[Epic Roleplay] Tales of Avalris


Heaven-Sent Abomination
An RP taking place in the titular Avalris, a fantasy land covered in sprawling plains, vast forests and towering peaks. Humans live in peace in great cities on the plains, while nomadic tribes of orcs roam the same fields in search of food and other supplies, occasionally trading with travellers and merchants. Meanwhile, elves dwell deep within the forests in small treetop villages while dwarves keep to the mountains in endless pursuit of valuable minerals. West of the mainland lies a large island surrounded by a perpetual storm, rumoured to be the home of two individuals said to wield the power to bring an end to the world; many 'heroes' have ventured to this island and none have returned. Demons and angels sometimes bring their fights to the mortal realm, and some of each are said to have produced offspring with mortal men and women.

Some individuals of all mortal races are born with innate magical powers, none the same as another, and bonded to an animal referred to as a familiar. Familiars possess incredible intelligence and a telepathic link to their master, and the death of one will lead to the death of the other. Those whose bloodlines have been blessed by a deity may end up with a mythical creature that represents that god or goddess as their familiar, or can have their familiar transformed into one.

(This still needs two more participants before it can be submitted to the staff)
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Oooh, would a would a gnoll or a spider dragon suffice? Maybe pertaining to fire or ice abilities (unsure as of right now). (Also, when i say spider dragon, i mean a dragon with spider-like capabilities such as having an extra set of legs, spitting sticky webs instead of fire, stuff like that)
Okay, I'm really interested in this.

I have this idea where, a young human farmer is blessed with the power to control nature and his/her familiar would be something like a humanoid onion?

I'd roleplay this character anytime
Admittedly, I have no idea how that'd work. If you do have a way to make it work, then I suppose it could be worth a shot.
I'm interested in joining you. (as long as you can bear with me. Its been awhile since I have gotten to roleplay.) Maybe as an elf with a hawk or falcon as a familiar.
Sure! Though I may be a little distracted because I still need to get the sheet for the main forum ready.