[IC] Ages Eternal

Ather was already back in Magic's Crux, when Nonpa Let lose the Six Evils upon the world. How exciting, Athers Half-Brothers where finally here. Ather new it was only a matter of time untill they would arrive in this world. Sooner then expected, but no matter he was almost prepared.

Gathering his materials and thoughts, Ather went to work in his Alchemical laboratory. Vanarausk faithfully by His side, Ather worked in a frenzy, filling pages of Formulas with advanced symbols, incantations, ingredients, and equations. The mansion emitted flashes of blinding color from the windows as Ather slaved over the perfect formulas. As dawn began to rise three vials rested in Athers hand. Three enchantments, Three extremely powerful enchantments. Yet All useless, for they lacked one thing, Athers godly power over magic. Eye burning with excitement, Ather griped them and began his incantation and Godly might infuse the vials. Athers form changed for a brief moment as he uttered the final word, then snapped back to his ragged traveler form.

He started to laugh, not the laugh of one who has overcome great trail, or the laugh of a jovial youth, nor the laugh of being relived from great burden. No this was the laugh of the deranged, the unholy utterance of a deranged god. For he, Ather had create d his Heralds. Ather flicked his wrist summoning a black wooden box made from his forest, with a crimson satin lining, and laid two vials in it, one deep maroon, the other a sickly green almost black, The last He held it had a Bright blue color. The Color of Vanars eyes. Turning Ather called out "Come Vanarausk, it is time for you to become more then just a companion."

As Vanar lapped up the potion his pupils filled his eyes, Vanar began to grow into a hulking black beast standing on to legs. He was still very wolf-like in features though now he was a weapon and a tool. This form was only for a moment before Vanar became what he once was, a puppy. "You may assume that form when necessary Vanarausk." said Ather.
Ather's plan was going splendidly
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What could have done this? Thought Dymos, as anger welled up inside of him. How dare they? How dare He turn his back- I mean, How dare this other god change the lech...

Then he saw something, and all became clear. He stared at a half-dead fly. grotesquely geometric in it's design, and glowing amber faintly, it was clearly the work of Hakku, but it's venom was not... it was parts of the elixir that he spilled!!

Dymos bellowed. This was the last straw. Whether or not he realized, he had enough of this so far. Someone was going to pay for the Devils, for his lech, for the Allfather not reassuring him that yes, He was right and Paloria and Goggins must be wrong. Someone HAD to pay.

Stepping foot on the Land of Lead, He shouted out. "HAKKU! COME OUT TO MEET ME. You have committed transgressions against me. You modified my livestock and took away opportunity from my future children." Dymos flinched, looking angrily. He truly intended for this to end non-violently, he truly did... But someone HAD to pay.
Through the clouds of Grey-winter, Hakku stepped into sight. In his grasp was a heavy, long pole. Scowling, the fear-god stood before Dymos, lance in the grip of a tendril. "I've done nothing against your creations, Dymos." He said. "Go back to your wasteland and stop disturbing this island." A supernatural aura felt surrounded Hakku, and the god's stench was strong in the air.
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Paloria left the young Aver and Eng among her dragons, ensuring their safety to her children. She promptly flew to her brother Ather's domain. He had offered her power before, and power was what she desperately needed now. Landing in front of the god's home, Paloria shifted back into her human form, taking note of the glowing crystals.

"Ather! I hope your offer still stands!" she shouted, her voice echoing throughout the area. She stood there, waiting for the god's reply.
Ather was just about to sit down with Paloria called out to him, "Ather! I hope your offer still stands!"

A small smile crossed Athers lips ad he snapped his fingers flinging his mansion doors open, "Come in, Come in my dear Sister, What ever could be the matter?" Said Ather positioning himself into his high-backed red chair in his sitting room, a Glass of brandy in his hand.
"How dare you, Hakku?! you will regret this! I shall NOT leave before restitution is made..." His voice cracked and wobbled.

Dymos himself was surprised by what came next. He was clearly very emotional, as from his hands came endless jets of molten iron shot like arrows at Hakku, made to pierce as destroy the fear-god with raw power and heat. In the back of his mind, memory of Hakku's differences with the Allfather danced in Dymos mind. He deserved this. Dymos would rationalize.
"Ather, dear brother, my mind has been troubled and my heart uncertain since our latest experience with the Allfather. I seek a power greater than what I currently possess," with a sigh, Paloria continued, "And, no, not your power Ather, but my own. I need you to send my mind into my soul. There are problems that I must work out and I cannot do them here."

The goddess walked around the room, scratching the top of Vanaruask's head. "I do not expect you to do this for free. As compensation I give you power over my domain while I am incapacitated. However, as I do know your current nature, brother, I have asked Ezreth to rule alongside you." Stopping, Paloria turned to face the god directly, "I do not know for how long I will be gone, but only that I must leave. What say you, brother?"
The streams of molten iron rushed towards Hakku, and he swooped up into the air. The fiery bolts hit a rock formation, melting and twisting it into an ugly pile of stone. Hakku winced, and then something different, something unnatural.

Hakku began to feel...anger. Rage, even.

"You filthy creature!" Hakku shouted. He landed, and a long, vengeful tongue flew from the bird-god's ugly beak, Tendrils erupted from the god's back, and he winced as though even his own body was reacting on its own. Feathered worms, parasites and pale flies dropped from the large, round pores in the furious god's skin.

"You defile my creation. You defile me." He sneered. "I will defile you in return."
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"Ezreth?", Said Ather, "Very well, although i require one more thing of you, I a single scale from your First dragon, and a drop of your fiery breath. Of course what i ask is not much for one such as yourself. I am giving complete mastery over yourself after all."

Hand lighting up in blue flame, Ather reached out, "Its a deal then?" He said.
"As the first Dragon is, of course, myself, would my own scales function for you?" Paloria asked as she cut her left palm. She promptly filled a vial with her own blood. Before taking his hand, she waited for him to respond to her question.
"I can make them work for me, All it takes is a little Magic" Said Ather with a small half-grin, "They would usher in a new ere for magic, increasing potential and aiding mortals in the practice. They are the perfect focus."
Dymos would thrust his first forward into the cloud of carrion, liquid iron exploding around him out of his arm. The erupting iron flew into and would, if any hit, burn the carrion swarm. His knuckles were still carried forward, aiming for Hakku's face.
"my dragons? or my scales? If it is my dragons, then no, you can, however, give them magic and teach them to help mortals. But you will have no complete cntrol over my children."
Hakku roared, and the molten iron blasted his head away, leaving nothing but a smouldering stump. Hakku raised his lance, pointing it towards his foe. With a gurgle, the staff glowed with light, and a stream of stardust blasted from the tip, like a beam of black and silver. It rushed at breakneck speed, right towards Dymos's center of mass. Flesh boiled and popped as Hakku's head grew anew. The fear-god's body was near unidentifiable as the Hakku his siblings knew. Tentacles seething and writhing, the humanoid form was lost in their mass.
Dymos was thrusted backwards as the ray disrupted his very essence. He stood. This was more then a grudge for him. He was no longer fighting Hakku. He was fighting the universe itself, he concluded, and all about it that wronged him. He threw a sphere of his power. All of it. The sphere was like the sun in intensity. He threw with all his power in his being...
"You misunderstand me sister, I ask for one of your scales, to focus magic and teach other mortals, the Practice. Essentially I will use them to make creatures like my Vannar to focus magic for mortals, allowing them to control it. But according my rituals i require one of your scales and a drop of your breath. The true appearance of the creature will vary mortal to mortal."
"ah, then here you are, Ather." Paloria reached behind her neck, underneath her hair, and plucked a scale from her skin. With a slight wince, the goddess clasped Ather's hand. "Our pact is sealed Ather, Here, take my breath, my blood, and my scale."
Ather smiled wickedly as the flame in his hand flashed and blinded everyone for a moment then all was normal.

"Thank you Sister, Follow me." Leading Paloria out of the Mansion Ather took her to the Fount of Revelation. Instructing her to look in he switched into his true form and began to mutter incantations. grasping the back of her head Ather flipped her into the fountain where her body became marble and her conciseness was thrown into the depths of her soul.

Paloria would not be this way for ever, but untill she wished to exit she would be a statue.
Hakku's head pointed out from the mass that was his body. "Dymos! Are you insane?!" Hakku yelled. He gained control of himself, forcing his body back into regular form. He thrust the lance out, and silver dust gathered around him and the God of Iron, transforming the scene from a rocky valley to the upper reaches of space. The air sped away, leaving an soundless, divinely clear expanse. Specks of glittering silver encircled the two gods and the great ball of flame between them.

Hakku mouthed something in the vacuum, and plunged the lance into Dymos's great ball of fire. Lead grew from the lance, spirals and patterns forming in the metal as it spread over the sphere of pure, utter destruction. Cooling, the sphere became a strange satellite, floating high above the heavens.

The unnamed planet's moon hung in orbit, to circle the young world and reflect the sun's light. Hakku drifted off into space, the act of creation exhausting his strength.
Dymos heard his brother speak to him. Hakku was right. None of this was fine or called for!

Then horror and dread filled Dymos. The stars around him backdrop to his worst nightmare. He would not move. His body cooled, without the power he so hastily spat upon his brother, his form was no more then a silvery mass of metal... Possibly, forever.

Dymos realized the many, many millennia it would take to regain the energy that now he orbited in space. He reflected on his mistakes, not knowing how he would now make his Magnum Opus, the new gods that Dwarves created...


On the surface the first tribe of dwarves looked up to the nighttime sky. The moon was the first thing they saw. It was beautiful, and the young creature fresh from there earthen tunnels knelt and worshiped it. Somehow they could tell; This was their god. What was left of him, anyhow...