Game Summary. What's it all about. (For now, the only information to remain unchanged)


An endless reality stuck inside a magical jar, where creation takes a different shape than that which we are familiar with, planets are the size of real life solar systems, stars the size of nightmares, the speed of light one quintillion times faster than in real life and Galaxies are vast behemoths of googolplexes of said stars; Your people must evolve and conquer all the challenges the omniverse throws at them.

Create your mortal or eternal civilization and build your empire up through an endless reality, to expand and better define your chosen people through vaster and vaster territories as you aim for transcendence.

There are hierarchies of Gods and Demons ruling over mortals from the 4th dimension which you should consider adding to your character sheet for extra strategic power.

Demons are equals and even stronger than Gods but they are insane.

Gods and Demons are almighty when it comes to ruling over their realms, as they can do anything and everything they want in a 3 dimensional universe.

Omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence are the qualities of the Gods and Demons over any 3 dimensional realm but in their 4th dimension they are not so powerful when they are dealing with their own kind.

The structure of the Omniverse is that of a 5 dimensional construct:

3 dimensions for universes with planets, stars and galaxies and such.

3.1 to 3.7 dimensions for the afterlife realms of the spirits where your dearly or otherwise departed go, the “treasury” of your Gods and Demons. (aka – hells and heavens)

4 dimensions for the realms of the deities and abominations. Where the multiverses are created.

5 dimensions for the overall omniverse where all the 4th dimensional realms are created and coexist.

In the 5th dimensional realm is where the highest of supernatural beings live and have their wills. The Enders and Oronoss.

Just like a God/Demon is a frightfully almighty Lord of All for a 3 dimensional universe and it’s mortal inhabitants or a spirit realm/afterlife, so is an Ender over a 4th dimensional realm.

The Oronoss is the demonic version of these Uber-Gods. The fallen Enders.

There are also civilizations of enders/oronoss and Gods/demons which rule over an unimaginable and infinite number of multiverses and 4th dimensional constructs.

Types of empires

There are three stages of power and focus:

1 – mortal civilizations in a 3 dimensional universe

2 – Civilizations of Gods and Demons or individuals in the 4th dimension ruling over clouds of multiverses (constructs of infinite parallel universes) and their afterlives ( the higher 3.1 to 3.7-8 dimensional realms onto which these 3 dimensional universes grow akin to branches on the trunk of a tree)

3 – Civilizations of Enders and Oronoss or individuals ruling over 4th dimensional realms of Gods/Demons and their afterlives (4.1 to 4.7-9 dimensional constructs of spirit worlds for the slain Gods and Demons which are the 4th dimensional counterparts of the 3 dimensional afterlives)

Fundamental types of focus expanded

3rd dimensional universes -> This plane of existence implies mortal creatures and spirits from said afterlives. 3.1 to 3.8 dimensions is where spirits and the supernatural worlds exist, more often than not. And is also the minor realms for the smaller deities, like the vassals of a 4th dimensional God/Demon.

Creating such an empire and deciding to focus solely on this aspect implies that the players that play more with the higher dimensional realms may not find it easy to spot you and there will be a vast power discrepancy between your people. More on the side of a 4th dimensional civilization ruling yours by default – as an analogy.

It is illegal, however, to “Thanos snap” the lesser civilizations out of existence – even though technically this can be a threat that may be mentioned by either party in conversations to cause tensions. Example: “... You do know that these beings that we just stumbled across, according to the revelations of our magi, are fully capable of turning our whole reality into primordial chaos with a simple thought if they wanted to...”

4th dimensional existence is in the domain of the Gods and Demons. These beings are almighty over the 3rd dimensional realm. This is in all the senses, They are night omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient over these realms – the universes and multiverses within 4th diomensional constructs –

The 4.1 to 4.8 are the afterlives of the Gods/Demons, even these beings are vulnerable, though it takes another 4th dimensional adversary to even come close to being a viable threat to them.

5th dimension is the realm of the Enders and Oronoss, the highest of beings besides the Originator and the Odeoron. And has similar properties as the lower realms. These beings are almighty over Gods and Demons. But can kill each other, though the difference is they don’t have an afterlife, and once one is truly killed, they may be recreated or “respawn” somewhere else in the omnioverse, albeit weaker than before. And killing one often and fast enough can cause them to be assimilated into the omniversal flux and become food for the engines of creation thus being destroyed forever.

Purpose of the Game:

The path of the game is the diligent guidance of the evolution and growth of your mortal or eternal species.

Be it Mortal, Spirit, Ether, Magic, mechanic, virtual, hybrid, God/Demon, Ender/Oronoss there are two possibilities:

1 – Aim for transcendence where your species need to submit to the events of evolution that are offered by the Omniverse in order to either transcend in the light or transcend in the darkness.

2 – Nevermind transcendence, you want to conquer a vast chunk of the omniverse and glory yourself into true might! Show off your species true rulership by making the lesser creatures worship you and further fortify and expand your empire in an endless journey for more of everything while facing higher and higher threats that aim at cutting you down or consuming your empire for the purposes of feeding the engines of creation at the root of the omniverse.

The Lore of the Omniverse’s purpose

The Lore of the Omniverse’s aim is to reach transcendence into the Originator’s will and not ascension nor transcendence into Perdition or Armageddon.

The chances for any mortal species to reach transcendence of light is a very slim 5% possibility as the window of opportunity for this kind of transcendence is weak at best since more often than not ascension occurs to these people before they can win the jackpot sort of speaking.

There is a supreme prototype of mortal life for the transcendence into light that has to still be in their 3 dimensional mortal forms in order to transcend and get out of the wheel of life. No spirits or deities or Enders can make it through this path. They will remain as deities eternally.

Though the transcendence into Chaos/Perdition is wider, 25% as both spirits and demons except Oronoss are welcomed.

There’s the Arothai convergence where once reached the window of transcendence opens. Or there’s the Armageddon convergence where a supremely malevolent empire joins with the Lord of Chaos.

Anything in between remains in the wheel of life and they ascend to Gods/Demons and eventually Enders/Oronoss and keep fuelling the omniverse’s incessant growth and inflation.

The Armageddon convergence is wider as it welcomes the hellish damned spirits to the everlasting perdition of the Lord of Chaos – Odeoron, and also the demons but not the Oronoss. Whereas the Arothai Convergence only welcomes the mortal Arothai and not the spirits of heavens or Gods and their spirits, let alone Enders.

Further Details about Light Speed

Since the speed of light is one quintillion times faster than the real life version so are the in game light years.

The in-game Light years are REALLY big.
If you take an average star which in this game would be roughly 100 real life light years then the maths would be as follows:

View attachment 9555
One square from the grid is 100 X 100 real life light years in volume.
The star in the centre is the 100 real life light years orange dwarf star which can be considered an average volume.

Now the whole of a solar system is 17 squares wide and 17 squares long
Including all the temperature zones.

This makes the volume of space occupied by an in game solar system 1700 wide 1700 long 1700 deep cube of real life light years.

Therefore, after a more in depth calculation that i made off screen, in an in-game Light year cubed of volume one can easily find an average of 50.000 trillion stars... No Joke...

having this under consideration, warp engines are seldom needed, as all systems have plenty of planets, and systems here are really close to each other.

Warp travel is needed if your target is beyond what normal light can carry.
You need only propulsion systems strong enough to have a gradual acceleration which can easily get your species to the neighbouring systems within a matter of days...

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