dissassociative Idenity disorder.
It’s a real world medical problem. And it acts a broad spectrum for many different types of Psychological disorders.
Split, to Multiple, some lazing Sociopathy as Dissassoctiave, the ability to remove emotion from one’s logic or to simply stop thinking of you as you. And countless other possibilities I can’t list along with actual synopsis of many other disorders and distinctions it’s a complicated little thing that a normal human being, despite being knowedgable or not just simply we can’t comphrehend. Just like with Split brain!

So to raise awareness, bring about entertainment, I’m doing a reboot of my only successful rp DIAD. Even gave it the same name in case my partners come back!

This rp is very different. There is only one Physical main character. Which is where the fun is. I do this because being jerked from control represents a number of under known issues capable of affecting a person.
Mental instability this is not. Unless a personality is unstable in nature.

Black outs can be common, rapid change in persalith and behavior, even a change in train of thought, and mental maturity level can all be a visibly seen.

Anyway what’s the rules and requirements?
The hard part first. All participants must agree on Name, Age, physical characteristics, setting, and anything else that falls outside of the mind. This can be broken up or done via vote if we have disagreements. Overall this is an indicator, of how well everyone can work together. Which could be an indicator for how it will turn out in the rp.
Maybe one rebellious personality that keeps messing up and getting into bad situations?
Finally you all crest your own personality. Whoever gets up first gets to decide the dress of each day.
Ig: Remeeizs May dress practically and for the weather
John May dress to stand out.
There can be conflict , disputes and power struggles at any time.

The personalities can manifest as voices, or take shape in the physical world but be unable to do anything. Or it can be a joint effort.
Ig: John walks.
Sam: Oh she’s hot!” Points at her or any other societally unacceptable action.

If thisgets big there will be a pm made and we can have civilized talk about who should win arguments if the authors clash. ( our of character hey both want to be in charge.)
Obviously this can be absolute mayhem or a well organized feat. Give and take or Tug of war?
Obviously the greatest strength is versatility and that everyone can still be different.

I’d you want you can play other characters in the physical world. Such as a teacher GF boss or friend however tokepd thingssinole one persanility per person. And if you want we can even make a system. Such as certain personalities liking and working well together others clashing.

Hope this interests some people