Vitam et Mortem IC - Chestnut Hill


Well-Known Member
Chestnut Hill is a sleepy agricultural suburb settled between Philadelphia and Glenside (just North of the former and approximately 15 minutes South of the latter), known for its private schools, farm land, and overpriced housing cost. Among the businesses inside its limits there lives The Gilded Lilac--a well off but unassuming floral shop,-- a Veterinarian Hospital, and a couples therapy office. These locations are of note due to their dual services; they cater to both the mundane kind as well as being SM-Certified, an advertising tool that informs sorcerers that their particular needs can and will be serviced as well.
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Written in collaboration with @CaerBear


Chestnut Hill, a sleepy agricultural suburb north of Philadelphia, known for its private schools, farm land, and overpriced housing costs was home to a well off, but overall unassuming florist shop. The humans in the area didn't know that the young man who owned and operated the business was a mage of course, one gifted with a connection to Wind. It was the early hours of the morning, not quite 7am, on a Saturday. The door was unlocked, the overnight supply deliver was put away, and then the Open/Close sign was flipped over, signally that by 7:30, The Gilded Lilac was ready for customers. Tall but not too tall, and pale to the point of looking sickly, Charles Koschei was an unassuming man with a bony face, square jaw, and hard nose. Twenty seven years old, with a wild mop of semi-short maroon hair, he'd come to his store today dressed in white denim jeans and a black button up shortsleeve. His eyes were almost the same color as his hair, and both ears were studded with black steel spheres. On the wall behind the register were his various degrees, the ones he could show to non-magics anyway. A master's in horticulture, a bachelor's in business management and accounting, another bachelor's in botany. One of them was crooked, so he'd take a moment to adjust it juuuuust so before he heard the jingle of his door opening. He'd turn around, wan smile spread across soft lips to find...

Despite being the heiress to an incredibly large fortune, Kennedy's parents had impressed upon her the necessity of hard work. She worked for a fair allowance, helped out at her father's insurance company during the summers, and worked odd jobs when she was a student at Altsoba. Her persona is one of a pretty face with the money to back the looks, but she's surprisingly smart and hardworking. She'd saved up enough money over the years to have a padded saving account by the time she entered into college. Her parents sent her money, though, if she really needed for something and all other wants were expected to come out of her own pocket. Her first year at Arcadia, she'd worked as a student worker at the school library, but it was boring being shut inside all the time and she'd quickly given it up at the end of the year. This year, she'd been informed by her advisor that she could get credit toward her majors by working for a related business, especially with an alumni of the school. They had given her a list and she'd spent weeks doing her own research until she'd discovered The Gilded Lilac. Now she stood outside, slightly scented resumé in hand, and bursting with energy. When the blonde co-ed strode through the front door of the shop, she entered with a purpose. "Morning!"(edited)

A young woman. Interesting. The first thought that shot through his mind like an air was how much of a shame it was she wasn't a redhead. Still, today wasn't one of those days, and he had plenty of the supply left over from the last harvest. "Good morning, miss. How can I help you today?" The smile would only grow wider, and the chipper tone in his voice surprised even him. "If you have an order you called ahead about, I'll just need the receipt number, or your last name." Despite the unhealthy palor of the man, it almost seemed to suit him, making the slight red of his eyes pop whenever the light caught them just so. "Though if you're here to buy something on the spot, just tell me what you're looking for." He'd completely forgotten that Arcadia had contacted him about the undergrad work problem...

Kennedy would offer a dazzling smile in response. The neatly typed, lavender scented resume would be offered up to the proprietor. "Not looking to buy, but am hoping to get hired. You must be Mr. Koschei." She examined him. "You look the same as your website picture." Her hand would be offered next, "Kennedy Alice Sparks. I'm a student at Arcadia University, hoping to get credit for my Herbology and Business Management major. I've got a great list of references as you'll see on my resume." The smile wavered, and would be completely genuine the entire time. "I also have sales experience, a great customer service smile," she pointed to said smile, "and a winning personality that any employer would hope for in an employee."

"Oh. Right, right, right..." He'd give the resume a look over while listening to her sell herself. Which, he had to admit, she was doing a fairly good job at. "Well...Its the slow season right now, so normally I don't need a whole lot of help around the store this time of year. But...Hmmm..." He'd give himself some time to think, just a few moments. "I know you're a student, and I did agree to participate in this program...Could you work weekends? Maybe a Wednesday here and there? Hours would be from 6:30am to 1pm if you open, or from 11am to 6pm if you close, but we can build your schedule as needed." She was beautiful, that much was certain. Studies showed that a pretty face would help boost retail sales. Her resume looked...impressive for some one so young, and being an herbology major meant she had to have some experience with plants. He didn't see, her being in the store would give him more time down at the warehouse. "Now, seeing as how we're alone...I have to ask, what is your gift? Mine is Wind."

The wattage of Kennedy's smile brightened when she realized she was actually getting somewhere with the florist. "As long as it does not interfere with my class schedule, I am available whenever needed." She opened up her sizeable purse and pulled out a plain folder, plucking a sheet from it. Her class schedule neatly typed already prepared. According to her schedule she would be available to work mornings Mondays and/or Wednesday. "I'm also available Friday evenings and free on the weekends." She couldn't help but glance around a bit before answering, proudly, "Water." She absolutely loves her gift, and it's very clear.

"Good, good. That'll save on the water bill if you're around..." He gave the schedule a look over. "So I can't offer you a full time job, but thats fine. If I hire you, I'll expect you to show up. If you need to call in, I expect at least twelve hours notice, if not more." He'd hand the resume and the schedule back to her. "Tell you what. You're hired. I'll start you off at 12.50 an hour, pretty high above minimum wage. You'll work Saturday mornings, Sunday afternoons, and Wednesday afternoons." He'd indicate for her to follow him as he showed her around the shop. "We don't really do personal arrangements around here. We will, if business is slow, but the main focus is large orders. Funerals, weddings, birthday parties, landscaping, those sort of things. As the name suggests, I focus on lilacs, mostly because they're my favorite flower, but we have over fifty options, and other than the violet bushes, I'm rather proud of the quality our roses, tulips and lilies. Can you start today, or would tomorrow work better?"

"Part time works just as well, I'll still get the class credit and I'm happy to be here." It would seem that this was a genuine truth. She nodded along and as they began walking she took out the notebook she carried in her bag and began taking notes. 12 hours notice, 12.50 an hour, and the purpose of the shop. "Do you deliver? Today works for me." The notebook was tucked away and she gestured to the bag, "Just need somewhere to put this..." Then she eyed his attire, "Is there a uniform or can I wear business casual beneath my apron?"

"Theres a locker in the back, or well, three of them. Pick one. Like I said, its the slow season so I don't have any other employees, so they're all empty. You can wear whatever you want to, as long as you don't wear any skirts. No. Skirts. Aprons are in the back with all the packing and gardening supplies. I keep things incredibly organized, so you'll have no issue finding them." He'd check his watch before looking back to Kennedy. "If today works, then I'll go get you in the system, give you a clock-in/clock-out number, and we can start you after that. With you on the floor, I'll either be in the back, or in my office. Sometimes I'll be at the warehouse, and you can reach me there by phone. The number is posted next to the register. Oh. And the bathroom is for employees only. The only exception to that being emergencies, or regular customers."

"Do we have a list of regular customers until I familiarize myself?" She asked, already heading toward the back room. Kennedy would make a mental note of all the information, digesting it carefully. She was currently wearing a pair of tight fitting jeans and a long sleeved, form fitting sweater underneath her bulky jacket. Both bag and coat were hung up in the first available locker and then she grabbed an apron that wasn't too long and headed back to the front, tying the apron around her neck and waist. "Reporting for duty!"

"Yes, theres a list. No pictures though. But when you enter an order into the computer, it requires a name, and a list of regulars is already saved their. Makes it easier. Orders over $500 get a five percent discount, which gets bumped up to ten if they're on that list. You also make commission of three percent on sales over a thousand. Yes, we have those, though they are rare." He'd wait for her to come back out, giving her an appraising, but professional, look over, top to bottom, side to side. "You look great. Start by watering the plants and turning on the blue UV-C lights over the rose and lilac bushes. You got here at...Well, lets just say you clocked in at 7." He'd hesitate for a moment before his fingers hit the keyboard. "Oh. Welcome aboard. I have a feeling you'll do very well here."

Orders over a thousand would not surprise her. For a simple wedding she'd seen flowers be just under $700, for something bigger like what he claimed they did, she could see it reaching much, much higher. She nodded, expecting he'd show her the clock-in/out system later when she headed home. "Thank you!" She was sure she'd picked the right place to work. With that thought in mind, she wandered over to the lilac bushes, inspecting their quality for half a second before flipping the switch for the light. Since they were alone and he had mentioned saving on the water bill, she'd take out her wand and make a little rain cloud over the sets of flowers. A small, but steady sprinkle of water.
Zoia and Hektor Mittove

The upper floors of the large house thundered and shook above Hektor's gray head as his granddaughter Zoia ran around, running late for whatever mental appointment she'd set for herself.

The old man hummed quietly to himself and the quiet animals surrounding him, working carefully on re-wrapping a bandage on a ferret's left hind leg, the small animal hissing and growling at the pain, but holding itself back from lashing out. He hummed louder as Zoia nearly tumbled down the stairs, staying upright by some miracle, but just barely.

Kind grey eyes flicked over to the young woman, laugh lines apparent as he smile brightly at her. A strand of silvering hair fell into his eyes as he looked back to his patient, the man pursing his lips before blowing out of his way. He wondered again if he should give up and tie it back for the day.

"Deda, have you seen my ring?" The purple clad girl asked in their native tongue of Russian, hazel eyes flicking around the organized chaos that was Hektor Mittove's practice. His was humble business called Familiar Family, sitting on the edge of a fenced in field near the other agricultural businesses in the city. The old man glanced back up when Guther came clattering down the stairs after Zo, the grey and white waist high pit bull a hulking beast that had absolutely no effect on any of the other animals in the room.

All of the animals knew Guther would never hurt them, and with two fauna sorcerers there was no way there'd be a panic.

"Try the pocket of the jacket you wore yesterday Zoia." The old man spoke, voice rumbling from him in deep tones as he let the ferret go, finished re-wrapping the leg it had hurt. Hektor looked up then, following his vunka around the room with his eyes.

She threw the hall closet open, yanking the jacket he'd mentioned out so hard the hanger swung wildly, the young woman already rooting around in the pockets and crowing her victory as she pulled the black circlet out, slipping it on the middle finger of her left hand and calling Guther to her. The hulking dog took up the heel position immediately as she tossed the jacket haphasardly back in the closet. Upon a look from her grandpa, Zo hung it up properly and turned back to her pet and best friend, he was sitting and wiggling his thin tail back and forth as he waited for her next command.

She adjusted the ring that granted her the illusion of a leash, a trinket she'd been gifted for her seventeenth birthday. One of her relatives had gotten it for her so she wouldn't get in trouble for not having Guther on a leash in public, most folks afraid of the giant dog. Now it appeared as if she had him on a tight leash, and the good boy had free roam in public. Not that he ever strayed far, the pit bull sticking rather close to Zo at all times. He was a loyal pup, and Zoia loved him to death.

She'd just reached down towards Guther's spiked collar to activate the magic when her grandfather waved to get her attention.

"My dear vnuka, just a moment. Give this old man a hand?" Hektor asked, smile curving chapped lips and causing the corners of his eyes to crinkle happily. Zoia paused for a moment before sighing and stomping over, careful not to prod any of the animals lounging around with her spiked boots.

"Yes dedulya? What did you need?" She prompted, cocking a hip out and placing a hand on it while she waited impatiently for his response. The old man motioned towards the room that housed all the food bowls for the animals they currently housed, Zo pushing her bottom lip out in a pout when she realized what he wanted. "But deda, I need to gooo." She wined, just barely refraining from stomping her foot. The old man just chuckled at her childishness, shaking his head.

"You knew the rules when you moved in molody, now help me feed the children. You will get where you need to go soon enough, one can not rush life or they will not have a life worth living." He spoke, rising and starting towards the magically enlarged room. He strode steadily, a small limp apparent in his gait, but nothing that bothered him enough for a cane. A flick of his balsa wood wand, grooved from his grip and scratched and nibbled on by countless animals, unlocked the door and all the animals rushed in. Zo sighed, but followed soon after, Guther trotting along behind her with a pink tongue lolling out in relaxed joy.

The purple and blue haired girl helped him refill all the dishes, most of the animals content to see that they did indeed have food, while the rest stepped up to eat a bit when theirs was filled. It was tedious work, but Zo enjoyed seeing the animals so happy, even if she didn't want to admit it. Dedulya would make her do all the bowls by herself if she let on that she enjoyed doing this. Nearly done, and with Zoia now a full twenty minutes behind her mental schedule, Hecktor spoke up.

"I was thinking of going to see Lilithan tomorrow evening, would you like to join me after your classes are done?" The old man asked, standing from where he'd crouched to reach a bowl. He eyed his granddaughter while he filled another tray with vegetables, watching her from the corner of his eye. Zoia pursed her lips, a thoughtful expression crossing her features as she toyed with the question.

"I think I actually have a test tomorrow that's going to go past normal class hours, but I'll see if I can." She responded, filling the last of the bowls she was assigned to before standing and wiping an arm across her forehead, careful of the spikes on the knuckles of the gloves she was wearing. Hektor nodded, satisfied with that answer.

"Call me please if you can, I still don't understand this texting nonsense." Zoia laughed and nodded.

"I'll call. Is there anything else you need me for deda?" She asked, grin breaking out when the old man shook his head. "Alright, I'm off then. I should be back after my evening classes, same time as usual." She threw over her shoulder as she made her way out the door, tapping her ring to the one on Guther's collar as she ran by him and he took off after her, a long leash materializing between the twinned circlets. Her grandpa only waved, laughing to himself as she flew out the door, grabbing her bag and keys as she left.

Zoia Mittove

Purple and blue hair shifted in the light breeze that met Zo once she stepped out the door, the girl taking a second to inhale the fresh air before sprinting down the steps to her lovely 1973 Levi edition purple gremlin that she'd fondly named Naki. She unlocked it quickly, throwing open the driver's side door so Guther could dive into the passenger seat, throwing her black satchel bag after him. Swinging into the driver's seat, She shoved the key in the ignition, the old car wining when she twisted, Zoia muttering encouragements in Russian until the ancient beast started, rumbling unhappily to life. Cheering, Zo hit the gas, backing quickly out of her parking spot and cranking the music as she cruised down the road. A huge grin was sprawled across her face, hazel eyes sparking green as she zipped towards her first destination.

Seeing the simple sign come into sight, Zoia slowed down slightly. Slightly being enough that she didn't flip her car when she cranked the steering wheel to pull in the Gilded Lilac's parking lot. Parking quickly, she jumped out of the car, hitting the door lock while Guther made his exit and shutting the door with a bump of her hip. Half skipping, half tripping, Zo made her way to the entrance, pushing the door out of her way as she entered the shop.

"Stay." She murmured to Guther, tapping her ring to his to deactivate the leash, leaving the obedient dog sitting next to the entrance with a lolling tongue and wiggling whip like tail. She strode into the familiar shop, eyes darting around as she pulled out her phone and the list of flowers it contained. She didn't see any customers right away or the shop owner Charlie either, but that was ok, she pretty much knew what she was looking for and where most of it was. He'd find her eventually.

Zoia blinked as her phone buzzed, a text from her sister flashing across the screen. She tapped it to open it, scowling at the message. She moved to respond, another text interrupting her and another until she had six consecutive texts from her sister staring up at her.

-Hey sestrenka, you find a job yet?
-Baba is hiring. Weird, I know.
-Had to happen eventually though, guess the stress was too much for her finally.
-Deda's going to get in so much trouble for teasing her, tell me how it goes.
-If you go with that is, I know he has to go soon.
-Getting bread sticks at The Bar, what you up to?

Zo raised a brow

Too much coffee sestra?

She shot, reading over the texts as her sister typed a response to the one she'd sent.

Not enough, Zoia, never enough.

Zo snorted before responding to the previous messages, huddled in a corner of the shop so she'd be out of the way of any other customers. She hadn't seen any so far, but that didn't mean they weren't in here.

-Baba's hiring? Is she feeling alright?
-Think she'll hire me?

The response was immediate.

Not a chance.

Zo pouted, tapping on the screen some more.

-That was a little mean.
-I might not go with deda, I think I have a test. He's going tomorrow.
-The Bar you say? Hmm, tempting, but I'm out job hunting right now and I have classes after.

-That makes sense
-Want me to drop anything at deda's for you?

-Grab me some of their angel food-cake muffins? Those things are to die for.

Oh you know what? Never mind.

-What do you mean never mind? D:

-I just remembered you stole most of my paycheck
-No treat for you~

Zo grumbled, flushing slightly as she remembered borrowing the money from her sister's wallet.

-I'll pay you back later?
-With what I took too?

She offered. She doubted her sister would take her up on it

-Nope, not a chance.
-You must be punished~

Zoia sighed, glancing up at the plants in front of her for a second, thouroughly put out now. The Bar had sounded really good.

-Love you, bye loser.

-Love you too sestra, bye!

Now quite put out, Zo looked up again, closing the texting app and opening her flower list once more. Disappointed hazel eyes flitting over the selection in front of her in search of the flowers she wanted.
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The good doctor doodled a blood red apple in the professional, leather bound notebook balanced upon her crossed knee while occasionally glancing up at the bickering couple seated across from her on the cushy, cream-colored sofa. She thrived on the emotions zinging back and forth between the two, but the fact it was nearly 2:45, and the session ended at 3:00 was a catalyst to calling it...."Enough," came her low, calm voice which oddly cut right through the angst-ridden voices causing the couple to immediately silence themselves. "Your hour is nearly up."

The end of the pen was clicked closed, folded into her palm, and her forearm came down on the notebook. "It's time for Reflect, Respect, and Resolve." The couple looked at each other for a moment, but they were veterans of Doctor Loveday's unusual practices, and the husband reached toward the coffee table and took two post-it pads and two pens, handing one of each to his wife.

"Five minutes on the clock for reflection," came Doctor Loveday's low voice a second before she tapped the button on the timer, and she jotted down a few notes as her clients began to scribble furiously on their post-it notes. When the timer dinged that five minutes were over, all three set down their pens and the couple turned to face each other. "Five minutes for Respect."

"Jackson," began the wife, "you jus--"

"I language, Donna," interrupted the psychologist without apology.

Donna nodded and began again, "Jackson, I feel unheard in this marriage. There are times I say things that I feel are important, but when I look at you, you are texting or doing something on your phone instead of listening to me."

"Donna, I feel like I have no peace in our home sometimes. I need more personal space time after work before I can jump right into conversations about our days."

"Resolve," came Loveday's cool voice.

There was a long pause as both parties considered what the other had said they needed, and then Jackson spoke up, "I will try harder to put down my phone and give you my full attention."

Donna offered a watery smile, "And I'll try to give you some space when you come home to wind down before asking you to do some chores, especially on the days you come home late."

Doctor Grescha Loveday had to fight not to roll her eyes which was a minute to minute battle in this line of profession. Instead, she stood and offered her hand to both clients before walking them to the door. "I will see you the same time next week. Enjoy your evening." She practically pushed them out the door.

After walking to her desk, the tall brunette pressed a bright red call button, "Alexis." Naming your child Alexis was just asking for her to become a stripper, but somehow Alexis Bradshaw had managed to outwit the name game, though Grescha was unsure how long she would last. Grescha went through personal assistants like an artist went through graphite pencils.

"Yes, Doctor Loveday?"

"My calendar looks suspiciously empty; do I have any other appointments today that you have not listed?" There was a slightly threatening edge to the doctor's voice.

"N-no, ma'am. Your four o'clock cancelled." Well, that was definitely good news. Releasing the button, Grescha strolled in her brilliantly red high-heeled pumps to the floor length mirror. A shiny, red nailed finger stroked a strand of perfect hair back into its imaginary place. Her hands smoothed down over the red pencil skirt which ended slightly higher than it should above the knee. A flirty black blouse was tucked in, and a matching red bolero-style suit jacket was twitched into place. She plucked a tube of ruby red lipstick from her desk drawer and leaned in at the mirror as she smoothed the creamy substance over her lips to freshen her look before she smeared them together, blotted on a tissue, snagged her black leather purse and headed to the door.

As the door opened, her assistant, stripper-to-be Alexis, a mousy thing if there ever was one, jumped at her desk and began to rise though stopped when Grescha flicked a hand at her. "Stay. I need some fresh air," and with that, she stepped out into the sunlit afternoon.
Charlie had heard someone come into the store from the back room. He had been elbow deep in several arrangements he'd been throwing together, both the paperwork kind and the flower kind. This week had been very...very...relaxing. Lots of orders. Lots of work. Lots of fresh supplies. Nothing but things that pleased the muddy-red haired business owner. Though it was a grim task that had been interrupted, it was one that the florist was proud of.

It was some of his best work. The display, the attention to detail, even the little note card he had added, would be adding. Out of all he had provided this sleepy suburb over the years, this one easily took the cake as his favorite.

Lilacs, black roses, tiger lilies, and various daises had all come together, somehow, into a vaguely human shape, with red roses uses to style out the hair. He still had to work on making it look female, shaping out the curves, getting the flowery locks to flow just right. It would be fine. He'd been given a picture, but even without one, he had a very good memory.

It was thanks to that memory that he recognized who had graced his store with their presence the moment he'd seen them.

"Ah, Ms. Mittove. A pleasure to see you again."

Silent as a ghost, Charlie had emerged from the production rooms, finding his way onto his show room with a professional ease, calling out to his not-quite-regular customer while wiping his hands free of dirt and twigs with a damp white cloth. "Is there anything I can help you wish today? Anything you're looking for in particular? Or did you just stop by to chit-chat about flowers again?" Not that he would mind if that was the case. There wasn't much he actively minded about the girl. Truly, there was only one thing, and that had more to do with his personal tastes than it did with Zoia's behavior.

Which was that her hair was all the wrong colors. A shame, for a girl so beautiful and young. Alas, he could not have everything he wanted.
Her grim expression shifted when Charlie spoke up behind her, the college student turning to the redhead with a half smile, still a little put out about her sister.

"Hey Mr. Koschei." She greeted, nodding when he asked if she needed help. "I'd love to chat about flowers, but I don't have time today, sorry." She chuckled. "On a bit of a mission. Though I would like an arrangement made if you could, something that says.... Congratulations on your stupidity? But in a joking manner." She offered, showing him the list she'd made on her phone. "I was thinking Yellow roses, Fennel, geranium, and maybe some pink hyacinth?" She offered, arching a brow to see what he thought. A ruthless smile replaced the rather limp one she'd first shown him. "Just getting back at my sister, you know, the usual." She tacked on. Zoia often visited his shop with strange requests, most of them being rather rude messages aimed at her sister. After Fena got the arrangement, Zoia could expect beautifully drawn curse words in her sister's style of graphic art mailed to her within a day or two. It was an ongoing tradition of theirs, something they did every other week when they didn't get a chance to meet face to face. Fena was working most days and out with friends when she wasn't, Zoia was weighed down by classes mostly, and now that she had an opening in her school schedule, she was looking to fill it with work. Hence, it was time to send Fena an arrangement.

"I forget what color the geranium need to be, but that's generally what I'm going for." Zo added, flashing the man a bright smile. "Oh, I almost forgot." Her expression shifted, remembering suddenly what she'd forgotten while she was texting her sister. "Are you... Um, are you hiring Mr Koschei?" She asked, sheepish smile flitting across her features as she lowered her phone and pulled out a slightly wrinkled resume for the man to look over. "I don't expect an answer right away, you can look over it as long as you want." She added, knowing that the man had her phone number in his records if he needed to get a hold of her. "I had a spot open up in classes, and I really need the money. I figured since I'm here so often, why not check if you needed a helping hand?" She laughed, hand lifting to tuck some short hair behind an ear in a self conscious gesture. She really loved coming to his shop, and the man himself was usually very pleasant to be around so she had high hopes that he'd hire her. If not though, she was planning on other stops today, so she'd have her options open for her. Or that was the plan, at least.
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Written in collaboration with @Angel2Mars

Grescha Loveday
A buzz caused the sleek black phone to skitter across the top of the wooden table and Doctor Grescha Loveday set her fork down in the salad bowl and lifted the phone to her ear, "What is it, Alexis?" She did not bother disguising the sharp, annoyed tone to her voice as Alexis knew she was not to bothered during lunch.
"Um, D-Doctor L-Loved-day," the girl stammered and then paused to what Doctor Loveday assumed was to collect her thoughts, shouldn't she have done that before calling? "Spit it out, Alexis."
"Iaccidentallyoverbookedyouandyourclientsareherewaiting..." came the wailed explanation all in one breath. There was a long pause as Doctor Loveday let her stew on her problem for a moment, though truth be told, her blood was boiling. "Explain to them your error and reschedule, and when you do reschedule, make sure it is done right. Be prepared to discuss your employment, or lack there of, when I get back to the office." With a click of her thumb, she ended the call.
A hand was raised to signal the server who hurried over, "Run my card, please. I need to leave." A shiny red card was handed over between middle and index finger.

Fiona De la Cruz
Fiona felt out of place dressed in her goth/biker getup here int his fancy restaurant, but the looks and stares didn't bother her too much. Her aunt and uncle had come into town and had insisted on taking her to lunch, and she wasn't about to turn down a free mill in Chestnut Hill. Her aunt was commenting about how Fiona's mother would abhor what her daughter was wearing and how much it would delight Ramona to see her sister complain. Fiona, though, was only half paying attention. A sharp voice from the table behind her had caught her attention and she was listening intently to both sides of the conversation. Hm. She'd be needing a job... "Excuse me," Mumbled the woman to her aunt and uncle. "Restroom." And she got up in such a rush that she bumped right into the waiter who dropped the credit card that had been passed over. "Apologies," smiled Fiona, dropping to pick up the card and read the name there before passing it to the waiter and disappearing into the bathroom.

Grescha Loveday
As her card was run, Grescha ate several more bites of the strawberry, kale, and chicken salad since her lunch break was essentially cut short. So caught up was she in what she was going to say to Stripper Alexis that she missed the entire exchange between the server and the clumsy girl, only glancing back at the bit of commotion before facing forward once more.
When the card was returned, she signed the recipt with a flourish, stood, lifted the purse to her shoulder, and walked with purpose to the door and exited.
The restaurant was only a block away from her offices, so it did not take long for her arrive. The business looked like a nice town home from the outside with bright red bricks, a shiny black door and black shutters. The only difference was the copper plate above the door which read simply, Grescha Love, PhD, Marriage Counseling, and a small window sign proclaimed the business hours.
Forcefully pushing open the door, Grescha stepped inside, chocolate brown eyes situated steadily on the tiny blonde behind the pristine white counter. The girl had glanced up when the door had banged back against the wall and scrambled to a standing position. "Doctor Loveday, I am so, so sorry about double booking you!" The dark wings of Grescha's brows lowered over her piercing stare, and she placed both hands on top of the high, white counter. "Are you? This is the third time you have double booked me in a month, so I ask you, Alexis, are you really sorry? Maybe instead of apologizing for everything, you do it right the first time. After today, you are no longer my employee. I will have your final check ready for you when you leave."

Fiona De la Cruz
A quick google search while she was in the bathroom brought up Grescha Loveday fairly quickly. Fiona hadn't expected someone so noteworthy but the woman apparently had written several books appeared on radio shows, etc... and she might have a job opening. She was pretty sure, based on the conversation that she overheard, that it was a receptionist type position. Pffft. That was easy enough. Fiona rushed out of the bathroom and hurriedly ran up to her table. "I'm so sorry, Aunt Ramona. I forgot I have a job interview today and if I don't go now..." "Of course, of course." her aunt waved her off and Fiona gave her beloved aunt a kiss waving to her uncle before heading out the door. "I'll call you in a bit and we can maybe go see a movie tonight?" But she didn't wait for a reply. Instead, she hurried down the street. The address was nearby and she wanted to see the outcome of that phone call. If the receptionist was fired, then perhaps she'd have a chance at a job. Of course, it would require some research but she was desperate for income and having a job in Chestnut Hill? It was bound to pay well. Minutes later she was standing outside the door of Dr. Loveday's office. The voice inside was low, but clearly angry. Quietly she'd press her ear to the door in time to hear, "... final check ready for you when you leave."

Grescha Loveday
"You are the most hateful bitch!" the voice of Alexis screetched at her back as she walked toward her office. "It amazes me that people believe you when you're so hateful and mean!" Turning her head, Grescha stared over her shoulder at her red-faced ex-assistant, a half smile curving her lips, "Is that so? Well, perhaps you ought to read one of my the very least, it might give you a few more adjectives for your rather limited vocabulary. Get out, Alexis, if you're going to snivel and pout the rest of the day, I do not need you here. I will mail your check to you." Perhaps along with a nasty curse for her slanderous words. And then she slipped into her office. The personal assistant grabbed her purse and clattered to the door in her high heels, ugly sobs coursing black trails of mascara down her pale cheeks.

Fiona De la Cruz
Fiona moved out of the way, quickly, turning away and staring at her phone as the crying, sniveling woman came barging out of the office, obviously in tears. With a name like Alexis you can't expect to be anything but weak, anyway... The door to the office hung ajar and Fiona continued scrolling through her phone. Forums and threads and fan pages for this woman. There was a ton of praise for the woman, but she was apparently not the first receptionist snubbed. Complaints and rants of working for the woman and how awful they all were. One woman was apparently having nightmares about black coffee, three sugars. There was a lot to sift through, but before Fiona could continue reading, the front desk phone began ringing. Biting at her red stained lips, she looked around. There was no one else... and she'd intended on applying for a job anyway... The sorcerer sauntered right in and took a seat behind the desk. Alexis had left everything up on the computer, a planner open on the desk, too. The phone was still ringing but she took a second to orient herself and then lifted the receiver, "Dr. Loveday's Office, Fiona speaking. How may I assist you?" She'd even put a little perk in her voice, something that was not usually there, her Work Voice.

Grescha Loveday
As soon as the door to her office shut with a snap behind her followed by the muffled sobbing of her assistant as she left, Grescha closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. Santuary. She was in her sanctuary. She was just about to begin a little ritual meditation when the phone rang. Ugh. She positively hated answering phones and scheduling for herself. Rolling her shoulders, she opened the door and stepped out into the reception area only to see someone, a completely unknown someone, behind reception on the phone. And she had the perfect perky receptionist voice. Tilting her head slightly as she listened, Grescha studied the young woman while she handled the caller, and when the phone was placed once more in its cradle, she said, "What is your name?"

Fiona De la Cruz
So far she'd figured out how to check Grecha's schedule, but not how to actually make an appointment in the system. She grabbed a sheet of paper from the printer. "Yes, ma'am. Mhm." She was scribbling notes about the woman's woes with her lover. "Well, it seems that Dr. Loveday is booked out for the week but I do show an availability for... Tuesday at--no, that's lunch. How about three p.m. two weeks from now?" She listened intently, writing the time and date and the woman's contact information. "I'm unsure if your insurance will cover, ma'am but if you arrive fifteen minutes early to your appointment we can have it run and figured out by the time for your appointment." She started fiddling with the computer, trying to figure out how the appointment system worked. "Alright. Yes, you two. Buh, bye now." She put the phone down, whirling around at the sound of Grescha's voice. Fiona stood and straightened, but she did not jump to attention. "Fiona De la Cruz," she offered her hand to shake. The receptionist voice was gone, replaced with something a little warmer, though not as soothing it wasn't altogether unpleasant.(edited)

Grescha Loveday
Grescha was impressed with how, despite not knowing the computer program, she problem-solved the situation and included Grescha's lunch time in the schedule. Not that she would allow the young woman to know that yet. She did not know her, did not trust her. "Doctor Grescha Loveday," she took the offered hand in a firm shake she had perfected.
"Carry on," she turned and walked back toward her office, then paused and glanced over her shoulder, "By the way, Fiona, Lady Danger is one of my favorite shades of lipstick, too," she raised her dark brows, offered a slight smile, and stepped into her office. It wasn't often she complimented anyone on anything unless they were a paying client, but she liked Fiona's black and red style as it matched her own though just different.

Fiona De la Cruz
She would have been disappointed if the woman's shake had been anything less than firm. Still, it was strong and she appreciated that in a woman. She grinned, pleased at the other woman's lipstick preference, and sat back at the desk, busy googling the name of the system and how to input in an appointment. She had a feeling going to Loveday to figure out how any of it worked would not go well.

For now, it seemed, she might have a job.
Before replying in any manner, Charles would take a look at the resume. The flower shop owner had a habit of standing too close to people when conversation happened, and now was no exception, barely giving Zoia a foot of space between the two of them. The resume needed some work. It was sloppy, wrinkled to high hell, and its formatting was...well, for lack of a better word, atrocious. It was also the slow season, when his business ground to a halt except for the occasional funeral, or wedding, or cheating spouse trying to buy their way back into a spurned lover's heart. Still though...Much like that Kennedy girl from from Arcadia...Zoia was a stunning creature. Not exactly to his taste, that was for sure, but on top of being attractive, he also had a rapport with her. She was a regular. She meant something to him beyond being a reoccurring source of income.

And on top of all that? Charles was a man with a good heart. He couldn't turn some one away when they needed help.

Besides, it would give him even more time to be alone, with his real passion. The special flora he was growing in the warehouse. The requisition and resupply of his rare and precious materials. Time to...hone his craft, his art, to form his masterpiece. Something he could be remembered for...So what if his pocketbook took a hit? She could prove incredibly useful, in more ways than one.

"I can't start you at full time, you understand? Its getting colder out, and people don't buy as many flowers once the snows start falling. But I will hire you. I'll start you off at two dollars above minimum wage, and get you in for at least twenty hours a week. You'll close, that means night shifts, on Thursday and Friday, and you'll open on Tuesday and every now and again on Wednesday. Is that satisfactory, Zoia?"

He'd take a moment to adjust his glasses, smiling softly. "And I'll get started on the arrangement once I complete my current workload. Don't worry, I won't disappoint."
After ushering the final couple out of her office and into the waiting room, Grescha glanced at the young woman sitting at her desk, what was her name again...? Felicity...Fifi...Faith...? Didn't know, didn't care, to be honest. "Lock up when the leave." She turned back into her office, closed the door, and walked to her desk to finish up some paperwork and reflect on her day. At the point before leaving the room to conference with the girl, she lifted her favorite fountain pen, dipped the nib into the inkwell and pulled the small lever which sucked the ink inside. Carefully, she tapped the excess, bright red ink on the side of the inkwell, cleaned the nib with a cloth, recapped it, and placed it in its velvet-lined box. Ready for tomorrow.

Standing, she made her way to the door, opened it, and stepped into the waiting room. Dark eyes were trained on the dark-haired girl as she click-clacked her way over in her high heels. "You did an adequate job today. Fifteen dollars an hour with a fifty cent raise for every month you stay on until reaching twenty dollars. This job is more than just a secretary, it is also a personal assistant job which means you will assure all my needs are met on a daily basis, when I travel, when I do book signings, and when I do my spot on the Friday morning news. Here is a list broken into my daily expectations by situation." A printed list on crisp paper was placed on the counter.

~The List~
Coffee: black with three sugars when I arrive in the morning at 8:00 and again at 3:00 (piping hot)
No interruptions during client meetings
No interruptions during lunch (I take lunch promptly at noon for an hour each day)
Office temperature shall not deviate from 71 degrees
Do not touch anything in my office
I do not see clients on Fridays as it is my writing day

Two fresh arrangements (one for my office, one for the waiting room) from the shop next door (red and black roses until further notice)
Double check that my Friday spot with the morning news is always on schedule
Make sure the cleaning girl does not steal anything (she comes during my lunch hour on Mondays)
All the M&Ms in the candy dish should be black and red (pick out all the other colors or buy just red and black from the manufacturer)
Deluxe Mani-Pedi at Luxe Spa on Thursdays at 5:00

Luxury suites only
Book a massage (hot stone, no essential oils)
Flower arrangement (red and back roses) in the room
Temperature shall not deviate from 71 degrees
Six Fiji bottles of water should be in the mini fridge
Kerastase shampoo and conditioner in the bathroom
New red toothbrush and mini Crest toothpaste with whitening

Grescha gave the girl a chance to read over it and folded her manicured nails primly over each other on the top of the high counter. Finally, she asked, "Will you be staying on?" Black brows lifted in query.
Dark brows arched in surprise at the shop keep's immediate consideration, excitement growing in her eyes and a smile blooming on her lips.

"Really?" She nearly squeaked, feeling a bit like a rambunctious six year old. "If you want to consider it longer.... Thank you." She beamed, absolutely astounded that she'd been taken in on the spot. Well, he did say he had some sorting out to do, so that was a hint that she still might not get it. Zoia tampered her excitement down a touch, putting on as professional of a face as she could with her appearance. It was more cutely intimidating than anything, Zo not having her sister's advantage of height. It wasn't like she was trying to threaten Mr. Koschei anyways.

The young girl listened closely as her possible boss started listing off times and necessities. She was overjoyed that her school schedule mostly fit around the work schedule he was talking about, she'd just have to take later classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays instead of her steady early evening ones. Her normal time should fit around the closing shifts well though, giving her enough time to get to work from school. This was perfect.

Roses dusted pale cheeks as the red haired man smiled at her, Zoia overjoyed at this outcome.

"That sounds perfect Mr. Koschei." She nearly sang, smiling so hard it hurt. "My email and mailing address are in my resume, and I'm pretty sure you have my phone number in your records." She clasped her bag before meeting the man's eyes once more. "Now, if you could help me with that flower arrangement?" She asked timidly, wondering if the conversation switch was too sudden. She still had a trip to make to Occultatum and the sun was getting lower in the sky. "While we find them, is there anything else I should know about the job before starting?" She glanced towards the entrance to check on Guther, the obedient dog still sitting just where she'd left him, his whip tail wagging when he saw her looking at him. She gave the hound a smile before turning her full attention back to the flower salesman. Her eyes widened as she realized.

"Oh, um, what's your... What's your rules on animals?" The girl gifted with fauna asked, brows pinching and bottom lip slipping between her teeth in worry. She couldn't believe she hadn't thought of it right away.
Last edited:
Fiona De la Cruz

Throughout the afternoon Fiona had done with the basics. She knew there was more to the job of being a receptionist but throwing herself into the deep end like this and trying to learn while also trying to do her job was... stressful. It was fast paced, though, and she loved it. There were a few callers, a few patients, who did not seem surprised to be hearing the voice of a new receptionist and most were pretty nice about Fiona asking for a minute while she tried to figure one thing or another out. By the end of the day she was fairly certain that she had a hang of few things and Google and some experience would teach her the rest.

The crazy doctor, though, hadn't made any indication that she was ready to live, despite it being past the hours on the office door so Fiona would wait, patiently, going through her notes from the day of things she needed to figure out and what she could easily learn by doing and trying to organize her list by what would require a little in depth research. There were a few things that she would have to get with Dr. Loveday on (such as being HIPAA compliant; she knew it was important, but she didn't exactly know all the rules for what was and was not appropriate). Those items on her list she'd be saving for last.

She blinked when the doctor approached and she'd accept the lists of the woman's expectations. Reading over it she understood why there were so many people understanding at yet another new voice on the phone and why so few of them seemed willing to learn her name because, "No offense, honey, but you'll be gone in a month or so."

A part of Fiona thought that... just maybe she'd gotten in over her head, but here she was with a decently paying job and she hadn't even had to go through a long drawn out interview process in order to get the job. As she considered the list once more, two words flitted into the drummer's mind: Challenge Accepted.

"Yes, I'll be staying on but I would like to point out right now that I will not be changing my wardrobe in order to work here." Not that she could afford a ton of new outfits. "All my clothes will be work appropriate, but they'll align to this style." She indicated her leather jacket and heavy boots. Underneath the jacket was an outfit that could pass as a secretary's outfit, so it wasn't all bad.

She did consider asking for an advance but figured that would be too forward and just opted with, "Since I'll be staying on, I'd like to learn about the HIPAA requirements. I noticed you have a free space in the afternoon tomorrow and while that might normally be reserved for a patient I wonder if I might be able to snag a bit of your time in order to learn since it's your last slot of the day." A pretty red painted smile would be offered at her request. "Of course, I could certainly research the information on my own but I'm afraid what the internet is able to provide" for free, that is "won't be up to your standards."
Doctor Love

Twin, jet black brows rose at the sassy tone to her new PA's voice. Her red lips thinned incrementally, and she very nearly fired the girl on the spot for being disrespectful, but she paused and considered the girl. "How quaint to meet someone with a personality. It's refreshing, really, but don't let your sass mouth get you fired." Her eyes dropped to examine the girl's clothing then, and she offered a nod, "As long as you are attired professionally, I don't care what you wear."

"HIPAA." Her lip curled into a near snarl at the word for the briefest of seconds before smoothing out into a smile. "Of course we may. I will have the appropriate forms for you to sign at that time. Also, bring your bank account information. I do direct deposits instead of cutting a check. Now, if there's nothing else, I'm certain both of us would like to get home and relax."
Fiona De la Cruz

Fiona would hold her ground though she could see the thought flick across her boss's face. Termination. But she wasn't going to be walked on by anyone, just because she was an employee. The moment, passed though and it sounded like she was still employed. Quaint. The young woman nearly snorted but she just kept a neutral expression as she listened to the doctor continue. "Great." She said, since they were, more or less, in agreement.

"That sounds good to me." Fiona agreed, shutting down her computer and marking on a slip of paper her "clock-out" time. Even though she hadn't technically been asked for the position, she had worked that day and she'd done some good work. She intended to get paid and had kept track of her time for the afternoon. "Tomorrow morning, then." She said, grabbing her small over the shoulder purse and throwing on her leather jacket, heading for the door. The list that Dr. Loveday had given her had been neatly folded and tucked away in her jacket pocket to go home and review. She wanted to memorize the rather ridiculous requests that were expected of her.

... Maybe she'll watch The Devil Wears Prada when she gets home.
Charles would lead the young Zoia towards the roses first, ever the gentlemen and always eager to show off his pride and joys. "Animals are fine by me as long as you keep them out of the plants and out of the back office. The storefront, the show room, the workshop, and the storage room are all fine places to leave your floppy eared companion if you need to bring him with you. Just don't let him distract you from your work, or the customers. Customers here are key, as you very well know, and they come before almost anything else as far as my business is concerned." He'd pause then to adjust his horn-rimmed glasses and show off a particularly beautiful batch of wild yellow roses that seemed to almost shimmer gold in the florescent lighting. Perhaps they were enchanted, just a tad, but perhaps not. It was impossible to tell with many of Charles flowers, and he was never a man to share his secrets when it came to how he grew his beauties and what steps he took to ensure such luster, durability, and appeal.

"You will have a co-worker, by the way. You are not my only recent hire. A young girl, Kennedy Sparks, a student at the local campus came in just the other day. I think you're schedules will be mostly swapped, but now and again you may share work days where one of you comes in to close as the other's opening shift is but an hour or two away from ending. That won't be a problem will it, working with others?" The older, maroon haired air magus inquired.
Zoia Mittove

A wave of relief swept through her when he explained that as long as he behaved, Gunther was welcome in his shop.

"That's great Mr. Koschei." Zoia enthused, giving the man a smile. "I'll be totally focused on work, he'll be perfectly behaved and that way you won't have to worry if you leave me alone at the shop. He's an excellent guard dog." She explained, giving the topic of their conversation a large smile so that his tail wagged even harder. Zo followed the shop-keep further, pausing to admire the wonderful yellow roses that he'd lead her to, face settling to its usual neutral state now that they were discussing business. She paused from her flower picking when he brought up the prospect of a coworker, brows pinching as she thought it over.

"I really don't see any problem working with another person as long as they don't take issue with me." She explained, tone relaxed as she inwardly groaned. This was going to be interesting, even the name Kennedy made her think prissy and stuck up. Hopefully they weren't really like that and the two of them could get along fine together. "You see, people usually tend to get an idea about me before they actually talk to me." She explained, gesturing helplessly to the spikes and color scheme and really everything about her as an explanation to why people would get ideas about her. "As long as she doesn't assume anything about me, I won't assume anything about what kind of relationship her and I might have." Zo finished, nodding slightly to herself at her explanation. Hopefully Mr Koschei would understand, he seemed like the sort that didn't judge anyone by what they looked like. Hopefully this Kennedy was the same way.

She turned back then to the flowers, lips pursed as she looked over her options, picking out four that met her standards before turning to her new boss with a half smile. "Next?" She prompted with an arched brow, but also a respectful bow of her head towards him.
Fiona De La Cruz

A week or so of working for the Dragon Lady, Doctor Loveday, Fiona felt like she was really starting to get the hand of things. Her first paycheck seemed to really make up for some of the ridiculous requests. It had been fairly... light in the beginning. Grescha had a lot of appointments and a lot of calls, but as of yet she hadn't had any travel arrangements or appearances (other than the weekly Friday morning, which was less maintenance than other appearances), which was good for her assistant.

Fiona was dreading the day one of those events came up.

She was happily typing away at her computer, completely some inane task assigned to her when the door opened. She looked up. Entering was a pale, red-haired young girl. As far as Fiona was aware, the doctor only did couples counseling and this girl hardly looked old enough to need that level of help, yet. "The pediatrician's office is on the third floor." She offered and bowed her head back to her computer.

When Fiona next looked up, the redhead was standing directly in front of Fiona's desk. "Actually," she started in a slightly accented voice. "I have an appointment with Doctor Loveday." The redhead smiled.

"Right." Fiona said, humoring the girl and looking through her appointment book.

"Bebnev, Natalia." Continued the redhead. Sure enough there was a previously made appointment for a Natalia Bebnev with a note that this girl had sent a letter directly to Dr. Loveday and Grescha had approved the appointment.

"She's in with clients right now, but they should be wrapping up shortly." Natalia nodded and took a seat, crossing her legs at the ankle and sitting primly as she waited.

Sure enough, a few minutes later Fiona's boss was escorting out another couple who looked a little dazed.
Dr. Love

The pain in Fiona's ass did happen to have just finished her appointment. She was nothing if not punctual, and she held herself to a rigid schedule, priding herself in neither canceling appointments nor making people wait for an extended period of time. Doctor Loveday was dressed in a black sheath with a stylish V at collar bone and a slit on one thigh which added a sexy edge as pale skin was shown through every time she sat down and crossed her legs. There was not a hair out of place, and her makeup was impeccable, eyes lined in black and lips slick and red.

As her patients went to make their co-pay with Fiona, she sauntered on high, red stilettos to the red-head waiting nearby. "Miss Bebnev. I'm Doctor Grescha Loveday. Pleased to meet you." She held out her hand, and if the girl took it, it would be met with a firm, but brief squeeze. "Come." She didn't wait for a response, but led the way to the door and gestured through with shiny, red-laquered nails. She glanced at Fiona and nodded before closing the door.

"Have a seat on the sofa, Miss Bebnev, while I begin a new file." There was a pitcher of perpetually chilled water (made so by magic, of course) arranged with several sparkling glasses. "Help yourself to some refreshment, if you like." Her voice was cool, yet soothing as she walked to her desk and lifted the black folder with Natalia's name scribbled on the top, and she brought it to her normal wing-backed chair and sat, one leg crossing elegantly over the other. She didn't even open the folder but set it next to her in the chair. What she did open was the red, leather-bound portfolio and pulled out the letter, setting it on the coffee table between them.

"Why don't you start from the beginning."
Natalia Bebnev

The Russian took in her surroundings with a critical eye before carefully taking her seat. She had dressed for the occasion, wearing a pair of dark slacks and a pretty burgundy blouse with a pair of simple flats; the entire outfit picked by her mother. It did well to make her look less like a child here over some silly crush and Natalia hoped that the woman sitting across from her would take her seriously.

She opted not to take any refreshments, instead focusing on how much of the truth she would be telling this woman. "First off, thank you for seeing me." Natalia began in a calm, measured tone. "I'm sure high school students aren't your usual clientele." She was studying Dr. Loveday, searching for any sign of a reaction, a judgement, something to indicate that Natalia could or could not be one hundred percent truthful.

"I'll be honest, there may have been some embellishment in bits of my letter as I wanted to be sure that you would speak to me. I stuck as close to the truth as possible."
Doctor Love

The love guru considered the young redhead across from her, a small smile curving her full, red lips. She adjusted an imaginary thread of solid black hair and then positioned her elbow on the chair's armrest, resting her chin on the top of elegantly curled fingers. "You assume correctly that I do not typically see high school aged people, but it is not from a place of dismissiveness. Typically, students call my news segment because it is free and quick. It takes guts and poise to come to an office and meet face-to-face, something most people, even adults, only do when they are at their wit's end or in a place of hopelessness. You are a teenager from Altsoba, Natalia, I have no doubt that there were embellishments, but what interests me in your case is not what you said but the fact you reached out for help. That shows strength, determination, and resourcefulness, all of which are important qualities found in our Society (by which she meant of the secret kind)."

Though it may seem that the psychologist was just blowing smoke up a client's ass, she was actually speaking the truth in how she felt. It took some damn guts for a child to come speak with her in her domain, and though Grescha did not respect most people on principal, she did have a bit of grudging respect for those who showed initiative.

After she waited for her words to sink in, she stated once more, "We only have an hour, Natalia, so why don't you start from the beginning in order for us to have a solution by the time you leave, hm?"
Natalia Bebnev

She sat, listening attentively with her hands folded neatly in her lap. This is what she needed to hear. From what she understood from her parents, members often fell on one of two sides of the society and she needed someone who understood the other side. Her side. "My mother has always instilled in me the idea that I must marry well, and not just in the sense of they are well of financially, but someone who is smart and, most importantly, powerful. She has big plans for me, my mother."

With that preamble, Natalia began her story. About how throughout school she'd always been on a lookout for someone who could fit that requirement her mother had. How she had met Nito and how she had decided he was the one. He was smart, dedicated to his magic, and she could sense the power from him. Of course her parents knew all about his and they had encouraged this idea.

The redhead shared her plan for how when she entered into her grade 9 year, she'd begin befriending and growing closer to the odd kid. "Everyone left him alone, pretty much. They all think he's a sociopath." Not that she would have a problem with that, if that were the case. "So, I wasn't in a rush and I was intent on building a real relationship." She explained how her elective was office worker and by the second semester of her first year of high school she had every class with him that she could, being a year behind and how that had continued on to this year.

Then her face turned pink and her hands grew hot as she explained all about Eva. How she had come out of nowhere, how her boyfriend had mysteriously disappeared and how not long after she began to date Nito. How he seemed absolutely enamored with her. She was completely candid, too, as she explained her disastrous attempts at seduction, even though it had been so close to working (she did leave out what had happened as a result because she'd swore to keep his secret). She explained how because of Eva he wasn't growing weaker, but he was not as dedicated as before and how he had given up some of his extracurricular studies (she alluded to but would not say outright that she could sense he'd been practicing some darker magic before Eva came along). "She makes him weak." And the underlying anger was clear in her voice.

Natalia went on, describing how Nito had told her a psychic had told him he would have more than one wife (but that he would only follow that path if Eva were okay with it) and how she would prefer to be the only one, she was willing to do whatever it took to get what she wanted (and maybe get rid of Eva later down the road).

Her explanation ended with her current plan. Rather than actively pursuing Nito, she'd apologized to each of them and explained how her mother was pushy and she had low self-esteem, blah blah blah, and she was seeking help with the school therapist. Since then she'd virtually left them alone, except for acting as merely just a friend to Nito. She had a new plan with a few contingency plans. For one, she was working on turning one of Eva's friends against her. Natalia had played the victim and the other girl was sympathizing with her. She was slowly working on controlling that same friend so if things didn't work out the way she wanted, she could have this girl get rid of Eva and keep her hands clean.

Her mother had told her that men want what they can't have, so Natalia thought maybe she could gain his trust and confidence and win him over without trying so hard. "That had been a childish mistake, I admit." She finished, leaning back in her chair. "I am sure there are sorcerers who could fill that roll, however he meets all of the criteria that I and my mother have set out for my potential husband, and I doubt at this time I could find someone with as much potential to be as powerful."