New User Hello there~


King of Kings
Hi STC! Name's Ozymandias but ya can call me Oz, or Dias, or anyhow you want to shorten my name to. I don't really mind.

A lil bit about myself, I'm just some guy looking for a good group RP. Pretty interested in all genres, though I'm extremely partial to a good Space Western. I'll be sticking around to see if any catches my interest around here.

Until then, ciao~
Hello Ozy, it's very nice to meet you! Hope to see you around STC more often! Now, just to make sure you're not in the dark about getting to roleplaying here, STC does have an account approval period which you can read about here (you've already taken the first step with this intro thread here). If you have any questions, I and other staff here are more than happy to help!

Now, I have to ask: did you pick the name Ozymandias for the historical figure himself, for the Fate version, or for something else?
Thanks so much for the heads up~ I'll be sure to go over all that.

As for my name? Well, I guess it's from the poems, but mostly I just like the way it sounds~ I wasn't aware there was a Fate character named that!