Dear Diary



Dear Diary.... I survived another day. What trials have you managed to survive today, and how did you survive them? Take note!! Nothing is too small to be written down. Confide in your journal things of importance that you stumble upon or learn on your adventures. Where did you start? Document your entire journey through the muck of the world from when the outbreak began to today. Leave tips for yourself on things you have learned that maybe help you in the future. These things will not only help you understand yourself and your situation, but they may help the group become stronger as a whole.​
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Written while taking a break between buildings

It's fascinating to see the remains of what was. As much as I am apprehensive about weaving through these buildings that barely resemble what they used to be, what remains paints a very precise picture of what occurred within the walls when the outbreak became a real concern. People desperate to survive no matter the cost, taking what they wanted in ways that were sometimes violent all because they thought it would save their lives. How foolish! If you spent too long thinking about it, it would eat you up. Being smacked in the face with the sinister nature that people can bury all at once like this. I wonder if anyone I called a friend, an old lover, maybe even a family member turned to such disgraceful methods of survival before it was really necessary.
People seem to think any small change could become the end, in this case, it did, but in other cases, they look foolish. Their actions become comical and selfish in the eyes of others, yet those who committed such despicable acts early on were the ones who were right in the long run this time. Maybe they shouldn't have resorted to such a serious ideology so quickly, but their tactics may have gotten them a little further than others. I doubt it though since they got so violent with living people. I would imagine that such people fully planned to tuck themselves in some sort of shelter until this all blew over, but here we are all these years later. Sure there's a vaccine, but the world is still drowning under the footfalls of the Z's. It's their Earth now, isn't it? We are all just lucky to have made it this far. For what? That question will have to wait, maybe until the end of time, to be answered.
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