[IC] Candy Land Sector


Professional Twit
Candy Land

Don't worry, we have plenty for the kids in this sector. With candy cane trees, fields of butterscotch, raining gumdrops and gingerbread men on their way to work. This is a land filled with plenty of colourful characters, stuffed animals and candy coded people alike!

Note: Please don't lick the attractions!
In Candy-Land everything was supposed to be peaceful, a land of pure innocence that could never be capable of negativity aside from the occasional grump who could be easily converted to happiness with a bowl of sugar and plate of hugs. This expectation left the population of the land completely unarmed against the first acts of violence ever thrown within the sector, when the Muffin Man realised just how tasty those gummy bears must be. Followed by the ponies falling into lakes of syrip and being frozen in place by the sticky goodness. Worse of all a gang of gumdrops take over the great liquorice wall, armed with bubble gum grenades and sweet mints; the Custard Cream Guards never stood a chance.

Atop the wall a blue gumdrop breaks a candy cane in two. "I've got a bottle of coke and whole packet of mentos; AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE 'EM!"