Ame Damnee Heavensfall Lake

Rythe, Heavensfall Lake

Approaching the lakefront and his brothers and sisters, he examined the area, reveling at the beauty of the waters, the gentle trees rustling in the breeze, and the calm serenity of surroundings, yet it provided only dirt lake surroundings which Rythe found somewhat... unsatisfying for such a ceremony. Slightly distracted, he admitted, "I haven't flown in quite a while actually, I've just been in proxies for a while."

He silent grinned into the crystal clear water, My first steps on these lands. It feels so long ago... Yet it's only now that our cold war changed tides. Have we all grown from ourselves in the touchdown? Perhaps not, perhaps we've just calmed from the rush of hatred and resent.

Waving at the lake's grounds, he suggested, "Wouldn't it be a bit more... suitable if we made some kind of ceremonial uh... platform? It is quite the memorable place, but it's a bit lacking in the... well, I'm not sure how to explain it..." He drew his katana and jabbed it into the ground slightly, "If one of you could provide me with some magic, I could probably make one"
Brutus Magnolia - Heavensfall Lake

He observed the six creatures who seemed to exude the most power and authority out of the many who were gathered here. Renee and Rythe along with the Ethereal Anariel. He'd never personally met Anariel before, but she was easy to recognize, and authority radiated from her. Next were the couple who were by the lake, they resembled a Succubus and a Vampire, yet Brutus could sense that they were much more than that. He surmised that these must be the other Envoys. Lastly there was his ancestor Abraham who seemed to be conversing with another wolf who had been protecting the man who seemed to be its master.

He figured it would still be best to sit and observe the ceremony for now, though he needed to be careful, he could tell that the mother Succubus had noticed his presence, but couldn't actually see him yet, it would be best not to make any more disturbances.

Abraham - Heavensfall Lake

Abraham gave the wolf a toothy grin before he shifted back to his human form. Looking over to his brothers and sisters just as Alexander had arrived. He was glad to see Ana in such high spirits, her demeanor at the barn had been concerning for him but to see her smile so casually again, it assured him that everything would be alright in the end. It was then that he noticed Rythe's candidate, Renee, observing them all and seeming a bit nervous. He walked over and gently pushed her along. "Come along now, sister. What's a ceremony without the guest of honor?" He chuckled.
Heavensfall Lake

Aeriseth grinned at her sister's remark of their previous warring battles. "Well you know, we were only doing what we thought was right and there were three rather annoying angels in our way." she snipped back, playful banter with a hint of resentment. "Oh well, at least when you came to this realm you were able to land somewhere nice, but us..." Lady Death's voice trailed, her face grimacing at the memory of when she followed Lucifer's fall. The pain she felt when her wings were ripped from her as she cascaded down from the Heavens, the way her body changed and morphed into what it is today; the stripping of her name, of who she was, Lillith. It was a memory that was forever ingrained into her soul, one that she could recapture as if it was yesterday and experience every last sensation as if it was happening to her in the present. It was only pain.

"We weren't so lucky." she finished, her grin slowly disappearing and her gaze losing itself in the water below. Aeriseth was careful not to get close, a bit afraid of what the holy land would do to her if she was to touch it. Who are you now? she asked, looking at her reflection, unknowing of the person staring back at her. Aeriseth sighed and turned her attention to Rythe who was questioning the suitability of the location. She watched as he stabbed his Katana in the ground and asked for assistance. One step at a time.

Aeriseth turned to face Rythe fully now, her golden eyes shifting colour to a pink hue. "I can help with making this place more suitable to your noble needs, Rythe." she exclaimed as the grass surrounding the lake began to grow deeper in colour, one of rich and healthy green hues. The Succubus turned to face the lake with a twirl and as she spun around, small delicate flowers of a multitude of colours began to blossom in the fields. Her attention focused on the lake as she outstretched her hand in a cupping motion, raising it slowly into the air. As Aeriseth's hand lifted, small ripples in the water began to form; slowly at first and then quickly growing with intensity and frequency. From the edge of the lake, the water began to split apart to create a path toward the center of it where both the stones and Anariel were. Once Lady Death's hand reached above her head, the lake had fully split to create a roofless corridor from the water's edge to the center of the lake; the water was cascading down in a waterfall motion on either side of the pathway and big bushes of lilies had sprouted from the ground to line the way. The lake on the opposite side of Anariel remained the same and was untouched by Aeriseth's magic.

Lady Death smiled at the creation she had fabricated, it was truly a sight of beauty. "Is this more fitting, Rythe?"
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Alexander- Heavensfall Lake
Alexander watched the creation that Aeriseth made, smiling at the beauty she had made. Standing and wrapping his arm around her waist, he lightly kissed her cheek before letting her go. "I find it more than suitable if you ask me." Looking away from Aeriseth, he noticed Abraham talking to someone, who he could only assume was the one they were waiting for. He walked over to them and bowed his head slightly, glancing at Renee and Abraham with a half-smile. "So this is her then? Pleasure to meet you."
Oliver Rikonde
Heavensfall Lake

As the environment around him change appearances, Oliver looked around unsure what was going on. It obviously seemed like something important was about to go down. He noticed another newcomer to the area, this one didn't look too comfortable though. His gaze shifted back to Abraham as changed forms again and went to greet the newcomer. Not sure if he wanted to stay and watch or leave, he went back to the tree he had been sitting against before anyone arrived and watched. The thought occurred to him that Toby was probably awake now and ready to attach his finished clockwork arm.


Anariel turned at Rythe's words, smiling. She was about to say something when the flowers bloomed at Aeriseth's command. For a moment, she was struck with the sudden beauty that showed through, but after the initial surprise she found herself becoming far more calm. This was going to work. Something within her felt the tugs and pulls around her, and she knew it was going to work. She watched as the waters parted, providing a path along the lake-bed that scooped downward from the shore and rose up to the stones where she stood, though it touched one in particular, vice all three. She smiled at that, nodding as though it was supposed to be that way. As the magic held, she cast her attention elsewhere, arms holding the bundle just a little more securely.

She watched Rythe for a moment, then watched as Oliver returned to where he'd been. It irked her, ever so slightly, to think that he would simply step back from others, would revoke even a small amount of society, but she let the feeling pass. It wasn't important, compared to the rest of what was to come. Finally, her gaze and attentions turned to her lover and the angel beside him. While she saw no wings from the girl at the moment, she was certain of what the woman was, and she wondered what she was like.

The archangel flared her wings fully, pausing for just a moment as she felt them warm under the bright light of the sun, then took off. A single ripple pushed out as she left the stone, the water of the lake otherwise undisturbed by her motions, including her wings moving what air they did, and she smirked, a thought forming in her head. A moment later and she landed a few feet from Abraham and Renee, tucking her wings back slightly, but leaving them more than visible. While she wanted to walk over and begin to gush with the woman about all the exciting things that were about to happen, a strange thing for Anariel to desire, she restrained herself. The girl seemed nervous, after all, and she wouldn't risk frightening her away when she was so crucial to the continuation of the Ethereals and Envoys. So instead, she simply bowed in greeting.

She was about to speak, but a sudden twinge pinched within her, and she wondered at it. She'd not had her magic alert her to things in centuries, and she'd forgotten what it was like. Had she not already been bent at the waist for the bow, she would have started to double over regardless, but as she let the magic wash through her, she understood what had occurred. More than the Heavenly beings here at the lake, and Oliver, there was another. The quietest sounds of his breathing and heartbeat became as loud to her ears as spoken voice, and as she stood tall once more, she looked directly at Brutus. She didn't know who he was, but that he would hide himself from them and observe troubled her.

The ceremony to come was not something for the eyes and ears of those outside the covenant of the Envoys and Ethereals. She looked at Abraham, her smile held back in lieu of a serious concern.

"Ra," she said softly, though she touched the magic she owned, feeling slightly naseous because of it, so that he would hear her. "Go and ensure only the six of us who are needed are within the area. I cannot allow observers, as much as I might wish to, during the ceremony. The knowledge of what Rythe and I are about to do must not be given to the world of mortals, for they would not understand the power required. If the ceremony becomes known, then others will attempt it, and in their blasphemy they will die, and there are those who would come to us Ethereals and demand to be made one of us, purely for selfish reasons, and there would be chaos because of it." She sighed, realizing how she sounded. She tried to let herself relax, but there was a stopper of anxiety, small though it might be, holding back her mirth. It would pass when there was no more issue, she hoped. In an attempt to alleviate her worry, she relaxed her magic and spoke more loudly, turning to Renee.

"You must be the one Rythe mentioned. Come, and we'll try to get this underway, shall we? After all, I can imagine you might be a bit nervous, and simply wanting to be done with whatever is going on here." She opened her right-hand wings, as if extending her right arm, in lieu of moving her arm itself and risk dropping Uriel's wings, as an open invitation for Renee.
Heavensfall Lake

Renee's confident facade seem to falter a little when Alexander greeted her, glancing over at everyone before replying. "It's an honor to meet you..." she trailed off. When Anariel regarded her, she seemed to stiffen, especially when she saw Uriel's wings. She could have recognized those from anywhere. The news of his death felt even more real now, wondering what could have happened for him that he had to lose his wings. To an angel... having their wings ripped off must be the greatest humiliation, the greatest agony. "Then... Uriel... truly is dead, isn't he?" she bit her lip as she approached uneasily, her hand seem to reach towards the wings as if to touch it, but at the last minute, she shook her head.

All her self doubts once more cluttered her thoughts, as she kneeled in front of Anariel, bowing her head in an act of submission. "My lady. I am not worthy." she looked up at her, her scarlet eyes filled with grief and emotion. "Uriel was a great man. To think that someone like me is to take his place... feels like an insult to his memory. There must have been a mistake. Uriel was... my savior. I cannot bear it if my flaws, my shortcomings and my weaknesses are to sully his name."
Abraham - Heavensfall Lake

Abraham put a comforting hand on Renee's shoulder. "Even the Ethereal and Envoys have flaws young one. Some of us more than others, but you needn't worry about yours hurting his name. We believe you to be worthy and should the ceremony go well, Aditi shall deem you worthy as well." He nodded to Anariel as he heard her request and walked over to Oliver and Felix, his voice gentle as he spoke to them. "I'm terribly sorry, but we need to ask for some privacy. This will be a funeral for our brother and we'd prefer to mourn him in private." He wasn't lying, this would be as much a funeral for Uriel as it would be a ceremony for Renee.

He then looked up to the trees, Cenarius seemed to have wandered off on his own, but he knew who else was hiding amongst them. He'd heard the young Lycan approach. "That includes you too Brutus!" He yelled out to the trees. "I understand you're curious, but this is a private matter."

Brutus Magnolia - Heavensfall Lake

Brutus was startled by just how many people had noticed his invisible form. First the Succubus Queen had looked around for him, then Anariel had gazed straight at him. To hear Abraham call his name told him how perceptive these legendary beings truly were. He dropped from his perch in the trees, removing the invisibility from his form as he did so and bowed his head in apology. "I'm sorry for spying, I was curious about what you were doing but didn't want to interrupt. If it's personal then I'll leave."

He began to make his way out of the forest, with none of his questions answered. He headed towards Fairharvest proper, following the scent of his lover. After everything he'd seen here he wanted another moment of calm with her.
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Seeing Renee drop to her knees shocked Anariel. She'd not expected such humility from the girl, and while she didn't blame Renee, she also saw the girl's potential at that moment. Any doubts she'd held about Uriel's successor were dashed against the rock of her faith that this woman would be more than worthy of being her Sister. She knelt herself, resting the multicolored wings in her arms against the tops of her thighs to free up her right arm.

"He has passed, yes, but that does not mean you risk sullying his name. Uriel was who he was, and a greater champion for the cause of humanity I have never known. He walked among them as I never could, born to bridge the gap between the mortal races and those of us blessed by the grace of Heaven to see the turning of centuries. As Abraham says, even we at the top, those of us who are known to some purely as legends to be revered and given praise, have our flaws. It marks us as beings who know life, not as a deity, but as a being with free will. You can ask any of us. We've made our fair share of mistakes." She reached out as she spoke, lightly placing a hand on Renee's cheek to comfort the girl.

"Now, come with me. We must begin the ceremony soon, or we may miss the only opportunity to perform the rites as needed. It will certainly be some time before this is performed again, of that I am certain, and I would not wish to miss the chance we have available to us now." She stood, her fingers trailing off Renee's cheek, gently lifting the woman's face upward, towards the sky. She stepped back, holding the bundle with both arms once more, smiling.

"I know you're nervous, and that is not improper to feel, but think of it like your first flight. Right now, as you are, you stand on the edge of a cliff, wings tucked tight to your back in concern, but here is the moment to leap off that edge, to throw caution to the side and take what has been offered you. Now is the moment where you spread your wings and fly, commanding the world to bow to your whims to some degree, and take your destiny into your own control." She fanned her own wings out as she spoke, the feathers seeming to shimmer with a silver sheen in the light of sun as it peeked out from behind a cloud. She leapt into the air, flapping a bit to stabilize herself before flapping slowly to simply turn in midair, watching Renee.

"Come along, and let us begin." She turned to Rythe, her smile warm. "Rythe, if you would meet us at the entrance to the path our Sister has made for us. Our newcomer will walk her path to the stone her predecessor stood upon, and then we shall begin the ceremony." What the archangel didn't say was that the ceremony would be started when Renee took her first step along the bottom of the lake.
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Oliver Rikonde
Heavensfall Lake

Oliver heard the traces of sorrow in Abraham's voice as he kindly told them they needed to leave. He could tell that whomever Uriel was he was greatly cared for by the group of people gathered. He sensed that a funeral wasn't all that was about to happen here, but decided it wasn't his business. "I understand," Oliver said, "I'm sorry for y'alls loss."

Oliver turned and started walking back towards Fairharvest. After a few steps he stopped and took one last look at Anariel. She looked so much happier than she had when she first arrived at the lake. He wondered if he would see anyone from here again after their funeral as he turned back towards the path and continued on his way. Toby will be mad at me for being gone so long, he thought as it struck him that he had been here for way longer than he had meant. He looked at the temporary arm and felt a little excited to see the work that Toby done for him.
Rythe, Heavensfall Lake

Rythe scanned Aeriseth's work, marveling at the beautiful environment, admiring the varieties of flowers and pathway into the lake's center and stones as well as the lushness of the green grasses around the water. "Thanks Aeriseth, appreciate the help, and yes, it looks beautiful."

Having traveled with Renee out of New Eden, he was half surprised to see her kneel before Anariel, proclaiming her flaws and weakness. Despite her feelings of being unworthy, in Rythe's mind, her humbleness only solidified his choice. She is the right one. He knelt down beside Renee, reached out and patted her back heavily, "What's greatness without flaw? It's all about the journey to greatness, and it's only more glorious when our hero arises from the ashes rather than atop a throne, right? So chin up, today's a big day, don't worry about Uriel's name, you're building your own." Rising from his crouch, he gave a light sigh and a clap before continuing towards the center of the lake., "Getting a bit old... Let's begin."
Heavensfall Lake

Renee's conviction faltered as they all gave her approving smiles and kind words, almost as if the fact that she went on her knees only made them more certain that she was the right person for the job. Me? An ethereal? It feels so surreal, but something inside tells her it was meant to be. All those dreams about her destiny, all the prayers she had for Aditi that she thought would remain unanswered. Here and now, once this ceremony begins, there will be no turning back.

Renee took a deep breath as she took her first step into the lake, feeling the water at her ankles, as she met everyone's encouraging faces. She looked up at Anariel, the warm smile making her feel more at ease. Renee made a faint smile back, her expression uncertain but determined. "I'm ready. Let's begin. "


The archangel watched Renee take the first step onto the path Aeriseth had cut through the waves, only a small amount of water remaining upon the stones of the lake bed. As the girl would walk down the sloping path, the walls of water would rise higher and higher to her sides. Only when she began to approach the stone where Uriel landed those centuries ago would her path slope upward once more. While Renee walked, Anariel landed on her own stone at the lake's heart and began to speak, augmenting her voice with magic so all in attendance would be able to hear.

"Today we mark two occasions, both important to those of us from Heaven above. We lost a brother recently to forces unknown. None among us saw him pass, but we have felt the loss, and felt the implications and imbalance it has caused. We were made as trios, and without the balance of three members, we are unable to be what we were meant to be for this world. Uriel was, like us, one of the children of Heaven in the highest sense, a paragon of the balancing nature we were meant to encompass. He came to this world not to beat back the darkness it had found, but to provide a light to all who wished it, that they might find a brighter future for themselves. In this regard, he had no equal. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed some of the things he accomplished, so great a being was he. And yet, despite his grand capabilities, he lived more and more like the common folk of the world, becoming more like them with the turning of each year. He integrated with them, and became known to them not only because of the mighty things he'd done, but as a friend as well, a man you could turn to at a moment's notice and expect to receive his aid. In his humility, he became mighty again." She paused, finding her cheeks slightly wet from a few tears that she'd not noticed. Without wiping them away, she continued. "In losing him, we have been dealt a mighty blow, but even in parting he performed a third and final act, one that will allow his memory to remain forever among us. He gave the ultimate sacrifice in his passing, and left behind his wings, that we might bestow his gifts and strengths to another in this very ceremony. My words cannot convey the full measure of the loss we have with Uriel's passing, but even in the darkness of the times, with him gone and the Stones stolen, there is a new light of hope spreading."

As Renee walked and Anariel spoke of Uriel's life, she would hand off the left wings of Uriel to her brother, one from each pair. Now that the ceremony had begun, she was no longer bound to keep them to herself, and as the ceremony would require of it, she would not be able to grant the title of Ethereal by herself. She needed her brother more than ever for this, and she was glad to have him here. As her thoughts began to revolve more and more around the passing of Uriel and the ascension of his successor she felt her cheeks grow more wet, this time noting the tears but letting them flow freely. Her brother had gone on, but this day was the period in which she would mourn. They would mourn the loss, and celebrate his life by bringing his wings to a woman worthy of the position. She looked up, smiling despite her inner sadness from the thoughts in her head, having timed her words to reach this point as Renee arrived at the empty stone. She would wait for Renee to stand upon the stone before looking to Rythe expectantly.
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Rythe, Heavensfall Lake

Nodding, Rythe quickly ether-walked to his position across from Anariel, leaving a misty trail along his path, before grasping the left pair of Uriel's wings. Placing his feet firmly upon his own stone, he took a moment to compose himself as his sister's speech was coming to an end. His hardened expression quickly sprouted a slight grin as the solemn words came to a close. Quietly clearing his throat in preparation, he threw his voice out.
"Yet, with loss comes opportunity. Our brother may have fallen, but just as the trees and animals, from the ashes of the fallen, new life rises. We may have not witnessed Uriel's death, but we are fortunate enough to see Renee's ascension. The time for mourning is over, today we rejoice at another joining our ranks, the dawn of a star rising in the darkness of night. Through our journey, we have seen many blunders, from the stones being lost, to Lucifer's resurgence, to the flames of the forest. In these short days I've witnessed her prowess to become something greater, her confidence and quickness to action will carry her far in the beginning of a new chapter in our plight as well as her own life. We ask you now, Rene'ilyah, to show your worth to us and the Goddess. Give reason to us, why do you believe you are worthy to embark on the path of an Ethereal?"
Abraham - Heavensfall Lake

The King of the Lycans looked on at this ceremony in awe, it had been far too long since he'd been so close to feeling Aditi's embrace. Not since the day before his fall had he felt such brightness and warmth from a single place. It made him want to fly, soar into the heavens above and release these emotions he'd repressed for so long. Alas, he felt the emptiness when he tried to release them, his wings were long gone, a casualty of his transformation, and yet of the three envoys and Lucifer himself, he was the only one to suffer this loss. He wondered why, was it because his betrayal had hurt Aditi the most, or was he simply her least favored? Only she knew the answer, and he doubted that she'd tell him if he asked.

He moved over to where Alex and Aeri were and sat next to them, his eyes never leaving Anariel. She was beautiful, Aditi's light accentuating everything about her, but the sorrow in her eyes made his heart weep. It was an expression he'd seen on her visage far too often since they'd been reunited, and he vowed to himself to never have her feel such despair again. From here on, he would help her smile again.

As the ceremony continued, he found himself reflecting on other thoughts, turning to his fellow envoys, his face was filled with shame. "I'm sorry I left you behind all those years ago. We were the only family we had left, and I pushed you away. I needed time, time to come to terms with what we had become and quell the rage that had been eating away at my heart. I've made a lot of mistakes Alex, Aeri, and I just needed you to know that I'm sorry for every one of them. And that I'm so happy to see you two again." A couple of tears had rolled down his cheeks as he went through this speech, there was a lot he needed to atone for.
Heavensfall Lake

The ceremony was going smoothly, it seemed, as she continued on her path towards the stone. Once she had arrived and stood upon it, staring at the faces looking at her expectantly. She put her hand on her chest, feeling her heart race nervously. For the first time in her life, she let herself feel utterly vulnerable. Anariel's voice resounded in her ears, each word like a stab of pain in her heart. Uriel. But it was then that she heard Rythe speak, and with it came a question that made her gulp.

"We ask you now, Rene'ilyah, to show your worth to us and the Goddess. Give a reason to us, why do you believe you are worthy to embark on the path of an Ethereal?"

She bit her lip.

It was the question she kept asking herself. She was just a simple angel. She was only of above average power and intelligence. The daughter of a Warden, the student of Uriel... she was not exceptional. She was nothing special. She had never done anything good or noteworthy--- her eyes widened in realization. No, that's not right. I... "I...!" she said, feeling her thoughts race as her memories of the last few days came back to her, the struggle she had to endure to arrive at this moment. Uriel's death is the stepping stone to the path of light. Find me, and find your destiny. The voice in her dreams had told her. That was Aditi, wasn't it? Calling out to her for this moment. The goddess herself had put Her trust in her, she should not taint it with her pesky self-doubt. Not now.

She gave Rythe a look of determination, remembering his words. It's only more glorious when our hero arises from the ashes rather than atop a throne. Don't worry about Uriel's name, you're building your own. Her hand made a fist on her chest, as she looked down on the ground. "I... was an insolent child. I hated my father for forcing me into hs idea of a future. I hated New Eden for caging me in. And for a while... I hated the Goddess for letting my father die so suddenly." She murmured. "However, I have come to learn that the world does not revolve around me. I am only a small dust in the grand scheme of things. I have endured much suffering, and I have learned from it. Whether it was to kill my father a second time to protect the City, or to risk my own life to protect the Forest..." she looked up at Anariel, meeting her gaze. "I fooled myself into thinking it was to preserve my father's memory, but I have been lying to myself all along. His passion to protect... it has become my own."

She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, murmuring with finality. "I am but a rusty blade, worthless in my weakness, but if it the Goddess's will, may I be forged anew."
Aeriseth - Heavensfall Lake

The demoness stared out at the vastness around her. It was odd how one could be so powerful yet feel so small when gazing at the reality around them. This must be how lesser beings felt when gazing upon her greatness and beauty. The words of the man whose tears she couldn’t stand caused her to remember the hurt and pain of being left behind like an unwanted child. Her hand moved to rest upon his as then with the other pinched his cheek roughly and pulled at it.

“Well then, next time don’t go acting like you know how the world works all on your own. We are a family after all!” She grinned softly at him before her expression grew softer, “We all have made mistakes and they hang from us like ropes in a hanging tree. It’s a matter of how we decide to use them to make a hammock.”
Alexander-Heavensfall Lake
Alexander glanced at Abraham, his brother. "Even after all these years, what we all been through. You leaving hurt, you betrayed us. I hated you...but I never stopped seeing you as family. You found love with Anariel and you've changed, dare I say for the better. I hope to find what it is you found and truly be reunited with you, my brother. The past is the past, let's move forward together from now on, huh? Don't cry." As Alexander said this, he was unaware of his own tears that he shed. He reached for Abraham and pulled him into an embrace. "It's good to see you again."


As Rythe spoke, Anariel began to exude magic from her body. It wasn't any specific attempt at a spell, but rather she was opening herself to the magic inherent in the world, placed there by its creators. When she had first been told that it was part of the ceremony, almost a thousand years before, she had been warned that it posed many dangers, as she would not have a defense against harmful spells cast against her, but she had prepared for that by bringing the Envoys to the ceremony, instead of only her Brother and the person to take on the role of Ethereal. The general release of energy caused her to glow a bit more, and as Renee finished speaking, the archangel smiled.

"Rise, then, Rene'ilyah, and let us reforge you with the blessing of our Mother." She paused for a moment, closing her eyes lightly before she began to speak. Her voice took on a triple-tone, echoing in harmony with itself as she called to the Goddess for her blessing and her guidance.

"Aditi, Mother of Light and Goddess of this world, bless us all in visitation today as we perform this ancient rite. We call to you today to bear witness to the rise of Rene'ilyah to the position of Ethereal, that we might balance the world as we did at your behest a thousand years ago. By your grace, we would name her as our Sister, and by your power she would be granted all that you granted us in the Dawn. We pray to you now, Aditi, that you come among us, we broken and faulted individuals, to renew that which we have lost, to bring us closer to you once more, and to, most importantly, see your will be done upon this world." She let her speech end there, then she began to sing a wordless song, the notes rising and falling slowly at first, but eventually speeding up in pace. While it never became too quick to follow, the song was obviously one of exultation and pride, but not for oneself. It was as if the emotions Anariel felt were resonating from her, forming pure notes to match her inner desires. Overlaying the song however, hidden among its chords and notes, was the spell that Anariel had been taught.

It flowed forth from her like a river, and while it continued, she realized that she could no longer stop it now that it had begun. She found that she was able to move, and that no matter how softly she sang, it sounded around the lake as loud as was needed, the volume automatically adjusting to allow each in attendance to hear without pain. She marveled at the magic, feeling it rushing out of her and pulling along the innate magic of the world to fuel itself. Her eyes lit with the smile that her mouth could not make.

With a look at Rythe, she nodded and lifted the wings she bore, lowering them again and gesturing for Renee to turn around. She couldn't yet feel the presence of Aditi, which would be what was needed to complete the ritual, but she could feel the surface of the workings of the world beneath her feet, and she could tell that the timing couldn't have been much better for the ceremony.
Rythe, Heavensfall Lake

He had felt Anariel's magic reaching out as he spoke, in response, while Anariel gave the last speaking part of the ritual, Rythe slowly began to extend out his very essence, probing out to feel the life force of the living around him. While it was certainly not as strong nor as all-encompassing as the inherent magic present at the lake, it was what he could contribute, being the most magically inert out of the original ethereals and envoys. His presence stretched out, softly caressing the souls of those he passed by as he hummed along to the archaic tune resonating throughout the lake. His eyes watched the procedure, feeling a bit of pride at Renee's coming ascension, despite having only known her for the past few days. If only her father could have seen what she has been able to accomplish in the past few days. Even more so, what she will be able to do in the coming future.
Rythe's thoughts slowly melded into the song as he nearly automatically followed Anariel's gestures, lifting the wings and lowering them whilst his mind quietly absorbed the serene surroundings and mood. It had been quite a long time since he had felt the ease of meditation without dedicating himself to the pursuit of it. If only there was more time to bask at the world around them, yet it was exactly that that they would have to save from the coming darkness.