New User Hiyaaa!


Active Member
Hello everyone!

So, i read that it would be fun to introduce myself; so here we go!
My name is Zangyl; but call me Zan for short. I am 19 years old and have been RP'ing for almost a year now.

I enjoy sci fi, medieval, steampunk and high fantasy RP's and i love to write and read highly emotional posts.

If there were any questions, at all; please do ask!


(I checked the topics that told me what to do, but i am unsure how it works. Could anyne help me, please?)
Ahh, to do that you need to - crud I've forgotten exactly how. I believe you first get an intro post just like this, then I think you need to chat about a little on other general forums?

A good suggestion I have is to make a topic on the general forums asking about the kinds of roleplays or things in roleplays other people like/dislike to start a discussion and meet new people.
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's Circle :)

Not sure if you found this one or not:

But that covers the approval process pretty thoroughly.

Now on to how the approval process works. To get your account approved all new arrivals are required to participate in our introduction forum and must post their own introduction thread, as well as participate in a brief intro period. After getting your introduction post up and engaging in a brief period of positive interaction within our community forums (Main Lobby, Writer's Circle, and Creative Forums) an administrator will approve your account.

That bit in particular is likely what you're looking for. If you're just unsure what that means, it's pretty much as written. Post around, engage with other users in the above mentioned forums, and participate in your introduction thread (which you've already started). We just look for some positive interactions and a little bit of involvement from new people before we approve their accounts. It's generally a quick and painless process.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Well, thankyou both so much! I am very eager to start here; been searching for a good community and i have been reading up.

This site feels better and more easy to navigate than for example - god, help us - FF.