldn't have run to the tent with Kalizda earlier and his leg was telling him. They were about to get drinks and then a woman had to stop by to make conversation. Illya settled in to listen and try to be polite before Kalizda told him to go get the drinks. Rising from the seat he winced a little with the first bit of pressure on the leg in a while. Within a few steps he was feeling a bit better, but he could tell it would take a bit to really feel better. Once he reached the drink counter Illya ordered one Chippequoti cider and a regular unmixed drink for Kalizda before he headed back toward the table.

About that time a scuffle broke out between some of the already quite drunk Reylian warriors. They were wrestling each other all in good fun, but it was near the banquet tables, and two of the MP's from the fleet were already trying to calm them down. A few of the bystanders got shoved in the process, and a man slammed backwards into Illya's side, sloshing drinks as he stepped on toes to regain his balance.

The sudden slam into Illya was on his bad side, but he maintained his balance and despite sloshing the drinks everywhere. Setting the cups on the table he apologized to the woman that got some of the drinks splattered on her dress. "Sorry, I jes take care of dis eh?" Turning around he put a hand on the man that had slammed into him and stepped around till he found the Reylian's fighting. The easiest thing to do was to knock them out and them wake up a little more sober. So far the MP's were just a little too gentle and the men were making more disaster and mayhem the longer they were left to it. One of them stumbled into Illya and the General brought a fist up and hit the man square in the forehead. He fell over and the next one got close enough Illya took a swing at him too.

The first brawler collapsed to the floor out cold, but with a slack sort of grin plastered on his face. He'd never seen the fist coming. The second Reylian saw the General along with the heavy fist coming at him, but had no time to think through what to do about. He made a sloppy block, with his arm which was half limp. Illya's fist pushed the mans own loose hand into his face and he crumpled on top of the other with a bloody nose. With the melee concluded, the MP's hauled the two men by the backs of their shirts off to the side, and the crowd went back to their mingling. "Ye made quick work of them," commented a man in slight amusement as he offered the cups back to Illya. He wore a black and silver fleet uniform, and seemed fairly young with short cropped black hair, "I see ye reputation precedes ye, sir."

A voice behind him made Illya feel a little tense. Still, he turned toward the man and noted the black and silver. Someone of rank it seemed and he wasn't really sure how much rank. Kaerleans were confusing with the dress they wore and how often they deemed it necessary to put someone in black and silver. "Eh, I dun care ef dey beat each oter, but dey need ta do et where dere isn't oters trying to have good time." Looking at the man he studied him for a long moment. "Yah know who I am, but I dun know yah name. Forgive meh."

"Fair," he replied to both statements. He stood from the table and gave a small tug to the end of his dress uniform before offering his hand to the Chip who stood a good half a foot taller than himself. The height difference didn't keep the Kaerelean from keeping a firm lock on the General's eyes however. "Jaiyme Lyramie, First Officer of the Universal Class Gylate'a, under Chief Airman Keyl. I was in the air for the battle at Kinte, sir. "

Illya kept his eyes on the short man and he returned the firm hand shake. "Den yah do well at battle for Kinte I take et." Looking the man over he could see there wasn't any serious looking injury. "Et es good tah have allies for dis war. Federation es more dangerous den most of us knew even when war first started."

Jaiyme shook the General's hand and nodded. Firing on that ship with his allies on it had been a shame, though he respected the man for making the call. "Aye, this is a war neither of our peoples could win alone. The Tannas are a difficult and dangerous enemy, but we will prevail with the right leadership and men to fight I think, yeah?"

Formalities were usually boring and it felt like they had completed the necessary portions of it for the conversation. "Hmm. Yep." Illya kept the last answer short and he turned to the side to retrieve the drinks. "Tink I get some more for mehself and meh wife." For the time that was the best he could think to say to the other man. He didn't know him, wasn't particularly fond of making conversation in the middle of the room either. "Yah come get drink too?"

"Eh, I might as well. I won't b' getting too much shore leave as it is with the fleet on alert level 2 all the time these days," Jaiyme replied, as he followed the General toward the bar. When they arrived, the first officer found himself curious about the rumored strong drinks the Chippeqouti imbibed with and decided to order whatever kind of cider it was the General did. The cup arrived filled with the exotic drink and he sniffed it before taking in a good gulp. It was smooth, but had an afterbite akin to jet furl. "Oooh," he breathed heavily for a second, "Now, that's a drink." A taller man passed behind them with blonde hair and holding onto his pants. He was obviously already drunken too and apparently very determined to keep his pants, making sure everyone knew that they were his. "I think tha' fellow has had a few of ye Chip drinks already," he chuckled to the General. A little voice behind them called out over the music. "Illya?"

Why all the ally men tended to think they wanted to drink the Chippequoti drinks baffled Illya. They could get good and drunk on their own instead of getting the kind he drank. In fact he felt a little territorial about it at times. When the man came to the counter to ask for more Illya nodded to the bartender, "Give him regular eh?" The bartender laughed a little and gave the drunk man the regular stuff. It only took 1 drink at the usual pace to get the man holding onto his pants washed up. Now that at least one more drink was preserved for the Chippequoti Illya glanced to the man that came to get drinks with him and he smirked. "Yah drink dat one fast enough and yah be holding on yah pants too." Someone called his name and Illya turned to see who it was. He was scanning the crowd of people and he couldn't help feeling like he was getting pulled in a hundred different directions. Since when did he become popular?

Jaiyme grinned and took another, much more timid sip of his Chip drink, feeling it burn as it went down. "Aye, I'll keep that in mind." At the sound of the little voice from behind, he turned as the General did more out of curiosity than anything. Calysta chuckled as Illya's eyes scanned right over her, looking into the crowd for the source of his name. "I'm not that hard to spot," she teased, walking up close to Illya, "I wondered where you got off to." He was perfectly fine to roam as he wanted, but he'd been gone a long time and she'd heard reports of a small fight, so she came to investigate both where her husband had gone and if the issue had been resolved. "Are those drinks for us?" She asked before noticing the man next to Illya but a double take on the man's face made her stiff slightly. Jaiyme met her back with an equally hard stare and the two went silent for a moment. "Councilwoman," the first officer said, finally breaking the silence with a single prim word.

It was Kalizda and Illya had thought it was someone else for whatever reason. "I dun hear yah so well when dere are so many oters." When she glanced to the drinks he nodded and took a sip from both before determining which one was hers. He could probably have sniffed them out, but sipping was a better idea. "I like mine better anyway." It was half in jest until he noticed that Kalizda was not comfortable with the man in front of them. Illya cast a gaze toward the man and then Kalizda. "Kalizda yah ok wit him here?" Not that Illya would have him escorted out, but he would leave the company of the man if she needed it. Somehow it seemed that they knew each other from before and he would have to ask Kalizda about that later on.

Calysta blinked a few times, trying to register what Illya asked. Was she okay with him there? No. But she was the councilwoman and she didn't have the luxury of not being okay in the public eye. "Aye, everything is fine," she replied with a swallow. Turning to Jaiyme, she held her chin a little higher and then gave him a respectful nod. "Airman Lyramie." He took a sip of his drink and put the cup on the countertop. "First officer now." Calysta had known that but she was too wrapped up in head to think at the moment. "Yes, well, thank you for your service at the battle of Kinte, I hope you enjoy yourself tonight." Offering her hand to Illya, she mustered a small smile. "Ready to go?"

By the way Kalizda was acting Illya wondered what the man had done. It wasn't often that Kalizda slighted someone even if it wasn't intentional. Illya took Kalizda's hand and he leaned over to kiss her gently on the cheek. "Yeah, I'm ready." Taking another sip of his drink he glanced back at the other man briefly. "I see yah later I tink." No matter what it was that Kalizda had going on with this man it was an issue that Illya would have to deal with. They were allies and Illya would have to know who and what he was dealing with.

Calysta almost sighed audibly in relief as Illya kissed her cheek and took her hand. Her fingers were shaking in his, and it was shameful, but she couldn't help it. Seeing him had probably been inevitable and yet, she had not been prepared. The music changed, to a slow tempo and she looked up to her Chip. "Feel like a dance?" She wanted to do keep her mind from going back to the first officer who she had buried long ago, and dancing with Illya always made the night better.

Even though his leg was sore Illya couldn't really say no to Kalizda's little request. There wasn't much that she asked of him and certainly not at these kind of events. Setting his cup on their table and taking hers he set it next to his own and then wrapped a hand around her waist. "I like dancing wit meh little bird."

Calysta's smile blossomed into a genuine one as she settled into his grasp. She could never reach his shoulder, but they.had found their own way to dance. He probably could only go once, maybe twice, but that was alright. Just being with him was enough. Squeezing his forearm, Calysta gazed up at her Chip, the pins in her hair catching the moon light. "I like it too." As she pulled him closer, the music started in earnest and she let him lead the way.

The song was a slow one in a three meter step. Something the Reylian’s hadn’t picked but it had probably been a request from one of the Urians, or maybe even one of the few Terrans in attendance. Illya felt like he might have wanted to pick her up and take off into the music like he normally did. She could feel his muscles tensing out of the instinct, making her chuckle. “It’s what the Terran’s call a waltz. Like this.” She showed him the three corner turn step, easing him along with the bobbing beat. Her father had taught her how to dance like this when she was small, and it was one of the few slower dances she liked.

Holding on to him, she let him take the lead. A few of his steps seemed a little off, which could have been the fact he was learning, or because his leg was hurting. Still, she smiled up at him as he guided her across the raised dance floor. Her dress rippled at her ankles with every quarter turn, then into a graceful spin, making the gold glitter in a wave behind her. A few people had stopped to watch their strange little Councilwoman and her General husband. Calysta was oblivious to anyone but Illya. His arms were warm against the cool night air, and his gaze kept her heart skipping beats.

When the dance was over, she was all smiles again and kissed Illya gently on this lips. “Thank you for my dance." She knew it had not been easy for him but she was glad he had wanted to anyways. "Lets look around a bit more and by that point the nyte beast will be ready."

Calysta took his hand and they went into the wide lanes to see what the Chief had brought. There were Reylian's having all sorts of games, like wrestling, knife throwing and archery, along with some meant only for the Reylian's that could really perform them. It was somewhat like a talent show. A man in the middle of a ring encircled by a crowd, took a torch with a cotton swab at the end and lit it using a large brazier near by. Showing it off to the crowd, he held the flaming torch high with a grin and then flipped it downward into his mouth, eating the fire with to extinguish it. An applause rose up from the audience until he was scuttled out of the way for another man who unsheathed his dagger, held it up, and then proceeded to swallow it. Calysta's hand tightened over Illya's as they watched the length of the blade slip down the Reylain's gullet until his lips met the hilt. With his hands held out, he welcomed the crowd to watch as he gave a low bow. When his trick earned him a few claps, he stood back up and slowly removed the sword from his throat. Calysta wasn't squeamish but witnessing the blade slip free from the man was simply gross. She grimaced as another daring man took the sword swallowers place.

They wandered on until the reached another game which involved throwing a heavy ball into rows of plates, along side the archery range and knife throwing contest. Nearby, was the wrestling ring and a pole climbing competition, along side a weight throwing field. Men and women alike were picking up heavy kettle weights then with a good few steps and a spin, were sending the objects far down a flagged field, marked for distance and accuracy. "Feel like a little knife throwing competition?" she chuckled.


Jaiyme watched the Calysta along side her husband throwing a knife at the target. She was laughing and meeting the General throw for throw into the center of the target. The woman always had been good at those sorts of things, but seeing her like that was something else entirely. He had never regretted leaving that day. She wasn't much of anything at the time and it had been easy. Now, she had risen to a position that no one thought possible for a half breed. The first half-breed council woman of the home planet, posing a problem. Ten years had passed since their and while he had risen to his place in the Fleet, some how she had climbed all the higher. If she was in charge and Keyl was killed, he was the natural replacement, but Calysta might have been bitter enough to keep him from that. The shame was that she didn't seem to want anything to do with him, or to even talk with him beyond dry pleasantries. Approaching her would be even harder than he husband, who he had scoped out through the part from a fair distance. The man wasn't hard to lose. It had been his hope that the General might deign to be close or introduce him, or if he'd made a good enough impression, report back to his wife. That play was a failure too it seemed, but he needed to get in good again.

He watched as Calysta slipped a little hand around her big man's back, teasing him playfully just enough to see if he would miss his next knife throw. The Chip seemed to be quite aware of the trick or was only distract enough to smile, because he grinned before sending the knife directly into the middle of the target. He'd won the contest between the two and was given another drink of cream liquor as his prize.

Shuffling back to his table, he picked up his own Chippeqouti drink and took another chug, despite how it burned. He was going to need a little courage to ask Calysta to dance and judging by the Urian flopping around in a self made toga, this was the drink to get him there.

"You shouldn't hit that stuff so hard," grumbled the man next to him, "You'll end up like toga guy over there."

Jaiyme turned to see a blond haired man in a disheveled suit, and a slightly crooked eye patch. "You've drank it before, eh?"

"Here and there...drinking it now. Not much else better to do."

The First officer chuckled. "Speak for yourself."
The wedding was a confusing mass of people. Tabit had a handful of odd little things she'd been handed and she was tired of carrying them so she placed them on her table and left them there. She had no desire to carry them around. There was going to be a lot of dancing, feasting, and games. Mostly she wondered if she was expected to participate or watch. While she was busy feeling overwhelmed a sly eyed woman came over and snatched Kirit away and her husband was replaced with a large unintelligent looking man. Wasn't a bad looking one, but she didn't think his face looked like it held the spark of intelligence.

Carefully she took his hand and followed him out to the dancefloor where men stepped in multiple times to get a few moments dancing with her. It was much preferred in her mind that she would get a little more time to actually dance with Kirit rather than all the strangers.


Illya fumbled his way through the dance with Kalizda. He kept waiting for it. The drums had to come in at some point and then they would really get to dance. This was more like a synchronized shuffle. Tightening his grip on her waist Illya prepared for the climax every time the music hit a high, but it never came. In some ways it was relieving since his leg was so sore from the running already and the small shuffles were almost agony toward the end. Every twist of his leg and knee were becoming increasingly painful. The smile on his face gradually started to fade until he looked very serious about everything with the exception of the rare smile that came to his face.

There were dozens of games and most of them would have been tempting if it wasn't for the pain in his leg. A few required swimming and he noticed that all the Chippequoti steered clear of those games. No one wanted to drown tonight. That was never fun and it would put a damper on the celebration. Finally Kalizda stopped to ask Illya if he wanted to join her in a knife throwing contest. Illya smirked a little bit. "Yeah, I tink I beat meh little bird."

Kalizda was surprisingly good at the knife throwing, but he was pretty sure he would win when her throws faltered enough that she gave him the upper hand. A hand slipped to his lower back and he glanced at her with a broad grin. "Yah try tah be sneaky eh? Dat's nut gonna work." Sending the next knife through the center of the target he chuckled a little and offered his arm to Kalizda. "I get anoter drink cause I win." It was a sort of game they made between the two of them. Whoever won a game got the next drink. With the man around that she didn't seem to like Illya was trying to keep a closer eye on Kalizda and so it was better if she came with him. For the most part it was rare that she had feelings like that about someone and though Illya didn't sense any immediate danger he was inclined to believe Kalizda about the man.

Though he was hardly one that you could consider worthy of being a body guard at this point Illya took it has his job for the time. Returning to the table with Kalizda he snatched up a deck of cards. "Yah play Quoti speed jacks?" It was a sort of game that involved plenty of wild grabs for spoons on the table and he liked it well enough. It was usually entertaining anyway. Part way through the second game a semi drunk Laramyie came over to the table and Illya narrowed his eyes slightly. Kalizda looked uncomfortable the first time and she looked even more uncomfortable this time.

Of all things the man wanted her to dance and Illya stood up. Staring the man in the eyes he shook his head. "No, yah stay away from her. I am her man, but I am her bodyguard too. Dere es no need for yah to be dis close to dah council woman." Illya knew it wasn't quite graceful, but he'd had a few to drink and so had the other man. They both stared at each other and Illya sized the one up. He didn't see anything immediately wrong with him, but there was something about him that bothered Kalizda and there was no reason for her to dance with him if she felt that way. She was just too nice for her own good sometimes and that resulted in her being and doing things she didn't want to. He had half an idea that she would have danced with the man even if she didn't want to, just because she was the council woman. That was why he was the General. These kinds of things were ok to do and say for him.


After the wedding Illya walked unevenly on the way back with Kalizda. His leg was sore and he didn't even want to pick up the kids, but they needed to. The small sidetrack felt like it was forever long and he took a fussy little Cypher from Thomas. Almost instantly the boy started to nuzzle into Illya's shoulder and sniffle. "Yah alright." Holding the boy with one hand he gently rubbed at the baby's back and Cypher drifted to sleep. Rose looked like she was sleep walking and the family wandered on home. Once the kids were in bed Illya gingerly worked his way out of the uniform and then got into the bed with just his boxers. He was too tired to even bother with putting anything else on for bed. "Ugh....So I got a question for yah."

Calysta slid out of her dress and hung it on the hanger before unclipping the star hair pins from her head. The dark locks flopped down around her face the moment they were free, so she tucked them behind her ear, then placed the pins in her jewelry box. Shimmying into one of Illya's over-sized and old undershirts, Calysta was crawling into bed with a tired, but content look in her eyes. "Hmm...what's that? Did you want some tea or coffee to help you sleep?" She figured he would be sore and those might take the edge off his pain.

"No I dun want dat." Illya thought about it for a moment and then he nodded. "Yeah, maybe I do want some." While she got the water hot he rubbed a little cream on the surgical sites and tried to relax even though the muscles were still quivering with the occasional spasm. Kalizda came back in a few minutes with the drink and he sipped at it. "I notice yah dun like dah guy. Why?" He was military and an ally, but Illya hadn't seen any reason for Kalizda to want to keep her distance from him.

Illya sounded a bit grumpy, which was probably due to his aches. He'd been up for too long on his leg, but with some rest he would be alright. Calysta went down stairs and made some hot water in the microwave, then added in the fragrant tea mix Yvonne had taught her. Rose had helped make this batch and it smelled delicious, but Calysta added a teaspoon of honey to sweeten it for him before returning to the bedroom. "Here, that should be good," she smiled, handing him the warm mug. As she started to crawl into bed again, Illya asked her about not liking someone, which she could only assume meant Jaiyme. The question caught her off guard, as she had buried any thought of the man deep down again. "Airman...uh First Officer Lyramie?" She hesitated, her voice catching in throat for a moment. What could she say to that sort of question. "Truth be told I don't like him. I don't even want to see long as he does his job. Then I would see no reason for me to." By now her mouth was twitching a little and she sat on the bed tucking her knees to her chest. Her with her chin resting on her knee caps, she looked to Illya to see if that was a passable answer.

Kalizda's answer was a bit different than usual. He didn't know why she would have wanted him to be thinking that she took a sudden dislike to someone and held a grudge her whole life? That just didn't sound like her at all. "Yah nut usually like dat. What he do dat yah dun like him so much?" Taking another sip from his cup he wondered if maybe the man was incompetent in his work or if he had been a purist. Kalizda seemed to have hard time with those that thought she was some sort of lesser being due to her bloodlines. The tea tasted good and while he savored each sip he could feel it start to relax some of the muscles and he was starting to gradually get more tired, but it didn't answer her question and she was taking her time on this one.

Her face was burning with embarrassment. Should she tell him? He was so conservative and had such ideas about what was proper. She respected that and maybe he did deserve to know. He trusted her and it was only fair that she do the same, even if it made her heart feel like a snake was wrapped around, squeezing the life out of her. Sniffing, she stared at her toes and gripped her knees tightly. "I was young when I moved to Kinte to join Skycorp and it was the first time no one knew what I was, and I met a boy. Jaiyme Lyramie. He was a new recuit into the Fleet and had lived on Kinte his whole life. We became friends..and then dated for a little while." Her throat clenched up and she cleared it with a quiet cough. "He told me he loved me and um...I..did the same. No one but my father had ever said it and I guess I was stupid enough to believe it....anyways...he got what he wanted from me for a night...found out what I was...and then left." By that point she'd hidden her face into her knees in shame. "He was the only one and I stopped after that." There it was. All her shame laid to bear in front of Illya and she felt nearly sick.

Slowly Illya set the cup aside and he sat up in the bed. He let out a long breath and he thought for a moment before he put an arm around her shoulders. "I wasn't sure ef I was yah first, but look at meh." When Kalizda met his gaze Illya leaned in and studied her eyes. "Yah believed he loved yah and yah trust him tah do right ting. Dere was onleh naive girl den and shame es his alone. He knows what he plans and he knows dat women dun give herself tah man unless she want tah live wit him." Pulling Kalizda a little closer Illya set her on his lap and he kissed her gently on the forehead and then to her cheeks and her lips. "I love meh Kalizda and I consider yah same as virgin. Et was his shame and yah onleh meh woman now. Yah dun walk around wit yah head lowered when he comes near. I talk wit him and he knows his place. Dere will be no man dat consider yah less value because of yah blood." Kissing her deeply he pulled back afterword long enough gaze into her eyes again. "I love yah Kalizda and dis dun change how I feel about yah. Dere es respect because yah dun jes trow yahself at men tinking et dun matter anymore. Et still mattered and yah deceived. For Chippequoti only man es considered shamed for dis action. Yah pure to Chippequoti and meh." Some women used that as an excuse to run wild, but she hadn't and that spoke far greater of her then perhaps she understood and Illya wasn't quite sure how to say it and he knew that he somewhat made sense and maybe he didn't, but he tried to tell her how it worked for Chippequoti and why he wasn't upset by it.

When he let out a long breath, she almost shuddered waiting for him to say something of her mistake. He couldn't possibly over look this skeleton, could he? It's not what Chippeqouti did. Instead, a warm arm pulled her in close and he asked her to look at him. Slowly, Calysta dared to raise her head, revealing her red-rimmed eyes. He was studying her as if he wasn't quite sure what to say, making her heart pound against her ribs, until he started speaking. He wasn't ashamed of her. The relief was more than she could bear, and tears dropped onto her cheeks as he pulled her close, kissing her gently. Illya still wanted her and he loved her despite what she was and her past a Chips eyes Jaiyme is the one who should be shamed. He drew her into a deeper kiss and she returned it almost desperately, slipping a palm to his cheek and stroking with her thumb. She was still pure in his eyes and the Chippeqouti, no matter what anyone else thought. When he said it still mattered, her instinct was to disagree with him for a moment. Her normal response would have been 'No, its fine.' But this was a heavier hurt than she had ever admitted, and here she was telling her agreed. Stroking at his hair with a tender touch, she nodded. "Thank you, Illya," she whispered, " You love me and respect me more than I could have ever dreamed about back then...and even now. I never expected to find that until I found you." She leaned forward in his lap kissing him on his lips and cheeks before wrapping her arms around him in a simple, tight hug.

Illya was almost comfortable, but then she shifted on him and he cringed. "Eh..." Even if she was trying to show him extra love he couldn't quite take it and the muscles started to spasm a little more. "Kalizda, meh leg." When she moved he winced and sipped at the tea a little more. "Ets alright, jes a little tender." It was more than that, but he didn't want to tell her. She would feel badly and it wasn't like she actually caused damage.

When he finished the tea Illya reached over and turned out the lights before settling into the bed with Kalizda. He was still a little drunk, but not so much that he couldn't remember most of what they talked about. Rolling over in the bed he wrapped arm around her and smirked when he felt her little feet start to seek out his good leg. "Ooh dere yah go. Find meh warm leg." Chuckling a bit he kissed her and scooted himself to be closer. Somehow he seemed to get most of the bed by morning and he never figured it out till now. He moved more than she did in his sleep and he had a tendency to take himself to her side of the bed. "Mmm...what yah put in yah hair? Et smells good." Illya breathed in deeply at her hair again and he started to drift off to sleep as he listened to her tell him whatever oil she put in. His only response was a mostly incoherent mumble and then a sigh as he relaxed and started snoring.


Early the next morning Illya woke up and he stared at the ceiling for a long moment before he remembered what it was that he needed to do today. First he got Cypher up and then he handed the boy off to Kalizda when it was time to eat. She usually fed him breakfast. Illya wasn't going to get anything for the kid just yet this morning because he could feel the leg was starting to cramp up and ache already.

As soon as Kalizda left the room Illya stumbled to the closet and got his clothes on, but he couldn't make it back to the bed without the help of the crutch. Reluctantly he took it out of the back of the closet and he started to slowly and painfully make his way across the room again. He didn't do anything yesterday that really required he get washed up again so he decided that all he needed was a massage, but that would wait till tomorrow too. Illya didn't want anyone touching his leg and he had some ugly business to attend to. Wandering straight down the stairs and into his office Illya made a quick search on his pad for Liam or whatever the guy's name was. He knew the rank and he could find that easily enough. There weren't many men with the rank and he found the one he was looking for pretty fast after that.

Illya wanted to get this done before Kalizda had a chance to say anything and so he took himself to the officer's quarters and found Lyle's door number of 264. Knocking he waited for a few moments before he knocked again. When the door opened Illya looked the man over. "We have tings tah talk about. Yah come for a walk wit meh." Not that Illya wanted to walk so much, but he was going to make sure that Laramie understood exactly what was going to be expected of him.
Kirit heard the woman before he saw her. A curvy woman in a pink colored dress which was partially see through came barreling at him and suddenly his cheeks were being attacked by long kisses. He'd seen the Urian Councilwoman on numerous occasions but never had she greeted him like this. "Oh look at you, in that uniform," she cooed, "You're a young one, plenty of spirit, yeah?" The suggestion made him turn pink in the cheeks and he gave a smile which looked more like a nervous twitch of his lips. "I glad t' see ye again, Miss Sarai." The woman brightened when he said something about being glad to see her. "Oh you're just too sweet too." She went about tucking green leaves under his cap, and glanced to Tabit. "You're a lucky lady, my dear. Young and sweet. They don't come in that combination often." Finishing up with Kirit, she side stepped to Tabit and reached up, to put white flowers in her hair. "White for fertility. It's a lovely color on you."

The woman came in such a whirlwind of grasping fingers and giggles that Kirit had no idea how he ended up on the dance floor with her. Sarai tugged him along, and away they went into a slow dance he wasn't familiar with. It was hard to keep track of the music with such odds steps and he jerked her hard twice, trying to anticipate the beat. Sarai didn't seem to mind though because her hands kept wander to his arms and back rather than his shoulder or waist. She kept talking and giggling too, but the young warrior paid only half attention. He was too busy looking for Tabit. Where was she? When the song ended, he was ready to go find his wife, but the council woman snagged him up again.

Kirit finally escaped his third dance with Sarai and went in search of Tabit. She wasn't hard to miss her in the purple gown and beautiful blonde hair, she was just finishing a dance with Tikan who saw him approaching. Sending her off the a spin, the older Chief guided her over to him and grinned. "She's all yours 'me friend." Kirit beamed as he took Tabit's hand. "Ye save a dance f' me I hope?"

While Tabit had been passed from man to man she lost track of where Kirit was. This particular tradition was a bit obnoxious in its own way. Why in the world would someone who is newly married want to dance with so many others? She'd been to some weddings and most of them were not quite like this, but then again she'd never been to a Reylian wedding before. The chief had finished a dance with her and when she was handed over it was finally Kirit. Instead of the same polite little grin she'd reserved for the guests a broad smile came to her face, "Oh I've saved more than that for you."

Kirit's grin bordered on giddy when she smiled. He slipped a hand around her waist and then pulled her close for a kiss. "Ye know m' well, m' love," he chuckled, before stepping them into the music. This song was a fast one, fast enough he couldn't tell the difference between his own heart beat and the drums pounding. She looked like the warrior goddess in the moon light with her violet colored eyes and pale skin, an envy to all and Kirit was proud to show her off. Some of the other Reylian's dancing with partners were pulling bigger stunts, with flips and slides, as was their style, but Tabit was abit taller for some of them. Others he could attempt though, and at one point a he spun her out and then laughed before pulling her back into his arms where her back was to his front. The he picked her up, spinning her around to face him so he could dip her just a little in time with the music. Dancing in the Reylian style always got the blood flowing and he chuckled as he brought her upright again.

They were spinning faster and faster during the song. Tabit was mashed with her back against Kirit and then spun out and when he put her for a dip she almost gave a surprised whoop. Catching herself she giggled nervously instead. With the drums playing many of the Chippequoti decided to join the dance too. Ehvan and Ahvah stepped onto the floor and found a little corner of their own to commence the wild dances that they knew.

Kirit took her into a different grip, lacing her fingers with his, then pushed her out and back in a few times. She seemed to like the fast style and this was a fun move. He pulled her back in and then guided her arms to his shoulders. With his hands on her waist his picked her up again, sliding her feet to one side of him then the other in another stunt. She may have beat him in weight but to him she was light as a feather. Setting up right, he sent her into a final twirl, then pulled her up against himself when the song came to an end. "Ye keep up m' beautiful wife. No better dance partner," he said gazing into her eyes. Another song struck up, but a small man with a pot belly poking out from under his tunic approached. Sweat was beaded on his brow and he swallowed hard before looking to Tabit. "I like t' dance with ye?"

The dance left Tabit feeling like a revived woman. She had never felt anything like it before and she knew that part of it was the rush of emotion she got when she was dancing so wildly with Kirit. If there was one thing that the Chippequoti and Reylians had right it was the wild dancing. It made for a feeling of its own and she loved it. "Mmmhmmm." Tabit leaned in close and stole a kiss from Kirit. She was about to suggest another dance and then she was interrupted by one of their guests. A short man with an ample midsection appeared and he wanted to dance. She couldn't very well refuse him so she nodded and gave him a gracious grin. "I think I have enough energy for another dance." Placing her hand in his she let him lead her back to the dance floor.

The Reylian man pushed her awkwardly around the dance floor, more nervous than anything and kept glancing up to her with sapologetic looks when he stepped on her toes. At one point he stood on her dress when she went for a twirl, making her stumble. "F'give me," he stuttered, "Not s' good as m' son it seems. He says ye a wonderful dancer in his message home." When the dance was over, the man looked a little relieved and Kirit came back over with shorter woman sporting mousy brown hair and big brown doe eyes. Taking Tabit's arm, he smiled and gestured to the two Reylians. "M' mum Pyra and M' father Ha'at." The woman's grin was warm as she held out her hand to her daughter in law. "Walcome t' th' family, Ta'bit," she said slowly. Her accent was heavy and the greeting obviously rehearsed but it was no less sincere. "Ye m' da'ughter an' I glad f' it."

Later that evening after the roasted nyte beast had been served and several more dances had been fully enjoyed, Kirit bid his parents and all the rest a good night and a pleasant morning before looking to Tabit. "Ye ready t' go home, m' wife?" Grinning, he held her close then guided her home. At one point she looked like she might have gotten cold, so he unclipped his cloak and wrapped in around her bare arms. When she started walking down the path to the house, he chuckled. "Where ye going?" She looked confused, so he slipped an arm behind her, tilting her back some before scooping her up. "We not go that way t'day. We take th' long way."

He carried her past the houses and further into the fields where a small omne grove had been plotted. There had once been a house there, and more trees, but the fire from Pyrta had consumed it, the residents perishing. The land, which was hard to come by on Kaereal, couldn't be handed down to any next of kin so it went up for sale. It wasn't but a small plot, but it was enough to build a quaint, cabin. Carrying her up the steps, he nudged the wooden door, opening it up to a slightly furnished living room. To the left was a kitchen, and to the right the bathroom and a spare room. Toward the back was a staircase leading up the loft where the master bedroom waited. Looking down to Tabit in his arms, the Reylian tried to see if she liked it. "Th' men in my unit say that a house is what I should build. Not Reylian tradition. My tradition says I build ye a chest t' put all ye things in for remembering. S' I did both. It's only missin' one thing a nail, an a coin. A nail t' show ye complete m' life an' a moon coin f' th' house. to prosper. I take ye upstairs an' tomorrow we put in th' last nail ye keep with ye." Kissing her gently, he started up the stairs of their home so she could see the bedroom and they might make use of it.


Calysta curled up to Illya as he drew her near. She was so relieved that Illya had listened and not judged her for her past. How she had gotten so lucky as to have him, she'd never understand. The exhaustion built by a long but fun night and relief over the Jaiyme situation settled in and she wanted Illya all the closer. Her small toes inched down the sheets to find his warmth, and he chuckled at her as she found his metal leg first with barely a touch. It was cold and sent a jolt through her, followed by a shiver. "Found it," she replied with a drowsy giggle, as her toes swapped to his other leg. Her Chip held her close, nuzzling, half asleep into her hair. "Mmm...something from Terra...vanilla."

The remainder night passed and Calysta slept in comfort right until it was time to get up. Cypher was wide awake, and a little fussy when Illya handed him over to her for breakfast so he could get dressed. He was moving much slower this morning, and she realized he'd probably over done it at the wedding last night. "There's just clean up today and the Reylian's have volunteered to take that over," she told him, "So, we have the day. Maybe we'll take a quiet day around the house with the kids."

He gave her a quiet acknowledgement then went up to the bedroom. His leg was hurting him more than he let on and she knew it, even if he tried to hide it. She would make him some tea and breakfast to take upstairs, so he didn't have to go far. They could eat in bed with Rose if she sat still and Cypher inchworming over the covers to get to his parents.

Halfway through making the poached eggs and bread, Cypher let out a grumpy squawk from his high chair which wasn't like him. Turning to her boy, she looked at him with her head tilted. His cheeks were pink and he had his lip poked out just so. "What's wrong, little man?" Calysta cooed as she smoothed down his hair. She frowned when he had a little heat to his forehead. He was always warm, but this felt different. Glancing to Rose, she told the girl to watch the bread before going into the bathroom to hunt down the thermometer. Finding the device in their little medicine cabinet, she returned and ran the sensor over his skin. "Oh, you have a temperature, but its not too bad. Probably just a tooth coming in." Calysta would give him a little nip of the numbing gel for sore gums and some liquid pain relief made for babies.


Jaiyme heard the hard knock on his borrowed officers quarters and groaned. The sound went in one ear and rattled his brains before booming out of the other. Who the hell was knocking on his door this early? He was on shore leave and hung over worse than he'd ever been in his life. Rolling off the bed, he stumbled to his feet and snatched open the door. The day was far too bright but a shadow filled up his door way. "Yeah?" He grumbled as he squinted up to whoever was at his door while scratching at his stubble. As soon as his eyes came to the visitors face, a slow realization sank in. "Sir...sir!" His should snapped back, making a jolt of pain arch through his head. "Uh..yes...sure. I'll take a walk. Give me a moment t' uh, put on a shirt?"

What was wrong with this guy? Illya had never seen an officer so sloppy in his life. There was no excuse for that. After a moment Illya realized there probably was. Jaiyme was clearly a little under the weather after his heavy drinking last night. It would make this all the easier in that case. Leaning on his cane heavily he nodded to the man. "Aye, I can wait. Make yahself presentable. Pants might be a good idea too."

Jaiyme glanced down and found himself wearing only his boxers. This trip was just getting worse and worse. First the out right denial last night and now opening the door to see the general with his pants. He nodded and closed the door, swearing under his breath. Why was he being called up so early? His mind felt like it was filled with syrup as he dragged over to the bathroom to wash his face. 10 minutes later with his fatigues on and his hair combed, Jaiyme stepped out into thr breeze way to meet the general who was leaning heavily on his cane. The man hadn't had one last night, had he? Jaiyme hadn't thought so, but he had one now. Standing a little taller, he rolled up his thermal sleeves and nodded. "I'm ready sir, what did ye want t' talk about?"

Waiting was better than being accompanied by a slob of an officer. Illya glanced at the doorway from time to time. He had to remind himself that the man was hung over and he was probably moving about as fast as a snake in winter. When the man finally emerged from the quarters allotted to him Illya nodded. "Et es someting dat we talk about when we get to dah fields." Each step with the healing leg was like a sharp stab of pain that ran up to the hip and he grit his teeth. When they reached the field he was already feeling a little less stellar, but there was an issue that needed to be talked about right now. "I have certain expectations of officers. Yah previous conduct es disturbing to meh and I expect et will nut happen again."

Jaiyme stepped along with the Chip general, confused but too hung over to argue. He'd figure out what he was needed in the fields for eventually. When they reached the fields, the first officer was more than ready to hear what the man had to say. As the general started, a deep frown of confusion came over his face, replacing the slack look of a long night. What was he talking about? Had Calysta actually said something? Even if she had, it was nothing they could prove. "Sir, I am have no demerits on m' record for misconduct, so I fail t' see where I might have come short in any expectations."

The first officer was about as dense as they came and Illya frowned at him in return. "An officer has expectation in life too. What happen when yah younger yah make woman believe dat she has man tah provide for her. Dere es no shame because yah mislead her. Any officer should live by higher standard. Remember dis es yah shame tah bare and et should nut be spoken of for reason of woman's feelings and for yah own sense of decency." Illya got a little closer and he felt himself getting angry, but he had to hold it back. "Ef I hear of any oter woman dat yah deceive, use, and den leave I will find dah woman and yah will be married to her. Den ets yah job tah care for her and ef yah mistreat her et will reflect in yah record. Be sure dah next woman yah decide to share yah body wit es dah one yah want for life."

Jaiyme blinked at the general in slight disbelief at his words. The man out ranked him, but he had no control over his personal life. That was his own, and he had not a lick of regret for doing as he pleased until it affected his career. Draw himself up to meet the tall general, he stared back hard. "I don't know what ye think ye know or don't but I did nothin' in m' past that is punishable by any means. M' private life is my own an' I expect it t' be so, that includes anything th' council woman tells ye about m' past. M' own wife not appreciate ye thinking ye can force m' t do anything."

"Personal life es important as officer." Illya growled. "Yah tink dat people respect man dey know es only looking at dere daughters. Keep faitful to yah wife. Yah never speak about yah shame wit council woman and dats et." The man just didn't seem to be able to understand it. In some ways Illya was not sure how the man's wife could be ok with that kind of shame.

Jaimye didn't flinch at the General's low growl. This meeting was an insult to say the least. As if he would ever say he'd bedded a half breed? He'd come here to apologize and seek some sort of approval, but it appeared there was no sense in talking to the General. It was a miscalculation on his part and Calysta was far more soft hearted. "I stay faithful t'm wife anyways. What happened with Calysta is ancient history between me an' her. I came t' make it right, not start a fight over the woman. I stay quiet s' long as she keeps quiet an' not fire m' for not taking a liking to a half-breed."

At least the man wasn't about to say anything, but Illya hated the way Jaimye called her half-breed. It was said as if it were an insult and Illya squared his shoulders. "Yah make et right by keeping yah mout shut and never call her half breed again. She es Chippequoti now." There was an awkward silence and he took a deep breath. "I am learning yah customs, but dere are still some tings dat Chippequoti do nut tolerate. Kalizda es yah council woman and she es chief diplomat of Chippequoti. For dis yah will always have respect. No need tah like her, but yah must respect her and dah office."

Jaiyme worked his jaw and his fists clenched, but he knew continuing would only make things worse for his career. If she kept her mouth shut and didn't slight him for what he did, he was more than happy to let her do whatever else she wanted. "Fine. I serve the Alliance first an' foremost, General. If she is quiet than, so am I. Her offical capacity requires me t' remain respectful f' m' loyalty. Is that all you have t' say, Sir?" The First Officer gazed hard into the Chips eyes to see if he might say or do anything else. He had a feeling the man might not last to long in a fight by the way he was leaning on his cane, but Jaiyme wasn't feeling so up to snuff either.

"She es nut one tah talk about dese tings. Yah keep yah mout shut no matter her position." Illya shifted his weight slightly and he met the man's hard gaze. "Our job es always to our people first. Yah serve and protect dem and yah first concern es Kaerlean and meh first concern es Chippequoti."

It was clear exactly where his loyalties were and Jaiyme nodded. The Chippeqouti were not all that they seemed and he wondered if his little wife and councilwoman knew that. "You're right, our' first duty is t' the people of th' Alliance, but f' you it's t' each their own. So be it. But if ye think I won't do what I have t'do for th' alliance, ye mistaken."

There were only so many ways that a man could say things and Illya took a deep breath. "I say our people. Dis includes Kaerleans, but I know dat yah concern es for yah kind and meh concern es for meh kind. Yah help preserve yah people way of life and I preserve meh people way of life too. Dis alliance means great deal to dah Chippequoti, but some tings in custom will nut change. Respect of leaders es one dat Chippequoti will nut change no matter what yah people feel about respect for dere leaders and long as we work wit yah et es expected yah treat our elders and leaders same as we do.

Jaiyme could make no argument against the man and he was more than ready to be done with this. His career was safe from what he could tell and the subject was underwraps. That had been his goal from the start. Now he was eager to go back to the mess hall for something to eat and a nice sobering drink of omne juice. "Ye keep ye tradition an' I keep mine," he grumbled in defeat, "I keep m' self respectful of both, yeah? We are allies an' need t' work together." Glancing up in the bright morning sun, he wondered if that answer would be satisfactory. Though, he did find it interesting that a man so bent on preserving his tradition would marry an outsider and a woman like Calysta with such muddled blood to begin with.

Now that they had an understanding Illya nodded to the Jaiyme. "Respect es all I worry about." Bringing his hand up he gave the man a sturdy thwap on the back. "I think dat et will all work out well in dah end." It sounded like they came to an understanding and Illya was pleased with that. He watched the other man depart and go his way and then Illya started the semi long feeling gimp back toward the house and his first stop was going to be the sofa so he could lay down and just be lazy. Cypher wouldn't mind anyway. If nothing else the floor was a good place to play with the boy.

Rose heard Illya's uneven steps climb the porch and opened the door before he could arrive, revealing Thomas sitting on the couch with a look of concern. "Wolf! Kalizda told us to wait for you. Cypher didn't feel good, so she took him to the Ehaui," Rose informed him dutifully. The old professor stood and held up a set of skimmer keys. "I'll drive you out there if you want. We haven't heard from her since she arrived."
Tabit couldn't help her sigh of relief as she realized after the dance that the man was Kirit's father. She had thought that the man would have looked different. One could never tell by appearances. As the night drew to an end Tabit collected the small bags from the table and she started toward the little path way home. She couldn't seem to get herself sorted out from the day. There was so much running around in her head. The day had been full and there was still more to do tomorrow. Kirit's parents were here and she didn't have enough room in her little house for much, but she could make some food for them.

Wandering down the lane she tried to turn toward the house, but Kirit pulled down another lane and picked her up. It had been a long time since Tabit had been swept off her feet in a literal sense and she gave a surprised squeak. "Whoaaa!" Giggling almost drunkenly she kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear. "That was exciting." Wherever they were going she didn't know and she was starting to think that it was some strange sort of tradition that the Reylian's had. Who knew if they were going to be sleeping outside in the woods or what. She loved her wild man anyway. Reylian's were wild people and Tabit sort of enjoyed the wild nature of them. It made her handsome man all the more exciting in many ways.

The two of them rounded the corner and a lovely little house came into view. Tabit caught her breath and she held one hand over her mouth. Did he really build it for her? It was a funny Chippequoti tradition that she never thought she would get. Tabit hadn't lived a life of a traditional Chip woman and she certainly didn't expect to get anything this nice considering she had been a wild woman and...there were just so many things that she could think of that would disqualify her for this.

Almost holding her breath she waited for Kirit to turn or take her behind the beautiful house to some other little shack. Instead he marched right up the stairs and in the front door. Tabit held her breath and she watched wide eyed as he took her up the stairs to the bedroom and then he laid her on the bed. Had he actually moved all their things to this new house too? It had to have taken an army.............He must have got the help of the Chippequoti Elite and it was probably easy for them to get it all moved into this little house.

Gazing up at Kirit she felt a few little tears come to her eyes. "Oh, it's just so beautiful." Throwing her arms around his neck when he got closer she kissed him. "I sort of had a special plan for tonight, but I don't think you'll be able to wait. Maybe I can't either." A wedding dress was a special thing, but it was also going to function as a sort of tease and lingerie tonight. "How about you help me get out of this." Tabit wiped the last of her tears of joy away and she shrugged one shoulder of the dress off. It wouldn't really take that much effort since there was a series of small eye and hook and a zipper in the back.


The entire walk with Landon or whatever his name was took long enough. Illya figured at most it was an hour and a half. Slowly limping to the front door of the house he almost reached the top step and Thomas was standing there with Rose. Something was wrong with Cypher!? Already Illya was headed back down the stairs as quickly as he could. He couldn't help thinking that maybe there was something seriously wrong with the baby. "Yeh we get dere fast." Illya would have run the whole way if Thomas didn't offer to drive them. It was much faster and easier on the leg to do it that way.

They arrived at the hospital just in time for the Ehaui to give little Cypher to Kalizda. The boy whimpered and fussed and he reached for Illya too. It looked like he didn't feel good and he arched his little back and squealed till Illya took him from his mother. Illya held onto the baby for a moment and the boy started to convulse and his eyes rolled into the back of his head momentarily and then he pulled out of it after a few seconds. It was hard to see their baby suffer like that. Illya had seen many Chippequoti children have seizures and it didn't alarm him so much as gain his sympathy. He knew exactly what it felt like and it was only natural for Cypher to feel frightened afterword and fussy. Seizures didn't feel good and the boy whimpered when he started to become aware of his surroundings again. "Hey, it's alright." Speaking softly to the boy in Quoti Illya stroked his back and sat down for the news from the doctor.

"We did a scan on him after we administered the basic vial and he's had a few minor seizures since." The Ehaui politely folded her hands in front of herself and showed two different brains. "General, we have on record our most recent scan of your brain and it all looks healthy, the implant is there." Pointing to the black spot she moved over to the scan on Cypher's brain. "Considering the activity we saw from him we decided to see if he had epilepsy. You happen to have it pretty severely and it is possible that it was more than just prolonged diagnosis in your case. If it was genetic in any way Cypher would likely be susceptible to it."

It seemed to be taking forever to get to the point and Illya sat up a little straighter. "And...?" He didn't want to wait all day for something to be done about this.

The doctor flashed Illya a brief expression of annoyance. "We ran some results of DNA and blood testing on him and compared it to previous samples from you. There are usual shared genetic factors and then we found one unusual one that could indicate seizures. We gave him a brief test that will usually produce a seizure in an epileptic, but not an average person and he responded to it much the same as you would, General. He had fits severe enough that we had to give him another vial." Swallowing she glanced at the brain scans again. "We show similar waves in the brain and I ran every test I could to be sure that I'll be offering the most effective treatment possible." Carefully she pulled up her pad and displayed a small implant like the one Illya had. "I could take him into surgery and put in the implant. There are possible complications from the surgery, but they are not likely. I would recommend it as early as possible because if we control it now he may have less seizures and therefore in the long run possibly a reversal or correction of the rebel waves in the brain." That was the one way she knew she could describe it for the General and it would make sense.

Glancing down at Cypher and then to Kalizda Illya couldn't help feeling slightly worried. There were always risks with procedures and he didn't want anything to happen to the boy. After few moments he nodded and handed Cypher to the doctor. "Yah put implant in eh?" He didn't want the kid to have the seizures as bad as he did. Illya might have had his reversed if he had the implant earlier, but somehow his parents hadn't thought anything of his first few fits as most Chippequoti wouldn't consider them and then they missed some of his more severe fits as a boy.

"It could take several hours. When they're tiny like this it is a more complex surgery." The doctor nodded to Kalizda for her to come over and hold the boy while they prepped for the surgery. Illya stood back for a moment and he stared blankly ahead. He wasn't having an absence seizure, but he was shocked and a little overwhelmed for the time. When they had the boy started into surgery Illya paced the room for several minutes and then decided to walk outside for a while. "I need tah get out." Illya carefully squeezed Kalizda's hand and then got up.

Ha'at strolled down the main part of town on his way back from the grocery store. He'd been sent out for dinner items and been given a fairly big list for Pyra to cook up some delicious nyte beast stew for dinner. As he walked along with his grocery pack on his back, he realized that all of the newly made buildings on Pyrta looked the same. Including the visitors building. Which way was it? He knew he was supposed to go left out of the grocery store...or was it a right? A little ball of nerves writhed in his stomach as he forced himself to pick a path and continue on it till something looked familiar. The further he trekked, the taller the people seemed to get. Was he going the right way? He hadn't seen so many Chips before, but now he was passing rows and rows of their houses. A group of them passed, and he felt a little awkward, so he dodged into the nearest left and then took another right so he was out of sight. Now, he was totally lost though. There were some bigger buildings in the distance, and it appeared that they might house a lot of people. The visitors area maybe? Hitching his backpack higher on his back, he started off toward them through the rows of houses.

While they waited for further news from the Ehaui Illya decided to take a small stroll outside. He couldn't sit patiently like Kalizda did for these things. Just sitting and waiting was the single most torturous thing he could do. After what felt like a forever long wait he checked his pad and it had only been 2 minutes. Strolling slowly with his cane toward the house he noticed a chubby looking Reylian walking frantically in half a dozen different directions. It pretty well looked like the man was lost. At first Illya considered leaving him to find his way and then he figured it wouldn't hurt to ask him here he was trying to go. Walking up behind the man he finally reached out and grabbed his pack to get the man's attention. "Hey, yah lost?"

Ha'at was midstep and mid-decision on which way to try next when something grabbed the back of his pack. He was surrounded by people 2 feet taller than himself easily, an elite fighting force at that, and his first instinct was to freeze with a half hearted squeeze. Whatever the grip was, it was strong. He almost didn't want to turn his head, but it wasn't letting go no matter how still became. That little ball of nerves tightened around his stomach as he turned his head slowly to see one of the Chippeqouti gazing down at him. Ha'at's eyes went wide as his mouth twitched...He wash huge! The man's hand was nearly big as s dinner plate and his tan face looked familiar. After a long moment of blank staring, the face came to him. This was the General of the Alliance. At that point his stomach turned to lead and dropped to his toes, leaving only the fluttering fear behind. Stuttering, he managed a silent and terrified nod to the stranger.

The way the man froze reminded Illya of a rabbit. It didn't work well to quit moving as soon as the predator had a hold of you, but that was obviously this poor man's horrible instinct. How was there a Reylian like that? They were far more robust and active as a people than that. When the man finally turned around Illya waited for some kind of response and he loosed his grip on the pack. The man gave a shy sort of nod and Illya nodded in return. "Hmmm...Where yah headed? I have time tah escort yah ef yah tell meh."

This time a simple nod wouldn't answer the General's question and Ha'at knew that he couldn't be rude to Kirit's commander. Swallowing down the queasiness left by his lost stomach, he managed two words. "V-vistors plaza."

Illya should have known that and he winced. "Oh, yes I know dese tings." Shaking his head a little he turned around beckoned for the man to follow. "I walk slow right now anyway. Yah jes follow meh. I tink yah get yahself about as far away as yah could. Really wanted tah visit dah pleasure house here eh?"

Ha'at nodded, wincing slightly at hearing that he had gotten himself as far away as possible. Pyra would be worried and maybe a little annoyed that he'd gone and gotten himself lost with all the dinner items. He should have been home cooking by now. Fighting down the burning bile in his belly, he started walking with the General of all people. When the man spoke of the pleasure house, Ha'at did understand a little of the joke. "K-Kirit tell m' of th' Chip pleasure house, says it is nice place t' go, yeah?"

Hearing the name Kirit got Illya's attention and he glanced at the man for a brief second. No, he couldn't have been related. The man looked nothing like Kirit. "Aye, et is a nice place. Yah come to dah pleasure house tomorrow ef yah find yah way back here." Illya smirked a little. "Yah know Kirit. How do yah know him?"

The timid Reylian silently scolded himself for mentioning Kirit's name. He had meant to attempt casual conversation, not draw the General's attention to his son like he was name-dropping. It was too late now though, and the man had asked a question which be equally rude to refuse. Tripping over one of the cobble stones, he shuffled forward some to catch himself and then glanced to the general as a bead of sweat rolled down his brow. "Thank ye...I uh...Kirit is m' son, he speaks high of th' Chipp'qouti an' their General."

Talking about anything was preferable to having his mind idle and Illya was more than eager to hear what the man had to say. When he finally spoke up Illya started to chuckle. "Oh, I hope he speaks highly of Chippequoti. We like him. He's good man." Patting the other man on his pack Illya gave him a reassuring nod. "Maybe I jes tell Kirit he bring yah tah pleasure house. Et es good for yah body. I make sure yah have appointment wit good masseuse. Maybe yah come tah bat house too eh?" Illya remembered Kirit saying his father was shy, but the man seemed to be warming up about as fast as any. Probably needed just a little bit of prompting. "Meh men would like tah meet yah too. Dey would be proud tah meet dah fater of our Reylian."

The man's heavy hand wrapped across his back and Ha'at let out a small cough from the blow. Kirit hadn't been kidding when he said they hit hard. It seemed the more he spoke the more friendly invitations he received, which had not been his intent at all. It made panic rise in his throat to think of venturing back toward the places he was unfamiliar with, filled with people he was unfamiliar with. Still, he couldn't very well deny the General of the Alliance. "I w-would come with m' son," he managed to get out, "I am glad he do ye proud. M' tr-ade is not like m' 8 sons. The' all warriors an' it suits them, but I am not that way. I don't always understand, but I am proud of m' son an' new da-ughter t-oo. Chipp'qouti will always be welcome in m' home." He knew what the proper things were to say, and even when he meant them they still gave him the nerves.

"Good." Illya was immensely pleased to hear the man's answer. He was going to receive the best from the Chippequoti. "Yah trade dun have tah be warrior tah be great. I like tah know yah work?"

They were coming into the more familiar parts of the town, and the knots in Ha'ats stomach loosened just a bit. At least the man was leading him home, and a nice pace too, though it seemed that was more of a necessity given the cane. "Accountin'" he replied, licking his lips, "I work with th' numbers in th' mine produc'tion. Chief Tikan requires many records t' ensure none go t' Federation. I also do you say...trace? Th' numbers all go somewhere. I can see' I know when things are being hidden."

The grin on Illya's face grew as the man described his work. "Hmm... We need men like yah. I have mind tah ask Tikan ef we can send special requests to yah. I know numbers, but I can't do dis eh...acountin as yah call et." Illya didn't have the patience for it and he didn't do that kind of math. "I tink dah Alliance has great use for yah." As they drew closer to the building Illya stopped at the front steps. "Yah always welcome wit Chippequoti. Jes up dah steps and yah in Visitor Plaza."

Eager to please and yet also go upstairs to his wife, Ha'at nodded. "Councilwoman Henaiah send m' things a few times through Tikan. I do m' best with th' her reports." With a small bow, he took a few steps up the stone stairs, and gave one last look at the General. "Thank ye f' showin' the way back, sir." When the man was gone around the corner, the shy Reylian tipped his head over into the bushes and lurched up his lunch. It was embarrassing to throw up here, but it was better than tossing his stomach onto the General's shoes.


By the time Illya got back to the Ehaui hospital Cypher was still in surgery. It looked like they were close to being done and the boy would be out soon. Illya sat down next to Kalizda and he sighed. She looked like she had a million questions running around in her head. The timer on the wall was down to the last hour of the surgery. "I tink I can sit here for a while now." Illya's leg was even more tender feeling, but it was nothing compared to the anxiety that had been building and growing in the back of his throat. It burned like stomach acid and he shifted uncomfortably for the whole two minutes that he could sit in silence.

Finally, Illya glanced at Kalizda again and he grabbed one of her tiny hands. Cupping it between two of his large hands he leaned back in his seat and then leaned forward after a few seconds. It was impossible to sit completely still. She still looked like she wanted to say something and he decided it was better to ask her what it was instead of waiting till later. "What es et? I see question in yah eye."
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Tabit was still asleep when Kirit woke. Their night had been long but well worth it, and now he was spooned against his wife. His wife. Tabit was his wife. His dark eyes roamed over her pale hair and smooth skin as she slept soundly beside him. She was warm a soft, so he burrowed back down and wrapped an arm around her waist just to keep her closer. He let her sleep for a long time, then when the sun grew much brighter through their window, the young warrior kissed at her neck with slow, lingering pecks. Tabit stirred, humming against the feeling of her wake up call and Kirit chuckled. “Good morning,” he whispered in her ear as his hand massaged at her side. “Ye look beautiful this morning, m’wife.” They had taken the day off to get used to their new home and put stuff where they liked, so there was no rush to getting up but Kirit hadn’t been able to resist waking her up after awhile. She turned in his arms to face him with a half-sleepy gaze and her hair a wild mess. It made him grin, and he smoothed it down before leaving a kiss on her forehead. He wasn’t sure what made him want to do that, but the instinct was there. “Ye know we have whole day t’ do as we want. M’ parents come f’ dinner, but th’ day is ours,” he mused, pulling her on top of his chest, “We make some breakfast…an’ ye can look at ye house, yeah?”

He laid with Tabit for a long time, almost falling asleep again with her draped across his chest. His fingers played with the ends of her hair, until finally his stomach gave a long, gurgling growl. “I think ye must be hungry,” he teased her, “Ye stomach growls fierce.” When she pointed out that was his stomach he laughed. “I might be a lit’tle hungry too. Let’s go make some breakfast an’ then we put th’ last nail in.” Turning over on top of her, he stole some more kisses before crawling off the bed in search of his pants.

Breakfast was a fun affair in itself. He could hardly keep his hands off of her long enough for her to put the pan on the stove. Wrapping her into a bear hug from behind he nibbled at her ears until she told him the pan was hot. “Aye, aye. I behave now.” They had a quiet meal of eggs, toast, and coffee set up at their new kitchen table. He had tried to make sure she had everything she needed in a house, but he didn’t always think about what went in to filling one. Maks had pointed out Tabit would need a bigger kitchen table than what her other home had allowed, so he’d made one after a few trial an error mishaps. It was sturdy wood and polished smooth, but he hadn’t had time to make chairs, so they sat in the old ones from her home. He gazed at her between bites of toast, followed by sips of plain black coffee. When that was done, he showed her the sparse living room, the spare bedroom which was empty, and then he brought her outside to the porch. “ I ah…not a decorator so ye make ye house as ye like. I make sure t’ keep my gear by th’ door though.” It was the only truly stringent rule he knew she had. “If ye have th’ nail, I get m’ hammer an we finish th’ house together.”


Calysta paced in the hospital corridor with her arms crossed tightly over her chest. That was where her baby belonged, but instead he was in the back with the Ehaui. His temperature had risen even after the medicine and then it had happened. Her baby boy’s little head threw back and his eyes rolled uncontrollably in his high chair. The scene had thrown her into a near panic, though she knew it could have only been the fever. When the fit ended, he had wailed in terror and pain with no help that she could give but to pick him up and hold him. She had Rose go upstairs to get Illya, but the girl came down, claiming he wasn’t there. Where had he gone? He wasn’t feeling well either and she couldn’t imagine why he would want to leave the house today because there was no real reason. Cypher went into another fit in her arms, this one lasting longer, and Calysta couldn’t stand the sight of her boy’s crying. It took her only a minute to message her father to come watch Rose and then instruct the girl to behave until her papa got there. Cypher was heavy and there was no little seat in the skimmer for him to sit in while she drove. Nothing to secure him if he had another fit while they were moving. So, she put him in his backpack, tossed him over her shoulders and made a run for the Ehaui. His little wails waivered with her foot falls all the way to the hospital. When she arrived, the Ehaui were fairly calm and they took her crying boy back to be examined.

Waiting was by far the worst part but after 40 minutes, the Ehaui nurse came out carrying Cypher who was redfaced and whimpering. Calysta took him by his under arms and hauled him over her shoulder, rubbing at his back. “It’s alright…shhh…” He bucked against her hard, arching his back and she turned to see her Chip hobbling down the hallway with his cane. “Illya.”

Cypher started making his small, wanting cries with his hands outstretched for his daddy, so Calysta held him up for Illya to take. No sooner had she let him go, did he start to seize into a fresh convulsion, making her bite her lip hard enough to draw a little blood. Her poor baby boy looked scared when he came out of it and started to mewl in his father’s arms.

The doctor began to explain the tests they had run and their conclusion. She hated hearing that that had purposely induced Cypher into having seizures even if it was for a purpose. He was scared enough as it was. At least they knew what the issue was though. Cypher had followed in his father’s genes in build and everything else it seemed. The Ehaui suggested an implant like the one Illya had, showing them comparisons of the father and son’s brains. They want to do brain surgery on him. The thought made her heart pound in her chest and her stomach clench. The implant would stop the seizures from growing more severe as he got older, but the thought of her baby being operated was terrifying.

Illya’s green eyes caught on hers, and she gave a little nod. This would have to be done for her son to be healthy. “Okay.”

The Ehaui instructed her to take Cypher and hold him so they could prep him for surgery, so she sat down with him on her lap and let the nurses poke him with IV starters and boosters. He cried pitifully, and at one point, she had to hold him still while they administered something else to him with a shot. He squirmed and tossed his head, smacking her jaw with his hard skull as he screamed in discontent. The impact rattled her teeth, leaving a bruise behind on her chin, but she held him firm until it was time for the anesthesia. Dealing with all of that, had left her only vaguely aware of what was said by Illya when he hobbled out of the door. “Alright,” was her only reply.

Minutes to turn quarter hours and then half hours, ticking by slowly on the surgery timer, and all Calysta could do was sit there. She had the feeling of being useless or helpless. His seizures looked so awful and there had been nothing she could do for them. She couldn’t even understand how he felt when it happened. What would his life be like now? What could she do?

Calysta relaxed some when Illya returned from his walk. He would be off his sore leg now and there with her when the doctor gave his report about how their baby boy was doing. Her Chip sat down next to her and she instinctively shifted closer, since he seemed to be ready to rest for a minute. "Alright," she whispered in return. Illtya took up one of her hands, and covered it gently between his own. She was glad for the warmth, and just to have him close, even if he did keep shifting around. Her mind kept drifting back to her poor baby and her thoughts from before Illya returned. Half of her wanted to ask, and the other half thought that maybe she didn't want to know. He seemed to catch on to her internal struggle, and invites her to go ahead and ask what she wanted. "I was just thinking...I don't have epilepsy...I don't know how Cypher feels right now, but you do," she whispered, keeping her hand in his, " What does it feel like when it happens? Is it awful Illya?"

"I was just thinking..." That was never a good way to start out a conversation. At least not in these settings. Illya braced himself for whatever the question might be and she asked him a question that he'd never been asked before. Most of the time the Chippequoti all understood exactly what a seizure was like. "Eh...Seizures are nut all dah same. Some pause and I jes dun see anyting I look at and I dun hear anyting ets like falling asleep when I'm still standing or sitting." He knew that wasn't quite what she meant and he had to work himself up to say it. "Passing out esn't so bad. If seizure es short well...ef ets nut bad convulsion yah jes wake up confused and ef ets bad." Rubbing his head he tried to think of how to explain it better. "Passing out I dun know about. When shakes start I can feel et, I can hear yah, I'm awake, but I can't control anyting and ets scary. Sometimes when dah shakes are bad et hurts too and I can't do anyting about et. Can't even talk. I jes lose meh sense of where I'm at and meh brain scrambles some stuff. I tink waking up when I was kid was worse."

She listened intently, trying to understand how Illya experienced them. The small ones didnt sound so bad. A little loss of a moment here and there was tolerable, and she had gotten decent at seeing it in Illya's eyes. Now, she would just have to watch out for the glazed look in her son. The bigger ones sounded as terrible as they looked and her small fingers curled around his when he talked about it. "I knew you are usually sore after, but I didn't know you could feel it so much or hear anything while it was happening..." She trailed off for a moment and then let out a small sigh. Her baby had to have been terrified and in pain when it happened. She was at a bit of a loss as to how to approach the issue as well and it made her feel so unprepared to help her son when he needed it. "I know the Ehaui said we caught it early and the most severe ones could probably be stopped, there anything I can do? What did your mother do when you had them?"

The questions all seemed natural and Illya didn't like answering them, but he wanted to help Cypher as best he could. "I tink meh moter dun know about meh epilepsy till I was older. Eh...She would turn meh on meh side so I dun choke and den jes rub meh back and talk to meh. I could hear her et wasn't so bad. Markus take meh to dah Pleasure House younger and he have masseuse show him and meh mum how tah help work meh muscles after seizures so et would work out hard spots faster. I still wake up scared as kid and I still get worried when I wake up now, but ets jes meh brain makes meh panic at first and I have tah sort out where I am. I tink we do same for Cypher and ets all we can do."

Calysta leaned against Illya just a little, her shoulder pressed against his. She hated hearing that this would be something her boy would go through, but these were necessary questions. "Aye, I'll remember and learn what I have to. I'll go to the pleasure house with you and take Cypher too so they can show me." Leaning a bit further, she kissed his warm cheek with a tender peck and then sat back into her chair. Not long after, the Ehaui doctor came walking out with a pad in her hand. Seeing the doctor made her sit up on the edge of her seat, ready for any news and hoping it was good.

"Surgery went well." The Ehuai motioned for both the parents to follow her. "We'll keep him in a bed for a few hours and monitor him. Usually we just have a bracelet and we'll get readings on it for the next two weeks. During that time you make sure he doesn't hit his head or anything wild. Mostly I recommend that you carry him." Looking to the General the doctor made the point clear. The baby was getting too big for Kalizda to be doing all the carrying and especially if it was going to be for a long time. "Try taking him to the Bath house and Pleasure House. Bath House will limit the water and ensure he doesn't get his head wet and then get the masseuse at the Pleasure House to show you how to start working his muscles and especially after seizures. He's a little tight right now anyway." Looking at Kalizda she handed the woman a note. "I have all of that written here so you don't forget. Just don't let him hit his head for two weeks. It is a tall order considering who his father is, but it would keep things less complicated. Try lining his crib with pillows and just make sure he's only playing with soft toys."

Calysta followed the doctor in a sort of feathery daze. The surgery had gone well and he could go home with them, a fact that she was still focused on when the rest of the instructions came along. Forcing herself to pay attention, Calysta nodded. It seemed the instructions were similar to what Illya had described. "Bath house, pleasure house, no hitting his head, and soft toys only," she repeated back. Her boy would miss playing with his ball and toddling around on his walker but it was only for two weeks. A small hint of a smile flickered over her lips when the Ehaui mentioned how hard it might be to follow through, given who his father was. Like father like son, in so many ways. Glancing down at the list, she cleared her throat to ask another question. "And after the two weeks? Is there anything I need to do?"

Like many parents the General and Councilwoman seemed to be a bit worried and somewhat dazed. However, the Councilwoman was a little more so than the General. Already Illya had stepped around the woman and he was leaning over to check on his son. The doctor gazed at the small pad in her hand and nodded. "Mmmhmm. Bring him back after two weeks if there have been no complications or major surgeries. We'll take off the bracelet and do a few more scans. In the meantime this will be your seizure protocol. He is a baby so it will be a little different than Illya's. If he has a seizure that lasts more than 2 minutes you give him a vial and you bring him straight to us. His vial cannot be substituted with Illya's. Cypher has a lower dose for his size and a slightly different kind of medication. No shots for him. If you use the vial you bring him to me right away." The woman pulled out a small spray. "If he starts seizing just spray this in his mouth and it should stop it. Right now the vial is the last line of defense. Shots are only for very severe cases."

She took the vial, memorizing the instructions in her mind, just as she had done for Illya. "Spray first, then vial if I have to and take him right here." It was somewhat better feeling to know what to do now if Cypher seized again. She wasn't helpless or useless to him. Her eyes flicked up to her Chip then back to the doctor. "I think I have it. Thank you for taking care of him.... Is it possible to see him now?"

Nodding along the doctor listened to Kalizda repeat the instructions. It sounded like she had it all down and the doctor knew that Illya already knew these instructions. They were the same for many little Chip children. It was common procedure to use the spray when they were tiny and the vial was the only other step that was different. Typically that was the last defense. "Go ahead. He's still sleeping, but when he wakes up I'll be back."


Getting her boys home was a challenge. The skimmer didn’t touch the ground, but every waiver of the wind and every curving turn made the father and son wince, but finally she got them home. Illya took up residence on the couch and that was fine. The stairs were too much to tackle with his leg being so sore and he could rest just as easily sprawled on the couch. Cypher was grumpy and sore, with his white bandage taped over his forehead. Every move he made set him off into whimpers or outright wails, so it was just as well he slept on his father’s chest the rest of the afternoon.

Calysta cancelled all of her meetings and only put her pad to alert her if something highly important came through. Everything else could wait. Rose was happy to see her brother when they arrived, but Calysta immediately had to give her daughter the warning about his head. “Don’t touch his head okay? He’s hurt and doesn’t feel good.”

Rose looked at the two on the couch and tilted her head. “Is Cypher like Wolf? Will he act all weird now?” The girl remembered when Wolf had hurt his head and Grandma had warned her not to touch it because he didn’t feel good. Wolf had acted really strange for a long time, but when he felt better things had gone back to normal.

Calysta swallowed and shook her head. “No, he’ll be just a little grumpy. You know how you don’t feel good and don’t want anyone but Wolf or me? It’s like that.”

The girl seemed satisfied with the answer, and Calysta hesitated to tell her more, but then thought about it. Rose was growing up and would soon be old enough to help watch after Cypher. She needed to know some of these things so it didn’t scare her if it happened. “Rose?”

“Yeah, Kalizda?” she replied, leaning over the couch to stare at her sleeping father and brother.

“You remember what Cypher looked like when he got sick in the kitchen right?”

Rose nodded, her green eyes focused on Calysta. “Good. It might happen again sometimes. If I’m not here or Wolf’s not here, your brother will need your help, yeah?”

The girl seemed interested and a little confused. Beckoning Rose over to the kitchen, Calysta sat down with her daughter and showed her the box of spray and vials. She had taped the note of instructions to the inside in case her father had to use it too. She explained that Cypher would have seizures sometimes and that the spray was to be used first, if that didn’t work, then the vial. “If you absolutely have to give him the vial, you take him to the Ehaui. You know where they are right?”

Rose had a determined gaze and had been taking notes on her little pink pad the entire time, so she could remember. “I know where they are.”
“There’s my girl,” Calysta smiled, kissing the top of her daughters brown curls, “Now, I think Cypher and Illya might want something to do later. There are a few board games in the attic hatch. Why don’t you bring some down and I’m going to run to the store for some dinner, yeah?”

Thomas was sitting in the living room reading and could watch Rose while she went to the store. Her father could go, but he would still be reluctant to pick up raw snakes and Calysta intended on giving Illya a good snake dinner with as much gravy as he wanted that night. Plus, it was something active and productive she could do to keep her mind off the mornings events.

She walked into the living room and bowed to give Illya a kiss on the forehead. His eyes cracked open just barely, which she met with a gentle smile. “I’m going to the grocery store,” she whispered, “I’ll be back in a little while.” With that, she pulled the soft fleece blanket from the back of the couch and tucked them into it so they would be warm, before leaving.


Rose poked her head over the couch and giggled. Papa Thomas had fallen asleep in his chair, Cypher was curled up on Wolf’s chest and hidden under the blankets. Only Wolf was awake and that was okay. She’d found something funny while digging in the attic and wanted to show him. “Wolf…wolf…” she whispered in his ear. “Look what I found in the attic.” Grinning, she held up two items, the first was a dusty old hologram coin and the other looked like a bowling ball sized-furry creature. It was all black with two white stripes down the back, zipping all the way down to its tail. Her mechanical fingers held a wad of its tail up in triumph and started to laugh. “It’s Kalizda’s hat I think. Look at this.”

She hit the center button on the hologram coin and an image began to play though it was a little jittery. A young girl with long black pigtails and wearing tiny grey tunic sat on the couch with the creature on her head. She was not much older than 6. There were dark circles under her eyes but she looked altogether pleased with the animal stuck nearly over her eyes, furry tail trailing down her back. The hat was far too big for the Kaerelean girl. Thomas’ voice could be heard in the background chuckling. “You can’t wear him in the rain, Calysta.”
“I’ll use an umbrella daddy,” she replied, jamming the hat further on her head.

“No, it will be misty outside and get all into his furs. You don’t want that,” Thomas sighed over the hologram, “He’ll be here when we come back from the doctor.”

The miniature Kalizda’s eyes began fall in disappointment, but she still didn’t take of the strange hat. A moment passed, and she looked back up to her father, alight with a new idea. “Can I take him in my bag? He won’t get wet that way!”

The images began to distort some and then flickered off, only to be followed by a chuckle from the now much older Thomas. The old professor had woken at the sound of his little girl’s voice. “Looks like you found Skunky,” he grinned.
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Whatever this nail was that Tabit kept hearing about she didn't know. Kirit had mentioned it a few times and she just chose to let it be for the time. He was warm and comfy to rest on. Any ambition to get up in the morning was seriously dampened and she determined that the best way to keep Kirit in bed a little longer was to make sure she fell asleep on top of him. It wasn't like he was going to be heading anywhere today. They had the time off work and that was best. Within a few minutes Tabit fell into a restful sleep again and she remained that way until she felt Kirit start to shift underneath her. It was warm until the covers started to move and then she gripped him a little tighter. "Kirit...don't. It's cold."

Regardless of that fact she could hear his stomach start to growl and she glanced up at him and grinned. If there was one thing she could count on it was the fact that Kirit wanted to eat in the mornings. He had a huge breakfast in mind. That was a given. Slowly getting out of the bed she made her way down the stairs with Kirit and then back to the kitchen. Their new house was much nicer than what she'd had and it was hidden in the trees. While he got the pans hot Tabit wrapped her robe a little tighter and then she pushed her elbow at Kirit gently. "Its getting hot." Both of them ate their breakfast quietly and then she wandered out to the porch to look around. It was a beautiful piece of land and she couldn't even begin to guess how much it cost him to buy it. Glancing at her ring again she looked back at Kirit and grinned. "I think I have a fine man for a husband." She'd heard some call the Reylians savage and she found it a bit funny. "My own wild man and I can't think of a better man to have married." Flashing the ring at him and then looking at it again she smiled. "Still so hard to believe."

Kirit seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to get the nail in the house because he kept mentioning it so she shrugged. "Ok. Where's the nail?" It seemed that one of those tiny gifts she'd been handed at the ceremony had it. Apparently there were reasons for them and she grinned. "Oooh those. I have them somewhere upstairs." The two of them wandered up the stairs and she found them on the floor near her wedding dress from the night before. "Is this a Reylian tradition only?" When Kirit answered she smiled. "Good, then I'll be glad to learn it."


As soon as they returned from the hospital with little Cypher Illya hobbled over to the couch. He had the baby tucked close to his chest. Settling onto the couch he could hear the boy start to cry. His head had to hurt and big tears rolled down his face. Illya rubbed Cypher's back. "I know." Speaking in Quoti he did his best to comfort the child. "We just sit here for a while and you sleep. Mom will get some soft herbs and rubs for you." While the boy was still crying Illya still gently rubbed the boys back and he spoke as gently as possible until Kalizda came over with the headache smelling herbs and rub.

Taking the herbs and mixing them with the rub Illya put some on Cypher's chest and then a little on his own chest. The primary reason for putting the herbs and rub on his chest was because it would help Cypher when he laid his little head on Illya's chest. However, the herbs still had an effect on Illya too. With both of them herbed up and smelling strongly of the mixture Cypher started to get more calm and he fell asleep within a matter of minutes. Illya shifted slightly to try and take some extra pressure off his leg and then he closed his eyes for just a minute. He was fully intending on talking with Kalizda or playing a game with Rose. Instead he started to fall asleep and he shifted to move his right leg up to the top of the sofa.

With one leg resting along the top of the sofa and the rest of him comfortably squished onto the small sofa he grumbled a bit in his sleep. The smell of the herbs were strong between himself and Cypher. In a way it was good for Illya as it gave him some rest. He only shifted when he heard someone talking over him though he didn't wake and hadn't really heard what they said. Illya easily still rested a hand on the boy. It wasn't till a few hours later that he heard shuffling around in the house and he lowered his leg. He felt somewhat better and he glanced at Cypher who was still holding tight to his shirt with his tiny fists.

Rose seemed to have an incredible sense for when he was awake, or maybe she was watching. Almost as soon as Illya found himself feeling slight awake he heard Rose calling his name softly. Pushing himself up with one arm he tried to look over the edge of the sofa without hurting or disrupting Cypher too much. At the same time she moved around to his side of the sofa and then she proceeded to show him the odd little hat and a video.

The little video came to an end and Thomas piped in right away. "Looks like you found Skunky." Turning his head to the side Illya glanced at the man and raised an eyebrow. "Dats what yah call dah ting dere?" He'd heard some stories of them in Quoti, but that wasn't what they called it. Little forest animals and they were quite nasty. In many ways Illya wasn't so sure he wanted to know why Kalizda would be wearing one on her head. It just sounded like a recipe for disaster. At the same time he was curious, but he couldn't move much with the boy on his chest.

Thomas motioned for Rose to bring it over and the girl shuffled to him, holding it out. The old professor took it in his hands, petting it almost like it a fondly remembered pet. "Aye," he chuckled, "Calysta found this thing at Terran trading post on Kinte while we were visiting the doctor. She'd never seen an animal like it and wanted it because it looked like a pet. Not many kids of pets on Kaereal...very expensive. Anyways, Skunky went with her everywhere after that. It didn't matter where we were. I remember that day pretty well. Gave the nurse a heart attack when she pulled it out of the bag and offered to let her pet it like it was real. The woman ran so fast out of the room yelling, you'd think that a live tyrei had landed in her lap. Calysta just tried to follow her right out the door with the thing in her hands, trying to show her it wasn't alive. The doctor got a good laugh out of it at least. She carried Skunky around until she was about 13 or so if I remember."

Just the thought of carrying the little thing around caused an involuntary wrinkle of Illya's nose. "Oh I tink dat nurse had good sense. Dose tings are trouble." There was something that stuck out to Illya and he almost sat up, but he could feel Cypher's little fist tighten on his shirt on the boy whimpered some. Illya settle in again and he sighed. "Why pets so expensive?"

Thomas gave the fake critter hat back to Rose and propped his feet up on the ottoman. "A myriad of reasons I imagine," he replied, "Most of the animals here on Kaereal want to eat you or poison you, so its simply not done. Expensive to have an animal imported usually, and then there are permits you have to get. Land space is limited on Kaereal and they can't have an animal that requires so much, or will breed, over running the indigenous plants and wild life."

It sounded like a lot of red tape and Illya shrugged. He didn't know if no one had said anything about his pets because was the General or if it was simply because they were in a war and no one was worried about it anymore. "She have friends?" Illya brought himself back to the present. It would seem odd that a child would make a pet out of something dead. He didn't do that. If he wanted a pet he went and caught something for himself and he'd raised many different kinds of animals since he was a boy. Many of his friends would capture little animals and they would see what kind they could get and how many they could raise.

The old professor's mouth tightened a little and he took a sip of his coffee which had gone luke warm during his nap. "Here and there. If their parents were purists, or cared what the pursists thought. She had a little friend on Kinte she would see when we went to the doctor. Sosay was also of Kaerelean and Terran descent and going through the same sort of treatments as Calysta at the time. They would play when they felt like they could. He taught how to make little paper swans one day, folding the paper so it looked like a bird and would glide. They spent a long time pretending they could fly and she would make the form me from time to time for fun. Unfortunately, the Sosay's immune system couldn't be recovered though and he came down with the Kaerelean sort of chest cold...and passed away. She spent most of her time exploring on her own after that, when she was well enough. It was easier in some ways for her I think. Children can be...too honest."

It sounded like a lonely childhood and Illya nodded. "Hmm...I tink she has enough hard times, but et makes her stronger." She wouldn't have been nearly prepared for what happened with the war or even close to being able to function with things as they were if she hadn't already encountered these sort of challenges. "I see some of dah same toughts today. Some of dah people still act like she es nut good enough and et makes meh angry. Blood es nut determining factor of importance."

Thomas nodded in agreement to both statements. "Aye. Some of the people do still think that way. Mostly it stems from old tradition and newer politics. In the old times when flight had just begun on the planet of years ago, the continents and their very different people were discovering each other for the first time. Many of them clashed with each other. They had different ideas, and values...being with someone not of your own continent was taboo and even started several wars. Kaereal eventually united many years later, but some of the same attitude stayed, I think. Then when other planets and life were discovered, that same view resurfaced, only against foreigners..people like Terrans for instance. There are purists and it an old practice going back through recorded history. It's much better now than it used to be, but even at the present times...sometimes I don't know how Calysta continues like she does. " He grew quiet for a moment, sinking into his thoughts. Truth be told he was never ashamed of his daughter, but he did feel guilt at times. Not for what she was but for not being able to make the world a little better for her. "Truth is, we know blood doesn't matter, and she hopes that one day, those who think so, will see it differently. I think she hopes they might change."

A grim look came to Illya's face. He knew that Kalizda was hopeful for many things and sometimes what she wanted wasn't realistic at all. This was unfortunately one of those things. After a long moment of silence Illya took a deep breath. "Et dun matter what we know and what she want. Dah people like dat will nut change." Almost as soon as he said it a smirk came to his face and he chuckled. "But...Et helps tah shape dem up when yah jes a tiny bit bigger. I dun have tah change dere mind, but dey will show respect. A person can demand dat much ef dey show demselves worty of et. Some are always low life and scoundrel and dese I cannot respect until dey begin tah live more like honorable person. Kalizda has honor and I see dis early on. She es very attractive woman en many ways. Her mind es good and I tink I like dat first about her and den..." Another laugh sounded from him despite the tightening first from Cypher on his shirt. Illya rubbed the boy's back to comfort him and continued. "She had temper and I tink little bit of fire. I like dat she had dis and I want her tah keep et."

Hearing Illya talk that way about his daughter gave Thomas a surge of pride. It was a rare moment when he heard things like that, though in the past few years with the Chippeqouti he'd heard them more often. "I agree. All she ever wanted was to be seen as equal and to earn her way. Something that should be respected," Thomas replied, before letting out a hearty chuckle, "And you're right she's smart as a whip and does have a temper. A little spark that flares up, eh? Gets that from her mother mostly. I'm not sure that it would ever go away, but it certainly has been challenged many times over. However, I see her holding her head a little higher these days, now that I think about it."

Illya noticed her father's mention of Kalizda holding her head higher and he got an incredulous tone. "Why wouldn't she?" There was every reason for her to be proud. "Kalizda es great woman. She es become most important diplomat of entire Alliance, she es diplomat of Chippequoti, she deserves respect. I tink she dun damn good job of dis mess too." There was nothing neat and clean about a war and he fully intended on making it clear that Kalizda was a tremendous woman. "Ef et wasn't for meh Kalizda I tink I would be dead. She has more courage and endurance den most of dah men I train."

Rose gave the Chip a scowl. "That's an impolite word." Thomas gave the girl a singular look and she sat down with Skunky in her lap. Illya some how grew indignant, as if he had understated her potiental and due for respect, which wasn't the case at all. "She's done an incredible job and deserves respect for it...only now she sees it. That's a good thing and she has every reason in the world to walk on with her chin up. You and the children are so much a part of that reason."

Sometimes it was hard to remember not to use words like that in front of the kids and Illya knew he couldn't safely say a bad word in other languages either. If Thomas didn't know it Rose would. Somehow Thomas seemed to think that Illya was upset about it when he wasn't. It didn't hurt anything so Illya left it. No need to try and explain something so small. "Eh, she has hard work. Ets best ef we try tah make sure she has good home life and she knows dat she has love and respect of children and meh. Walking tall es very difficult when dere es nut good home. I work hard tah try and keep dah war out dere and dis a little bit of peace here."

The old professor nodded as he relaxed back into his chair some. "And that's one of the reasons I respect you as my son-in-law. I'm grateful she has you. There will come a time when I'm..." he didn't want to say such things in front of Rose, "Well, I can rest better knowing my daughter is with you for a long time to come."


By the evening Illya had rested long enough that he thought his leg would be feeling pretty good. In fact it didn't hurt when he was laying still on the sofa. Kalizda had even fed him while he was here at the sofa and that made him feel lazy. It was finally time to get to bed and Illya decided to try and sit up. As soon as he moved the boy started to whimper and then he wailed loudly. His little head had to be pounding and Illya knew it.

Cringing for the boy he sat up slowly the rest of the way and as soon as he placed his legs on the floor he grit his teeth. The leg was very sore and he needed to have her carry Cypher to his bed. "I tink yah take him upstairs eh?" Once Kalizda was out of the room with Cypher Illya winked at Rose. "Yah get in yah cave and I tuck yah in den I go to bed too." The girl didn't look too happy, but he didn't know what else to tell her for now. "Tomorrow I tink es busy, but we play game wit jes us tomorrow. So yah tink about what yah wanna play." That seemed to get Rose's attention and obedience for now. The girl raced off to her bed and Illya cringed as he got to his feet.

The first few steps over to Rose's little cave were almost unbearable. Illya swore he could feel his fake leg and he gingerly got to his knees and then crawled just inside to give Rose a hug and a kiss on her cheek. "Now, yah sleep and I see yah in dah morning." Working his way back out of the little cave he bumped into Kalizda and Illya could hear her give a little surprised yelp. "Ooh." Turning around as best he could, Illya crawled over to her. "What yah doing standing behind meh?" Playfully he leaned over her and kissed her before he grabbed the back of the sofa and used it to help himself stand up and then offer a hand to Kalizda. "I hate tah ask, but eh...mind getting meh cane from over dere?" He couldn't very well get the cane by the cave without making a spectacle of himself and he didn't really want to.

With the cane in hand Illya tested it momentarily and then he took a mildly wobbly step. "I'll be fine." His leg was throbbing horrible with every step and his jaw set in a firm line, eyebrows lowered some, and he held his breath each step. When Illya reached the bottom of the steps he looked at them tiredly and then started up with the cane in one hand and the other gripping the railing tightly.

By the time Illya got to bed he felt like his leg was going to fall off. Rolling into the bed he let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. This recovery felt like forever. There was a little ruffling of the blankets after a few minutes and he peeled his eyes open to see Kalizda. "Hmmm...dere yah are." For whatever reason he wasn't feeling real wonderful the last few days, but it could have been he was pushing it too hard. She of course started to seek out his leg and he chuckled a little bit when she got closer to him. "Yah tink we might get a little closer den dat. Might be nice tah warm up a bit more." It had been a while since he made a suggestion, but he was finally feeling mostly well enough to do something like that.

In the morning Illya felt a little off, but he didn't feel awful. It could have been anything and he decided that he needed to get himself to the bath house. "I take Cypher wit meh and..." Then his eyebrows rose and he remembered that he invited Kirit's father to come with him. "Oh I need tah hurry." Kirit was likely going to be at the house soon and then he would be busy for sure.

Illya barely reached the bottom of the steps with his cane and Cypher strapped to his chest when the knock sounded on the door and he limped over to open the door up. "Yah ready?" Both men seemed a bit nervous, but Illya couldn't imagine why. In the bath house he stripped down like usual and then carried little Cypher with him and his bucket. Limping was still bad, but he could make it a short distance without his cane anyway. Once he had his bucket full Illya squatted with his bucket and then began to wash the boy first. Cypher wailed at first, but he liked the smell of the oils and calmed down. While Illya was washing the boy with the little cloth Cypher reached for it and squeezed it between his fat little fingers. Illya let him explore the cloth a little and then resumed dipping it in the water and washing the baby's legs and back. It was just important that he didn't get Cypher's head wet. During the process he dipped the rag into the bucket again and then he felt water running down his forearm when it shouldn't be. Moving his arm so he could see what was going on Illya saw that Cypher was peeing without a care in the world. Shifting a little to make sure the kid didn't pee in their bucket turned out to be a less than helpful thing and Cypher peed on Chip man's leg next to them. The man turned and glared at them for a moment till he saw the sheer moment of panic on the General's face and then he chuckled and just moved out of the way to finish washing himself. Towards the end of the panic Illya realized all he could do was simply point Cypher's little ding dong toward the ground and wait it out. Once he was done with the baby Illya washed himself and then to two soggy fellows made their way to the regular changing area with the bucket. Cypher laid in the towel all wrapped up and comfy while Illya scrambled still half wet into his own clothes and then dried the boy off and used the slightly damp towel to wipe Cypher's little head and curls carefully.

Somehow Kirit's father didn't look quite comfortable heading to the Pleasure House. He looked nervous and Illya couldn't imagine why. This was a very pleasant experience and the bath house was a great way to get prepared and get in the mood for the Pleasure House and the massage. Cypher stuck his arms out and wiggled them all while Illya tried to find the boy's arms and pull them through the shirt. He could get the pants on well enough, but the arms were almost impossible. After the fifth try he took the boy to Kalizda. "I hold him yah put the shirt on."


The pleasure house was another fiasco in itself and he watched the masseuse struggle with the mini flailing limbs. Illya took note and he would repeat the strokes that the masseuse showed them. Some of it was easier for Illya because he was more familiar with how the massage felt and where the hands went on the body because of all the years that he had been visiting the pleasure house. When he had learned the appropriate moves Illya went over to his part of the Pleasure House and got changed into a towel and returned to lay on the table with Cypher. The boy laid on the bed next to Illya's head and he put his oiled fists in his dad's hair and tried talking to him while the masseuse worked Illya's legs and and back before moving his his shoulders and arms.

Illya chanced to look over at the Reylains that he had brought with him and he noticed that Kirit's father had exceptionally wide eyes when the Chip put his giant hands on the man's back.

When they were done Illya glanced to the Reylians. "How was dat?" He couldn't imagine why the man was looking so upset. However, it was all the better it could have gotten. It wasn't so bad was it?


That evening in the house Illya sat on the edge of the couch with Cypher strapped to the front of him. The boy was sleeping and Rose was trying to get Illya to play some sort of game with matching letters and words in Kaerlean. A frown came to Illya's face while he listened to the girl spell out the word and he shuffled a few of his tiles around to see what he could make. So far the girl was beating him and she seemed to be very proud of herself.

Laying his own tiles out Illya nodded to her and then Rose started to rearrange them. "You spelled it wrong, Wolf." Thomas was in the living room and Illya knew that the man would hear it. In some ways it was embarrassing to find himself to be outed so blatantly. At least the last teacher had been quiet about his work and since Thomas took over it was a little too awkward to go back to class. Instead Illya worked hard at home and did what he could to keep himself up on the studies. He would dig through Rose's back pack to make sure she had all her homework done everyday and he read over the entire the work sheet to see if he could keep up with it.

Rose emptied her little tray of words and jumped up to skip around the house announcing her win. Illya sat back and read the words on the board though there were a few that he couldn't quite make out. How did he know that she even spelled the words correctly. "Hmm..." When she came back he nodded to her and winked. "Yah maybe be brilliant writer someday."

The girl blinked a few times and she walked over to Illya. It was the first time she'd ever heard her Wolf say something like that to her. Momentarily her little heart almost cried out for joy and she grabbed one of his hands. "I would write a story for you to read Wolf."

She was so sweet and Illya grinned back at her. "I talk wit Kalizda and we tink maybe yah choose what yah like tah do." With that the girl rushed off to tell Thomas and Kalizda that she had decided her new career was to write books. However long that phase would last only time would tell. Rose practically skipped through the rest of her evening after she had her game with Wolf. She didn't remember that he lost, or that he'd even played terribly. What mattered to Rose was that Wolf thought she would be a brilliant writer someday and that was what she wanted to be. When she settled into her little cave she determined that she would start writing her little book and the best thing to write about was her life and the way she grew up in a house with a wolf and a little bird for parents.

Illya reached the top of the stairs with Cypher and he sat on the bed to unstrap the boy. It felt like he was having a muscle spasm in his chest and he still didn't feel all that well from yesterday. Laying down on the bed he tried to relax, but his side hurt and he laid flat, but that hurt and then he rolled to his side again. Letting out a sigh he decided to settle in and call it good.

Part way through the night Illya woke up because it felt like he could barely breathe and his chest ached. Taking a deep breath he tried to ease the pain. Sometimes stuff like that happened because you weren't breathing enough. Illya rolled off his left side and it relieved some of the pain, but then his right side hurt and he decided to curl up on the bed as best he could. Waking off and on he waited for the morning to arrive, but it felt like forever even though it had only been five minutes. Gently rubbing Kalizda's shoulder he whispered to her. "Kalizda I need some medicine meh side and meh chest hurt." Just a little rub would probably help.
Kirit was never more proud than when Tabit brought down the nail from upstairs along with the coin. “Aye, it’s just a Reylian tradition,” he grinned as he lead her to the front door with his hammer in hand. Right by the door jamb was a little section of the wooden wall that was not tacked down to the outside wall. An open square no bigger than a 4in area. Kirit bent down and picked up the piece that was to go right there to complete the house. “Now ye just put th’ moon coin in that nook there. That becomes a part of th’ home.” She chased the pearlescent coin around her palm for a moment before placing with a gentle poke into small hole in the wall. Kirit nodded to her and then picked up the little wooden block, hammering into place with easy knocks. When it came down to the final nail, he offered Tabit the hammer. “Ye put this one in. It shows ye complete m’home an’ m’life.”


Once the house was complete, Kirit let Tabit do as she pleased in the house. She settled in a few things that he hadn’t had the time to unpack. A few dishes, and small tokens lined the cabinets and the book shelf in the living room. He helped her put up the curtains in the living room windows and the more importantly the bedroom. It took little time to get them settled in and when that was done, Kirit took Tabit by the hand and walked her slowly out to the side porch, pausing only for kisses between the steps. When they turned the corner, a nice, soft hammock came into view, hanging from the porch roof. It was swaying gently in the cool breeze of an incoming rain storm. It would be one of many when the rainy season came within the next two weeks. “House not home without one,” he smiled, “I think ye should test it with me, yeah?”

She seemed apprehensive and he chuckled. There was a trick to getting onto these things, particularly with two people. “I show ye how t’ get in it. Watch me.” Letting go of her hand, he backed himself up till the edges of the hammock brushed the back of his knee, then slowly sat down before rotating in the soft netting with a satisfied sigh. It was quiet comfortable and his mother had brought it all the way from Reylia as a wedding gift of sorts. “Just like that, ye sit nice and slow.”

Tabit walked up to the hammock and braced the backs of her legs against the edge just as he did, but it was obvious she was nervous. Kirit took her hand, and started guiding her down slowly until she suddenly dropped. Her bum hit the hammock and he pitched to the side as it flung them to the deck. “Whoaaa!”
He landed half on her back with the other half bouncing on the wooden deck. A jolt from the sudden stop went up he side and for a moment, he was worried he might have squished his wife. “Ye okay?” he laughed, rubbing the sting out of his rump. “Let m’ just see m’ self.” Before she could get up, he wrapped an arm around her waist and kept her close for a kiss. “Mmm…ye seem okay,” he replied, “I check t’ make sure.” His hands massaged at her hips as he kissed her one more time for good measure.


Pyra and Ha’at had come to the new house to cook dinner and spend some time with their son. Both were eager to see the new home, particularly now that it was just the four of them together rather than surrounded by strangers. As soon as his mother came into the living room, her eyes lit up with pride. Her son had made such a wonderful home for such a wonderful bride. He had talked of Tabit frequently on his calls or messages home when he could and she had seen him grow from cautious interest to love in a matter of weeks. He had told them she was a scout, and also helped protect in the Alliance. The woman did realize it, but that was important. Pyra had been a simple tailor and designer with no ability to be at her first husband’s side in the end. Someone who was brave and would be there for her son in every capacity if he needed it was something that she wanted. Most of her daughters in law were warriors as well, and she was thrilled to be adding another to the fold.

Pyra made herself at home as Kirit told her where the pots and pans were so she could cook. His favorite meal was pan-fried fish with sweet vinegar sauce, so she decided that would be dinner. His new wife looked like she wanted to help and there some things Pyra was not shy about. Family was one of those. Waving at her new daughter, she beckoned the woman over to show her the fat fish and all the citrus fruit that went with it. “Kirit’s likes,” she chuckled, pointing to the fish. It was hard to communicate here, which is why she had sent Ha’at out for the groceries, but she wanted Tabit tell her what she liked one day for her to cook it.
The two women went to work at the new counter tops. Pyra hummed along as she gutted the fish and cleaned the bones with expert fingers as Tabit cut the citrus fruits into little slices. In the living room, she could hear her son and his father talking quietly in Kaerelean, mostly about the land and it’s value along with provisions in case something were to happen to himself. From the sounds of it, Tabit and any children they bore would have it all. To any one listening it probably sounded morbid right after a wedding, but given the times it was a natural part of things. Kirit was being responsible just like both of his fathers. How had he grown up so quickly? He had always a been a bit of an old soul in some ways, but she had wondered if he would ever settle down.
Between the two of them they had dinner cooking and all there was left to make was the sauce. Pyra showed her the dark, syrupy vinegar she used, combining it with honey and some chilies. Smiling at her answer, the Reylian woman’s eyes shifted to the living room where Kirit was coming back in, having complete his business. “Pap says he can’t find his pad, mum.”

Pyra raised a brow and replied quickly in Kaerelean, to which her son shrugged. “He said it’s not there.”

Chuckling, she rose to her feet and shuffled into the living room to help Ha’at who was digging through his bag.

Kirit settled in next to Tabit and looked at her with a long gaze. “I fix our land f’ us an’ for children,” he smiled. More than anything he wanted her to have a home that was hers and for their children. There would be no more need to run or hide away. This could be her homestead for as long as she wanted it to be. “M’ mum likes ye,” he chuckled, sneaking an arm over her shoulder. “M’ pap does too. ” He kissed her cheek and then leaned back in his chair. “An’ I knew they would.”


Pyra lifted her cup to her lips and took a small drink before looking to Tabit. She knew little traders tongue and basic communication was difficult sometimes, but she had tried to learn some to talk to her new daughter in law. Thinking carefully on her words she leaned forward to just a little. "Kirit say ye...ah.." she paused, already trying to think of the right word. What had he said it was? Whatever it was, she couldn't remember it and she tried to think of a way to make it clear. "" Clenching her fist, she made a small punch in the air, hoping the gesture might work.

Communication was apparently going to be a bit of a problem. Tabit blinked a few times after the woman made the gesture with her fist. She was a seemingly shy sort of person and she could only assume that the woman was going to be trying to say something nice or maybe about her work. After a moment she nodded and pretended to follow along with whatever the gesture meant. "Oh, yes, I'm a warrior also." That was all the closer she could get and she swallowed hard. Maybe she was about as far off as she could get. Kirit could help with the translation and she wouldn't mind, but he was outside with his dad.

Pyra's expression lit with a pleased sort of look and she held up a finger, asking Tabit to wait for a moment. Digging into her pocket, she pulled out an old, square of paper. The piece had been folded and unfolded many times, almost to the point of falling apart at the seams. She unfolded the paper with care and flattened it onto the table to show a photo. In total, there were 10 people in the picture, all ranging in height from 6'2 to the smallest being not much older than 4. All had the same dark hair and dark eyes except for the only woman who had mousy brown hair and grey eyes. The woman was tucked under the arm of a tall, built man with his hair shaved on the sides and a pony tail down his neck. The man wore a leather tunic and a pistol strapped to his hip. Pyra smiled warmly at the photo and then glanced to Tabit before pointing to the smallest boy in the picture. He was dark eyed and dark haired like the rest, and had a timid almost smile. "Kirit," she said, pointing to the little boy. "All...warriors."

It seemed that she may have understood correctly when the woman pulled out a well worn picture. Tabit looked it over and she thought that Kirit looked very much like his father. She knew that the current man was not his birth father. "Handsome men." Smiling softly she pointed to the youngest one. "And..that must have been Kirit." They had spoken often enough for her to know that he had been the youngest and that was what made the guessing easy. If it came to the names she was at a much greater disadvantage because she had not met any of the others.

Prya nodded with a broad smile. "Aye. Good boy. We go t' say...uh..." She waved a little and then the word came to her. "Oh! Ah goodbye..." then pointed to herself in the photo. "Me," she chuckled, seeing her younger self. Then her eyes shifted to the man that was holding her. "O'tan." The name came out a gentle whisper. "Kirit is like him."

Whatever the woman was trying to say was broken and it was hard to tell exactly what she was trying to say. Tabit just waited patiently for Pyra to finish saying whatever it was that she was trying to. The woman said goodbye and this was the last time that she saw her first husband? What could she say about something like that? After a moment Tabit answered gently. "I'm glad that he's like O'tan. Kirit is a good man."

"Ye make happy, he says," shesaid with a warm smile. Then she put a hand over Tabit's and squeezed just a little. " close with him. Protect." She was trying to say protect each other and she didn't quite know how, which was frustrating. Ha'at had tried to teach her more traders tongue but she wasnt picking it up fast as she wanted. "Ye come t'...home one day soon. Yeah?"

Nodding carefully Tabit somewhat had the next sentence figured out. The woman wanted her to protect her son. That was about all the better her interpretation got and it was difficult to talk with her, but she knew that it was important. Perhaps if she learned to speak the Reylian language she could talk with Pyra more next time. Finally, there was something that Tabit understood for sure. It was when the woman asked her to come visit sometime. "Yes, I want to come see Reylia soon. I think I will have to remind the General that Kirit needs to see his people." She knew as a matter of fact that Illya was busy, he didn't always remember those sorts of details, and once he made involuntary recruits and then forgot to let them go home.

The Reylian woman smiled. Tabit seemed to understand that she wanted them to come visit soon. Kirit had left so quickly that he hadn't seen him in 2 years or so. Now, he was all grown up and in a blink of an eye, married and in a most honorable work. "Aye, aye. Come t' see home. Ye welcome on daughter. Ye have other?" She knew by the womans look there was a bit of confusion in the phrasing and Prya concentrated on what she wanted to say. "Ye have...other...fam'ily?"

Tabit nodded slowly. She had understood indeed and then the last part hit like an anvil. Did she have any other family? Of course she did, but she didn't know where they were, what they looked like, or anything else. It would just be easier to keep it as it was. "No. It's just me and Kirit. Now I have you and Ha'at too."

For a moment, Pyra thought she had said something wrong because Tabit seemed to hesitate in her answer. She knew Chips could be older than they looked, but she didn't know if the woman's parents were still alive. Kirit hadn't said much about her family...or anything at all and she didn't know if the in-law were to be expected. Finally, the woman spoke, making Pyra relax some. "Ye family now," she patted her daughters hands, "M' daughter. Big family." Grinning, she pulled out another object, this time a hologram coin and put it on the table, before pressing the center button. An image faded in showing dozens of faces, young girls and boys, mixed with women and the familiar faces of Kirit's brothers, alongside the young warrior and Ha'at. Nobody was looking in the prooer direction for the image, but there were well over 20 people in the capture. "M' childs an' their wives an' childs. Ye have have all too."

It seemed that the other woman thought to comfort her with the image of plenty of new faces that would become her family. In a way it was a nice gesture. Pyra didn't quite understand, but that was to be expected. Quietly, Tabit nodded again and she studied the picture as best she could. "They are a fine family. I will be proud to be one of you."

Pyra was excited to see Tabit wanted to be a part of their family. The image changed to an image of a young Kirit at the age of 10 or so. His eye was black and he was holding up a cast on one hand and a small, wooden war scythe in he other. His brother had captured the boys neck in a playful choke hold from behind and was rubbing his knuckles into Kirit's scalp. Then another passed with a teenage Kirit sitting atop a large, very angry male falcon. The boy was covered in scratches and and feathers, but he was no less excited. About that time the door started to open, and Pyra snatched back the coin, holding her finger to her lips in a plea of silence and a playful smile.

Pictures seemed to be precious to the woman. It was far too dangerous to keep pictures from her past and Tabit felt herself longing in many ways to know what her children looked like. Many times she had to refocus her efforts and decide to enjoy the pictures in front of herself. She smiled when she saw the picture of Kirit with his cast and then the bird. She'd heard about the birds before and she couldn't help the grin that grew larger on her face by the second. Unexpectedly the door swung open and Kirit stepped in with his father. Tabit just nodded to her mother-in-law and then smiled at Kirit. "There you are."

Kirit came in and sat down next to Tabit while Ha'at set next to his wife looking a bit wide eyed and stiff. Kirit acted as if this was completely normal and leaned a little closer to his new wife. "Aye, pap an' I talk f' awhile. He met th' general t'day an' says we are invited t' th bath house an' pleasure house t' morrow. Ye two like t' come?"

The wide eyed expression of his father was completely natural after Tabit heard the reason for it. Who wouldn't have an expression like that if they were about to be stuck in a bath house full of naked people and then taken to the Pleasure House. She had never seen a new comer embrace the concept without some reservation. "I think that Pyra should know what to expect before I volunteer both of us to go too."

Kirit nodded in agreement. He wasn't altogether a fan of the Chippeqouti bathing style but if the General had invited them it wasn't exactly something he could deny. His mother looked confused, her eyes bouncing from Tabit to Kirit and then back again. The young warrior started explaining in Kaerelean. A few questions passed back and forth until Pyra's face flushed pink. "Nai heyan." Kirit chuckled as if that had been the expected answer. "Mum says, she would like t' stay behind. She knows it will take time in th' morning."

The woman's answer didn't surprise Tabit too much and she chuckled. "I don't mind so much. This was not how I grew up, so often times I will not go to the bath house. Sometimes the Pleasure House is nice." For the most part Tabit stayed at home to wash and in a way she felt relieved that she wasn't the one to be going tomorrow. However, it did not change the concern that she felt for her father-in-law and her husband. Deep down she knew that usually the only ones who enjoyed it had grown up using the bath house and the Pleasure House.

Pyra was relieved to here she wasn't the only one who would decline the offer. After all, it had been extended to Ha'at and Kirit, so they could go to be polite and thank the General. She had wanted to meet the man but she certainly didn't want that meeting to be while she was taking a bath or having a massage. She nodded, hearing that Tabit hadn't really grown up that way either. "They go an''...she rattled off something in Kaerelean, to which her son took over. "She wants t' know if ye like t' go with her into t' town while we go t' the bath house. Ye might find some things ye like f' th' house, yeah?"

An offer to do some shopping was far better then if she had gone to the bath house and Tabit nodded. "Oh I think some shopping would be wonderful." Even if Tabit looked like a large woman and she had her somewhat large muscled arms showing there was a definite need and desire to be considered feminine.
Kirit looked at the only two women in his life and nodded, glad to see that they would be enjoying their morning. He wondered how long it would be until Tabit discovered that his mother would make her any sort of clothing she desired. His wife always liked to have nice things and look beautiful in anything she did. While she could have worn a potato sack and still looked stunning to him, he was glad she enjoyed all those girly things, even if he had no idea what half of it was.


The next morning, Ha’at met Kirit on the steps of the visitor’s center. His father came down the stairs carrying a towel and his little bar of soap, looking nervous. Sweat was already beading on his brow as they walked down the road. “It’s not s’ bad. Th’ Chippeqouti good an’ ye like th’ massage, yeah?” His father might like the massage part if he would relax a bit.

It didn’t take long for them to see Calysta and Illya walking along the path to the Chippeqouti Quarter. Rose was at their heels carrying her own wash basket and Illya was holding Cypher. “G’morning, sir,” Kirit said with a nod. Ha’at started to say the same, but the words caught in his throat and it came out a grumbling cough. “Ah…aye..” he finally managed to sputter as they walked on. He was nothing but a bundle of nerves and all he wanted to was to make a good impression on the General for his son and get through the morning. When his son said exactly what going to the pleasure house meant, he had nearly fallen out. They had women in the same bath house as the men and there was no curtain between? He had no desire for any of the women to be eyeing him. Kirit had explained it wasn’t like that, but Ha’at had his doubts. He was no corded or built Chip man, or anything like his son who was in the peak of condition.

Ha’at took a deep breath as the others stepped inside the bath house, and then followed them. As promised, the women were stripping and bathing right alongside the men who were walking around as if it was just a casual soiree. All of them were tall, brawny and tan.

“Come on pap,” Kirit said with an encouraging smile as he stripped off his shirt. Ha’at glanced around, before forcing his eyes to the floor and pulling off his shirt…revealing the burliest and manliest coat of chest hair. Even by Reylian standards he was a sight to behold. He took his shirt and held it up over his belly like a shield, then scurried behind his son, picking up a bucket on his way. It was a constant source of anxiety knowing that just above the tile floor were men and women bathing…bathing totally naked. Ha’at’s heart was pounding and his stomach squirmed. Was it took late to turn back? The breeze brushing past his bare behind told him that it was indeed too late.

“Over here,” Kirit said as he put his bucket underneath one of the multiple spigots. Ha’at side stepped over, keeping his shirt shield faced toward the women to fill his bucket. Maybe if he just bathes really fast? That way it would be over and he could get it over with.

Scuttling over to the far corner, he grabbed up his bucket, sloshing water onto the floor. “S-sorry,” he muttered to anyone nearby. This could be done fast while the General bathed his son. Ha’at kept his eyes down and went to work with his rag and soap bar, rubbing up a good lather with a fierce grip. When his was satisfied, he started to drop the bar into his bucket, but the thing shot out of his hand and smacked against the wall before sliding a few feet awhile. Somebody would step on the soap and fall if he abandoned it, he the man dove after it, only for slippery square to go flying again. “Ahg.”

In a near panic, Ha’at jiggled after it as fast as his feet could carry him. A tall Chip man stepped backward and hit the bar of soap again, shooting it against the far wall. “S-sorry…sorry…pardon…ah..sorry.” He kept his head down and his feet moving as he tried to hunt down the soap. It was kicked again by accident, but this time it flew even further. Ha’at bit his lip and kept after his soap, keeping his eyes trained on the pink square rolling around the room.

He was so focused on getting his soap back, he paid no attention to where he was amid the sea of tanned feet. Suddenly, he came across something odd. A set of pink painted toes. His eyes followed the toes up two shapely calves…and then…Smack. He flopped his hands over his eyes and another over his crotch. “SORRY!”
How had he ended up on the women’s side?! In a mad dash, he abandoned his soap and dove for the men’s apologizing the entire way.


Calysta returned from the store to find Illya was awake and Rose was running around with something she hadn’t seen in a very long time. “Oh, where did you find that?” she chuckled, “I haven’t seen Skunky since I was a kid.” She flopped the old toy on her daughter’s head. “ He was my favorite. Take good care of him, yeah?”

Rose nodded and then took the creature to her cave. Calysta imagined that it was more likely that her little bunny Hairy would make a nice hideaway bed out of it given the chance but that was alright. At least someone was using it and he wasn’t lost to the attic anymore.

Dinner was a familiar dance and she let everyone eat where they landed in the living room. With the wedding making a late night before and then a long day at the hospital, they were all simply too tired to gather around the table, so the activity of choice was a hologram movie. Her father picked out one of her favorites and put dubbed version on in traders tongue so everyone could understand. Rose kept asking questions about the Princess Buttercup and hero Wesley between bites of snake stew. Her father ate his ‘chicken’ dinner with gusto as he tag teamed the constant questions. By the time the movie was over, her sore baby boy was asleep, and Rose was on her way to dreaming too. Her father had knocked out in his arm chair.

“Alright, I think its bed time,” she said, easing herself off the couch. Illya handed over Cypher who whimpered in his sleep as she took him in her arms gently as possible. “Aye, I’ll get him to bed.” On her way up the stairs, she tapped her father on his shoulder. The man jerked awake and grumbled, realizing he’d fallen asleep. “G’night,” was his only reply before shuffling up the stairs. Calysta followed him with Cypher. His tiny hand gripped at her hair in his sleep, growing tighter with every step to the bedroom. When she laid him down in his crib, he cried out and tugged on her hair. “Oh I know…I know..shhh..” His tender head was probably pounding, even in his sleep. Luckily, he didn’t wake up, so she covered him in his blanket and then padded down the stairs to tell Rose good night too.

Illya was on his hands and knees with his head poked into Rose’s cave. He was talking with her, and the sight brought a smile to her face as she came up behind him. He loved his adoptive daughter as much as his own flesh in blood son and she loved to see him spend some extra attention to his eldest child’s attention. She was growing up and those kinds of moments would be father and father apart.

Suddenly, Illya was backing out of the cave and Calysta tried to get out of the way, but his large frame bowled her over. “Eeep!” She tipped backward onto her butt right behind him. "What yah doing standing behind meh?"

“Oh just watching,” she chuckled as he crawled over to her. She kissed him, tugging at his shirt just a little as he pulled himself to his feet. “Mmm..”
He was obviously in pain when he got to his feet, though he offered to help her up too. Calysta slipped her hand into his, but didn’t put her own weight against him, getting to her feet under her own power. “You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet,” she joked, knowing exactly how cheesy it sounded. When he asked for his cane, she nodded and picked it up for him the more playful expression fading from her face, no matter how he insisted he was fine. “Let’s get to bed, yeah?”

Illya groaned when he half rolled into the and she knew he had to be stiff from all of the activity the day before. She was a bit tired herself with the stress of the day feeling more acute than even war could bring. Attacks were one thing, but her son being sick? That was an entirely different sort of stress. Slipping into bed next to Illya, she pulled the covers over both of them and then snuggled close. It was always best to start out that way in the night now. She stayed warm and didn’t have to search for him for that little extra comfort. Her feet automatically sought out his good leg, her toes inching up his warm calf. He stirred and his eyes opened up to greet her. "Hmmm...dere yah are. Yah tink we might get a little closer den dat. Might be nice tah warm up a bit more."
“Oh?” she replied with a raised brow.

It sounded like he was suggesting that they have some fun. Since his new leg had been added, he hadn’t been in the mood for anything much besides a good cuddle, and for that she couldn’t blame him. “Humm…How close? This close maybe?” Calysta slipped her leg higher over his until it was at his hips. His hand draped over her leg, which she took as a yes. “Closer then. How about this?” Slowly, she inched over still she was laying on his chest, her knees on either side of his hips, far enough from his legs not to hurt them. He was warm, and she wanted a bit more but was having too much fun with the tease. “Still not close enough, eh?” Chuckling, Calysta leaned over and ran a hand her hands through his curls. After a bit of playing in his hair, she then pressed her lips to his in a meandering kiss.“Ah, perhaps a bit closer.”


Calysta woke next to Illya feeling better than the day before. Their night had been a gentle sort of affair, but no less passionate or loving. Rolling over, she opened her eyes and kissed Illya with tiny pecks on his lips. “Morning,” she smiled. It was so tempting to lounge in bed longer and cuddle with Illya, but their boy would be waking up soon and be in need of a few things. “Bath house first, yeah?”

The Chip nodded, confirming that was the plan for the morning. "I take Cypher wit meh and….Oh I need tah hurry."

With that, all relaxation left and it was down to business for the day. She dressed Cypher who was still a bit sore, but acting more like his jolly little self, and then got Rose ready for the bath house too. Apparently, they were in hurry because they were meant to meet Kirit and his father there, after he had invited them. When he had even seen the two men, she didn’t know, but sure enough they were waiting outside the bath house for them.

Kirit’s father looked like he might have a stroke if anyone made a sudden movement, but Kirit seemed to act as if this level of anxiety were normal. If anyone understood the odd feeling of the communal bath house it was her, but she knew Illya had invited them to be friendly. A sort of honor to merit joining the Chippeqouti in a daily habit. Calysta made sure Illya had everything he needed for Cypher, then walked with Rose to the women’s side.

Her girl had been to the bath house many times before while living on Nuen so it was not such an unnatural practice. She stripped down and once they had fixed their oils into the water, they had a little fun while bathing. Rose would tug on Calysta’s loose hair and then turn around as if nothing had happened, giggling the entire time. “Who could have done that…I wonder..” Calysta turned and gave Rose’s side a light tickle, making her dance with a squeal. Playing was a welcome distraction from the temptation to look at the men’s side. She had the urge to turn and check on Cypher. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Illya, but that one of Cypher’s favorite times was bath time and he loved playing in the water. He was simply a joy to bathe and spend time with.

At one point, something pink shot across the floor and popped against the tile walls. Rose bent down and picked it up out of curiosity to find it was a used bar of soap. “Ew!” She dropped it and the sudsy square went sailing across the room again. A moment later there was another squeal. Calysta looked down the rows of women to find Ha’at with one hand clamped over his eyes and another trying to cover his front as he half slid away from the women’s side, apologizing in multiple languages as he went. The squeak hadn’t come from the ladies, but from the man himself.

Once they were done, Illya met them at the changing area with a half dressed Cypher flanked by a crisp looking Kirit and a red-faced Ha’at. “There’s my boy. How was bath time?” Her Chip held him out, looking a bit defeated. "I hold him yah put the shirt on." Cypher could be a wiggle worm and it appeared that today he had given his father the run around. “Aye,” she chuckled, taking up his little green shirt. With his father holding him, it took a mere minute for her to guide his plump arms through first and then guide the collar over his head. “There you go.”

With everyone bathed, they went to the pleasure house. Cypher was none too happy about having a massage at first, but the techniques were important to learn. His wayward limbs flailed, and at one point he kicked the masseuse in the stomach, getting fussy for having his sore muscles poked and prodded. She spent time learning how to use her palms and thumbs to rub into his muscles at the right pressure and where the worst of his tenderness would develop. It wasn’t too dissimilar from the way she took care of Illya in some ways, though her Chip was far better at it than she was. “I’ll keep working on it, and get better,” she nodded to the masseuse, “Thank you for showing us.”

Cypher’s morning was done, and she felt much better knowing he had the implant now and if anything did happen, that she could adequately take care of her son afterward. Climbing her own table, she took a deep breath as Riyan instructed and let him work. He started out with her shoulders and worked his way down to her lower back. “Yah better today, Kalizda woman.” The last time he had seen the little bird woman she had been far too thin, with tension knots running down her shoulders and spine. This time, she looked much better and he could work out more of the hard spots in her back without having to worry about pressing too hard on her tiny bones.

Nearby, Kirit was having his massage and relaxing. Since his coming of age party, he’d been coming off and on to heal up his arm and leg from their breaks. His masseuse Tiya knew what the problem areas were and also that he liked the firmer pressure. She could bear down nearly as hard as she liked, and until she hit a true sore spot he would simply relax into it. His father, on the other hand, looked anything but peaceful. The Reylian man was stiff under his Chip’s hands, finger digging into the side of his bed any time the worker really bore down on his back. “Yah tight all over,” the Chip informed him. “Relax. Yah feel good after yeh get all that tension out.” All Ha’at could do was gulp, and nod an answer.

When everyone was done, Ha’at was more than happy to put back on his clothes. He had made it through the morning. The General walked up behind him with the baby in his hands. "How was dat?"

Ha’at didn’t know how to answer at first. The bath house had been disastrous and the so called pleasure house had been more like a torture rack in some ways, though his shoulders did feel better. He had to come up with some sort of answer for the General. “I learn a lot about Chipp’qouti today,” he finally replied, measuring his words carefully, “Y-y good people, an’ I uh…would come again sometime, yeah?”

He hoped that didn’t sound too dodgy but he wasn’t sure his blood pressure could take another trip to the bath house.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a sort of vacation mode. Calysta was still keeping her info pad off in favor of taking care of her little boy and making sure the rest of her family was feeling alright. Sometimes it was just good to slow down and be together.

She lounged on the couch with Illya for awhile, Cypher snuggly propped between them as Rose was going through the boxes of board games trying to decide on which one she wanted to play. Cypher had taken to shaking his soft, toy snake around then threw it in the floor for her to retrieve, and as she did, a little spot of whimsy came over her. Keeping a straight face, she threw it at Illya while he was watching Rose. He didn’t see the toy coming and it bounced off his temple harmlessly, then flopped to his lap. “Don’t look at me…” she said, keeping her eyes straight ahead. It was obvious she was the one who had done it, and the serious face lasted all of three seconds before she was fighting a grin.


Calysta woke to a warm, calloused hand rubbing had her shoulder. "Hmm?" Her body started to curl around Illya, seeking him out. They had already been asleep for hours, surely he wasn't wanting a round of fun? It was far too late for that tonight. Letting out a squeak of a yawn, she cracked open her eyes to find her Chip looking at her with a pinched brow, while he whispered to her. Something else was happening and she sat up on her elbow. "Mmm what it is again? What's wrong?"

After Illya woke Kalizda it occurred to him that he didn't have to wake her up to ask for medicine. It was a somewhat bad habit and he decided to take care of himself. Leaning a bit closer he kissed her. "Nevermind, I can get mehself up tah get a little muscle rub." That and a small lozenge would probably do it. Illya didn't see the need for her to try and get up to serve him.

He kissed her gently and she met him back, still somewhat drowsy, but awake enough to understand the rest of what he said. As he started to get up, she put a cool hand on his muscled shoulder to stall him. "You're still sore, I can get it. Don't get up, and just tell me what you need, yeah?"
"I'm ok." Illya winced as she set her hand on his shoulder. "Dun need tah wake yah up when I can get et for mehself." She seemed rather insistent and he paused. "Jes need some muscle rub and lozenge. Meh chest hurts and I tink maybe some muscles get sore wit carrying Cypher all day." It wasn't likely for the condition that he would usually keep himself in, but he was getting a bit out of shape after this long.

He was wanting to get up and get it for himself, which is was fine. She didn't mind him waking her up and would help rub out his muscles if he needed it despite her hands being bony little bird claws. Sitting up a little more, she flipped on her lamp, flooding the corner in warm, soft light so Illya could see where he was stepping if he had to. It wasn't until he mentioned his chest hurting, that she truly jolted awake. He claimed it was just from carrying Cypher, but she knew better than that. He was strong even when he wasn't training, and she knew that for a fact. "Your chest hurts?" she asked, quickly tossing off the covers, " Where and how does it hurt?"

Illya fumbled with the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. He was trying to avoid turning on the lights so they didn't disturb Cypher. Instead Kalzida flicked the light on and started to get riled. "I'm fine jes sore." Pulling the stuff out of the cabinet he popped a lozenge into his mouth and stuffed it in the side of his cheek before he came over to sit next to her on the bed. Handing her one of the tubs he sighed. "Meh side and meh stomach hurt and den meh chest and arm jes ache." Rubbing his hand over the left hand side of his chest and shoulder he grumbled. "Maybe I jes lay on et wrong. Meh stomach hurt all day and ets getting worse."

Calysta took the tub of cream and opened it carefully before dabbing some on her finger tips to rub into her hands first, then a little more for Illya's skin. She started to rub at his shoulder with light strokes from his neck to his shoulder blades as he spoke, until he mentioned his arm hurting, then rubbed the left side of his chest. Her eyes grew wide and she stopped rubbing immediately as fear surged through her. "Illya, that's your heart," she said, hopping out of the best. Her foot landed on her boot crushing the buckle underneath it and she hissed. "Ow...we have to get you to the Ehaui as soon as possible. It might be that implant or another heart attack."

Of course she was going to panic and assume it was his heart. He wasn't supposed to be having any kind of trouble with it unless it healed up and that wasn't likely to show until he started to get more active. Illya rolled his eyes. "Meh stomach hurts and laying on meh right side makes et worse. I tink I jes lay on meh left shoulder funny. Heart doesn't make yah stomach hurt." He was hunched slightly to relieve the stomach pain and he rubbed the oil in anyway. "How about yah jes give meh a few minutes after I rub dis in and den I can put some on meh side and see if meh stomach stops hurting."

She had already stumbled to the closet and started pulling a tunic off the hanger, thrusting her arms through, and then went to start shimmying into her pants. "No, we're going right now. If it's a heart attack a few minutes could just be long enough to..." she didn't like finishing the sentence. Instead, she grabbed him an undershirt and handed it to him, meeting his gaze. "We have to go. Please Illya. Dad will be here for the kids."

While she was panicking Illya rubbed at his muscles and he winced when he reached his stomach. Pressing in made it hurt, but when he lifted his hand away it was much worse. That was definitely not his heart and he rubbed there on his stomach for a few seconds and then he started to rub along his shoulder again. Nothing was relieving the pain yet, but it would in a few minutes. Kalizda thrust an under shirt at him and Illya reluctantly put it on. "Ets nut a heart attack. I told yah I jes sleep funny on meh shoulder and ets making meh shoulder and chest hurt." Lazily he pulled his boots on and took hold of the cane to help himself toward the stairs. Not like he was going to be able to sleep even if they stayed. She would be hovering over him and pestering him to see if the pain was better or worse. If he wasn't going to sleep the doctor wasn't going to either.

Calysta took only a moment to wake her father and inform him they were going to the hospital again and to listen for Cypher or Rose. The old professor gave them a groggy nod and then turned on is baby monitor before rolling back over. With Illya slowly packed into the skimmer, she took off at top speed to the Ehaui. When they arrived, she felt like half hauling him inside, though she knew it wasn't his fault he was moving so slow. The nurse didn't seem too surprised to the see them back this time and Calysta sighed. "This time its him. I think we need to have a look at his heart."
The last thing the woman bathing expected was to see a man standing behind her and gazing at her legs. Shifting away from him she shrieked and slapped at his head. "Get away!" In Quoti she started to yell and she grabbed her cloth and flung her oil water at him as he retreated. While she was focused on the mayhem the women looked up and saw the whole group of men had shifted to look too.

Ahvah saw Ehvan staring at one of the other women and she angrily threw her wet rag and Ehvan. How could he even dare to look at another woman with his jaw dropped like that. At the same time she caught another woman looking at her agreed and she slapped the woman's back. "Don't look at my agreed." It was all spoke harshly in Quoti and the other women immediately started to argue with each other and shriek as they cast their rags at the men who were just as quickly trying to turn away so they didn't see the woman in their nudity.

When it all calmed down the men calmly collected the different rags and Illya mistakenly turned to toss the rag back only to have a resounding shriek from the women. "You wouldn't know if you weren't looking too." Yelling to them in Quoti he turned around and threw the rag over his shoulder. They would have to figure out whose was whose at this point. In the mean time the women were grumbling and complaining about the men. On the men's side they were all wandering around collecting the rags that were thrown at them for being shocked at the entire fiasco and wondering if they were going to be restricted on certain work and activities. Since it seemed there was nothing else to do the men resumed washing, but there was certainly going to be some words shared.


They practically stumbled out the door and Illya followed after Kalizda in a slow manner. His stomach was still hurting and the pain was starting to shift in his abdomen too. How he could get all sorts of pains that shifted and radiated through different areas Illya didn't know. Kalizda had already raced out to get the ship started and Illya climbed into the passenger side. "Want meh tah drive?" He knew that would get her and despite his frown a slight grin came to his face. The attempt at humor didn't seem to be very well received.

While they were flying to the Ehaui Illya tried to shift in the seat to relax his stomach. Somehow as impossible as it seemed the bouncing had to have moved whatever it was almost down to his groin on the right side. Resting one hand over his side he grimaced. The adrenaline must have been rushing for Kalizda because it was the choppiest flight Illya remembered taking with her in a while. It wasn't like he was going to die in the next two seconds, but he was starting to think that he might suffer more serious injury due to the lurching as they came to a stop. Before he could get himself unbuckled she had his door open and he winced a little. Kalizda was trying to help him out of the ship and Illya took a sharp breath. "Ow...meh stomach hurts." Even that warning hadn't been enough for her to decide to be gentle. He could tell she was trying, but she was in too much of a hurry.

The two of them made it to the entrance and they had to push the buzzer for the doctor on call to show up and open the clinic. It only took a few minutes for a light to turn on and the tone sound that indicated the door was unlocked. Illya pushed the door open with his body and leaned against the doorway until Kalizda was inside and then he followed her into the hallway and to the exam room with the light on. That was going to be the room where the doctor would meet them.

The doctor came into the room with scraggly hair and wild eyes. How was it that the General and his family could generate enough work to employ all the Ehaui by themselves? Looking to Illya he sighed, "Alright take off yah shirt and we'll do scan." There was no sense asking Kalizda to be leaving the room. She was usually the helpful one. "What kind of symptoms do you have?" Illya started to repeat the symptoms including where the pain had radiated to. "I got pain in meh chest and meh shoulder. I tink dat I sleep wrong on et because meh right side es hurting too. Den I started having pain in meh balls and I dun know why." It was certainly descriptive enough and the doctor nodded. "Hmm....We'll check the heart first and then move down. I'll save the balls for last eh?"

Calysta stood by as the bedraggled doctor came in. She knew exactly how he felt at that moment as he looked them over. It had been only 48 hours since the their last visit to the Ehaui and she would like to make it their last one for awhile at least. As Illya started to strip, off his shirt for examination, Calysta sank into the chair in the corner and crossed her arms, partially out of habit and also against the cold chill of the hospital room after being in her warm bed. The doctor asked the usual questions and Illya stated his symptoms clearly, until he mentioned his nethers starting to hurt too. Calysta sat up a little straighter and raised a brow. That was a new symptom and she'd never heard of a heart attack making that hurt. Maybe it was just because of the nerve connections? "I brought him in for the chest, pains thinking maybe it was the heart implant," she told the doctor honestly.

Glancing from Kalizda to Illya the doctor blinked a few times and then shook his head while he set up the machine to do a scan. "So, you told her that your chest hurt and..." Illya defiantly added the last part to the statement, "I told her meh chest hurt and meh stomach." With a careful nod the doctor grinned. "Your stomach and your balls are two different things, General." With a huff Illya responded. "I know dat. Can't help dat dey started tah hurt wit all dah travel and et hurts tah jes lay flat. Hurry up." Almost immediately the doctor retorted, "There's no hurrying me. I'll get this done in my own time." Plugging the machine in he focused it over Illya's heart area and he waited for the scan to finish before he looked it all over. "Nope, looks fine." Reaching down he felt along Illya's chest and found a significant knot in the shoulder. "That could affect some of the nerves in the chest region and the arm. I think you just need to rub it down. Now we'll look for the reason that your stomach and beyond hurt."

The doctor didn't seem to think it was his heart, which was a relief in some ways. She hadn't wanted Illya to have a heart attack or have to go into any sort of surgery tonight to remove the implant. With the heart removed as a source, that left a bit of a mystery to be solved. Why was he having chest pains? A large knot had some how formed on his shoulder, despite having visited the pleasure house that day. How could that have formed so quickly? What if she'd woken the doctor for no reason at all, but then there were also other issues that the knot didn't account for. "He visited the pleasure house this morning, could a knot really have grown that bad over just a day?" she asked, more in curiosity than doubt.

"It has nothing to do with the pleasure house. He's not staying as active as he used to and it is easier for him to knot up when he starts back with activity. Probably is just he laid wrong. It can happen to anyone." Preparing the scanner for another round he took it to Illya's stomach and still didn't find anything, but he decided that moving to the intestines would be a good idea. "I'll do a manual palpation first and then we'll see if there's anything on the scan." It was one way to take up some time while the scanner was warming up for the next shot and run. Pushing all around there wasn't any significant pain till he got the lower right hand side. "Ow!" Illya nearly flew off the table when the doctor hit the spot. Hardly affected by it the doctor shrugged and then pushed the button for the scan to start.

He had been fairly active the past few days with wedding among other things, it was just hard to think that such a knot could form so quickly. Still, she took the doctor for his word with a simple nod and then watched as he continued his work. Everything seemed fine until half way though poking on Illya's stomach the Chip yelped and jumped off the table. The reaction had been so unexpected that it made Calysta jump too and her hands flew out to catch herself against the counter space, knocking one of the canisters of cotton swabs over. The glass jar rolled in loud circles before she stopped it with her hand and gave them both a sheepish look. Whatever the doctor had found was on Illya's right side, further compounding the mystery. "Sorry," she said, clearing her throat before sitting back down.

With a little clack of his tongue the doctor shook his head. The woman had scared him worse than his patient. Sitting back he watched the scan come through and then prepared a needle to take a little blood. "Mmmhmmm..." Taking the blood he ran it through the computer and then handed Illya a little cup. "Go ahead over there behind the curtain and pee in the cup for me." Illya would have liked to know what was written all over the screens and what the numbers meant, but he didn't. Whatever was wrong with his stomach was bothering him more than his shoulder. Basic muscle spasms and a few other things, but his stomach and side hurt so bad. Taking the cup from the doctor he stepped behind a curtain only for the doctor to start asking odd questions like, if he had trouble peeing, or if he'd been constipated or had loose bowels. "Eh...I guess been a little plugged." It was mildly uncomfortable to be talking to the Ehaui about that when he was currently trying to pee in a cup. When he came back he handed the cup to the doctor and the doctor frowned. "You haven't drank a whole lot lately. Not enough anyway." Rolling his eyes Illya shuffled over to the bed. "No, because I hurt. Dun feel good for a few days." The Ehaui tested the sample and then he took Illya's temperature. "Hmm...I think you've got appendicitis. Everything says so. Nothing to worry about we've got a nice little cure for that." The Ehaui leaned over and opened a drawer with his key and retrieved another one. "I'll be back in just a minute."

It seemed to be taking forever for them to work through each test, first blood and then urine. She wasn't embarrassed to be in the room while he peed, it wasn't like she hadn't seen him before and it was necessary. Still, it was a bit annoying to hear that he hadn't been feeling well this whole time and said nothing to her. Why was he always so stubborn like that? She could have brought him here before it got to this point. Crossing her arms again, she waited for the doctor to finish his test and deliver his diagnosis. Appendicitis? Running a hand through her hair, she took in a deep breath. It wasn't his heart, but it was still something that could have gotten much worse had she not fenangled him to the to doctor. The Ehaui seemed to think he could fix it, and didn't mention any kind of removal surgery as he left with a key in his hand. She couldn't imagine what kind of treatment he had in mind. Her tired eyes shifted to her Chip for a moment. "I wish you would have told me you werent feeling well for a few days," she grumbled to him, "It could have been much worse."

As soon as the Ehaui stepped out of the room Kalizda was scolding him and Illya laid on the bed with his knees up to his chest almost. Anything to help relieve the pressure. "Well, I dun tink et was big deal. I jes feel little colder and den I tink dat meh stomach hurts. Et didn't hurt bad enough tah complain till tanight." Trying to avoid her gaze he sheepishly looked away and then the doctor came back in. "I've got just a small procedure here." Holding a tray the doctor approached the bed with three needles. One was filled with a medication and a very large needle with a huge canister connected to it was empty. Then on the side there was a sort of numbing agent with another needle. Taking the tiny needle the doctor filled it with the numbing agent and then pushed it into Illya's side after he wiped the General's side down with a disinfectant from the counter. Next the doctor shoved the massive hollow needle just under the skin, started an image and then pushed it in deeper and deeper. Even with the numbing agent there was some feeling remaining and Illya clenched his jaw and decided to stare at the ceiling. He couldn't be moving around now. When the needle sat just outside the swollen appendix the doctor gently guided it to pierce the small part connected to the appendix. Drawing the pump back he withdrew a large amount of fluid and then hooked another canister to it and drained more. When it was finally empty after two canisters full he pulled the needle out and slid the next one in. It had a basic cleansing agent and a small, local coagulant in it. "There we go. All finished up." Sliding the last needle out the doctor put a piece of gauze over Illya's side and then taped it on. "Just wear something to cover it for a day or two and try not to shove anything in the hole in the meantime. You're good to go." Illya got himself up off the bed and feeling much better. Flashing Kalizda a grin he winked at her. "See, naughting serious."

"Sometimes small signs are a hint of something larger," she replied, "I just want to be careful is all." Could he really blame her for being cautious after his last injuries? Settling into her corner, she dropped her head back against the wall until the doctor came back in with what looked like drainage equipment. Sure enough, the Ehaui went to work prepping Illya's side with sanitizer and numbing agents, then began working the hollow needle into her Chip's side. Watching the needle work its way into him wasn't anything she hadn't seen before, but she was no fan of needles, and the image made her wince. The doctor began drawing out the infected fluids, filling the canisters with a sickly, yellowish bile. The procedure too little less than an hour and then Illya was free to go with a simple bandage over the hole. "Thank you, doctor," Calysta said, rising to her feet. Already, Illya seemed to be feeling better as he hopped off the bed and flashed her playful wink before stating it was nothing serious after all. How much good would it do to tell him, that a burst appendix could be fatal and his could have been much worse? Not much. It hadn't happened and that was all that was important. "Well at least you feel better, huh?" Tossing him the keys, she gave him a sleepy smile in return. "You're driving us back."

Driving her back was the fun part. Illya got the machine started and he pressed the throttle down. He always wanted to see how well the flier could speed through the area when there wasn't other traffic to worry about. With a lurch the machine jumped forward and Illya started to chuckle. Just feeling the power of the thrust was great. It was the first time he got to do anything in a while. Originally he had intended to engage the thrust a tiny bit slower, but he wasn't used to the new leg and the fact that he had no feeling. Instead they shot almost straight ahead for a set of buildings and Illya pulled up barely in time for them to shoot straight for the sky.

At first Illya yelled and then he started to laugh nervously. Peering out the side window of the craft Illya could see the lights come on across the front of the whole building he almost hit. "Oooh I bet..." Before he could finish Kalizda was yelling something and Illya realized they were dropping and he hadn't realized that his prosthetic foot wasn't holding down the trust as well as it should be and he hadn't locked it in place either. You weren't supposed to lock the thrust in gear unless it was for a long trip or something anyway. Instead of getting a steady gain in power the ship continued to fall and Illya tried to aim it for a field while he searched for the thrust pedal with his prosthetic leg. Suddenly they lurched forward again and started to speed over the wilds and that wasn't quite Illya's intentions. He got it turned back around without issue, but he kept losing altitude and then blasting into the sky.

A man staring at the screens saw the unusual activity and he saw the ship fly over the wilds and then circle back over the town. He wasn't about to assume that it was just a drunk. This was a war and the General had made that very clear. He wanted this kind of thing called in. Grabbing his radio the man called the air patrol to send in a few ships to make contact and ascertain that the flier was indeed safe.

While Illya was working on getting the ship leveled out and started the descent toward the house he could hear another set of engines nearby and they were much larger and more powerful than his own and then they stopped. It seemed that the airmen had been dispatched and now they were going to haul him outside of the city limits to the landing strip. That was good protocol, but he was supposed to be getting Kalizda home. Since he didn't have any control and they were latched to the ship all Illya could do was wait till they landed. Opening his side of the door he waited for the airmen to come check on the ship.

The man that came to the door was shocked when he peered inside the ship. It was lit, the council woman was sitting in the passenger seat and there was the General. "Uh...sir!" Giving a sharp salute he couldn't help his eyes wandering a bit. He had never seen the General dressed like that before, just a plain set of pajama pants and then a basic fatigue under shirt. To top it off the General had his big boots loosely laced. It was not at all like the General would normally appear and he cautiously held up a scanner to be sure it wasn't a Tannas.

Momentarily Illya's eyebrows rose. The idea wasn't a bad one, but the way the man did it was. He was nervous and anyone could tell that. Glowering at the man he waited for the scan to come up with a positive ID with Illya as himself and then he growled. "Ef I was Tannas yah would already be dead." Obviously he was going to have to work with some of the airmen too. That wasn't really his department, but they had to be a little more efficient than this when it came to ground work.

"Yes sir." The man shifted nervously on his feet and he wasn't sure if he should write the General up for reckless flight or if he should give the man a pass. "Sir, you know that your kind of flight is prohibited. Reckless flight laws still apply at night sir, and uh...." He paused there for fear of finishing what he thought to originally say.

Illya nodded. Of course it was going to be against some dumb law. These people had a million laws and it was no wonder they were soft. Everyone expected everyone else to be nice and considerate in every manner and even when it didn't count. "And...what yah gonna do about et?" Illya was waiting for the man to do something. At first it didn't appear that he would and it made Illya a bit disappointed. If the man was that worried about authority that he held then he wasn't going to be any good in his job and it shouldn't matter who he had in front of himself.

At first the man stared at the General wide eyed. He had almost thought that the General was going to tell him to buzz off and instead he was sitting there waiting for a decision. Was it right to ticket him? From his own observations the Chippequoti didn't like to treat anyone especially powerful unless they were acting in their position. So, int that split second he made a choice and he knew either way he could get fired for it if the General had a tremendous disliking for the action. At least with the council woman he wouldn't get killed for being inadequate and endangering everyone. With that order in mind he felt more confident. "I'm going to write you a ticket, sir." Pulling out his little note book he wrote down the violations on the ticket and then handed it to Illya. "You will need to report to the address below and show proof of your license tomorrow morning, or we may revoke all flying privileges, sir."

While the man talked Illya's eyebrows rose a little higher and he stared at the multiple bullet points of violations. All of it was written in Kaerlean and he couldn't understand most of it on a good day and the handwriting made it even worse. "Hmmm...." Illya nodded and shoved the note into the top of his pants. He didn't have a pocket on them so the top waist band would have to do it for now.

Only a few moments later they were flown back with the two other ships on either side to guide them home and prevent Illya from violating anymore flight laws in Kaerleal. Illya waited till they were upstairs and he chuckled at the little ticket. "Good man...I like him. Look at tat!" Passing the ticket to Kalizda Illya started to laugh."I tink he wrote meh up on anyting dat he could."


It took a few minutes to get himself into bed and settled down again. Illya felt much better and he curled up next to Kalizda. The morning would come when it came and Cypher would probably wake them up. When Kalizda moved too far over in the bed Illya shifted to get closer to her and he accidentally laid on top her hair. There was a tiny pulling sensation and Illya rolled away from it and gave her chance to move her hair. Most of this was done in their sleep now days. Then a little flick of her hair and a few strands fell over Illya's face. He was too tired to notice till a portion of Kalizda's hair fell into his open mouth and tickled the back of his throat.

Illya woke up gagging and choking till he discovered he had hair in his mouth and then he pulled out the sloppy string of hair. "Eugh...." Frowning he looked over at Kalizda and then tried to hide her hair underneath the blankets. "Good morning." She didn't need to know that he'd just been eating her hair in his sleep. Speaking in her language he nestled in a little closer while still trying to avoid the slimy hair. "You are beautiful."
The sky was starting to look cloudy when they finished at the hospital and boarded the skimmer again, this time in reversed seating. Calysta was more than ready to get home and curl up in her bed next to Illya after having such a wild night already with another hospital visit. She was going to start keeping bags packed at all times for these sort of events. Yawning, she stretched out in the front seat as Illya started up the vehicle and they idled off the ground….before rocketing forward over the fields straight into town.

Calysta’s back slid all the way into the set and she grabbed the handle near the door to keep upright. The visitors center was coming up fast and her foot was desperately search for the thrust pedal that wasn’t there. “Illya!”

They came within yards of the visitor center and then slammed upward in a near vertical ascent into the hazy sky. Calysta kept her grip tight on the handle in front of her as they climbed higher and higher. She might have enjoyed flying with him had they been in an actual flyer, but this was a skimmer. The small thusters weren’t meant for total flight, only skimming over the land and would begin to choke up if they kept going. He was laughing nervously as they jetted into the sky but began to slow. The craft pancaked, coming to an even keel before the nose dropped to the side from Illya’s heavy weight and having no thrust to push it up right. “Illya! Take us back down!”
They fell out of the sky until Illya found the throttle again and sent them careening through a field and over the Edge with nothing below them but the Wilds. Her heart leapt to her throat, knowing that if he dropped them into the Wilds, the skimmer engines wouldn’t have enough power to bring them back up. Why in the Wilds did she give him the keys?! “Illya!”

He turned them back toward the fields, lurching up and down with irregular bursts of the throttle until he was wobbling them over the house. They had made it home finally, but the rumbling of another raft told her they were in trouble. She knew the sound well enough to guess the type of craft surfacing from the cloud cover. Two Kaerelean airman cruisers with twin engines flanked them, giving their skimmer no choice but to be escorted to the airfield.

Illya managed to put the down in the air field between the two cruisers and an airman stepped out. Sighing, Calysta reached up to the cabin lights with a shaking hand a clicked them on. The airman nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw who was sitting in the skimmer, then stammered for a moment at a loss of what to do until he held up the scanner to ensure that they were not Tannas in disguise. As much as she was ready to go home, it was nice to see the airman actually doing his job.
"Ef I was Tannas yah would already be dead."

Illya was grumbling at the guy, as if he wasn’t the reason they had been grounded in the first place. She could easily have this excused, but then someone would just accuse her of playing favorites, so whatever the officer dared to dish out is what they would have to take for the flying fiasco.

“Yes sir”

A long paused filled the air and Calysta tilted her head at the man. He clearly was terrified of not only having to do his job, but to enforce it against the Councilwoman and her Alliance Gerneral husband. As Illya glared at the man, Calysta nodded at the airman from behind her husband. His eyes flicked to her, seeing the gesture, and he let out a little puff of air.

“Sir, you know that your kind of flight is prohibited. Reckless flight laws still apply at night sir, and uh...."

“And...what yah gonna do about et?"

Calysta’s eyes grew wider, encouraging him to continue or fold, but decide what he was going to do.

"I'm going to write you a ticket, sir. You will need to report to the address below and show proof of your license tomorrow morning, or we may revoke all flying privileges, sir."

At least the airman had enough gall to follow through and pulled out his note pad to write up the offenses which there were sure to be a ton of citations.
By the time they made it home, Calysta was more than willing to crawl into bed and crash. It had been a long night, and she was just about out of adrenaline for her body to run off of. As she settled into bed, Illya got in along side her and handed her the ticket while he laughed. "Good man...I like him. Look at tat! I tink he wrote meh up on anyting dat he could."

Glancing over the laundry list of infractions, Calysta started to chuckle. He was the only person she knew that would be thrilled over having been given a ticket, and a lengthy one at that. “Aye, I think you broke half the code book with that lead foot of yours,” she chuckled, kissing his cheek, “We’ll go get this taken care of tomorrow. “
She put the ticket on her bedside table and half flopped into her pillow before curling up to him. It took all of 2 minutes for her eyes to droop and her breathing to slow into a deep sleep for the remainder of the night.

It wasn’t until she felt a small tug on her hair that she stirred only enough to shift into a comfortable position again. "Good morning.” Illya’s voiced greeted her as he pulled her close. She shimmied down into his arms, reluctant to wake up just yet. Illya was far too warm to let go of so soon and she was still a bit laggy from the last two long nights. “Hmmm..Morning.”

“You are beautiful."

Calysta smiled, rolling over in his arms to face him. Her little hands reached around him and rubbed his back gently, holding him close. She was glad last night had only been his appendix and easily fixed by the Ehaui. He seemed to be feeling better and much more energetic which was good to see. “Let’s just stay here for a bit longer, hm?”

‘ A bit longer’ turned into her half dozing in his arms while they whispered for 20 more minutes until her alarm sounded. Giving her pad a half-hearted smack, she stretched and untangled herself from Illya to get the day started. “We’ll go out and get that ticket taken care of, stop by the grocery store, and then the day is ours.”


Calysta walked with Illya into the civics building. A few of the Kaereleans passing by gave them curious looks or whispered as they passed down the stone hewn floors and toward the stairs. The building itself was the tallest on Pyrta with only 3 floors, the maximum allowable for clear airspace, and their destination was on the top floor at the Flight Office where licenses were tested for and distributed along with minor ticketing and infractions were recorded. Rather than taking the stairs, Calysta walked over to the lift and pressed the up button, allowing the doors to open. "You brought the ticket right?" she asked, in mild amusement. The paper was a lengthy one with every violation possible listed from his wild flight the night before.

They were going to take the flight of steps. At least that's what Illya thought and then Kalizda decided to push the button to take the lift. It was horribly lazy, but she was tired and so he figured he could always make a game out of this. That idea was shot in the foot as soon as she started to usher him into the box and she asked about the ticket. Illya opened his big brown hand to reveal the crumpled piece of paper. "Yeah, I got et." Standing off to the side he let the doors close on the lift and then waited patiently for them to reopen.

The lift took them up to the 3rd floor without pausing in between and when the doors opened, a glass wall sat across from them with a pull door in the center. Kaerelean words printed on the floor designated it as the Flight Office and already there were people in almost every seat available. Most of them were fresh faced Kaerelean girls and boys, some as young as 8 and others in their teens. They looked nervous and excited all at the same time, with bouncing knees or dodging eyes as they waited for their test results or to have their photo taken. The others in the room were older adults and they kept their eyes down, looking a bit annoyed or just downcast to be there. They had undoubtedly been ticketed by the same authorities and were here to pay their fines or whatever other penance was required for breaking the law. A worker with an info pad was walking around gathering information from the people waiting to speed up the process. "It's going to be awhile," Calysta sighed as she opened up the door. When the door opened a chime echoed and a number flashed on the wall, indicating their new line order. "We're number 21 in line, so we might was well sit, yeah?" Choosing two seats that were side by side, Calysta eased herself into one and then scooted over for Illya's broad shoulders to fit next to her in the other.

Illya took note that most of the young people were excited and everyone else wasn't. He didn't care either way. This was no big deal. There was one concern, standing. Illya hadn't spotted the two seats that were near the door and he dreaded the idea of having to stand in line for 20 other people. Thankfully Kalizda saw the seats and Illya let her sit down in the one near the doorway so there wouldn't be any chance of someone hitting his leg besides her. Coming here without his cane had been a bad idea, but he didn't want everyone to know about it. Cautiously Illya took a seat and the chair squawked with the strain. Eventually the worker stopped in front of them and Illya almost handed him the ticket since he hadn't been paying that close of attention. Instead the man handed him the pad and Illya frowned at it before handing it to Kalizda. "Eh, she fill et out for meh."

Calysta thanked the man and began work filling out the information. Most of it was standard information. What was the reason for the visit? What is your home address and place of work? Do you have a license and registered flyer? When she selected 'no' on the question of whether or not he had a license, the pad immediately prompted her to apply. She started filling out the basic information until she came to a few aspects she didn't know for sure. Nudging Illya, she looked up from the pad and pointed to the question. "I'm filling out your license application...and I need to know some much do you weigh exactly?"

Folding his arms across his chest Illya leaned back and grinned when the woman that handed him the pad gave him a dirty look. "Benefits tah being meh." He really didn't care what the woman was glowering at him for. It seemed that it was going to be taking a while and the woman decided to go get another pad to circulate in the room while they filled out an application for the General. For the most part Illya figured that it would make things easier for Kalizda. She wouldn't have to sit here and twiddle her thumbs. She wasn't as good at waiting as he was when it came to this sort of thing. A nudge got his attention and he raised an eyebrow. "I dunno. Maybe 230lbs. Do dey have a scale?"

She raised a brow at him when he said 230lbs. He felt a heck of a lot heavier when he was unconscious or worse, dead asleep on her pony tail. "Not here, I'll put it down if you think that's what it is," she replied, putting his weight at 230lbs. Looking at that number just didn't seem right, so she bumped up the amount to 250lbs, then moved on to the next question, another she couldn't exactly answer correctly. "Illya," she whispered, "Um, remind me how old you are again?"

Illya wasn't paying that much attention after the question. He was starting to feel tired after last night and his side was itching. Rubbing at the bandage he glanced down to make sure he wasn't making it bleed or anything and decided to lift the edge of his shirt. It was all fine and then Kalizda asked him the same question. "I already told yah, 230." After a moment it occurred to him that wasn't her question and he looked at the pad and squinted at the letters. "Oooh, I'm eh...154." Every head turned in the room and he grinned. Somehow it was easy to be cheeky when he was in this sort of situation.

He was only paying half attention and gave her the same answer for the weight. Was he having another absences seizure or something? When he gave her the correct answer, and flashed her a silly smile, it told her that he was fine. Just not paying attention. She typed in his age at 154, which caused a red flag to pop up next to the question. Kaereleans could live to that age, but once they hit 120 and tried renewing their license, they had to submit to an eye exam to ensure they were still capable of safely piloting their craft. The form had automatically flagged Illya for being too old to pilot without an eye exam. Snorting at the error, Calysta bit her lip to keep from smiling and then came to the last question. "Illya...I need you to look at me."

Concentrating in a place like this when there were so many other people was hard. Illya kept looking around the room and he gazed from one person to the next. His favorite ones to watch so far were a couple of kids that kept bouncing in their seat everytime one of the people at the front desk lifted their eyes. Were they really that anxious to have their permit application reviewed? Illya wasn't worried about his. He was plenty old enough and he knew how to fly a ship. He just had to pay his fines and it would all be fine. Suddenly Kalizda wanted him to look at her and he frowned. "I'm fine. Nut anywhere, but here." He figured that she was wanting to check to see if he was having a seizure or something. Lately he'd done pretty good from what he remembered.

Frowning Calysta shifted in her chair, and held up the info pad. Apparently he thought she was being paranoid or something, but she actually did need him to look at her. "Illya, seriously. Look at me, please."

Illya let out a sigh. "Ok, what?" There was no reason for him to look at her when she was doing the form. The next best sounding idea was to act like he was going to kiss her. "Do yah need meh tah give yah a kiss or someting?" Snickering a little he gazed at her for a moment and sighed. She was being serious and he didn't know what for.

As soon as he turned to face her, she held up the pad and snapped his photo for the records. Photos could be submitted by the person applying so long as they were just standard head shots and it saved them from having to wait longer in line to have it done. Illya grinned and popped off a comment about how she was needed a kiss from him while he snickered. "Oh, I already got what I needed," she replied with a wry grin, "But I wouldn't deny a kiss if it came my way." Sometimes it was just fun to challenge her Chip, though often times she lost.

The challenge was most welcome and Illya winked at her. Of course he was going to kiss her. He was making a hint to see if she would let him in a place like this. Resting one arm on the side of the chair he leaned till it creaked loudly and then he chuckled a little and decided he'd better get up or the chair would collapse. Hoisting himself out of the chair he stood in front of Kalizda and then kissed her right on the lips. "Dere, yah happy now?" Though he made it sound like it was work he still grinned at her and returned to his semi wobbly feeling chair.

Illya winked at her, then started to move in his chair which gave a horrible sounding groan under his weight. She winced, half expecting it to collapse as he wiggled and then decided to climb to his feet. His large frame engulfed her, blocking her from the view of the entire room, and his green eyes met hers with a distinct playfulness she had been seeing glimmers of the past week. Those eyes could capture her up, even while performing such a mundane task as paperwork, and she smiled under his lips when he kissed her. "Mmm...yes...that always makes me happy," she chuckled. He was making it sound like such a chore, but kissing was an activity he loved without a doubt. Doing so in public was still a new sensation in some ways, and it turned her cheeks pink every time. After he eased back into his seat, she handed the completed form and pad back to the attendant and then slipped a hand inside his as they waited. Number after number was called to the window until 21 was announced in Kaerelean and she stood to go with Illya to the window where an old woman waited.

She took the ticket from Illya's hand and whistled in surprise. "I've only seen one ticket s' long as this before," she grinned, "And ye've beaten ye wife's juvenile violations by a Wilds mile." At those words, Calysta's cheeks turned pinker and a sheepish grin spread over her face. "I uh...enjoy speed when I was younger." The small confession made the old woman laugh while she typed away on her info pad and then looked up to the General, her eyes cutting up from her glasses. "Ye fines include flying without a license, flying in a no fly zone, flying at a restricted altitude in an improper vehicle..." the list went on and on until she came to the end of her speech. "You'll have 200 credits in fines and ye'll have to take a basic flight course then come take an exam to be properly licensed. I can sign ye up or ye can just join the Calysta's here. She has a course registered every Saturday and she's certified. What'll it be, General?"

The wait seemed to take most of the day even though Illya knew that it didn't. Why did waiting to pay the fines on a ticket have to take so long. This wasn't a court and he wasn't guilty of anything besides breaking a few rules. Most of the broken rules were simple and he should pay his fines and he should have a ticket, but his position would allow for him to break those rules if he had to. This wasn't the scenario that he could break them. He tried to live under the civilian code as best he could. Then the woman behind the desk caught his attention with Kalizda's record. Glancing at her his jaw dropped. At first he assumed that it was current, but then she quickly added the word juvenile and the shock turned to a grin. "Dat sounds like meh agreed...I mean uh..wife." Sometimes he caught himself using the wrong word in public, but she understood and that was all that counted anyway. The two hundred in fines wasn't bad at all and Illya pulled out a handful of crumpled credits from his pocket. "Dere yah go and...." His eyebrows raised when he heard the part about the flight course and then an exam. "Ah what! I dun need any flying course. I'm a grown man!"

Illya made most of the waiting room jump as his voice echoed down the hall. The kids became stiff as boards and even the waiting adults looked up from their dazes to stare at the large Chip filling up the service window. The old woman wasn't phased however. She had dealt with plenty of irate and grumpy people in her career to know how to deal with someone with a bit of fire in them. Waiting until he was done, she took off her glasses and folded her hands over the countertop. "Aye, but ye were in fact flying without a proper license. The only way t' get a proper license is to take the test now and pass it, or fail remediate back t' the flight course t' try again. Given the list of offenses here, I recommended the course t' start. Without a license, the airman will have t' give ye a fine every time he see ye behind the throttle.

Considering the woman's explanation and her very clear point that he obviously could not fly the night before Illya nodded. "Alright den. I take meh courses flying wit Kalizda." He would need to figure out something to help with the fact that he could not feel his leg. "I really do know how tah fly. Jes can't feel dah damn trust." While he was at the window he leaned in a little more, "Oh and make sure yah put note tah have dah officer promoted and I need his name. Even if I tink he's a bastard he dun his job well. Keep dis place safe and I want tah make sure he get some advance training. Need men like dat training oters."

The old woman smiled pleasantly and nodded, putting him the record as being in rolled in the Councilwoman's Saturday class. While he claimed to already know how to fly, she could tell by the citations there had been clear problems with that statement. He wouldn't be the first coming in to say they really could fly when their record said the contrary, yet she humored him when he leaned even closer to inform him about his thoughts on the witnessing officer. Hearing what he had to say about that was a first and she blinked at him in surprise. Who would have ever wished for a promotion for the man who just cost someone 200 credits? It was just funny, and she couldn't help but chuckle as she took the money from the countertop. "His name is Airman Vyktor and he is originally from the...Kinte Field office it seems. I'll send your recommendation over to the proper person." One of the proper people was standing right behind him, and it only took a look between the two women, for her to know the Councilwoman would take care of it. "I have you on record as your fine being paid and your application pending your test results. Just message my office when you're ready for your exam and we'll set you up an appointment. Have a good day General." With that the citation was paid for and Calsysta linked her arm with his as they walked out to the lift. "Amil and Gyllie will be happy you're coming with us," she smiled, "And so will I."

It seemed that the woman's response only made it more clear that she was simply humoring him. She didn't believe him that he could fly, but that was alright. At least the woman was doing as he asked. Vyktor was a good man on the job and Illya needed that kind of man. True, it was irritating to find himself pulled over and given citation and now having to take flight lessons, but he would have had to anyway. Illya just didn't like the slight discomfort of having this made known to all present in the office. They could hear that he had to get a license because he was flying without one. That was going to change and he needed to get his other generals with a license as well as his entire unit. That was disastrous. Then he would have to send out orders for all Chippequoti required or desirous of flying to get the required documents to fly. It was such a pain!


When they made it back home, Calysta sat down to her pad, and made the recommendation for Airman Vyktor, sending off to his squadron leader, then she tended to a few other small things in her office. Councilman Benjy had sent a message requesting supports for the Yurian economy which was taking a hit now that the Federation and Tannas had been flushed out. That was a simple fix, they needed a start up enterprise, and as it happened, Calysta needed to find more of the metal the Tannas wanted. She swapped him men for metal, dispatching of the Kaerelean units to establish mines and therefore jobs, then returned to the living room where her Chip was waiting on the couch with Cypher in his arms. The boy was giggling as he bopped his father in the head with his soft snake toy.

“There you are,” she chuckled, leaning over Illya to kiss her boy’s cheek. She held out her hands, and Cypher knew exactly what that meant. He opened up his arms with a happy smile and waited for his mum to hoist him up. “Oooh,” she grunted lightly, as she picked him up, “You’re getting so big.”

He laughed as she nibbled on his fat little cheek and then plopped on to the couch next to Illya. “I think he’ll strong like you,” she mused, holding up a fat fist. She played with his hands, patting them together, making them dance and wiggle, all while he squealed. “Cypher…Cypher…I’m gonna getcha!”

When he was starting to get drowsy, Calysta handed him over to Illya and the leaned against her Chip’s shoulder. “He’s still not feeling so great, but he looks much better.” Brushing at his wild curls, she sighed. “I hope he always stays that happy.” It was an impossible hope, but as his mother she couldn’t help the thought.
Rose had been in her cave for most of the morning after breakfast and though Calysta had asked if she wanted lunch, the girl stayed buried in her tent. Calysta made sandwiches, giving two on plate for Illya, one for herself with a side of whipped cream omne jelly for Cypher to eat, and the a plate for Rose. The only part of the girl that could be seen was her pale hand reaching out and searching for the plate of food, only to plant right into the sandwich, grab it quickly, and then retreat back into the folds of her tent. “What are you doing?” Calysta chuckled at one point.

“Shhh! I'm working. It’s a surprise,” came Rose’s muffled reply.

“Oh alright,” Calysta replied with a small shrug at Illya. Whatever she was doing, at least it seemed like it wasn’t going to cause too much trouble.

Calysta fed a sleepy Cypher fingerfuls of whipped fruit while he sat in his father’s lap. The boy would suck down dollop after dollop, letting his chubby cheeks roll around the food so he could taste it. Soon he was holding his mouth open eagerly for his next offering and got too excited when she gave it to him. His little mouth chomped down on her finger, and she yelped pulling it away quickly. “Ouch! He bit me,” she explained to Illya as she shook off her finger, “Look at that.”

Holding up her finger, clear and tiny red teeth marks could be seen on the pad. “Silly goose. I don’t taste as good as the jelly, yeah?”

About that time, Rose emerged from her cave carrying her info pad and smile filled with pride on her cheeks. “I finished my first story,” the girl announced.

Calysta tilted her head and sat up a little more on the couch. “What story, Rose?”

The girl rocked on her heels, and gazed at Illya, though it had been Kalizda who asked the question. “Wolf said I could be a great writer someday, so I wrote a story and it’s finished.”

“Did he now?” Calysta mused, stealing a glance at her Chip. He had spent some time with Rose the other day, and she liked to see him encouraging her like that. She had missed him so much when he was gone. Wolf was her father and every girl needed a father who was like Illya. “I think you would make a great writer too. How about you read it out loud to us, so Cypher can hear too, yeah?”
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Even if Illya felt much better he still didn't have tons of energy. When they got home from paying for the ticket Illya immediately aimed for the couch. He wanted to sit down again. Kalizda somehow found a way to get the kids playing safely again. The boy merrily swung his little stuffed snake at Illya. "Oh, yah mighty warrior eh? I'll show yah how et's done." Making a playful growl Illya ducked his head and buried it in Cypher's stomach. The boy giggled and shrieked loudly. His laughing got louder and he gripped Illya's hair with one fat little fist and then put the other out to catch Kalizda when she started to close in.

There was nothing quite so thrilling as having dad attack him and mom still want him too. Cypher stopped giggling and he watched with anticipation when Illya pulled his head away from his stomach and momentarily it looked like his dad would attack again when instead he had his mom's little finger assault his fat stomach. It appeared that so far Cypher was recovering from his brain surgery far faster then Illya had. The boy was getting bright eyed just waiting for the next attack. Lowering his head Illya pressed it into Cyher's stomach and the boy immediately busted out laughing and squealing while he beat Illya over the head with his stuffed snake. Each time Illya would pull away he squeak to try and entice his father to try again.

After nearly half an hour of the game and lots of squeals and playing the boy started to wear out and Illya held him to his chest to sleep. While he was settling Cypher down Illya sat sideways on the couch. He was taking up almost the entire couch when the Rose finally emerged. The girl perched on the edge of the couch. To make some room Illya sat up and he held an extra hand over Cypher to be sure the boy wouldn't slump over too much and fall out of his arms.

Rose scooted in between Illya and Kalizda before she opened her little file to show her book which she had also put some illustrations in. Some of the drawings were easy to decipher while others were a bit more difficult to interpret. "Once upon a time there was a wolf pack and a little bird." The girl had begun her story with a reference to all the Chippequoti as wolves of sorts. "There was a little girl who went exploring the forest..." Turing the page she let them see the picture that she drew with a girl hiding in the forest. "She was scared and all alone, but then one day a little bird came and sat on her shoulder. This little bird is like good fortune." There elements of Chippequoti stories, but she wanted to make her own kind of story about the little bird and the wolf. "It started to tell the little girl about a secret den in the forest. Some place where a big, black wolf lived."

Cautiously the girl glanced to Illya and Kalizda. She wasn't sure if it was good, but she did her best to write the story in a mix of Chippequoti stories and her own. "So the little girl followed the little gold bird into the forest. It got deeper and darker. She started to think that maybe fortune had taken her down a bad path and she worried. Then a great leopard growled and she started to run further into the forest. Little bird flew away and the little girl worried that she was lost and the leopard would eat her up."

The story continued with little twists and turns of different methods the girl used to survive and hide from the leopard. At one point she even swam across a river in the forest and threw rocks at the leopard when it tried to swim after her. After several ingenious escapes the girl was tired out and she laid down rest in a little bed of leaves. "Little bird came again and found her. Then the black wolf picked the little girl up and carried her to his cave. Little bird sat on the wolf's shoulder and sang to the girl until she woke up. There inside the cave there were many other wolves and the little girl and bird lived with the wolf and his pack. It's far from over though. The little girl and her wolves are about to embark on a journey to a new cave and there they will find new treasures."

Now that the story was finished rose looked to Illya to see what he thought. Carefully setting her pad down on her lap she chewed on her lower lip while she waited for anyone to say even the smallest thing.

After the story was done Illya winked at Rose. "Oh I tink ets a fine story. Maybe yah write more eh?"

The girl was beaming with a grin plastered on her face. Nodding enthusiastically she started to type in Illya's pad identification. She had both her parent's pads memorized so she could contact them whenever needed. "How about I send it to you? That way you can read it whenever you want a story."

Illya nodded. "Dat would be a good idea. I tink maybe someday I record yah reading et so I can listen to meh girl reading her story." That got another wild nod of excitement from Rose and Illya chuckled. "I'm tinking of someting. Yah finish writing yah first story and so far and I dun have work tomorrow." Looking at Kalizda he winked. She would know he was planning. "I get meh copy of dah book on meh pad already and I tink we need tah celebrate." Rose was leaning closer and closer with her pad tucked close to her chest. Setting one hand on Illya's knee she leaned in closer and stared at her dad. When Illya couldn't stand it any longer he started to chuckle. "I tink we go to a planet tomorrow and we take grandpa Tomas. Dere es beach at one and ets supposed to be nice. How does dat sound?" The girl nodded her head eagerly and she looked to Kalizda with a longing. If only Kalizda would agree with Wolf's idea.

Calysta was smiling from ear to ear as Rose finished her story. The girl had worked very hard on her first written story and it had paid off wonderfully. She was proud to see that her daughter was learning so much and so much talent. Illya was just a proud of his girl and seemed to be cooking up another idea, shooting her a wink before suggesting they celebrate. That caught Rose attention and Calysta watched as the girl leaned forward, nearly on her tip toes with anticipation of what her Wolf might say. It was obvious he was going to hold out on her until she could hardly stand it, and Calysta almost opened her mouth to ask what he had in mind as well after catching his playful wink. Finally, he suggested a day trip to a nearby planet to go to the beach. Rose looked as though she might burst with excitement, and the girl's eyes turned on her waiting with such a hopeful gaze. Calysta rubbed at her chin, in consideration. "Hmm....well..." She could almost feel Rose about to start dancing with that pleading looking her eyes, and it was all she could do to keep the girl waiting any longer. "Aye, I think that would be a great idea.," she giggled, "We should go to the beaches tomorrow." Rose had worked extremely hard in school and had yet to get some of her rewards for doing so. Not to mention, getting off Pyrta for awhile would be a welcome adventure for the family.

The break was much needed for Illya as well as the family and he smirked. "Well, dat means dat yah get tah bed early and rest us get tah bed early too. Den I get up in dah morning and we all go to dah beach." Illya knew that was all the more encouragement needed to get the girl to bed, though he doubted she would be able to sleep much. She was such an excitable little lady. Still holding Cypher to himself Illya leaned forward in his seat and he got up. "Ok, I take him upstairs tah sleep and den maybe Kalizda yah come up and help meh plan dis trip eh?"

Just when her cheeks were hurting from all of the smiling, Rose's excitement about their little vacation tomorrow made her grin all the wider. The break with just the 5 of them to spend time together, with the chance to get into a cockpit and go exploring would make this a wonderful trip altogether. "Aye, I'll be up there in a few minutes," she replied to Illya as she stood up with him. Kissing her boy on his head, she patted him and then went into the kitchen. Already the list of things to do for this trip was running through her head. It wouldn't be terribly hard to organize with Illya's help. She poured up the food for Keysha first and then put a healthy portion into Cin's bowl before pushing the backdoor open with her rump. The bear came running from the back of the yard, hoping it was Illya but skittered to a stop when he saw Calysta with his food bowl. He still much preferred Illya, but had grown used to the woman bringing him food and greeted her with a chortle as he lumbered over to his usual eating spot. Keysha kept a fair distance from the bear but eventually climbed down from her perch and trotted over to her rubbing over her legs as she sat down the bowl. With both animals fed, Calysta went back inside and locked the door behind her. As she walked up the stairs, she could see Rose's shadow in her little cave tossing and turning. "Go to sleep Rose and the morning will be here faster," she called with a mild chuckle, "Turn out your light." A small sigh sounded from the cave and the lights went out. Calysta was sure that the lantern would be on again as soon as she made it up stairs, but as least she tried to get the girl to sleep. Scaling the last of the stairs, she went into the bedroom and sat down on the bed next to her Chip. " I think we have some planning to do," she smiled."

Cypher was easy to put to bed. Peeling the boy off his shoulder, Illya laid him down in the bed on his stomach. Already the boy was trying nuzzle into the bed as if it was Illya and he fussed a little, but continued to sleep. The stuffed snake was held in a strangle hold and it was tucked underneath him. For a few minutes Illya watched the boy and he couldn't help smiling. He wanted more babies. Having an agreed and children were the most important parts of life. There would always be trouble, but family was the one thing that made all the struggle worth while. Illya had been so busy watching their son when he heard the shuffling feet coming up the stairs and he started the mad scramble to look like he'd been getting ready for bed this whole time. Jerking his pants off Illya tossed them into the laundry basket with his belt and all the items in his pocket and then he stripped the shirt off too and ran into the bathroom to splash a little water on his face. Rubbing his face off with his arm he rushed back into the bedroom and half tripped into his pajama pants before he started to casually head toward the bathroom to brush his teeth. About that time he noticed that he had left his shirt in the middle of the floor and it was too late because Kalizda opened the door. "I'll be back." Illya picked his shirt up and dropped it into the basket on top of his pants and then brushed his teeth before coming back to the bed to sit down. No sooner was he seated then she announced they had some planning to do. "Aye, I dun want tah drown. Trip to a beach would be nice oterwise."

Calysta grabbed her info pad and settled down next to Illya, wiggling herself into the bed right next to him, then using her knees to prop up the pad. "Oh I don't think you'll drown," she chuckled, "Look at this." Typing in a few words into the network, images of tan beaches and blue-green waters appears, shimmering under the bright sun. "If we go here the water has enough minerals and salt in it, that even a Chip can float." Thinking of Illya swimming brought back the memory of his shadow launching over the lake at on Reylia before splatting into the surface and sinking. The image still made her chuckle and she bit her lip, before stealing a glance at her Chip. "I know Rose doesn't have a bathing suit, neither do you or Cypher, but we can get those at a store when we get there, yeah?"

"Bathing suit?" Illya had never heard of such a thing and he frowned. "Yah dun jes get in dah water as yah are?" He figured that people would just go get in the water and if they felt horribly nervous about wearing nothing in front of others that they could get in with their clothes. Personally he wasn't worried about it either way. As for not sinking he just raised his eyebrows at her. "I tink ets doubtful I float. Maybe I jes walk in water up to meh waist and see what happens eh?" Scrolling through the page Illya saw a few different kinds of swim wear and then he looked at Kalizda with a surprised expression. "Yah have one of dose already?"

"Aye, for men its usually called swim trunks...unless you want to go smaller," she said, showing him images of the multi-colored swim trunks on the screen. "Like these. The red would look good." Scrolling a little further as she listened to Illya express his doubts about the water, she gave him a nod. It wasn't entirely unexpected for him to be wary since he did sink like a stone. "We'll just walk right up and sit in the surf first, yeah?" she assured him, "Cypher wont be able to go out far either but he'll probably like the feel of the waves and you can hold him." Flicking further down down the page, she saw all styles of women's bathing suits appeared. There were hundreds more colors and fits than the mens, all on tall, busty models. Illya was looking over her shoulder and she stole a glance at him . He his green eyes were staring at her in surprise. What was he looking at her like that for? When he asked if she had a bathing suit like those models on the screen, her cheeks turned pink. "Mine is a little older. I haven't been swimming in awhile, but I do have one somewhere," she replied, trying to ignore the heat in her ears. It wasn't that she was embarrassed for him to see her in one so much as it was that she certainly didn't look like that and it was no bikini like what they wore.

Since they could reserve suits for tomorrow Illya had Kalizda scroll up the page and he clicked on the red one. "Yah jes say yah like red trunks and I tink I wear dem." Even if he wasn't sure that he liked the idea of swimming like that it was the tradition around here. He saw little point in wearing clothes when you were going to get wet. For Cypher Illya got a pair of red trunks too. They could always wear the same thing and then he let Kalizda order what she needed for Rose. "Yah get trunks for yah dad too ef he comes?"

"I'll order a set for him too I think," she said, letting Illya use her pad to order what he liked. Cypher and his father would look like an adorable pair dressed up together like that and she fully intended on getting at least one hologram reel of them together. "You always make red look good...of course green is a favorite of mine too..." she mused, "Dad will come with us. He could use the time of Pyrta and he hasn't been to beach in awhile, so I'll order him this grey set of trunks I think." She didn't want to say it, but she was sure her fathers old trunks wouldn't quite fit anymore, even if he insisted that they would. "I'll dig through the closet to see if I can find my swimsuit, and if I can't I'll add one for myself as well. Oh and can you add some sunscreen to that order? I ran out on Old Qouti."

While Kalizda was busy looking for her suit Illya scrolled through the page after he typed in sunscreen. There were so many choices that he decided to get the biggest bottle with the biggest numbers. Kalizda seemed to burn easy and he didn't need her to get burned up again. On Old Quoti she had managed to turn herself a horrible red and then she got sun poisoning too.

Illya settled into the bed after he had the sunscreen set aside to be in their order as well and then slipped the pad over to her side of the bed. While Illya waited for her to come to bed he fell asleep. It wasn't till the early morning that he woke up to feel Kalizda's feet rubbing his left leg. "Hey." Groggily he leaned forward to grab her around the waist and kiss her. They were going to have to get up a little earlier than usual to get to the beach with the kids and her dad, but he didn't mind too much. Everyone needed the small break. When he moved to grab the green shirt off the top of his pile of shirts Kalizda reached into the closet and pulled out the tunic. She was grinning at him so sweetly and he knew what she wanted. Even if he felt odd wearing it Illya nodded and took it from her hand. Slipping the tunic over his head he adjusted the front of the shirt to tie so it wasn't gaping or showing his chest.

"Ok I get dah kids up and yah make sure we get oter tings?" Whatever the other things were that they would need for the trip he didn't know. There was just a need to get a quick work through on breakfast. Illya and Thomas got out a dish of berries and dropped some batter for the quick breakfast bread into a pan. While Thomas focused on cooking the pancakes Illya stepped out the back door to feed the animals. Cin was chortling loudly and he seemed to want to play. Once or twice he brushed hard against Illya's leg and he cringed, but the bear didn't know that the injury existed so Illya only shoved him away and ended up getting mashed into the side of the house by the bear. "Cin, yah trouble." Happily purring even louder the bear got up close and stood to wrap its paws around Illya before it dropped back down to all fours and went to his bowl. Illya wandered back into the house and got Cypher stuffed into his little chair. The boy grinned broadly when he saw the berries and made a grabbing motion with his little hands. "Nom, nom, nom." He'd asked as politely as he knew and he reached again repeated himself a little louder until Illya took his plate. Cypher's face scrunched up at first when he didn't see berries being put on it. Irritably he screeched when a pancake was flopped on the plate and he reached for the berries again. "Nom, nom!"

Illya piled the berries on top of the pancake and then passed it to a much happier looking Cypher. By the time Kalizda got down the stairs the kids had already eaten and Cypher was covered in berries and he grinned broadly while licking all the berry juice he could from his plate. Coming over to the table with a little wash rag Illya wiped Cypher off form head to foot almost. The kid couldn't seem to keep his food in one place. As if it couldn't get any more exciting Illya found that Cypher had even stuffed a few berries into his diaper. "I tink yah mum take care of dat later." Setting Cypher loose Illya shook his head. Kalizda would change the kid before they left and she could pick the berries out of the diaper. He was busy with food right now.

By the time they were ready to go it was already half an hour later then Illya had intended, but they weren't doing too bad considering the fact that Cypher had decided to pick the berries out of his diaper and eat them before Kalizda could change him. Apparently the boy thought his diaper was a good place to hide snacks. While Kalizda set the course in the ship Illya took a nap with Thomas and the kids. It was going to be a long day and he needed all the energy he could get.


They had already gotten into their swim wear and Illya tucked Cypher under one arm. Stepping out into the sun with the boy he winced in the sunlight, but it felt good all the same. Cypher had a little sunscreen on him because Kalizda didn't want him to burn. Illya didn't need any because he didn't normally burn at all. When they reached the edge of the beach Illya held onto Cypher's hand so that the boy could toddle through the sand.

Rose darted past them with a loud hoot and took herself straight to the water. Despite his attempts Cypher couldn't keep up with his sister and he wobbled unsteadily many times. Eventually he and his father made it to the edge of the water and Cypher sat down to let the waves lap at his little legs. Laughing and kicking at the waves he began to play with the muddy shore and smear Illya's legs with it. Laughing a little bit Illya moved the boy to stand and they wandered a little closer to the water. Cypher danced in the ankle deep water and he started to bounce impatiently.

After a few seconds of his bouncing Illya picked the boy up and he wandered further into the water to meet up with Rose. The girl seemed to want him to wade deeper and deeper. Illya could see she was floating, but he didn't think he would. "Yah come back here! I can't go out dat far." Already Illya was in dangerously high water. It was up to his waist and Cyphers little feet were paddling against the water while he squirmed and laughed. Illya felt a little nervous and he took one more step forward with his prosthetic only to discover he had gone right off a ledge. Instinctively he held Cyper up and he kicked with his feet only to find himself turning belly up in the water and floating on his back. It was a strange and frightening experience all at the same time.

Momentarily Illya froze and he looked at Cypher who was now perched on his chest giggling. Carefully Illya let go of the bow with one hand and he let the other arm out to float over the water and sort of steer himself. Kicking lightly with his feet he moved himself back to a spot where he could touch if he decided to sink. However, it didn't happen for a good long while and he slowly started to drift toward Thomas, Rose, and Kalizda in the deeper water. It felt surprisingly good on his back and his legs. Illya had never been in a water like this where he could exercise with no pressure.

Grinning at Kalizda he moved Cypher to hold him like a little football so they could float on their backs side by side. "I tink ets sort of strange eh?" As long as he had a grip on the boy it was alright. Shifting to act like he was ready to sit Illya chuckled when he discovered he could easily do that in this water too. By afternoon Cypher was wore out and ready for a nap, which Illya didn't mind. Both of them soaked and feeling more than ready for a nap Illya wandered over to their towels and set Cypher underneath the umbrella. "I tink I bask in dah sun." Being in the sun like this felt so good and Illya wasn't about to give up one of the better parts of being on the beach. Sprawling out he laid down on his stomach and closed his eyes. Within a few minutes he fell asleep with the sun drying the salt water spread over his body and in his hair. When Illya woke up an hour later he could feel Kalizda playing with his salt crusted hair and he winked at her. "Dah kids are still sleeping, yah wanna try going out to dah water togeter?" Her dad was still napping to and that created a perfect opportunity.

Illya took Kalizda by the hand and he walked out toward the water with her. Together they waded into the water till they were behind a rock and he grinned. "I tink ets a good place tah kiss." Leaning in Illya kissed her and they played a little bit of kissy face until it was time to actually have a swim if they were going to have one with just the two fo them.