When Two is One Destrix Gunnar's AvAtaRzzZZZzzZZzzZzZ


With blood and rage of crimson red,
Name: Liam Smith Raxon
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: Pavlovo
Appearance: Stands and 5'10 with medium-length jet black hair that is swept to the side. His eyes glow a bright sapphire blue and seem to pop out at night, especially when under the moonlight. Has a Greek nose and thin lips. His body is well built and he shows solid physique but nothing extraordinary.
Elemental Name: Blixt (Don't pronounce the T)
Elemental Type: Lightning(Primary=Air Secondary=Fire)--Gray Wolf
Elemental Appearance:

It has very thick fur, slightly thicker than the average wolf. The color is just as it is in the picture above. When sitting upright on its hind, its height reaches Liam's shoulder. Its eyes glow a bright blinding blue and sparks of lightning will shoot out of them though they do no damage. Lightning streaks across it's body, like a machine that channels electricity.

Personality: Liam is a shy and quiet person most of the time. He doesn't bother too much with socializing with people and mostly keeps to himself and his books. His only real friend is Blixt and a few other people whom he met during his studying years. Most of his friends come from the common district as he isn't too fond of Royals and how they live and treat others.

Liam may be quiet, but he's a friendly, lively, kind and polite boy. He always speaks in a positive tone and always seems to be in a cheery mood. He loves children and has a natural nurturing instinct.

He can get angry however and when he does, he turns into a whole different person as if channeling the persona of a real wolf that's hungry and ready to hunt. He is also very protective of those he cares dearly for.

Background: Liam has always lived a happy and privileged life, being born a Royal. He's lived his whole life in the Royal District but he has never liked it there. Sure, he appreciates the things he has and is grateful for the life he's been born into but he never really got comfortable with the rich lifestyle. He would always venture down to the Common District as a child and there he made friends with a lot of the other children. He would occasionally bring food and clothes to give out to his friends in the Common District.

Being from the Royal District, Liam has been very well educated and can be considered a knowledgeable young man at his current age. He knows plenty of things that range from more theoretical things to practical things. He even has some skills in self-defense though not enough to truly be a menacing threat to anyone.

Being a Pavlovo, Liam has always had a love for art. He designs a myriad of things, from clothes to buildings to machines and devices. He does a lot of paintings as well but he mostly keeps them for himself and hangs them around his house.

During his studies, he managed to impress some of his peers with his work and ended getting a job offer in the Royal District for Architecture Design. From there, his circle of friends grew slightly although still quite a small one. Liam has never experienced any romantic relationships with anyone but he longs for it but he'd rather wait than go looking for it as he believes that that special someone will come along someday.

He still lives with his parents, preferring to be in their company. He happily helps the maids and butlers with household chores and because of his kindness, the workers at his home have become family to them and Liam treats them like his own flesh and blood. He has never had any sort of ill-intent towards anyone unless someone has done something to trigger his anger and hatred.
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