House of Madness

"Vlad thinks he is funny and likes to see how long he can go before someone catches on," Pendle said, clearly unamused but accustomed to his renter's oddities. He got himself a bit of bread and put it in the toaster.

Vlad put his dishes in the sink and turned to smile at Muir. "My father was a singer, it is true, though I cannot say we 'mashed' the night through. Still, I am ment to amuse and delight, and I hope you as my audience did not take fright."
Alexander laughed brightly. "I was a bit confused, but I loved it. You're very clever and poetic, Vlad."
After finishing his breakfast, Alexander placed his dishes in the sink and washed them, along with Vlad's. "So, what's the plan for today, fellas?"
Pendle ate his lightly toasted bread straight out of the toaster without even bothering to toast it and walked out of the room.

Vlad considered the question. "Hmm... Perhaps some work, perhaps some reading. Perhaps some food, after all I do need feeding. Perhaps some grooming, perhaps some sleeping. Perhaps some play, for this is no time for weeping."
"So, multiple things. I could help with the cleaning if you'd like," the avian placed the clean dishes in the other side of the sink and dried his feathery hands, leaving some molt in the towel.
Vlad chuckled and started drying the dishes. "Later on, I have a gig. I am afraid you shall be mostly on your own. Hopefully trouble does not arise too big."
"I'll try my best, but I can't guarantee any promises. Good luck with your gig," Alexander put the towel back on the wrack and bid Vlad farewell.
Deciding to get some cleaning done, he briefly went into his room to grab his iPhone, then put it on the kitchen counter and turned on an EDM station. He opened the cabinet and peered underneath the sink, spotting a pack of wipes. He pulled them out and started gently wiping down the counters and appliances, singing along in a series of high, operatic tones.
Vlad stared after the birdman, surprised and puzzled by his rather abrupt departure then shrugged. Ah well, whatever. Let the birdman do as he pleased, and since he was clearly in his own world, Vlad went to his room and closed the door. About an hour later, he left carrying a large case and went off to his gig.

The house was empty. Pendle had disappeared, Muir and Tinker were both at work, and now Alexander was the only one home until someone returned. Vlad would probably be the first one home unless he got lost again.

Tinker returned home first, her expression twisted sourly as she closed the door in deliberate gentleness. Pendle did not approve of door slamming. She stalked through the house, wincing at the squeaky noises. What was going on?
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After Alexander finished cleaning the kitchen counter, he put the wipes back and retrieved to his room, still singing along to the music playing through his phone. Unaware of Tinker's return, his countertenor rose, echoing throughout the small abode as he sustained a high G with vibrato.
"Alexander! Alexander! ALEXANDER!!" Tinker gave up and picked up one of the small couch cushions. She took careful aim and let it fly straight at the birdman's torso.
The birdman emitted a startled squawk, nearly dropping his phone. Catching his breath and molting, he frantically looked about for his assailant, eyes eventually landing on Tinker. Shock and embarrassment turned his face crimson. "Tinker!'re..."
Alexander ducked his head timidly. "I...I didn't know you were here...the windows didn't break...I'm sorry."
Tinker sighed and rubbed her head. "Nevermind. I'm just cranky because work's slow so they told me to go home early. Where's Vlad?"
"I'm sorry about that," Alexander said sincerely. He locked his phone and took a step towards the young woman. ", I think Vlad said he had a gig."
Tinker checked the hall clock. "He's usually home by now. Must have gotten lost again," she groaned, rolling her eyes.
That prompted a chuckle out of him. "Definitely seems like Vlad, guy's always off in his own little world. He's quite clever, too. He quoted Monster Mash at breakfast, and I had no idea."
"Yeah, he likes to do weird stuff like that. He says it keeps people entertained," Tinker shrugged. "It does keep things... interesting.
"Yep, he's a kidder," the avian leaned against a wall and folded his scrawny arms across his bony chest. "Anyhow, counter's clean."
"That's nice," Tinker said vaguely, clearly disinterested. "Well, since I'm home, I might as well do my laundry." She headed toward her room.
"And, I'll...I don't know," Alexander also retreated to his room, humming under his breath. He sat on his bed and opened a job searching site. He looked for office positions in the area and sighed in frustration after a half hour. Many of them required previous experience, experience he did not possess. How was Alexander going to find a job if he didn't have work experience and had a tendency to mess up?
He switched on some music and laid back and began to quietly sing to the gentle melody.