Humanity Hates Us (Private with Enki, Widowmaker, and Rachel Rider)

Darshan narrowed his eyes at Leon before turning to Liz. "I'll help you go down, you can hold on to me while I lower us." He said beckoning her over to the ledge. "It's easy once you've practiced, but we don't have that luxury." He held out his hand, waiting to descend.
Darshan hold her hand firmly as he grabs hold of the rope with his other hand. He wraps his arm around her waist do that she doesn't fall and lowers them down slowly, landing firmly and helping Liz down. He smiles at her. "That wasn't so bad?" Closing his eyes, he checks the path ahead. Mainly smooth sailing, with the roofs close together and roughly the same height. "Let's go." He stated as he opens his eyes again.
"Glad to see you caught up." Colossus exclaimed as he began making the way to where Darshan spotted the target. "Darshan, did you learn anything about our target? How many we'd have to deal with, what they could possibly be capable of?"
"I can't see where she is, it's all distorted, almost glitched. Like they're messing with how I see things." He shakes his head as he starts to run "All I know is that they're trying to stop her at all costs, so we will have to go in guns blazing before they get her." He closes his eyes, running and checking on the patrols he can see. "There's about 40 that I can see. They're carrying pistols and stuns guns, but some have automatic weapons."
"Hmm... And it sounds like we don't have much time until they reach our target... Alright then. We need to move quickly. I'll take most of the attention while you slip around the sides and try to reach the girl. This won't be easy, but it has to be done." He exclaimed as he was ready to take on the entire group in the hopes of distracting them long enough for the others to get the target and go.
"Yeah, you'll get your big moment. Just make sure to keep that scrawny head of yours safe." Darshan joked as he messed with Leon's hair. "She'll probably be where there are more soldiers, somewhere inside the townhouse. Maybe in hiding," The sound of the soldiers screaming echoed. "...or she could be fighting." He added, apprehensively. This would be a hard one.
Leon grit his teach, but smiled. The deal was, if he joked about Darshan, Darshan could joke about him. Though he couldn't help but wonder if he was being serious sometimes.
Liz looked at her dominant hand, wiggling her fingers. This other girl they were going after seemed to be extremely powerful...
"Alright. If there are no objections... Then we will proceed as planned. Once we arrive, get into your positions. Once you hear the sound of gunfire, you move in. Understood?" He exclaimed, laying out the ground floor of the plan.
"We should evaluate Liz real quick, know what she does. We can go into detail later." He says, looking at her. "So you do stuff with ink, and you said something about paper? Can it help us in battle?" Darshan asks kindly, but with a serious undertone. It must be pretty overwhelming right now for her.
Liz blinked, the nodded seriously. "Yeah. Remember the soldier I can out of the apartment building with? I made him from a piece of paper. And I can make more! But... it's kind of rare they pop out with weapons."

Leon muttered in an annoyed tone, "Oh don't worry, Leon can get them some weapons! Because that's all he seems to be good for."

"Now now. Come on. Let's get setup and prepared." Colossus exclaimed with his arms crossed. "Liz. If you can summon people with mere paper alone, then you may be able to use that power to your advantage. Are you able to create physical objects like shields and weapons?"
Liz looked down, "I don't think I can... I'm sorry... Just living beings. I can make them look however I want, and sometimes they come with the needed accessories."
"Hmm..." He exclaimed, rubbing his chin. "Normally I would not condone this form of action, but considering you are able to forge beings from paper, perhaps it would be wise to use them as fighting companions or as distractions. However you choose to use them is entirely up to you, but that power has many uses."
Liz nodded. "Okay." She always thought of her power as useless. Oh, look! I have drawing powers! Yeah, no one brags about that. "I'll do it--However many--uh--soldiers you need, I need that much paper."
Darshan smiles at Liz. The girl sure was timid. “Don’t wear yourself out, we don’t want you to be unable to defend yourself.” He said with concern. She had a pretty powerful ability, but he didn’t know the limits. It would come in very useful for training as well as combat. He thinks for a second. “I think that five would be good, make them look more like mutants or something. That should draw their attention. Can they fight without you seeing them?” He asks, her kindly. “We need to get going soon.”
Liz smiled and nodded. "They kind of have a mind of their own. The only way to kill them is by stabbing them right behind their left ear. They don't bleed out, if they loose a limb then it will come back, but their original mass will grow smaller from the lost substance." She wiggled her fingers again. "Also, if I make them a certain mutant that I know, then it'll give them those powers. I've--uh--never made a clone of myself... who know's what could end up running around..."
“Okay... Hm, Doing me could be a problem... Leon could work, and Maybe a few of Collosus. That would make them freak out.” He said as he imagined a lot of collosuses running around. “You seen any other mutants that could work? On tv or whatnot?” He asked. This was taking a while.
"As much as having clones of us running around would be very useful, them having minds of their own could lead to unwanted results. And could further more possibly destroy our reputation if they end up doing something risky."