Getting to know eachother better

I am currently in Nanowrimo and also have done it for the past six years. I have ' technically' won every year, but in actuality, I used a ton of padding from schoolwork in the unplanned November 2014 novel due to underestimating college.
I sometimes while we talk with friends about a topic suddenly blurt out a totally unrelated fact that is nowhere near the same topic because I don't want to forget it while they go on about something...
I have written a decent sized book before, but I kept it in a word file on my computer. As a matter of fact, I haven't looked at it in a few years now.
The tendons in my pinky and ring finger do not cross like in normal folks. So I can have my hand flat and bend my pinky up without bending the other fingers. My niece can as well since it's hereditary.
I read tarot cards and have so far accurately predicted car accidents and the death of two family members... I haven't read them in a while because of it...
I have one tooth that is much higher than all the others and when I smile it shows through my lips.
And I don't like it.
I associate any word I hear with a shape based on its qualities, but I'm awful at geometry and generally hate shapes :/
To psych myself into eating something I probably shouldn't or am a little afraid to eat...I usually repeat the mantra, "Eh...I've probably had worse."
...shortly after, I think about all the odd things I've eaten on purpose in my life....chief among them being grilled scorpions, deep fried tarantulas, kale, and I wonder...what if the worst thing I've ever eaten was a result of me psyching myself into it??? o_O....
Though, most of the time, it's from less exiting things like food that's recently expired that I don't wanna waste or an apple that has a weird spot on it...
I'm extremely superstitious and have developed an uncanny fear of mirrors. I also do not sage my home for fear that "smudging" when not needed will undoubtedly invite an evil spirit in.
I don't like spiders. They scare me.

I also sleep with something on, like my laptop. I'll have a video play while I fall asleep. When things are quiet at night, I get paranoid.
We never had an official wedding. *huffs* I never even gave you your ring. *produces box with red bow* We're not married. And I'm not giving you the ring until you state otherwise. You ruined our wedding place. Admit it.