Dark Stuides


Through all, smile. Through the worst, smirk.
"Mary, you going to stay here all night?"

A 27 year old girl lifts her head at the sound of the voice, her nose in a book about the history of the world. She pushes her glasses up on her nose and smiles. "Not all night and before you ask, yes I have already eaten Nick." She nods her head towards the empty burger wrapper and the very few remaining fries that had escaped her reach at the bottom of the bag.

The male that stood before her arched a brow, his brown eyes seeming to look over her for a moment before nodding in return. "Thought you were going to stop with the late studying for a while?" His hands gripping the back of a chair that was pushed into the table across from her. "You know Susan has been worried about you." He pulls the chair out and sits down, the tshirt he wore was loose but not enough to hide the gun that he always had hidden beneath it. The jacket did little as well, once someone knew it was there it was hard to ignore.

Mary let a shrug work through her shoulders before it turned into a stretch as she raised her hands over her head and then sat back in the old creaky library chair. "I know she does but she needs to stop. There hasn't been any killings or even attacks in over two years. There is no reason to keep locked up in the dorm and besides I have to get my studies done and there is only so much to be gained by the computer." She closes the book she had been reading and looked over at the clock, okay so maybe he had a point, she hadn't realized how late it was. "You ever going to stop carrying that thing?" She grumbles.

Nick only smirked at her. "Yeah as soon as you stop staying out late." He releases his hold on the chair and relaxed a little. "Just call me when you get back to the dorm, or text me. I know arguing with you is pointless." He gives a little half wave before turning and walking to the stairwell. He never did like elevators it seemed.

Once the ever protective brother figure was out of sight, Mary glanced at the clock again. There was still a little time before it was one in the morning. She reached for her book and began once more reading about the history of the local college town and the founders.
There it was again. The soft murmuring of voices that were too far away for him to make out. 'I'm here...' He wanted to yell --scream even-- at the top of his lungs but even if he did no one would hear him. No one would come to see if he was alright not that they would know where to look. The demon wrapped his arms around himself suppressing the shiver that racked down his spine. The darkness that surrounded him, encased him, suffocated him. In his personal hell there was no way to tell the pass of time. There was no way to tell whether it was day or night, summer or winter. Time simply had forgotten him between the pages of the book in which he had been sealed in so many years ago.

Hexel was painfully aware when some one drew close enough to reach out and puck his prison from the high shelf it had been placed on and left. He called out softly, "Please help me..." He pleaded with whomever was close but likely could never hear him. If they did it would be a pure miricle.

The sealer who had placed the demon within the book had many reasons as to why he had done such. Though the demon agreed with none of them. He had demanded to be set free only to find that he never had a chance. The chains that bound his hands and ankles jingles softly as he tired to curl up more on himself. He prayed for freedom or death.
Mary stayed for a little while longer. Not much longer but just enough. Her eyes were showing signs of her exhaustion and finally she decided to relent. Picking up her stacks of books, she began her cleaning up process. The books that had to be put back on the shelf in one pile and the ones she had checked out already were in her backpack. Throwing her trash out, she then gathered the last of her notes and put them in the bag as well. There were some nights she left the books for the staff to put up but it was close to Christmas break and she wasn't one to leave extra for them to do when they were short handed.

Picking up her stack, she started to walk through the aisles to put the books in their places. On book had to go on the top shelf. It wasn't an easy thing for her, given that she was afraid of heights but gripping the ladder with one hand and her other hand holding the book, she got to the shelf needed. Once the book was put in place and started back down the ladder, she froze. There was a book there that she didn't remember seeing. It looked worn and tattered as if someone had used it a great deal. She stared at the binding for a while before finally reaching out. Her hand hesitated on the binding before she pulled the book from it's self.

It was strange looking to her but she couldn't see any name or title on it. Slowly she made her way down the rest of the ladder and back over to her bag. She glances around a little. It was late but she was curious about this book. It was strange. Shaking her head she puts the book into her bag and heads out of the library. Yes she was technically stealing a library book but the staff knew her well and knew she always returned everything she ever took.

Back at her apartment, she opened the door to be greeted by a large calico female cat that started a churo of meowing at her. Mary smiled to her cat and put some food out which quieted the meowing instantly. "Knew that was the only reason you said hi to me." She mutters. She sets her bag down in the chair and disappears into the bathroom. A quick shower later and she reemerged in her pjs which consisted of a large t-shirt and fuzzy pants. With a yawn, she glances to her bag. Her curiosity was getting the better of her as she opens the bag up and pulls out the book.

Running her hand over it gently, "What are you?" She murmurs quietly, then opens the book in search of answers to her questions.
The coldness that coiled itself around him was interupted as heat --something he hadn't felt in ages-- coiled around him like a drafty window had been left open to allow the spring winds in and drive the cold from his prison. It made him gasp in shock as he twisted unsure what was happening. His normally calm very even, nearly non-existant breath heaved from his chest as he felt his world grow from slightly muffled to crisp clearness only to be muffled a few moments later.

A sane man would have been screaming and yelling demanding to be free the moment something in his prison changed. He couldn't help but keep quiet as a mouse. His heart rattled in the confinement of his chest as he tried to think of all the various things that could happen now. Freedom had become such a faded dream he couldn't remember what it was like. He dug to try and remember but no where in his soul could he find the missing emotions that came with freedom.

As always Hexel had no way of telling how much time had pasted. But oddly it felt as if only a moment later he was drawn once again from the muffled cold darkness and out into a world of sounds he had no hope of understanding. The soft words --at least he thought they were words-- that greeted him made the demon smile.

Upon being opened the books pages were blank. A moment after ruby colored ink swelled up as if the book was bleeding. The ink formed the image of a man chained in dungeon. His long hair slipped like red water down his back and across portions of the seemingly filthy floor. He was only dressed in a simple loin cloth that was tathered from years of being handled. He stood on his feet with his arms loosely at his side. His build was thin from being underfeed but still defined around his upper arms and thighs. His face was covered as well as most of his chest in a long beard fo red hair. It wasn't as long as his hair. His hand flew up to his face to hide his eyes as if he could now see the light of the world beyond his prison. In which he could.
Most people would have shut the book and thrown it away from them but yet, Mary was staring at the now filled pages of the book as if unable to look away. Her eyes widen as the form of a man took shape. She blinked several times before rubbing her eyes. "I can't be that tired....." She mutters as she stares at the book. The large cat leaped onto the couch next to her, gently putting a paw on the book. Mary tenses a little and gently nudges the cat away. "No don't play with it." She stares at the book again, thinking of closing the thing back up. She had to be making this all up.

She closes the book then, but then opens it again. What in the world was she staring at. "What in the hell is this book?" She found herself muttering, still staring at the man that filled the pages. She starts to look the book over more, trying to find anything that would tell her what it was or if she was really imaging this. She had to be dreaming it.
His eyes were nearly too sensitive for him to gaze up at the woman that stared down at him with such an endearing expression of surprise. He didn't know if now that his pages were open if she would hear him or not. Keeping his hands over his eyes to shade from the light that poured in and filled his dark prison, "Save me," he whispered softly to her. While his voice didn't reach her ears his words would appear in beautiful scroll along the bottom of the page she was viewing him on.

When the cat decided to step on the page though it was rather a strange event. The cat's paw landed on his stomach. It knocked the air from him and sent him like a toy doll flying backwards into one of the stone pillars he was chained to. His back had it first and for once he was glad that he was far more durable than most humans he had known. He was still trying to get up and gasp for air when the darkness returned only to disappear yet again as she stared down at him once more. What a fool he must have looked being taken to his knees by a cat paw.
Save me? What in the world. Had she actually read that right? She was shaking her head as she stared at the man as he collected him self from the apparent attack of her cat. What in the world was she doing? Eyeing the guy carefully, she asked the book. "How did you get stuck there?" She then shakes her head why was she asking a book a question. "Great now I'm talking to books....what am I do? I have to be imagining this." She says to herself.

There was nothing on the book that would tell her how the man had gotten in there and nothing that told her who the man was. Her mind was filling up with more questions than it was answers at this point and she realized that she needed to just quiet her mind and stop letting it run away from her. Maybe this was all just a weird dream and she had fallen asleep at the library again.
Sheepishly the demon slumped to the ground so he was sitting while leaning back against the pillar he had hit, "A time ago a man believed I was evil," He stated softly as he stared up at the female, "I haven't a clue where he is nor if he is still alive. What year is it?" He pondered softly. The male had been sealed away back in the early part of the first century.

Why? Could have been that he was more into proving that man was full of pitfalls that made them weak and unfit to have the earth all to themselves. Or perhaps the fact that he had been found covered in the softly sticky sweet --He turned that memory off before it could form any further in his mind's eye. It made him shiver before he looked up at the girl that gazed at him, "Imagining it? No I'm sad to say but you really are talking to a prisoner."
A prisoner? How was that possible that someone could trap another person in a book. It baffled her and once more she thought she was going nuts but then he said that she wasn't imagining things.

She was indeed talking to a man trapped in a book. She blinks when he asked what year it was. "It's 2017...you must have been trapped there a long time ago from the looks of things...."

She hesitates but then asks. "Before I try to get you out of this book, why did he think you were evil?" She knew back then that many people suffered from false accusations. The Salem witch trials was a good example of that plus many more.

But still she didn't want to just release the guy without knowing more. Then again she felt bad for him. She didn't like seeing anyone changed up. Pushing her own dark memories aside she takes a breath and listens to the book or well man for his answer.
He sighed softly as he shook his head, "2ooo years to be exact," he huffed. The world likely was nothing like what he remembered. Perhaps being free wasn't worth it. How much would he have to learn?

Her question made him grow still. His gaze met hers for a long moment as he debates to tell her his story. It would be easy to simply lie but he never liked the feeling it had left him with, "I murdered a human man who murdered a woman I cared for deeply after raping her."

The pain that crossed his face was almost unbareable.
At his response, her own body tenses and memories flashed across her mind. She grimaces and pushes the thoughts away. "I'm sorry that such a thing happen. " She shakes her head a little.

Gazing at him and the book again a heavy sigh leaves her as she runs her fingers through her hair. "Okay so how do we get you out? Never done this before and don't know anything about men being trapped in books either." She says.
A look of disappointment crosses his face, "Don't know know a warlock or someone able to call magic?" He asked it as if they were something you could find down the street on any random old corner. He was so troubled over his own situation that he wasn't noticing the sad looks she gave or her body language. He ran a hand over his face then glanced down at the beard that covered his face. The expression on his face clearly red he wasn't always aware of his own self.
A warlock? Those were definitely not people she knew or would even know where to begin in finding one. Wait, the Internet, there was always some answers there. Moving the book gently so it was sitting up and steady, she started working away on the computer for answers.

She glances to him and noticed the redness in his face. He was good looking despite his starved state but this wasn't the time for her to be eyeing him. She felt sorry for him in a way.

Turning her eyes back to the computer she began her search. Her eyes widen when she actually found a listing for a self proclaimed warlock that wasn't but two miles from her apartment. "I guess it's worth a shot. "

She looks to him. "There may be a warlock not far from here but it's too early to go. Will have to wait until morning. Have to see too if he is the real deal or just a scam."
Hexel hummed as he watched what she did. He wasn't sure what to think of the object she tapped away at. Was it a form of magic he wasn't aware of? Another hum escaped him as he waited. Her statement made him arch a brow, "Scam?" he thought for a moment, "I know a good way you could test his legitamency... Ask him to conjure a blue rose for you," A smile crossed his lips, "Do this before mentioning me."

He rubbed a hand over his chin and grimiced as if he couldn't stand what he found there. In fact he didn't like it in the least. Not as long as it was any ways. He would have to find a way to cut it soon.
"Okay." She was doing some more looking around but still nothing else popped up that was helpful. She glances to the clock and figured it to be another hour before she could get over there. She didn't have classes as it was Saturday so that helped.

She looks to him and saw how he rubbed his chin a little but it was his expression after he did it.

"Once we get you out you'll be able to clean up and eat. Can't imagine being trapped for so long." She shakes her head a little. "We have an hour before the place opens so I'm gonna take a nap and them we'll go."

She smiles a little and kept the book where it was so he could see the room and the couch which is where she was going to nap at so that she would wake up in time. Curling up she started to fall asleep. She felt exhausted but she knew sleeping wasn't going to last long, it never did.
The demon was surprised she notice and it showed slightly in his eyes, "That sounds wonderful," he smiled softly. The male was surprised even more when he wasn't shut away into darkness like so many other times. The knowledge that she truly wanted to help him made his stomach behave oddly. He took a deep breath as he settled back into a comfortable position against the pillar.

As she curled up on the couch he was surprised to see she was going to sleep where a demon could easily see her. A smirk crossed his lips lightly as he found himself studying her and how she slept. Something about it made him wish he could get closer. Realizing his thoughts were becoming a little unruly he closed his eyes and forced himself to meditate.
Mary slept quietly for a little bit, her body relaxing into the rest for a little bit. It didn't last long but then again it usually didn't. After about a half hour, her body would tense up, her hands clenching and a cold sweat breaking out over her skin. She remained in that state for about five minutes before her breath growing heavy, she finally woke but she didn't open her eyes, she just laid there very still as if figuring out if the nightmare was real or not. With a slight grimace, she opens her eyes and sits up acting as if there had been no nightmare to disturb her sleep.

Looking to the clock, she decides she could get some coffee going and then get dressed. She walks quietly to the kitchen, getting the coffee pot ready to brew and she puts it on. Once it began the process of warming up, she turned to her closet, she gathers some clean clothes then disappears into the bathroom. Getting dressed, she then walks out and heads back into the kitchen where her coffee was now ready for her. She gets a cup and sits down on the couch, relaxing as the liquid warmed her as she took a sip.

Her eyes then look to the book. She saw that he was still there indeed. So it wasn't her having a new dream last night at all. He was real and she was really about to go talk to someone who though they were a warlock in order to get the man out of the book. To anyone that would seem crazy and that they were going crazy but then again, she knew it was real.

"I'll finish my coffee and then we'll head to the shop where the warlock is supposed to be at. I know you aren't gonna like it but I'm gonna have to close the book in order to fit you back in my bag again so he doesn't see you until we are sure he is a real warlock." She says to him.
The male was aware of movement beyond him prison only because he could see the shifting of the lightly. He had heard her heavy breathing a moment earlier. He opened his eyes to watch her go about her way of getting ready to go. His memories of his once beloved companion made him long for a breath of air that wasn't the prison.

As she vanished out of sight once again he closed his eyes and set about simply trying to prepare himself for the darkness again. He wasn't afraid but he still couldn't stand it all the same. The darkness was an enemy he couldn't get rid of as it was there when he closed his eyes. Like a fowl nightmare that was reality.

"I understand," Was his reply when she told him she would have to put him in her backpack. At least he could be warm he thought to himself as he waited patiently.
Once he replied, she nods softly and gently picked him up. Now that she knew he was inside the book, she was careful with it. She gently got him back into her backpack and picked up her keys and headed out the door. The walk to the shop wasn't going to take to long luckily but the weather was looking like it was trying to rain. Just what she needed. She kept going though and ignored it as she headed down the sidewalk.

It took her a little bit once she reached the address to actually figure out where the door was. It was an old building and the door seemed to blend in with the rest. The front had a small window with one of the neon signs that said open on it. She stares at it a moment, hesitating to even open the door. Could this really be safe? She glances to her backpack and wondered if she should really do this but she had to try. The poor guy didn't need to be trapped there anymore.

Opening the door she looks around a little. "Hello..." She says as she steps further into the darkly lit store. The word creepy came to mind but she pushes it aside and kept going. She bites her lip a little as she looks around not seeing anyone so far.
The shop was like any other oddities shop. Except for it was far too small to house much of anything and nothing carried a price tag. The skeletons of various small animals were sprinkled over a floor to celling bookselves that covered the entire right wall of the tiny room. A bouque of dried roses sat in a vase next to the computer on the front counter. The floors were a soft slat grey tile that was textured to provide traction and give the place more of a cozy feel along with the red, tan, and sand colored stripped wall paper that lined the rest of the room just above the mahogany wood panneling that came up the wall two feet or so. It might have reminded some one of a Victorian century study in some well off families estate. A pair of large wing backed chairs sat on either side of a small table. The hearth just behind the chairs and table blazed softly with a large shaggy black dog snoozing before it. Only his ears perked slightly as Mary entered the shop.

"Good morning," a voice greeted only to appear from a doorway behind the counter, "What can I help you with?"

Markus Harthorn --warlock for 26 years now-- was a man unlike any other or so he believed. His ability to access magic and use it to his will had made him into an egotistical man. He had short blond hair with enchanting blue eyes that stared from a face that could have been an angel's. Except angels didn't have a touch of percings. His nose and ears were studded by silver rings. He was in his early forties easily but it only showed in the crows feet and smile lines of his face. He was dressed in a dark blue teeshirt with faded jeans that were ripped at the knees slightly.

Inside his prison Hexel raised his head ever so slightly as they came to a place that even he could feel was surrounded in magic. He would have advised Mary not to have entered the shop but it ws far too late for that. The magic felt like a living breathing entity that had no shape or form. It was just a feeling that someone was watching you.