Creatures Beyond The Walls

His posture became a little more serious as the cat spoke, especially at the way his tail flicked. "Right. Sorry for the assumption." He then turned back to the girl and tried to think of how to connect with all of this. "I suppose it would be better, maybe for our side. But aside from you, humans will never accept us supernaturals. Which quite honestly I can understand, most of us do have features and abilities that pose a threat to them. But it's not like we're all driven by bloodlust or anything. It's rare, but sometimes I think we can be civil to one another. And look at the scene the three of us are in now. We can be civil, they just refuse to see it."
He stared at her for a while before he oeered at the other supernsupern next to him. Akon strrtched again before he nodded. "they fail to realise and believe that in truth we need them as much as they neednus. Both sides will die otherwise"
She looks up at the large wall and thought of those trapped behind it. They were right, some would not accept it. Many would rather die than try and live outside the wall. She bites her lip a little then looks back at them.

"They have to learn to see....They have to..How can we get them to see and understand?"
"If there were some kind of example, a way for them to see without interference that we can civil and might even benefit them, then maybe they'd reach some understanding of it. But it seems to me that wouldn't be the easiest thing to accomplish. Again, I could be wrong, but just based on what I know about humans and supernaturals and their connection."
"Humans always have feared what they do not understand. It has been this way since the dawn of time. I would walk back in with you if not for the understanding they would prefer to kill me. Same with him. I'm sure his wings would make for just as good an ornament as my hide," he rasped aloud in thought, dusky eyes alighting on the man's wings as if favouring his next meal. It was hardly a consideration Akon would delight in. Demons and Angels were too light on their toes to consider as prey items. They were for the most part safe from his appetite. He licked his nose, "I have seen and watched over humanity for a long time. They used to hold me to some account in their temples long time past in the jungle and desert... Perhaps the old ways can be of use again...."

"I do not feel it but perhaps others have chosen to ignore them... Do any humans remain that are... religious in some way or have all of you shot yourselves in the foot there?" he asked, thinking. He knew neither side could last for much longer. A balance had to be found. Understanding had to be reached. He could do more to help, but it meant they would have to agree to certain ways that enabled his abilities to have more reach in the world. Deities worked in certain ways.... when they went forgotten, the magic dissipated and often was hard to get back once gone. He could do without the sacrifices humans of ancient past had made for him but faith was a power few humans understood or realised.
All she knew behind the wall was the violence that was caused by the cruelty that was shown to one another. Only the families like hers were treated properly but that was changing as well. She looks to them both. Could her kind accept them again?

When asked about religious people, she blinks in confusion then her eyes widen in realization. "There are a few. They are the outcasts that stay at the far edge of the city away from others. They refuse to eat meat but are the nicest. One helped me once when I was running and sprained my ankle. My father hurt him though for touching me....I tried to stop father. The man was helping me. He had wrapped my ankle up and was helping me get home. They aren't like the others."
"Now there's an idea." He stated, smiling and turning to the cat. "We can start with the ones on the outside, the 'outcasts' as she calls them, and convince them we're not so bad. Then the word can get around the town and slowly work its way towards the center, and hopefully reach whoever's in charge of that town. It may take some time, and there's really no guarantees, but if we play our cards right it could work." The demon seemed strangely optimistic about this idea. Whether that was a good or bad thing likely depended on point of view.
He listened to them speak and consider the options. He nodded vacantly, "Start small, work from there. You can't change humanity overnight as wishful thinking as that is. The more faith I get, the more I can help things improve." he breathed, nodding. He paused and peered at the Demon for a long time in contemplation. "She can't be the only one who beleives a return to the old ways but revised would be good for their world as it would be for ours." He looekd at her, "If this is to work... you will need to see who can be useful to this cause."
She nods her head vigorously. She wanted change, good change for them all. This was the start of a plan for this to happen. It was something she would work hard on too.

"I can go to them and find the one who helped me. It can work...It has to work." She nods and looks towards the wall. "The only other option would be to destroy the wall and force them to see but I don't think that will work as well."