Example of my World Building


MxM RP's - GDocs / Discord for chatting -
Background on the "world"

Creatures have all but taken over, hunters exist in covens just like witches, and vampires. Werewolves hunt in packs. Humans either know about the world, or are blissfully unaware till they die one night in an alley somewhere. The world itself has fallen into chaos. Creatures of the night rule over the day walkers. Humans are considered Minority. The factions of werewolves and vampires feud constantly.

Creatures in the world:

  • Several factions / Types
    • Hunters who hunt everything, including 'innocent'
      • If you're not human or hunter, or you're an evil hunter, you're dead to them.
    • Hunters who only hunt 'evil' creatures
      • Anything that kills people or hurts hunters is hunted.
    • Hunters who only hunt vampires, and are partnered with Werewolves
    • Hunters who only hunt werewolves, and are partnered with Vampires
      • More Likely to drink blood from their partnered Vampires - These are considered 'evil' hunters, who are just as bad as their counterparts who usually drink blood from humans and kill them.
      • Ex-Hunters who don't hunt anymore
    • Hunters who hunt solo
      • Hunters that are against the Hunters covens and are solo, and usually not liked by other hunters.
    • Hunters who hunt in Covens
      • Typically your 'cult like groups' break the rules = death
    • Hunters against drinking blood for power
      • Personal choice made by any hunter - drinking blood gets you killed in the wrong coven, not drinking blood gets you killed in the wrong coven.
    • Hunters who drink blood for power
      • Personal choice made by any hunter - drinking blood gets you killed in the wrong coven, not drinking blood gets you killed in the wrong coven.
  • Three factions
    • Blood Drinkers, Kill or be killed.
    • Blood Drinkers, No-kill, Charm, and Leave
    • Blood Drinkers, Animal blood / Blood packs

  • Five Factions
    • Werewolves who turn by moonlight only
    • Werewolves who can turn at will
    • Werewolves who hunt and eat human hearts
    • Werewolves who hunt and eat animal hearts
    • Werewolves who hunt and eat any meat except human

All factions have the ability to practice magic, and some do, some don't. Magic includes but is not limited to powers of the elements, healing, destruction, and creation. Necromancy is regarded as illegal, however some bad hunters do practice that and mind control which is also ruled illegal in the world.