Coming up with names

I think the name of a character for me depends on a few things. First the theme and context, and then something related to the character. So in case of say a Byzantine RP, I'd probably look for a name from that era, but a word that means something related to the character, or something that reveals the characters personality. If it's not too comfortable on I switch letters around as well!
Usually, I'll go by what personality, roughly, the character might be, and then consider names based on how I personally feel about them as a match for that personality. I get names from various sources and don't like to make them too complicated, or cliche. the character usually starts out as a name, and general idea what the personality is like.
I generally base it on some aspect of the character's backstory/personality, make the meaning of the name tied in with the character. Sometimes I do just randomly mix up words and names to create new ones (generally only for fantasy characters, since this doesn't work as well with realistic rps). Uh... search on name generators. Use cool-sounding names from the end credits of movies (or anywhere else, really). Usually I try to make names different, unique(ish), just something that stands out.
I've always used baby naming books and websites and also keep a list of words/sounds/names that sound good. The best sites are the ones that have a lot of filters like name meanings or the ability to sort by region. I have a few names that I'm partial to and will reuse them or change them slightly.
Personally i choose a pretty generic but fitting first name and i like to subtly integrate one of the character major personality trait (mostly a pronounced flaw) as a last name.

But if i name a character this way i never forget to remain subtle and find way to disguise the defyining personality aspect as what could be an actual last name, for example maybe find a word in a different language that has a signification related to said personality trait.

It's, i find, a prretty good way to make your character's name more meaningful as you develop him.
I tend to let my characters name themselves.
What I mean by that is when I begin to write a character, I start off by describing their actions using third person pronouns, and then I gradually add in characteristics, such as, "The old man was limber, and his face was marked with creases caused by years of working in the sun." As I add in actions, more characteristics, and maybe even throw in some likely past-related events, a name usually forthcomes that truly fits the character.

Otherwise, I'd sit staring at a blank page for hours...
I sometimes just look up old names if I'm doing a fantasy roleplay, but for the most part, I tend to either go with a common name or translate a word that relates to the character's abilities and use that as their name. I also get really bad writer's block when it comes to naming...
I'm a bit finicky with character names when it comes to thinking of one for a specific series that has its own little rules when it comes to naming characters because I like to replicate that same level of thought and detail in my own characters.

Take DragonBall, for instance. A lot of character names in DragonBall follow a specific naming scheme, the most common being puns on Japanese cuisine such as vegetables, meals, candy, drinks, etc. I do my research and I try to follow this process as closely as I can despite my limited knowledge of the Japanese language and I personally think that while this requires more work, I still feel it's beneficial to anybody who wants to make a character name like this as it will give them that extra sense of authenticity and set them apart from regular roleplayers who just choose to have stock random names, which is not a bad thing either.
Besides the tryed and true stick to names from that era/naming conventions, 20,000 names is a good website for any type of name. Further, names from video games can be taken and mixed.

For example: Zion de Wynter and Sora Takagi.


Originally Xion de Wynter, with the split personality Zion. Once moving her to KH I changed her to Zion and Sione. Now the first name, I just changed X to Z, the closest letter that made sense. For her last name...I took deWinter from Saints Row 3's BDSM club owners and changed it. BAM. Flying magical lesbian.

Sora was easier. I took Sora from KH and Takagi from Fujimaru Takagi from Bloody Monday.

Multiple sources can help greatly, so have more than one place to look! That's what helps me.
Whenever I need a name for a character I go online and search baby names. It helps if you have a type of name you want so if for instance you want a name for an elf and want it to be very nature oriented just type in "Nature inspired baby names" and you should get a bunch of results along the lines of rose, oak, ivy, and so on and so forth. Even if you dont find a name you like it can often inspire a name you do like from looking at other names. This not only helps diversify the names you use but can help you develop your character a bit more because if you look up "tough baby names" obviously you now know that your character is going to be edgier.
Anywhere from one hour to days worth of online name lists, databases and generators... I started keeping lists of random names I like so I can peek at those first before I start barraging myself with names from sketchy websites.
Over the years I have made a small list of names that I keep for my character.

I have also started to simply make up names. Making up names comes down to mashing together syllables that sound acceptable in their end result and finding variations to already existing names.

Otherwise... generators. Specifically useful for NPCs.
I like translating words into different languages or using names of dieties to find common roots relating to my character's theme and then combining them into one cohesive name. For instance, for my Night Elf Druid character on WoW (ik lol, that's not rp), I used the root name Asteria, who is the goddess of stars in greek mythology, and changed it to Asteraea to give it a Night Elf Darnassian twist which makes the character unique but still relate to its "element," stars and all that jazz.
I'm really into coming up with a personality for the character and then coming up with a name based on that personality. I like to look through name generators/lists that have categories like "Space Themed Names" or "Names Based on Nature" etc. I like a lot of unusual names, so searching words in different languages helps a lot as well. As far as surnames/last names, I'm the worst. I never know what to use so I generally just google surnames for whichever region the character's family descended from.
Usually I dive headfirst into baby naming sites and look for names that relate to my character, whether it personality-wise or background-wise or even powers if the RP calls for those. If I can't find the one I need, I usually turn to classical fiction for names like Atticus and Ophelia. Lately, though, I've taken to choosing name's with sounds that relate to the character. For example, if I have a tough female character who's simple and blunt, I'd give her a traditionally female name that can be shortened down to a traditionally male one (Jocelyn to Jo, Christina to Chris). Or if I have a character of high rank like a prince or a lord, he'd have a more obscure and long name, maybe even with a numeral at the end.

A little bit of some odd personal methods are:
  • looking through obituaries (grim but effective.)
  • slapping a bunch of random consonants on the screen and slide a few vowels inbetween
  • stuffing your face with some oreo or marshmallows or what have you and saying/butchering an otherwise normal name (Steve becomes Chev, Amanda to Ohanda.)
I name all my characters after famous dead people and Shakespeare characters. If I still can't think of a name I do one of two things: Name them after flowers/planets, or go on google and look up baby names (which later makes google recommend me baby clothing and all that)
This is an interesting discussion. It actually depends for me. I tend to put priority on the name being culturally appropriate, as I play some Asian characters as well as white characters, and a few European based ones. With those, I often look up a name meaning that fits or go by whatever pops into my head. 1000 names is a great resource if you're looking for names with meanings in almost any culture.

In fantasy settings, however, I tend to take a different route, that I've never seen anyone else do before, where I make up sounds and smash them together until it sounds good to me. Haradus Ret'eki-sevya is one of those. So is Narien Ki'ila, which Rainy and White know.
When I'm DMing for my DnD group and naming NPCs, random generators. For characters I actually CARE about, I don't have the time for picking through all the crap those give you. I don't like getting super in-depth on the meanings, cause I feel like naming everyone after their dominant personality traits is a bit unrealistic,but I go there once in a while. Guess I just try to find a name that has the right feeling, you know? Name a down-to-earth character something short and simple, name a spoiled character something frillier or fancier. And of course, when writing fantasy, it's important to consider racial naming customs.
Picking out character names usually isn't very hard for me because I go with the first name that pops into my head, but when I do struggle with it I usually go to generators to find something I like. Most times I'll choose a name from a generator or baby name site and put my own spin on it to better fit the character and their personality. If a character has a very dominant trait that's their main focus I'll search names by meaning to find what best fits them.
Personally, it sit and mutter under my breath, sometimes for days at a time mixing and matching letters and sounds, before finding an appealing end result, or I use names I find particularly appealing, sometimes barowing from people I know in real life. For example:
Dimitz Patrice Parlato
Came up with Dimitz using the first method, I think the name Patrice is fun to say, and Parlato is the last name of a guy I play airsoft with.
Yketarina Belise Kontratenko
First and last names are from an old math teacher, actually. Middle name was a bastardisation, I do believe.
Mocrin Dujosa
Both fist and last names are from using the first method. Bonus points if you use different ways to spell something, for example:
Alyx instead of Alex
Alyss instead of Alice
Daemon instead of Damon
Even just the slightest of changes to make it slightly more appealing.