Resolved/Answered How do I get registered?

Generally be active in forums/chat and after a small waiting period you’ll be approved I believe.
Generally be active in forums/chat and after a small waiting period you’ll be approved I believe.
I think that's it. It's also stated in the website's guide.
New and confused? Can't post? Looking for information regarding account approval? Check out our website guide to see if any of your questions are covered there! If your questions aren't covered under our guide, post them up in your introduction thread or the help forum.
Here's a link that will have all of the information on account approval.

Basically what Greener said you also need an introduction thread as well. Also just one point of clarification on the wait period thing. Our admins are very good at checking and approving accounts within 24 hours of being flagged for approval if you aren't approved that either means you have not completed enough activity to be flagged OR the content didn't pass the approval process.

Here's a quote from Tiko Content :

" Five thoughtful and engaging posts will get you approved faster than twenty one sentence nonsensical comments that don't give us anything to work with. (Example: Participating in a Writer's Circle discussion to aid a fellow writer, writing out a thoughtful post in the Discussions & Debates forum, and actually participating in your own introduction thread will all be looked upon more positively than non-engaging single sentence reply threads like 'what's your favorite food'. The latter won't be looked upon poorly, but also these kind of posts likely will be skimmed past when reviewing an account, so they won't be very likely to help either)."

If you have any questions feel free to ask!