Fandom Character RP Game


Active Member
Here are the rules.....the first person must write the name of a character.....from any fandom and then give them a certain goal or activity that they will try to accomplish. Examples. A fight against another character. Or to ask another character out on a date. To stop the evil plan of a villain. Stop a bank robbery....etc...etc.

The second poster will post another character from any fandom that will try to oppose the first posters character.

Then a vote will be conducted by the next 10 posters to decided if the first posters character will succeed or fail and give their explanation as to why they voted as they did.

The one with the most votes wins. Equal votes are a tie.

I'll go first!

War World Hulk
His aim is to destroy (Castle Grayskull) located on He-Man's home world of Eternia.

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Tessa Grey from The Clockwork Angel Trilogy
She tries to destroy a book that can control the world
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