Vitam et Mortem IC - ABC Evening News


Well-Known Member
The theme song plays as the local newstation logo zooms in and then off screen. The camera pans in on a brightly lit news set, the podium decorated with ABC Evening News. Behind the desk sit two news anchors, a man and woman. The woman, Kelly Day, sits on the right of the screen and is a bottle-blonde with a bright smile, and a laugh that consistently sounds fake. On the left of the screen sits the man, Andrew Day, He, too, is a shade of blonde that can only come from a bottle. His head is full of hair and he's got a smile of teeth that can rival that of Stan Tucci.

The brother and sister duo are careful not to smile too bright, but not to look too down trodden, either; a careful balancing act made to hopefully keep viewers watching.
"Good evening, Philly," Andrew greets the listening audience. Kelly gives a little wave. "Welcome to the ten-o-clock news, I'm Andrew Day,"

"And I'm Kelly Day," his sister continued, straightening the stack of blank papers before her. Why did she even have these things anyway? "This evening we have a heart wrenching story about a mother and her baby, followed by the big story of the day: The return of the Red Killer."

The camera shifts to Andrew who begins detailing the story of the a mother who had taken her six month old in for a check up at the North Baptist University Hospital where her pediatrician was located. The story was broken up by a commercial break and continued with the mother being interviewed, in near tears, explaining how the nurse had mishandled her child.

The story concluded to say that the child, Lindsy, was in intensive care and the doctors were unsure if the baby would be making it.

Kelly took over, next...
"Earlier this evening, local police were called to the scene of a crime just outside Chestnut Hill's eastern border. The victim? Another young, pretty redhead, unidentified at this time. The police say they have no leads, but The Red Killer has been haunting Philadelphia for several years."

Kelly went on to describe how for the past three or four years, two to three of these deaths have occured per year, "This is the eighth known victim of the Red Killer, but more could be out there. So far the police have found nothing. A single suspect was reviewed and released just last year, but nothing has come of it. All that has been said is that this is a constant and ongoing investigation and the police are refusing to comment." She shifted in her seat to eye one of the other cameras, "it is believed that a satanic ritual is the reason behind these killings. Many in the neighborhoods near where the women have been abducted or found are worried that the police aren't doing enough to solve this case."

There was a promise to follow up with the case as it progressed and then another commerical break, but not before a teaser of a segment on the Stress Puppies! Arcadia's new way of helping students relax before finals, by bringing in puppies to the library for a bit of free snuggling.
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