Ame Damnee Glow's Characters


Punmaker Extrordinare
Name: Damien Grey
Aliases: None
Title(s): None
Role: Traveling Story Teller
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Affiliations: None
Hometown: Abaddon
Relationships: None

Race: Dwarf
Subrace: None
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Appearance: Damien is of average dwarf height and has a stocky build. He has a serious demeanor and his eyes are a deep blue color. His hair and beard are jet black. His hair is long and is kept back in a pony tail. His beard comes down to his belly. He generally wears clothing suited for traveling; shirts and pants made of durable fabric, and a pair of durable leather boots. However, when he is performing, he favors white dress shirts and dark colored pants made of more delecate fabrics.

Equipment: He carries a short sword and scabbard on his belt and a pack that contains all of his worldly possessions. He also has a pair of daggers hidden in his boots.

Stone Skin - Damien is able to harden his skin at will; making it impervious to most sword and arrow attacks.
Stone Animation - He is also able to channel his life force into any stone statue and control it.

Weaknesses: His stone skin restricts his movement and is not impervious to magically enhanced weapons. He can only control statues that are within a hundred yard radius of him and, while the vast majority of Damian's life force inhabits the statue, there is still a fragment of it inside his body. So if his body is mortally wounded he will die.

He is also very non confrontational and tends to wait until the last minute before acting in a situation; which can lead to disastrous results in situations where quick decision-making is essential.

Personality: Damien is reserved, but friendly. He rarely speaks, but when he does, his words are well thought out and serve a purpose. He loathes small talk. He will let people approach him, but rarely will he come to them. He has a passion for stories and is always willing to let people tell him theirs. He frequents inns and taverns; always on the lookout for inspiration for his next tale.

Skills: He is a skilled story teller and stone carver.

Bio/History: Damien was born in New Eden to wealthy family and spent his growing up years in luxury. When he was a youth, Damien was hot tempered and brash. He mixed with the wrong crowds and frequented taverns often.

One night, he got into a drunken brawl with an elf in a tavern who accused him of cheating in a card game. The fight quickly escalated and in a blind rage, Damien charged the elf. The elf stepped to the side and Damien crashed into a young serving girl. The girl flew backwards and struck her head on the corner of a table. The blow killed her instantly. Damien fled the tavern and left New Eden the next day. He never returned.

He traveled through Oblitus and eventually made it to Abadon where he discovered his talent for telling stories. He was telling an inn keeper about an encounter with a pack of wolves when he noticed that everyone else in the room was staring at him; enthralled with his tale. He started making up his own stories; turning his talent into a profession. He travels to various inns and taverns, sharing his tales for a price. The stories provide an escape from his past; dulling the aching guilt he feels for what happened in New Eden.

Other: Nope
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