Atlantis - City of Dreams Forbidden City


Dream as if you were dying.
Under the great tree at the heart of the Lion precinct is the Forbidden City. None know about it but the two children of the previous Devil of the Precinct. Only these two know what it hides.
Ali - Forbidden City

It didn't take long for the woman to find the secret passage that looked like a washed out cliff face with vines draping off it into the water. Behind those vines She found the door propped open telling her that Artie was expecting her. There were few things that got past the immortal woman. Taking a deep breath she made her way down the dark steps till she found herself in a well lit passageway. Pushing open the door at its end she ended up gasping as someone was on the otherside and clearly not pleased.

The dark haired woman didn't look a day older than the last time Ali had laid eyes on her. She gave a weak smile and waved, "Aunt Artie."

Dark slate blue eyes narrowed slightly as she uncrossed her arms from under her well endowed chest and stepped towards the youngest member of her family, "IT's a bad omen for you to be back. What brought you to the island?"

She states, "And a Devil said his power shut off one night. Not to mention dead people are showing up on the main lands. They are starting to suspect Atlantis. I was hoping you would be able to tell me something about it all."

Artemis Methuselah appeared truly surprised as she tilted her head slightly then turned away murmuring to herself. Catching bits of it she found it was simply that Mephisto wasn't informing her of what was happening in the world above, "I suppose I will just have to go see for myself. It's likely the only way for me to understand."

Swallowing slightly Ali quickly realized it was useless to try and change her mind. Those slate depths told all she was set like the keystone of an archway in her ways and place. Moving deeper into the city like structure she went to get changed from the simple shift and skirt she wore to jeans and tank top. Adding some flats to her feet she ran a brush through her hair before leading Ali out of the belly of the Forbidden City to the sweet fresh open air. Getting into the boat they made their way to the main entrance of the island.
Artemis - Forbidden City

They descended into the depths of the island the only marker being how the flames of the torches changed to an eerie blue that never gave off warmth and the colder the passage grew. The cold nipped and chased the heat away that had once filled her replacing it with the all to familiar feeling of standing on the side of a snow and ice encrusted mountain top. Not long the passage opened up giving way to what could only be a place of darkness and lingering quiet. It could easily remind one of the great underworlds of Hades and many others, "Don't stray from the path," She warned lightly to the people following her, "You can meet an untimely demise if you aren't aware of where you are going."

Stone building rose from the ground and formed a perfect circle around a central building that looked something like a great temple if it weren't for the fact it appeared to have been converted into a house. That building was where they were headed. Careful not to step on anything that wasn't part of the cobbled stone road before her she lead them to her home and pushed open the door. The inside was truly something to be awestruck over. Mosaics of everyday life decorated the walls while the ceiling depicted what could only be called the myth of the Seven Devils and the God's Will. It was clear that no matter what they did there would always be that being that would attempt to tear them down. Walking to the far side she pushed a screen to the side, "We will be going through these scrolls to figure out what can hold her should we get our hands on her."

There were many they filled in more than half of the building. It was a wonder the woman found something but clearly after even two years one would need an fresh pair of eyes to look over things. They would be those fresh eyes, "Questions?"

@~Nemo~ @jrusso20 @OmniversalRPer @Draco Shadowdragon
Ansigar Kokinos - Forbidden City

Ansigar made his way down to the temple-like house with very little problems. As they entered the building it took his breath at how awesome it looked. When she said that they were going to go through the scrolls he sighed mentally. He hated this kind of searching. "No questions here," he said though he'd rather be doing something else like searching for a physical way to hold her instead of a knowledge based way.