Dark Stuides

She could not help it this time and her hands went protectively to her stomach. "I assure you that neither my child nor myself seek harm to anyone behind those walls."
The Valkyrie gave a slight nod before she lead the way into the structure itself, "Uriel had a vision of you when you passed through the last time and informed me to keep my eyes open for the little lost lamb that smelled of ash. You were in Hell before you came here."

It wasn't a question but a statement, "I'm called Mori. And you are?"
She blinks at her words, for some reason she wasn't that surprised by them. She nods slightly. "My name is Mary." She says in reply.

The brother was becoming restless. How could they have lost track of the female and now the male was tearing through his men. He was displeased to say the least.
A smile slipped over the avian's lips as she lead the other through the gates and towards a house that was located fairly close to the gates, "Mary and Mori," She chuckled at the similarities, "Come in and make yourself at home. I suppose there's a reason you have returned. I won't pry into it but feel free to tell me. I can be a good listener despite what Uriel says."

The house seemed larger on the inside than the outside. The first room one came to was a large kitchen with a large oak table that sat ten easily. A fire blazed in the hearth. The scent of lavender and rosemary lingered in the air. Moving over to the hearth the Valkyrie scooped stew into a bowl before placing it on the table along with silverware and a goblet of honey wine, "Eat up."

In the mortal world Hexel sighed as he wiped blood from his cheek. They had stopped coming so he had stopped killing but he had a feeling this wasn't the end by any means. It made his stomach churn slightly. How was Mary he found his mind wondering. Was she safe? Comfortable?
The home was amazing to her as she took in the sight of it. The scents allowed for some of the tension to leave her body as she breathes it in.

She moves to the table to sit down as the bowl of stew was made and the goblet of wine. "Is it safe for me to drink when I'm when child?" She asks curiously. She still didn't know much about having a child, let alone a half demon one.

The stew smelled delicious to her. " Thank you for your kindness." She says softly. She hesitates to answer the question abo t the reason for her return. Gently she touches her stomach. "When I was younger a demon had tormented men. Hexel later had destroyed him...but now his brother wants revenge..."
Sitting down Mori stared at the fire, "You could spend your entire pregnancy on drugs and it wouldn't effect that child. It has to do with their healing rate and a few other factors. They are nearly indestructible when they are that age but children are rare none the less," She gave a smile, "Demons may not seem it but they care deeply for those they consider their family. It is why your Hexel is fighting for you and his offspring."

With a flick of her wrist she called a knitting basket to her side and set about knitting. The yarn was a beautiful silver blue color. A soft humming came from her as she worked while she listened to the girl speak.
Mary nods softly as she took a few bites of stew before speaking again. "Hexel has been very good to me..." She says softly.

She eats more of the stew and took a little sip of the honey wine. It tasted wonderful to her but she was more hungry than anything else.

The demon was once more plotting. He now knew where the female was and knew where the male was. He draws on his cigar a moment before letting the smoke fill the air. A cold smile touched his lips. "Bring her to me. I don't care what it takes. Make him fall. Use this." He hands over several vials of poison to his men and sends them out.
Mori smiled as she watched the young one eat. It had been ages since she allowed another into her home and cared for them well not since Uriel had been but a fledgling. It amused her slightly as she continued to knit. A poor feeling came over her as she glanced from the girl to the door. Thankfully Mary was nearly done, "When you finish your meal please go through that door over there," She pointed to the wooden structure at the back of the cabin, "You will find yourself in a forge. Hide yourself and for no reason come out or let yourself be known."

With that she set her knitting aside then sent the basket back to its original resting place. Her eyes were focused on the door still. She didn't know who was on the other side only that they were demonic in nature. Her job was simply to not let any demons make off with the human girl or her unborn child. Valkyries were known for their battle prowess so any confrontation wouldn't go down easily if it turned bloody.
Mary tenses at the words spoken. Hide? She glances to the front door then to the one she was told to go through. She hesitates but knew there was little else she could do.

Moving to her feet, she made her way to the door. Worry and concern for the Valkyrie filled her. She didn't want anything to happen to the female because of her.

Once in the forge ,she did as instructed and hide. She bites her lip slightly and placed her arms around herself. Her stomach was already becoming bigger as the child had grown some in the few days.

On the other side of the door was indeed a demon. One sent by his master, it was one of his strongest men. For a moment it waited but only for a moment before blowing the door inwards and advancing quickly. It smelled the human. That was all it needed.
The Valkyrie tisked lightly at the demonic brute, "Now I have to get another damn door. That makes the third this week alone," Her eyes took on a soft glow as she called her sword to her. Holding the gleaming blade out before her she stepped forward from where she had been, "I'll advise you to leave before you are forced out by burning to death."

Hexel tilted his head as he tasted fear at the back of his throat. He had already grown to realize it wasn't his own but Mary's. It clenched at his heart as he vanished from the mortal realm to the outskirts of Heaven. He had to get in some how. The path was already cleared which made his pulse race as he stepped with in the fortress city. Where was Mary? His gaze trailed over the wreckage that mapped towards a cottage like house and followed it.
The demon smiled with sharp teeth. "Out of the way. I know the one I seek is here. Give her to me. My master seeks her. Give her to me and you shall be spared." He said with a growl. His own eyes glowed red, a sword made of black steel forming in his hand.

As soon as Hexel drew close to the cottage, three demons of large size moved forward from the shadows. Their own eyes glowed as their swords formed in their hands. A fourth demon had appeared and in Hexel's distraction would put the poison their master gave them to use to bring the male down.
"Then parish for the disruption of my home," She growled as she lunged forward ready to slice the demon in half if given the chance.

Hexel was surprised to find himself being attacked by four demons at once and all were a good head taller than himself. He called his bladed only to find he drew it a moment too late as the world twisted and contorted viciously due to the poison that entered his blood via the fourth demon's attack. His last thought before his world went black and silent was of Mary and his unborn child.
The demon seemed to welcome the challenge as he moved forward as well parring his sword with his own as the blades clashed sharply. He made the attempt to push forward.

As soon as Hexel hit the ground, one of the demons moved forward and took hold of the male. The one who had adinistered the poison nods. "Return to the master with the prize. We shall get the female."

With that the one demon took Hexel to the master as the remaining three advanced towards the cottage. The master's plan had indeed worked.

Mary felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Something was terribly wrong. She could hear the fighting in the other room but this wasn' because of that. No it was Hexel. Fear began to pull at her even more. "Hexel..."
The Valkyrie found herself clashing blades with the demon before her and could do little as more entered her home. Damn it all. She didn't want fail not here not now.

Hexel found himself adrift in his own mindscape. It sucked like hell but worse as it reminded him too much of being within that dark book waiting for someone to open it and spill the light into the pages. He sighed softly hoping he was there once again.
The one who fought with the Valkyrie continued to swing his blade in an attempt to disarm her or kill. He wasn't being picky.

The other demons smirked as they gazed at the fight. Finally the third reminded them of their mission. "Find the human. I smell her." He growled. They moved towards the door that Mary was hiding behind.
Her attention was drawn from the one she fought as the others made their way towards the backroom. In her moment of weakness she was run through, "Run," She whispered but knew it to be too late as her world became dark.

Hexel fought to come to consciousness. He needed to know Mary was fine and safe. His heart throbbed and ached with fear and concern.
The demon laughed quietly and with drew his sword. " a fine fight you gave." He said before looking to the others as they kick the door in to the other room.

As the door was kicked in, Mary had gotten to her feet to try and run. She didn' get but a few steps before she was grabbed with one arm wrapped tightly around her upper torso. The voice was a rumbling growl. "More you struggle, the more chances of your child dying. "

She froze, her free hands going to her stomach in fear. The demon chuckled and held her tight as they left the home.

The brother sat in a chair before Hexel. A cigar in one hand. He let the smoke leave his lips as he urged the male before him to wake. "Do not worry male. She shall join us soon."
Hexel gave a growl as he blinked his eyes open. Whatever he had been hit with left his ears ringing the world spinning like a tiltaworld. Shifting slightly he glanced towards the voice he had heard. The scent of smoke annoyed him, "Leave her alone. She's got nothing to do with this."
The brother's smile only seemed to darken as he eyed the male before him. "Oh but she has everything to do with this." He draws on the cigar again before releasing it's smoke once more.

"Did you not think someone who avenge the death of the demon you killed? One of your own kind?" He shakes his head as he moves to his feet. "Foolish. You are strong. I shall give you that but foolish."
Hexel sighed softly, "I see. You try being trapped in a fucking book for a few thousand years and see if you don't just cling to that which got you out," He closed his eyes as he rolled over onto his back, "Your brother was the fool for playing with what I decided to protect. I gave him the chance to walk away. He decided he didn't want to so I killed him for causing her fear. I'll kill you too should you harm her."

His expression was said but sincere as he opened his eyes and stared up into the eyes of the demon before him, "Plus it's not like any of my brothers ever rose to free me from the ties that locked me in that dark hell."

The male had had many who claimed to have his back but none ever did. It saddened him. Tore at his heart in a way he was surprised. His sweet little glimpse of Heaven was going to be torn before his eyes and it made him numb.