Four Best Friends


Anna woke up feeling giddy. Saturdays were usually special but they felt extra special now that it was the one day a week she would get to see her best friends. It had been an eventful week and she couldn't wait to relay every little bit of it. She stepped out barefoot through the garden door, padding quickly across the hot ground and onto the grass where it was cooler.

The sun was shining and the sky was blue. Perfect weather for a picnic in her garden. She laid the checked red and white blanket on the long grass, and then the sweet smelling hamper and finally herself on the blanket. High and overgrown yellow rose bushes enclosed the small space. The girls always teased her about her wild garden but she much preferred it that way. It reminded her of The Secret Garden. Private and special like their friendship. She smiled thinking about all the secret adventures they had shared since their first days of kindergarten.

Then she thought about her horrible first week at high school without them. It was okay, she told herself, because they would make it all better. They would share their miseries together over their picnic. They will be here any minute now, she thought, as she dipped her head back to enjoy the sun on her face.
Diana was unusually bored. She always had something to do, whether it was reading a book or playing a game with her- Oh that's right. She didn't have any friends. Well, Diana had some friends atleast… Wait..? Was she forgetting something? Diana cursed, flinging herself out of bed and getting dressed, Diana slid down the railing, grabbing the toast on the table, then sliding out the door. A few minutes later, she had arrived at her friends house. Diana paused, before regaining her composure and knocking on the door, God was high school boring.
"Just go up to the garden, my love." Nana Rose said, after opening the door, with all the strength she could muster. "She's made such a big effort- counted down the days, dearie. I keep telling her it's ok to have other friends too. I do worry about her" She hobbled back to the living room to the sound of the TV, without giving Diana a chance to respond, after all she could barely hear people anyway.

"DIANA" Anna jumped off the blanket at the familiar sight of Diana, and flung her arms around her. "Oh, I've had such a week. I don't know if I can wait for the others to say." She paused for a second before continuing, wide eyed and animated. "They thought I was somebody's younger sister. I thought I'd grown over the summer. But everyone's so much taller and all they do is laugh at me for being small. This girl pinched my cheeks so hard, it really hurt. When I got teary she just laughed more. They're all so terrible!"
Diana was surprised when the embrace of Anna wrapped around her. After all, she was quite tall for her age,
"Oh I've had a slightly better week! People tried talking to me but.. Well I prefer to be by myself." Diana waved her hand, slowly pulling off the girls strong hands wrapped around her neck. "You do act like a child sometimes.." Diana joked, slipping into the house.
She smiled, "I was waiting for this all week!"
"No one's worthy of friendship" Anna said matter-of-factly. "Besides, we only need each other."

Anna concluded Diana had a positive response from people because she was tall. She hoped the others enjoyed her hugs more, as she loved feeling close to them. They would all need to get use to it because this is how she would greet them from this point forth, she vowed.

"I'm glad you've been waiting because....ta-da!" She yelled, as she led her to the picnic. "Nana and I made all of our favourite desserts." She pulled them all out one by one from the hamper. Brownies, colourful cupcakes, jam tarts and her own favourite, chocolate chip cookies. She got confused with whose favourite was which, but she didn't want to admit this because it would ruin the meaningfulness of it. She would just have to see what everyone reached out for. "So, tell me more about your week"
Luna woke up to the sound of her parents yelling again, she groaned. As if her week hadn't already been bad enough at the high school, she had to deal with waking up to this too. She grabbed her pillow putting it over her face so she could block out the noise. She laid on her bed with her eyes closed until it hit her that today was Saturday. She mulled over the word in her head for a moment before it hit her that she was supposed to meet the girls. Grabbing her phone off her bedside table she looked at the time before bolting upright. "Crap." She was definitely running late, as usual.

Flinging her sheets off she jumped out of bed and got changed, making sure she was good and ready before grabbing her bag and scooter keys. Running down the stairs she ignored her parents yelling and walked out the door swinging her bag over her shoulder before hopping on her scooter and heading to Diana's. It was only a few minutes till she reached, parking the scooter sh took off her helmet and walked to the door giving it a knock. Luna couldn't wait to tell the girl's about her 'wonderful' week at school.
Anna jumped up and went to get the door. She felt bad leaving it to Nana to get up from the sofa again, as it took a while for her get up.

"LUNA" She pounced on her just as hard as she did with Diana, and led her to the garden. "Tuck in, and you're welcome! We were just updating each other on our week. Wasn't it horrible?" She asked, wanting to be reassured she was feeling just as miserable at school as herself. The truth was she hadn't been satisfied with Diana's response. As selfish as it was, she felt like Diana wasn't miserable enough at school.

The girls were her safe little bubble. She never bothered speaking to the other kids because she had always had the girls beside her and starting high school made her realise just how sheltered she had been. The four of them together made them powerful, untouchable. She didn't know how to talk to anyone else. She hadn't needed to before. On the last day of school they had all huddled and cried and swore they would run away together. Anna had actually packed her bags for the getaway, and was so sad when she found out the girls hadn't actually meant it.
Luna stumbled bac but caught the girl hugging her back. "Someone's more awake than usual." She followed Anna to the garden and plopped herself on the ground. "Well, it wasn't horrible, but schools not great to begin with. I did get the old man to agree to get me a nose piercing!" Luna smirked and looked at Diana, "What about you guys?" She leaned back on her hands, "Oh cookies!" Luna grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and took a bit laying her legs straight and crossing her booted feet.

She loved her friend, and wished they had gone to school together as they always had, it was hard enough in kindergarten before she met them. Now it was just a pain in the neck to deal with people that irritated her. Especially with her short temper.
“I don’t have you to get mad at anyone who tries it with me, so naturally I’m getting bullied” She pouted and furrowed her eyebrows. She was getting cranky. “They see me as a walking joke and poke me around like I’m a doll who can’t feel anything. Even though I grew 1cm over summer”

“wait, you got your nose pierced? That’s so cool! How did that happen?” She snapped back into excited.
Luna narrowed her eyes sitting up straight, "Hold up wait, who is bullying you? I swear Anna I'll kick their faces in!" Luna sighed leaning back on her hands. "As for the piercing... Hell yea I did! They take this piercing gun. And like it hurts like hell, but totally worth it! Look." Luna leaned closer so they could take a look and pointed to the black ball on the left side of her nose.
“Wow” she cooed at the the ball and her friends bravery. She could never understand how she was both so cool and brave.

“Kick their faces In Luna. Can you, please?” She turned to her seriously.

“Diana, I have some homework i’m stuck on. Doesn’t it suck not having her to copy answers from? Life was so easy.”

It was starting to get a little dark. Where was their fourth friend? Out of all them, she was the only one she had been concerned about. She made friends so easily, she loved people. But being the leader of the group she couldn’t have replaced them, right? Anna shook off the thoughts, “we better go inside”
Diana looked up, "Ild beh dere in a minuat." Her mouth was full of brownies, "Awha Dunt wan go insid." Then, after she swallowed the brownies, "Is there anymore brownies?" "Oh, and my week was amazing thanks." She didn't go into any further detail. Diana went inside, picking up Anna's homework and only a few minutes later, she put it down.
"There you go."
Luna smirked, "Yeah of course Anna. Just give me their names and they'll never mess with you again." Luna wore a smile but her words were serious all the same. She couldn't help but laugh a little when Diana was asked to help with homework. "Can't say I don't miss you helping out with school work. But, you'll tutor me please Diana!" Luna looked at her friend folding her hands in front of her mock begging. She pushed herself off the ground looked at Diana before grabbing the cookies. "I'm glad at least your week was good, but I'm serious you guys tell me if anyone messes with you guys. i'll-" Luna ran a finger across her throat before laughing. She leaned against the counter putting the cookies down.
Diana smiled, "You love those cookies don't you?" Before taking one of her cookies and eating it, "Sharing is caring," She laughed.
"Well duh, the best cookies are the one's from Ana's house." She watched Diana pick one up and gasped, "How could you! You know I haven't shared since kindergarten!" Luna stuck out her tongue and grabbed another cookie. "Oh! I'm thinking about getting a tattoo. You guys think my parents will let me?"
"Uh, probably not, but you're gonna do it anyway." Diana told her, grabbing another cookie and joked, "Thanks for Sharing Luna!"
Luna scoffed tipping her cookie, "Point taken, getting a fake ID and everything. Totally ready for the high school experience....What about you? What are your amazing high school plans Diana?"
"Oh, you two are throwing crumbs about everywhere. Have the jam one's touched those." Anna was rubbing a crumb in her eye. "You know what…" She said, failing to suppress the sly smile creeping onto her face. She got up quickly, turned the hamper upside down and shook it until crumbs rained down on them. Then she made a run for it into the living room to hide behind Nana.
Luna yelped and looked at Ana, "Oh you are SO~ dead!" She ran after the girl before slowing as she reached the living room. "Oh now that's not fair! Nan' tell her to let me get her back! I got crumbs in my hair!" Luna pouted trying to get Nana on her side and stuck her tongue out at Ana.
“No, no, no. I’m not getting involved in a crumb fight. I’ve had my fair share of fights in my time. And they involved fists not crumbs.” Nana Rose chuckled “but my back has gone now. All I have to look forward to now is death” she said grimly, and the next second her eyes were glued back to the screen.

Nana had a knack for surprising you. Anna snorted and lay her head on nana’s shoulder. “Grab a blanket. This movie is my favourite” She instructed the girls. It was wizard of oz. “...and I don’t think she’s coming”. She added, not needing to explain who. It was weird to not have any texts explaining but she would think about that another time.