How we survive.


"Wake up!" A raspy voice exclaims in a harsh but hushed whisper "The fire, it has almost gone cold, they wait for the last ember to die." At the back of Jatos mind was this ever persistent voice. For a few moments he just laid there thinking that maybe it was time, time to give up, time stop running, and just let the end come. It was not untill the wind began to howl and scream and the voice screeched " Get up fool or we both die." Jato rolled to his stomach scooping the last few embers into a metal pot. Shadows cast by moonlight dance round the out laying spruce trees. "Run boy" terror washes over Jato "East gotta go east" almost instinctively he darts in the direction the sun will rise. He covers a hundred yards quick, up and over fallen trees and scrambling under low hanging limbs. "The trap you must not forget the trap." Still running Jato looks in the pot only a single ember remains. The horrible sound of snapping tree limbs, big as his arm are round, fills the air around him. A finely crafted unlit bonfire pile no more than fifty yard directly in front of him. "This is how we survive" Jato continues running tears now streaming down his face. "Faster boy faster... yes yes now toss it." Jato throws the pot onto the pile. As it tumbles in the air he can see it, the ember, their last hope, if only faintly. The pot crashes into the pile and the ember rolls out. "We did it boy we did it" were it not for the sound of falling trees the hiss of the ember hitting the wet tinder would have been the last sound they heard. (This was simply a short exercise to tool around with feel free to leave comments)