Good old fashion horror with a superhero twist


Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places.
So this is my first time actually posting on this site even though I've been a member for awhile. I was on the prowl for a good story and was wondering if anyone was up to collaborate.

I have this vision of a superhero who fights monsters and ghouls and other nightly creatures who go bump in the night. Basically, someone ends up summoning a world of the supernatural to our plain and in the midst of all this, people end up with super powers. Some use it to better their lives, others use it to save mankind and of course, there's the villains.

Now, the world is already in turmoil. There's a plague taking the city and the sick are dying on the streets. In the city of dreams, Waking City, anything is possible. From the cops as twisted as ever and the criminals as heroic as some of the heroes, a world is turned upside down while the shadows of the night feed on the unsuspecting victims caught outside after curfew. Martial law was declared months ago and a civil war wrecks havoc across multiple states. This world has gone to Hell and it's up to a single man to change the fate of the universe.

His name is Grant Halloway and he's what they call a super user. When the supernatural invaded the world, they brought along with them spirits who possessed humans and gave them super powers. Some of these spirits were benevolent while others are down right nasty. Grant not only has super human strength, speed and agility, but he can teleport anywhere he wants to. He's a 23 year old who, like many, live off of stealing to get by. He lived with his parents while jobs are near impossible to get.

Now I'm going to tell you now, I'm dark and I'm twisted when it comes to my stories. I usually do multi-para and try to match my partner's. I do require 18+ considering this is dark and it is a horror and I don't feel comfortable with writing with minors. No offense.

I prefer detail, but I do understand sometimes your brain is shot. I'm also rl friendly (if something happens and you have to step away, I understand. It happens to the best of us).

Anyway, I'm hoping to find someone who's willing to write. I do romances, but it's MxF. Don't let the PfP intimidate you, I'm just a big fan of horror. Anyway. Leave a comment below if you're interested so we can discuss further.
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The world does sound interesting. Is there a plot, or is it just exploring the world and how this supernatural event affected a character?
The plot takes place 2 years after the invasion. A group of individuals discovered these spirits during a lab experiment by tapping into a separate dimension. Now, basically the gist of it is that Grant is running from the cops. He's a casual law breaker who breaks into places and steals all the time. Now, he finds an abandoned warehouse and looks around when he falls through a crack in the floor and finds himself in this lab. Now, while some humans were possessed by these spirits, not all spirits found hosts and in fact were locked away in this lab. These people kidnapped people off the street and are performing experiments by forcibly having these spirits possess humans just to see what would happen. The player can either be someone who was kidnapped, someone in the lab who wants him dead; basically anybody. Now, Grant had no idea what he's got himself into and starts wandering around the facility. Obviously he sees these people locked up and wants to do something about it when one of the spirits break loose and possesses him. Now, as a super user, he is forced to be on the run. If the other player chooses to be a kidnapped victim, they can escape together and try to not only fight off these individuals, but the corrupt cops considering he's wanted for not only breaking and entering and stealing, but now he's in possession of what he's being told as government property. They can then find others who are already possessed band are locked in a civil war with the same people all the while trying to survive in a world overrun by monsters. The overall goal is to see who was holding the people and spirits hostage while trying to stay alive and out of prison
Wow, that sounds exiting! I'd love to explore the concept with you, so shoot me a PM if you feel like it ^^