ISMA Gecko's Characters


Name: Soda
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Appearance: Soda is notably small, standing at only 61cm tall, and weighing only 12kg. A draconic humanoid, Soda has a face with traits of both reptiles and canines, with large wide-set eyes, small spiny ridges across the edges of his head, and two floppy ears. Heavily disfigured, Soda's face has a hand-shaped region over his left eye that isn't covered in rough crocodilian scales and patchy fur. While his left eye has a slit pupil, the pupil on his right eye has dilated until both the iris and sclera are invisible.
Though emaciated, his entire body including neck and legs are hidden by an oversized coat that makes him appear much bulkier and rounder than he really is. Being so oversized, Soda usually keeps his arms inside the coat's body rather than in the sleeves. Covering the top of his head until only a small dark gap remains is a huge patchwork wizard hat. The hat has a fray at the front of the brim, letting Soda partially see through. Both the hat and coat have patches of magically active material that show the different schools of magic he's adept in.
Soda is exclusively seen carrying a carved focus that greatly resembles a rifle. It's roughly 80cm long.
Race/Species: Kobold

Magic: Psiionic, Thaumaturgy, Enhancement.
Max Tier received: Tier 3 Psiionic and Thaumaturgy.
Current Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Soda originates about three steps away. He was conjured as and manipulated through enhancement magic to gain power as part of a sacrifice to gain control of a much more powerful entity. However, it was unknown that Soda was already a latent Psiion, which caused complications in the attempted subjugation of the entity's soul, causing it to lash out and kill or consume most present. Some, Soda included, were instead warped and scarred. With collaboration of the survivors, they escaped into the world.
Among them, Soda was the only one to live longer than a few weeks in this unfamiliar world. He was naturalized with moderate success, and has since been utilizing his abilities as a bounty hunter to collect money which he spends almost exclusively in order to foil similar activities to the one that resulted in his mutilation, learn more about the entity, and weaken it whenever possible.