Conley Brothers

"Yes I was told about your superiority complex" Felix smirked and took a drink from the glass only after Marcel did.

When the woman emerged Felix didn't look her up and down like most men would, just gave her a polite nod "As are you. Though I'm sure you're aware"

Whence the ghost had finished serving thr drinks, he was gone ane V sat back down near the fire. In the light of thr fire the faint marks on the shaved half of her head could just be seen reflecting faintly silver blue like her eyes. Not traditional tattoos but what else could they be called?
Aella smiled at Felix like a queen bidding welcome to a servant. "Unlike most insecure mortals, I know my looks are flawless," she murmured. Then she turned and glided over to Marcel. She did not just sit next to him. She lounged- no, draped herself elegantly near him, one hand resting ever so lightly on his knee. She liked his style, and he made her... lifestyle... easier, so she chose to walk beside Marcel. She chose to obey when he "requested" things, but she was no minion.

Unlike the salivating boy who nearly fell over watching her go. He recovered himself once she'd stationed herself next to the alpha male and slunk over to sit across the fire.

Keith sniffed and looked around with a frown. "Where is the last one?" he blurted. There was another very strange signature here, but he could not see the one responsible for making it.
Marcel was a good leader as far as leaders went. He didn't bark orders and treated his people with respect and showed loyalty but cross where he was good to them he could be twice as cruel when betrayed. It took time to come into his graces too. He wouldn't let just anyone into his group. That respect had to be earned.

"He will come when he is ready" Marcel said simply "come Keith. Drink with us. Brothers until the contract is spent" perhaps beyond if things went well.
Keith looked at Felix, waiting for his orders. He was not much of a drinker. Or an eater, really, but it would do him no harm.

Bevrix snorted. "Looks like a dog," he muttered into his drink.

Aella only watched them, her eyes on primarily Keith. She was curious about this new pet of Felix's, and she felt Felix, himself, had changed, though that did not surprise her in the least. People constantly changed.
"Well. He is in charge of security. You will be answering to him" Felix said with a bit of a frown "you would do well to show proper respect" he gave keith a nod, he could drink if he wished.

Felix had changed. A lot. Much more powerful and whatevee heart he'd once had was shriveled away.

"It is what we agreed" Marcel said "as favor to our dear friend Felix"
Bevrix huffed. "Alright, alright. I just didn't think I'd be answering to... to whatever that is. What are you?"

Keith sniffed his drink then gulped it down in seconds. He gave Bevrix a bright smile. "I am Keith! This is tasty. Thank you."

Bevrix stared at him. "Right... Keith... this is going to be fabulous." But he settled down for a silent sulk instead of complaining any further.

Asher approached from behind the tent and hovered at the edge of the ring of firelight. He should go join the others, but he really did not want to. He needed to learn about these people Master Marcel had agreed to work for. Or with. He really did not want to. He ran a hand through his hair, sending a soft flurry of white ash falling down around his pointed ears to settle on his narrow shoulders.
The pale man was quiet as he watched everyone "your woman is not with you" he stated.

Felix frowned. "No. She is not" he stated.

"That is why you are changed" he stated "the change is good. Your weak points are fewer"

"As charming as ever Orryn" Felix sighed. It had been many years since he had seen Marcel and the others. He wasn't so sure about the new additions to Marcela group yet but he would trust his old friend
"Oh, I rather liked her. So very innocent," Aella said with a sly smile. "Although, yes, you are a good deal stronger now, but I would say you have grown weaker somewhere. I can feel it." Her eyes danced, teasing him. She agreed with Orryn that the old points of weakness were fewer, but something felt unbalanced about Felix. The better the balance, the greater the power. Still, this was better. The woman was deadweight as far as getting anything useful done was concerned.
Felix frowned and stood up "I have work to get back to. I can expect you there by morning?" He looked to Marcel who nodded "we will get packed up and follow you back" Marcel said cheerfully

"Then Keith can show us the ropes while you work..wonderful!" Marcel smiled and stood as well
Keith set his glass aside in the dirt - not knowing what else to do with it - and waved. "Bye, Marcel! I will show you lots of ropes and things tomorrow and which people we are not allowed to kill or let get hurt."

"That will be very helpful, thank you," Bevrix said, straight-faced.

"Goodbye, darling. I look forward to working with you again," Aella called softly.
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Felix smirked faintly "will be a true delight..just try not to distract Leon too much" he joked but also meant it.

With that he turned to go.
Aella smiled, her eyes sharp, but she nodded. Leon was too easy for her, low hanging fruit, but it was oh so fun to tease! Even so, she nodded. She would play nice. For now.

Keith followed Felix faithfully.
Felix waited until they were a little ways away "are you ready for this Keith? I need you taking charge of security. Makeing choices and directing our new team members"


V watched the two walk off "Circus? Really?"
"I have never done that before, Master, but I will teach them to do what I do. That is right, isn't it, Master?" He smiled up at Felix, positive he could handle this, not for any particular confidence in himself, but because the idea of disappointing his Master was unfathomable. It simply wasn't done. So if Master asked him to do something, he would do it.


"I think it will be a delightful place, and I think you will find it is not as simple as it may appear on the outside," Aella purred.
" sort of yes" he gave a nod "you will need to organize a security watch schedule for them. Be able to make decisions without askinf me first. They will need to answer to you not me. I have enough to do"


"You think everything is delightful" she scoffed and rolled her eyes "putting yourself on display is your forte though I suppose"
Keith frowned, thinking about that for a few steps. "This is a big job, Master," he said soberly. "I will not let you down. I will be a good boss and keep everyone safe!" Hmm, watches. Some times to work, and some time to rest. He supposed the... what was his name, the boss of the small group, he knew his people, so he would know who to put on which watches, right? Yes, that was a good way to go!


Aella smiled, cold but unoffended. "I have chosen to take what others would try to use to hurt me and transformed it into a weapon of my own. Let them look! Let them weaken and open themselves to attack while thinking at every moment that they are the ones in charge."

Asher walked forward, his pale face cold and expressionless.
"I am counting on it" Felix said "I can help give guidance but othwrise. This is all you" he put a hand on Keiths shoulder a moment


"Come now. No bickering Viviana. Lets get packed up and on the move" Marcel said cheerfully.

V turned back to her tent to get her things and pack it up
Keith smiled at Felix. "I could never let you down, Master," he said sincerely. "Not after everything you have done."


Aella stood gracefully and smiled at Marcel. "I look forward to this new place," she murmured to him. "I think it has the potential to be, dare I say, fun?"

Asher stayed where he was watching the others. He should go help, he supposed. Marcel would want it, but he hated Bevrix. He wanted nothing to do with the human.
Felix nodded and moved his hand away "good" he said and looked back ahead. Now to deal with that little monster. He'd have his first show tonight. Just a small sample really.


Marcel smiled "just remember the contract. The circus members are off limits" he advised before kicking dirt over the fire to put it out
Keith smiled, feeling happy at the touch. Felix so rarely touched him it was a great treat! He padded ahead slightly, heading for Felix's trailer. He always started there. It was his default position no matter what he was doing. Go to Felix's wagon, then out from there when patrolling.


"Ugh, like anyone is going to want to have anything to do with that flea-infested lot," Bevrix grumbled as he started taking down the tent. "Where is that no-good elf or fairy or whatever he is? He's supposed to help with this kind of thing!"