Foward Onto Progress!

Erold Merlin
This camp smelled of dirt and oil. As Erold travelled though the camp he could hear the clanking of metal work and he couldn't help but scoff at such things. Why work so hard to craft things from nature when you control nature though magic? However he had to put such thoughts behind him if he was going to blend in with the rabble that now surrounded him. It didn't take long for Erold long to find his "Co." The man was in a tent with him a small amount of men were surrounding a small table.

"Hello, Sorry to Interrupt but I must insist. Is your Commanding officer here. I have been transferred to this unit. The Name is James Edward reporting for duty sir! " Erold said with a strong salute

Erold had his papers with him if he needed to try and convince the man and was confidant that they would see him though the starting line, but he kept the papers to himself if he revealed them too quickly it might of made him seem desperate therefore make him suspicious.

