Open Dead.


plate of fries
You open your eyes. You don't know where you are, how you got there, who you are.

Wait, no, you do know who you are. You know your name, you know your age, and you know...

You're dead. You remember dying. It wasn't a natural death. But that is all you remember of your life. Your age, your name, your death.

Someone comes into view. They explain to you where you are. You are where those who have died an unnatural death go, and you can't move on until you remember why you are here. Usually, you would have a Someone to help you figure it out.

But there's a problem.

There has been a larger-than-usual number people arriving here lately, and there's not enough Someones for everyone. So, you're gonna be put in a group with a few others, and you've all got to help each other figure it out. Simple as.

Wrote this a while ago, in back in April, can't be bothered to update it, lol

So, yeah, this was a quick idea I put together. Our characters all died in one way or another. Maybe it was an accident, maybe they were killed, maybe they killed themselves. All that matters is, they're dead. And they gotta find out why.

This is something that gonna be both fun, and a little serious. But hopefully mostly fun.

Oh, and how they look now has been influenced somewhat by now they died! Gunshot? They still got the hole. Stabbed? It still shows. Asphysixation? Maybe they've got a tinge of blue or gray to their skin.

A quick apology for my less-than-perfect grammar in this, it is currently more reflecting how I talk around my friends and family, it's not how I write usually, I just can't focus right now. And another apology for if this seems a little rushed, or messy, or lacking anything, my mind is refusing to stay on one topic at the moment. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to tell/ask me them!

A few quick rules, my most important ones:

  • Grammar!!!!!
  • Be respectful
  • Don't be a dick

And here's the CS template. Post your CS here, and then if it's accepted, I'll copy it into the CS thread once I make it.

How Did They Die
(This can be any unnatural death)
Appearance (Remember this has been somewhat influenced by how they died)

Accepted Characters