Devonshire Love

Emily blushed as Ambrose called her beautiful and admitted that he'd dreamed of her as well, what were the odds of that. She was surprised they'd seemingly dreamed of each other on the exact same night. She had pretty much gone into detail, somewhat in her notes for his story. She glanced down, twining her fingers together repeatedly as she calmed her racing heart at all the information he was telling her.

Her head came up quickly and a look of happiness mixed with a hint of reservation came over her face, "Really? I mean, I would like that very much. I just have to consider my schooling, my job at the café and my apartment." she grew thoughtful, "Yes, draw up your contract and plans and send them to me. I'll look them over and make arrangements at the café and talk to my roommate."
Ambrose watched the red color spread accross her cheeks, held held back a chuckle at how cute it made her look. She reminded him of a timid mouse, cute and vulnerable but full of life. His fingers extended as his hand rested on his cheek, a little more than pleased she considered accepting his request. Though he knew it wouldn't be wise, he was tempted by her nonetheless.

"As i said before take as much time as you need to consider it. If you give me your email I'll have my editor contact you once the contract is drafted. If you like the idea, or feel the need to change anything. Even if yo wish to deny the offer. Just send him an email." Ambrose flashed a smile, "Though, I assure you if you accept you won't regret it."
Emily nodded and wrote down her email address on the bottom of a piece of paper at the back of her notebook, carefully tore it out and handed it to Ambrose. "I will get back to you as soon as I get the email and let you know my decision." Reluctantly she stood to gather her things, she didn't want to leave, but wasn't their little discussion over? There was something about him that drew her to stay near him. She felt, safe, protected, when she was with him, not that she needed protection mind you but still, Ambrose made her feel comfortable.

Emily smiled at him, "I guess I better get going. I've taken up enough of your time, I am sure you are a busy man." she offered her hand as she took a step closer, "It's a pleasure talking to you and doing business with you. I will be in touch." she said turning more business like, in her uncertainty about leaving his presence.